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Acumatica v2 Connection Details


Connector Version

This documentation is based on version 23.0.8858 of the connector.

Get Started

Acumatica Version Support

The connector supports Acumatica 2017 R2 and later.

Establish a Connection

Connect to Acumatica

In order to connect to the Acumatica data source, you must specify the following connection properties.

  • URL: (Required) The base URL for the Acumatica ERP instance. For example:
  • Schema: (Optional) There are two schemas which contains different data. The default one is REST, which uses the Acumatica REST Contract-Based API, and the OData schema, which uses the Acumatica OData API. The OData schema is used to query Acumatica Generic Inquiries.
  • Company: (Partially required) Set this to the name of your company or tenant. It is required if Schema is set to OData.
  • EndpointVersion: (Optional) The version of the Web Services endpoint. For example: 17.200.001. This applies only to the REST schema.
  • EndpointName: (Optional) The name of the Web Services endpoint. For example: Default. This is applies only to the REST schema.

To find out the EndpointVersion and EndpointName for your Acumatica instance, log into Acumatica in a web browser, and then navigate to the Web Service Endpoints page. If necessary, navigate to this page by editing the web browser URL and replacing ScreenId=00000000 (the homepage) with ScreenId=SM207060. If you are redirected back to the homepage, this means your user does not have the necessary permissions to access web services. Under Endpoints properties get the Endpoint Name and Endpoint Version.

Authenticate to Acumatica

There are two authentication methods available for connecting to Acumatica data source, Basic and OAuth.

User Credentials

Set the AuthScheme to Basic and set the User and Password to your login credentials.


OAuth requires the authenticating user to interact with Acumatica using the browser, so all OAuth flows require a custom OAuth application. Also, for all flows, set AuthScheme to OAuth. The following sections assume that you have done so.

Desktop Applications

An embedded OAuth application is provided that simplifies OAuth desktop Authentication. Alternatively, you can create a custom OAuth application. See Creating a Custom OAuth App for information about creating custom applications and reasons for doing so.

For authentication, the only difference between the two methods is that you must set two additional connection properties when using custom OAuth applications.

After setting the following connection properties, you are ready to connect:

  • InitiateOAuth: Set this to GETANDREFRESH. You can use InitiateOAuth to avoid repeating the OAuth exchange and manually setting the OAuthAccessToken.
  • OAuthClientId: Set this to the client ID in your application settings.
  • OAuthClientSecret: Set this to the client secret in your application settings.
  • CallbackURL: Set this to the Redirect URL in your application settings.

When you connect the connector opens the OAuth endpoint in your default browser. Log in and grant permissions to the application. The connector then completes the OAuth process:

  1. Extracts the access token from the callback URL and authenticates requests.
  2. Obtains a new access token when the old one expires.
  3. Saves OAuth values in OAuthSettingsLocation that persist across connections.
Web Applications

When connecting via a Web application, you need to create and register a custom OAuth application with Acumatica. See Creating a Custom OAuth App for more information about custom applications. You can then use the connector to acquire and manage the OAuth token values.

Get an OAuth Access Token

Set the following connection properties to obtain the OAuthAccessToken:

  • OAuthClientId: Set this to the client ID in your application settings.
  • OAuthClientSecret: Set this to the client secret in your application settings

Then call stored procedures to complete the OAuth exchange:

  1. Call the GetOAuthAuthorizationURL stored procedure. Set the CallbackURL input to the callback URL you specified in your application settings. If necessary;, set the Scope parameter to request custom permissions. The stored procedure returns the URL to the OAuth endpoint.
  2. Open the URL, log in, and authorize the application. You are redirected back to the callback URL.
  3. Call the GetOAuthAccessToken stored procedure. Set the AuthMode input to WEB. Set the Verifier input to the "code" parameter in the query string of the callback URL. If necessary, set the Scope parameter to request custom permissions.

Once you have obtained the access and refresh tokens, you can connect to data and refresh the OAuth access token either automatically or manually.

Automatic Refresh of the OAuth Access Token

To have the driver automatically refresh the OAuth access token, set the following on the first data connection:

  • InitiateOAuth: Set this to REFRESH.
  • OAuthClientId: Set this to the client ID in your application settings.
  • OAuthClientSecret: Set this to the client secret in your application settings.
  • OAuthAccessToken: Set this to the access token returned by GetOAuthAccessToken.
  • OAuthRefreshToken: Set this to the refresh token returned by GetOAuthAccessToken.
  • OAuthSettingsLocation: Set this to the location where the connector saves the OAuth token values, which persist across connections.

On subsequent data connections, the values for OAuthAccessToken and OAuthRefreshToken are taken from OAuthSettingsLocation.

Manual Refresh of the OAuth Access Token

The only value needed to manually refresh the OAuth access token when connecting to data is the OAuth refresh token.

Use the RefreshOAuthAccessToken stored procedure to manually refresh the OAuthAccessToken after the ExpiresIn parameter value returned by GetOAuthAccessToken has elapsed, then set the following connection properties:

  • OAuthClientId: Set this to the client ID in your application settings.
  • OAuthClientSecret: Set this to the client secret in your application settings.

Then call RefreshOAuthAccessToken with OAuthRefreshToken set to the OAuth refresh token returned by GetOAuthAccessToken. After the new tokens have been retrieved, open a new connection by setting the OAuthAccessToken property to the value returned by RefreshOAuthAccessToken.

Finally, store the OAuth refresh token so that you can use it to manually refresh the OAuth access token after it has expired.

Create a Custom OAuth App

Acumatica uses the OAuth authentication standard, which requires the authenticating user to interact with Acumatica via the browser. The connector facilitates the OAuth exchange in various ways as described below.

Register an OAuth Application

You can follow the procedure below to obtain the OAuth client credentials, the OAuthClientId and OAuthClientSecret.

  1. You use the Connected Applications (SM303010) form to register an OAuth 2.0 or OpenID Connect client application. To register a client application in Acumatica ERP, you need to know the OAuth 2.0 flow that this application implements.
  2. When you are registering the client application, you have to be logged in to the tenant whose data the client application needs to access.
  3. On the System tab, click Integration. In the navigation pane, navigate to Configure > Connected Applications.
  4. In the Client Name box, type the name of the registered application.
  5. In the OAuth 2.0 Flow box, select Authorization Code.
  6. On the Secrets tab, do the following for each client secret you want to add:
    1. On the tab toolbar, click Add Shared Secret. The Add Shared Secret dialog box opens.
    2. In the Description box, type the description of the shared secret.
    3. Optional: In the Expires On (UTC) box, enter the date and time on which the secret expires.
    4. Copy and save the value that is displayed in the Value box. The client application should use this client secret for authentication in Acumatica ERP.
  7. Click OK to save the secret and close the dialog box.
  8. On the Redirect URIs tab, do the following for each redirect URI you want to add: On the tab toolbar, click Add Row. In the Redirect URI column of the new row, type the exact redirect URI to which Acumatica ERP should redirect the client application after the client application has been authorized. The redirect URI must be absolute and must not have the fragment part (the part preceded with #). On the form toolbar, click Save. Notice that the client ID has been generated in the Client ID box. The client application should use this client ID along with the client secret for authentication in Acumatica ERP.

Authenticate to Acumatica from a Desktop Application

In order to obtain a token, the client application needs to call the Oauth2 endpoint using various grants depending on the authentication scenarios required. The default OAuthGrantType is CODE, which requires you to follow the steps below. After setting the following connection properties, you are ready to connect:

  • OAuthClientId: Set this to your clientId.
  • OAuthClientSecret: Set this to your clientSecret.
  • InitiateOAuth: Set this to GETANDREFRESH. You can use InitiateOAuth to avoid repeating the OAuth exchange and manually setting the OAuthAccessToken connection property.
  • CallbackURL: Set this to the redirect URI configured in the OAuth application.

When you connect, the connector completes the OAuth process:

  1. Extracts the access token from the CallbackURL.
  2. Obtains a new access token when the old one expires.
  3. Saves OAuth values along with geolocation in OAuthSettingsLocation to be persisted across connections.

Acumatica Optimization

Acumatica has introduced an optimization in version 3 of the Contract Based API. When multiple records are retrieved from the Acumatica ERP through an endpoint, the system tries to optimize the retrieval of the records and obtain all needed records in one request to the database. If the optimization fails, the system returns an error, specifying the entities or fields that caused the failure of the optimized request. Mostly the Navigation Views break the optimization because Acumatica is trying to get data from the linked tables, because of this the SELECT * queries from Navigation Views without specifying the key of the parent table are not possible. Our drivers tries to remove the columns that break the optimization from the SELECT * queries.

Some of the Views that break the optimization when selected without specifying the keyfields are JournalVoucher_Details. In order to query the JournalVoucher_Details the ParentBatchNbr should be specified.

SELECT * FROM JournalVoucher_Details where ParentBatchNbr = '0001'

The view can be queried by geting the parent key field in this case ParentBatchNbr from the parent table JournalVoucher.

SELECT * FROM JournalVoucher_Details where ParentBatchNbr IN (SELECT BatchNbr FROM JournalVoucher)

More information on how to bypass the Acumatica optimization can be found here: Limitations.

Important Notes

Configuration Files and Their Paths

  • All references to adding configuration files and their paths refer to files and locations on the Jitterbit agent where the connector is installed. These paths are to be adjusted as appropriate depending on the agent and the operating system. If multiple agents are used in an agent group, identical files will be required on each agent.

Advanced Features

This section details a selection of advanced features of the Acumatica connector.

User Defined Views

The connector allows you to define virtual tables, called user defined views, whose contents are decided by a pre-configured query. These views are useful when you cannot directly control queries being issued to the drivers. See User Defined Views for an overview of creating and configuring custom views.

SSL Configuration

Use SSL Configuration to adjust how connector handles TLS/SSL certificate negotiations. You can choose from various certificate formats; see the SSLServerCert property under "Connection String Options" for more information.


To configure the connector using private agent proxy settings, select the Use Proxy Settings checkbox on the connection configuration screen.

Query Processing

The connector offloads as much of the SELECT statement processing as possible to Acumatica and then processes the rest of the query in memory (client-side).

See Query Processing for more information.

User Defined Views

The Jitterbit Connector for Acumatica allows you to define a virtual table whose contents are decided by a pre-configured query. These are called User Defined Views, which are useful in situations where you cannot directly control the query being issued to the driver, e.g. when using the driver from Jitterbit. The User Defined Views can be used to define predicates that are always applied. If you specify additional predicates in the query to the view, they are combined with the query already defined as part of the view.

There are two ways to create user defined views:

  • Create a JSON-formatted configuration file defining the views you want.
  • DDL statements.

Define Views Using a Configuration File

User Defined Views are defined in a JSON-formatted configuration file called UserDefinedViews.json. The connector automatically detects the views specified in this file.

You can also have multiple view definitions and control them using the UserDefinedViews connection property. When you use this property, only the specified views are seen by the connector.

This User Defined View configuration file is formatted as follows:

  • Each root element defines the name of a view.
  • Each root element contains a child element, called query, which contains the custom SQL query for the view.

For example:

    "MyView": {
        "query": "SELECT * FROM Events WHERE MyColumn = 'value'"
    "MyView2": {
        "query": "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id IN (1,2,3)"

Use the UserDefinedViews connection property to specify the location of your JSON configuration file. For example:

"UserDefinedViews", "C:\Users\yourusername\Desktop\tmp\UserDefinedViews.json"

Define Views Using DDL Statements

The connector is also capable of creating and altering the schema via DDL Statements such as CREATE LOCAL VIEW, ALTER LOCAL VIEW, and DROP LOCAL VIEW.

Create a View

To create a new view using DDL statements, provide the view name and query as follows:


If no JSON file exists, the above code creates one. The view is then created in the JSON configuration file and is now discoverable. The JSON file location is specified by the UserDefinedViews connection property.

Alter a View

To alter an existing view, provide the name of an existing view alongside the new query you would like to use instead:

ALTER LOCAL VIEW [MyViewName] AS SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE TimeModified > '3/1/2020';

The view is then updated in the JSON configuration file.

Drop a View

To drop an existing view, provide the name of an existing schema alongside the new query you would like to use instead.


This removes the view from the JSON configuration file. It can no longer be queried.

Schema for User Defined Views

User Defined Views are exposed in the UserViews schema by default. This is done to avoid the view's name clashing with an actual entity in the data model. You can change the name of the schema used for UserViews by setting the UserViewsSchemaName property.

Work with User Defined Views

For example, a SQL statement with a User Defined View called UserViews.RCustomers only lists customers in Raleigh:

SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE City = 'Raleigh';

An example of a query to the driver:

SELECT * FROM UserViews.RCustomers WHERE Status = 'Active';

Resulting in the effective query to the source:

SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE City = 'Raleigh' AND Status = 'Active';

That is a very simple example of a query to a User Defined View that is effectively a combination of the view query and the view definition. It is possible to compose these queries in much more complex patterns. All SQL operations are allowed in both queries and are combined when appropriate.

SSL Configuration

Customize the SSL Configuration

By default, the connector attempts to negotiate SSL/TLS by checking the server's certificate against the system's trusted certificate store.

To specify another certificate, see the SSLServerCert property for the available formats to do so.

REST Data Model

The connector models the Acumatica API as relational tables. Any changes to the remote data are immediately reflected in your queries; the table definitions are dynamically retrieved. When you connect, the connector connects to Acumatica and gets the list of tables and the metadata for the tables by calling the appropriate Web services.

API limitations and requirements are documented in this section; you can use the SupportEnhancedSQL feature, set by default, to circumvent most of these limitations.


Shows default table definitions from Acumatica. Your actual tables may differ depending on your customizations. These tables were recorded as of version 17.200.001, but later versions may include more tables and fields than displayed here. The Jitterbit Connector for Acumatica reads table and column metadata dynamically, so it will include both your customizations and any new features that are added to standard Acumatica entities in the future. You just need to set the URL connection property to the latest version to get the changes.

Stored Procedures

Stored Procedures are function-like interfaces to Acumatica. They can be used to peform extra tasks that do not fit into the

standard operation of directly interacting with a table.


Custom Fields

By default, the table and view schemas describe the column behavior of system fields as well as custom fields. You can set the IncludeCustomFields property to false if you want to work only with system fields. On a SELECT * FROM EntityName query, the custom fields will not be returned even though IncludeCustomFields is set to true. The Custom fields will be returned only when they are specified on projections. For example:

SELECT Custom_FieldA, Custom_FieldB, Custom_FieldC FROM EntityName

The requirement to explicitly select the custom fields is due to a limitation with the Acumatica API. It will not return results when too much overall data is selected per record. It is not possible to dynamically calculate at what point Acumatica will cut off results. You should only select the columns you need and not everything to keep things working smoothly.

In case a group of custom fields are important to your use case and the Acumatica API cannot return them in a single response, it is recommended to setup an extended endpoint and include the custom fields in it. After this change, you should be able to retrieve them as non-custom fields from the extended endpoint.

An alternative to extending an existing endpoint is to split the main query into two or more subqueries and distribute the selected custom fields between them. Lastly, you can join the subqueries on the primary key column as in the example below.

SELECT Customer_1.CustomerID, Customer_1.Custom_Timezone, Customer_1.Custom_ProductGroup, Customer_2.Custom_ContactCategory, Customer_2.Custom_DiscountGroup
FROM Customer Customer_1 JOIN Customer Customer_2
ON Customer_1.CustomerID = Customer_2.CustomerID

Linked and Detail Entities

The Linked and Detail entities to main entity are exposed in the main entity table as aggregate columns starting with the 'Linked' prefix. They are also exposed as separate views using the naming format 'MainEntityName_LinkedEntityName'. For example, the Customer table exposes the linked entity 'Contacts' as the aggregate field 'LinkedContacts'. The linked entity Contacts is also exposed as the separate view Customer_Contacts.

Due to Acumatica REST API limitations, the Linked and Detail entities cannot be retrieved when requesting multiple main entity records. For this reason, when querying the main entity, without specifying the primary key in the WHERE clause conditions, the linked aggregate fields are returned as null. For example, in order to retrieve the aggregate values of the linked entity Contacts in the Customer table, you can execute one of the queries below.

SELECT CustomerID, LinkedContacts FROM Customer WHERE customerId = '100009'

You can also make use of the IN operator and subqueries as below, in order to retrieve the Linked and Detail entities for multiple parent records.

SELECT CustomerID, LinkedContacts FROM Customer WHERE CustomerId IN (SELECT CustomerId FROM Customer)

Additionally, to query the exposed Linked and Detail entities, specifying the parent entity primary key in the WHERE clause conditions, is required. For example:

SELECT * from Customer_Contacts where ParentCustomerID = '100009'

Excluded Columns

Acumatica has introduced an optimization in version 3 of the Contract Based API. When multiple records are retrieved from the Acumatica ERP through an endpoint, the system tries to optimize the retrieval of the records and obtain all needed records in one request to the database. If the optimization fails, the system returns an error, specifying the entities or fields that caused the failure of the optimized request. To prevent the error from occurring, we need to do one of the following:

  • Get all the records one by one by specifying the key fields.
  • Get only the fields that don't break the optimization.

Create the schema by calling the CreateSchema if you have not already done so.

Add the additional parameters in the .rsd schema files below.

  • key="true"
  • other:exclude="true"

These two parameters are needed so the new entities don't return an error in SELECT * FROM Table queries. The example below is a rsd snippet that shows how these parameters are used.

In the example Contact.rsd, Duplicate and AddressValidated are fields that break the Acumatica optimization so they have the additional parameter other:exclude="true". When a SELECT * FROM Contact query is done, the driver will get all fields except those with the other:exclude="true" parameter. However, the omitted fields will still appear on your result set as null. The data provider will request the excluded fields from the endpoint only if they are explicitly stated in the SELECT clause or if the primary key column/s are specified.

In the example Contact.rsd, ContactID is the primary key so the additional parameter key="true" is added. When a SELECT * FROM Contact WHERE ContactID='contactid' is done, the driver will get all fields from the API including the Duplicate and AddressValidated.

<rsb:script xmlns:rsb="">
  <rsb:info title="Contact" description="Contact is an auto-generated table." other:tablehref="" other:tablekind="EntitySet"/>
    <attr name="LanguageOrLocale" xs:type="string" columnsize="2000" readonly="false" description="null" other:entityname="Contact" other:schemanamespace="Contact" other:internalcolumnname="LanguageOrLocale"/>
    <attr name="DuplicateFound" xs:type="bool" readonly="false" description="null" other:internalcolumnname="DuplicateFound"/>
    <attr name="JobTitle" xs:type="string" columnsize="2000" readonly="false" description="null" other:internalcolumnname="JobTitle"/>
    <attr name="ContactID" xs:type="int" key="true" readonly="false" description="null" other:queue="0" other:internalkey="ContactID" other:internalcolumnname="ContactID"/>
    <attr name="Duplicate" xs:type="string" columnsize="2000" readonly="false" description="null" other:exclude="true" other:internalcolumnname="Duplicate"/>
    <attr name="AddressValidated" xs:type="bool" readonly="false" description="null" other:exclude="true" other:internalcolumnname="AddressValidated"/>
      <rsb:set attr="other:tablekind" value="EntitySet" />
  <rsb:set attr="tablename" value="Contact" />
  <rsb:set attr="description" value="Contact is an auto-generated table." />
  <rsb:set attr="entity" value="Contact" />
  <rsb:set attr="other:tablehref" value="" />
  <rsb:set attr="supportgetdeleted" value="true" />

  <rsb:script method="GET">
    <rsb:call op="acumaticaadoExecuteSearch">

  <rsb:script method="POST">
    <rsb:call op="acumaticaadoExecuteInsert">

  <rsb:script method="MERGE">
    <rsb:call op="acumaticaadoExecuteUpdate">

  <rsb:script method="DELETE">
    <rsb:call op="acumaticaadoExecuteDelete">
Create User Defined Views

A simple and effective way to automate the process of getting all records one by one by specifying the key fields are the User Defined Views. User Defined Views are predefined queries stored in a local JSON file, which can be queried from the driver just as the existing views.

As stated in the above section, the excluded fields will be retrieved if the primary key is specified. You can use the driver's enhanced SQL support to automatically do this for each record by appending an IN subquery to your main query. From the subquery, you should be selecting only the primary key column as in the example below.

SELECT * FROM Contact WHERE ContactId IN (SELECT ContactId FROM Contact)

You can then add this query under the "query" field of a local created JSON file (ex. C:\Users\user\Desktop\CustomViews.json).

    "AllContacts": {
        "query": "SELECT * FROM Contact WHERE ContactId IN (SELECT ContactId FROM Contact)"
    "AllCustomers": {
        "query": "SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE CustomerId IN (SELECT CustomerId FROM Customer)"

Lastly, you can directly query the defined views (AllContacts and AllCustomers) after stating the Custom Views file location in the UserDefinedViews property under the Other connection parameter.


You can also execute a query to the sys_tables view to verify if the custom views are added. You should be able to find them under the UserViews schema.

SELECT * FROM sys_tables where TableType='view'


The connector models the data in Acumatica as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

Jitterbit Connector for Acumatica Tables

Name Description
Account Account is an auto-generated table.
AccountByPeriodInquiry AccountByPeriodInquiry is an auto-generated table.
AccountBySubaccountInquiry AccountBySubaccountInquiry is an auto-generated table.
AccountDetailsInquiry AccountDetailsInquiry is an auto-generated table.
AccountLocation AccountLocation is an auto-generated table.
AccountSummaryInquiry AccountSummaryInquiry is an auto-generated table.
Adjustment Adjustment is an auto-generated table.
AttributeDefinition AttributeDefinition is an auto-generated table.
Bill Bill is an auto-generated table.
BusinessAccount BusinessAccount is an auto-generated table.
Carrier Carrier is an auto-generated table.
Case Case is an auto-generated table.
CashSale CashSale is an auto-generated table.
Check Check is an auto-generated table.
Contact Contact is an auto-generated table.
Currency Currency is an auto-generated table.
Customer Customer is an auto-generated table.
CustomerClass CustomerClass is an auto-generated table.
CustomerLocation CustomerLocation is an auto-generated table.
CustomerPaymentMethod CustomerPaymentMethod is an auto-generated table.
CustomerPriceClass CustomerPriceClass is an auto-generated table.
Discount Discount is an auto-generated table.
DiscountCode DiscountCode is an auto-generated table.
Email Email is an auto-generated table.
Employee Employee is an auto-generated table.
Event Event is an auto-generated table.
FinancialPeriod FinancialPeriod is an auto-generated table.
FOBPoint FOBPoint is an auto-generated table.
InterBranchAccountMapping InterBranchAccountMapping is an auto-generated table.
InventoryAllocationInquiry InventoryAllocationInquiry is an auto-generated table.
InventoryReceipt InventoryReceipt is an auto-generated table.
InventorySummaryInquiry InventorySummaryInquiry is an auto-generated table.
Invoice Invoice is an auto-generated table.
ItemClass ItemClass is an auto-generated table.
ItemWarehouse ItemWarehouse is an auto-generated table.
JournalTransaction JournalTransaction is an auto-generated table.
JournalVoucher JournalVoucher is an auto-generated table.
KitAssembly KitAssembly is an auto-generated table.
KitSpecification KitSpecification is an auto-generated table.
Lead Lead is an auto-generated table.
LotSerialClass LotSerialClass is an auto-generated table.
NonStockItem NonStockItem is an auto-generated table.
Opportunity Opportunity is an auto-generated table.
Payment Payment is an auto-generated table.
PaymentMethod PaymentMethod is an auto-generated table.
PhysicalInventoryReview PhysicalInventoryReview is an auto-generated table.
ProjectTransaction ProjectTransaction is an auto-generated table.
PurchaseOrder PurchaseOrder is an auto-generated table.
PurchaseReceipt PurchaseReceipt is an auto-generated table.
ReportingSettings ReportingSettings is an auto-generated table.
SalesInvoice SalesInvoice is an auto-generated table.
SalesOrder SalesOrder is an auto-generated table.
Salesperson Salesperson is an auto-generated table.
SalesPricesInquiry SalesPricesInquiry is an auto-generated table.
SalesPriceWorksheet SalesPriceWorksheet is an auto-generated table.
Shipment Shipment is an auto-generated table.
ShippingBox ShippingBox is an auto-generated table.
ShippingTerm ShippingTerm is an auto-generated table.
ShippingZones ShippingZones is an auto-generated table.
ShipVia ShipVia is an auto-generated table.
StatementCycle StatementCycle is an auto-generated table.
StockItem StockItem is an auto-generated table.
Subaccount Subaccount is an auto-generated table.
Task Task is an auto-generated table.
Tax Tax is an auto-generated table.
TaxCategory TaxCategory is an auto-generated table.
TaxZone TaxZone is an auto-generated table.
TransferOrder TransferOrder is an auto-generated table.
TrialBalance TrialBalance is an auto-generated table.
UnitsOfMeasure UnitsOfMeasure is an auto-generated table.
Vendor Vendor is an auto-generated table.
VendorClass VendorClass is an auto-generated table.
VendorPricesInquiry VendorPricesInquiry is an auto-generated table.
VendorPriceWorksheet VendorPriceWorksheet is an auto-generated table.
VoucherEntryCode VoucherEntryCode is an auto-generated table.
Warehouse Warehouse is an auto-generated table.


Account is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
TaxCategory String False
AccountGroup String False
AccountClass String False
ConsolidationAccount String False
Type String False
AccountCD [KEY] String False
PostOption String False
RequireUnits Bool False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
AccountID Int False
CurrencyID String False
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
Active Bool False
RevaluationRateType String False
Secured Bool False
UseDefaultSubaccount Bool False
CashAccount Bool False
Description String False
ChartOfAccountsOrder Int False
Custom_AccountRecords_NoteText String False
Custom_AccountRecords_NoteID String False


AccountByPeriodInquiry is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Subaccount String False
LinkedResults String False
Account [KEY] String False
Ledger String False
BranchID String False
FinancialYear String False
Custom_Filter_ShowCuryDetail Bool False


AccountBySubaccountInquiry is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Subaccount String False
Branch String False
LinkedResults String False
Account [KEY] String False
Ledger String False
Period String False
Custom_Filter_ShowCuryDetail Bool False


AccountDetailsInquiry is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
FromPeriod String False
ToPeriod String False
LinkedResults String False
PeriodStartDate Datetime False
PeriodEndDate Datetime False
BeginingBalance Double False
Account [KEY] String False
FromDate Datetime False
Turnover Double False
IncludeReclassified Bool False
Subaccount String False
IncludeUnreleased Bool False
ToDate Datetime False
Branch String False
Ledger String False
IncludeUnposted Bool False
EndingBalance Double False
Custom_Filter_ShowCuryDetail Bool False
Custom_Filter_StartDateUI String False
Custom_Filter_ShowSummary Bool False
Custom_Filter_PeriodStartDateUI String False


AccountLocation is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
DefaultProject String False
Warehouse String False
ShippingRule String False
FreightAccount String False
FOBPoint String False
BusinessAccountID String False
ShippingTerms String False
ARAccount String False
LinkedContact String False
Calendar String False
ShippingBranch String False
SaturdayDelivery Bool False
Active Bool False
ShippingZone String False
ResidentialDelivery Bool False
DiscountSubaccount String False
LocationID [KEY] String False
SameAsDefaultLocation Bool False
TaxZone String False
SalesAccount String False
LeadTimeInDays Int False
TaxRegistrationID String False
AddressValidated Bool False
ARSubaccount String False
FedExGroundCollect Bool False
SalesSubaccount String False
LinkedAddress String False
PriceClass String False
OrderPriority Int False
ShipVia String False
FreightSubaccount String False
Insurance Bool False
DiscountAccount String False
EntityUsageType String False
LinkedOpportunities String False
TaxExemptionNumber String False
AddressSameAsMain Bool False
LinkedCases String False
LocationName String False
Custom_LocationCurrent_CSiteID String False
Custom_LocationCurrent_CDiscountSubID String False
Custom_LocationCurrent_CInsurance Bool False
Custom_LocationCurrent_CCarrierID String False
Custom_LocationCurrent_CShipTermsID String False
Custom_LocationCurrent_CLeadTime Int False
Custom_LocationCurrent_NoteID String False
Custom_LocationCurrent_IsAddressSameAsMain Bool False
Custom_LocationCurrent_CDefProjectID String False
Custom_LocationCurrent_CFreightAcctID String False
Custom_LocationCurrent_CTaxZoneID String False
Custom_LocationCurrent_IsARAccountSameAsMain Bool False
Custom_LocationCurrent_CCalendarID String False
Custom_LocationCurrent_CAvalaraExemptionNumber String False
Custom_LocationCurrent_CPriceClassID String False
Custom_LocationCurrent_COrderPriority Int False
Custom_Address_NoteID String False
Custom_LocationCurrent_CShipZoneID String False
Custom_LocationCurrent_CDiscountAcctID String False
Custom_LocationCurrent_CResedential Bool False
Custom_LocationCurrent_CBranchID String False
Custom_LocationCurrent_CAvalaraCustomerUsageType String False
Custom_LocationCurrent_CFreightSubID String False
Custom_LocationCurrent_CSalesAcctID String False
Custom_Location_NoteText String False
Custom_LocationCurrent_CSalesSubID String False
Custom_LocationCurrent_TaxRegistrationID String False
Custom_LocationCurrent_CGroundCollect Bool False
Custom_LocationCurrent_CFOBPointID String False
Custom_LocationCurrent_CSaturdayDelivery Bool False
Custom_Location_NoteID String False
Custom_LocationCurrent_CShipComplete String False


AccountSummaryInquiry is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Subaccount String False
Branch String False
LinkedResults String False
Ledger String False
Period String False
AccountClass [KEY] String False
Custom_Filter_ShowCuryDetail Bool False


Adjustment is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Description String False
TotalQty Double False
TotalCost Double False
Hold Bool False
ExternalRef String False
Date Datetime False
Status String False
ReferenceNbr [KEY] String False
LinkedDetails String False
Custom_adjustment_ControlQty String False
Custom_adjustment_NoteText String False
Custom_adjustment_NoteID String False
Custom_adjustment_FinPeriodID String False
Custom_adjustment_ControlCost String False


AttributeDefinition is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Description String False
LinkedValues String False
Internal Bool False
ControlType String False
AttributeID [KEY] String False
EntryMask String False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
RegExp String False
Custom_Attributes_NoteID String False


Bill is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Date Datetime False
LinkedDetails String False
Type [KEY] String False
DueDate Datetime False
BranchID String False
LocationID String False
CurrencyID String False
Balance Double False
LinkedApplications String False
ReferenceNbr [KEY] String False
Terms String False
Status String False
ApprovedForPayment Bool False
TaxTotal Double False
Hold Bool False
PostPeriod String False
Amount Double False
Vendor String False
LinkedTaxDetails String False
CashAccount String False
Description String False
VendorRef String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_PayLocationID String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_SuppliedByVendorID String False
Custom_Document_DiscDate String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_PayDate String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_PayAccountID String False
Custom_Document_CuryLineTotal String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_EmployeeID String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_UsesManualVAT Bool False
Custom_CurrentDocument_EmployeeWorkgroupID String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_BatchNbr String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_APSubID String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_PaySel Bool False
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Custom_CurrentDocument_CuryDiscountedPrice String False
Custom_Document_CuryVatExemptTotal String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_PrebookSubID String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_PrebookBatchNbr String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_CuryDiscountedDocTotal String False
Custom_Document_CuryViewState Bool False
Custom_Document_CuryOrigWhTaxAmt String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_SuppliedByVendorLocationID String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_NoteID String False
Custom_Document_NoteText String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_PayTypeID String False
Custom_Document_CuryRoundDiff String False
Custom_Document_CuryInitDocBal String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_DisplayCuryInitDocBal String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_PrebookAcctID String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_VoidBatchNbr String False
Custom_Document_NoteID String False
Custom_Document_CuryTaxAmt String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_APAccountID String False
Custom_Document_CuryVatTaxableTotal String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_TaxCalcMode String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_TaxZoneID String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_CuryDiscountedTaxableTotal String False
Custom_Document_LCEnabled Bool False
Custom_Document_CuryOrigDiscAmt String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_SeparateCheck Bool False
Custom_Document_CuryDiscTot String False


BusinessAccount is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
WorkgroupDescription String False
LinkedLocations String False
LinkedMainContact String False
ParentAccount String False
AccountRef String False
BusinessAccountID [KEY] String False
LinkedContacts String False
ShippingAddressSameAsMain Bool False
Duplicate String False
Name String False
SourceCampaign String False
Owner String False
LinkedCases String False
LinkedCampaigns String False
LinkedRelations String False
Workgroup String False
Type String False
LinkedActivities String False
LinkedShippingContact String False
LinkedMainAddress String False
LinkedDuplicates String False
Status String False
LastOutgoingActivity Datetime False
LinkedMarketingLists String False
LinkedDefaultLocationSettings String False
LinkedAttributes String False
LinkedOpportunities String False
ClassID String False
LinkedContracts String False
LinkedShippingAddress String False
MainAddressValidated Bool False
ShippingAddressValidated Bool False
LastIncomingActivity Datetime False
LinkedOrders String False
OwnerEmployeeName String False
Custom_CurrentBAccount_NoteID String False
Custom_DefLocationCurrent_NoteID String False
Custom_AddressCurrent_NoteID String False
Custom_DefLocationAddress_NoteID String False
Custom_BAccount_NoteID String False
Custom_BAccount_NoteText String False


Carrier is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Description String False
CarrierUnitOfWeight String False
PlugInType String False
LinkedPlugInParameters String False
CarrierID [KEY] String False
UOM String False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
LinkedCustomerAccounts String False
Custom_Plugin_NoteID String False
Custom_Plugin_NoteText String False


Case is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
ManualOverride Bool False
Subject String False
LinkedAttributes String False
Status String False
OwnerEmployeeName String False
OvertimeSpent String False
Description String False
Owner String False
LinkedActivities String False
ContactID Int False
BillableTime Int False
Severity String False
ResolutionTime String False
LinkedRelations String False
Contract String False
ClosingDate Datetime False
DateReported Datetime False
InitialResponse String False
LastOutgoingActivity Datetime False
LastActivityDate Datetime False
Workgroup String False
LastIncomingActivity Datetime False
BusinessAccountName String False
ClassID String False
Billable Bool False
ContactDisplayName String False
Reason String False
TimeSpent String False
Location String False
Priority String False
BillableOvertime Int False
SLA Datetime False
BusinessAccount String False
LinkedRelatedCases String False
CaseID [KEY] String False
WorkgroupDescription String False
Custom_CaseCurrent_NoteID String False
Custom_CaseCurrent_ContractID String False
Custom_Case_NoteText String False
Custom_CaseCurrent_CustomerID String False
Custom_CaseCurrent_OvertimeSpent String False
Custom_CaseCurrent_IsBillable Bool False
Custom_CaseCurrent_ManualBillableTimes Bool False
Custom_CaseCurrent_TimeBillable Int False
Custom_CaseCurrent_TimeSpent String False
Custom_CaseCurrent_LocationID String False
Custom_CaseCurrent_OvertimeBillable Int False
Custom_Case_NoteID String False
Custom_CaseCurrent_WorkgroupID String False
Custom_CaseCurrent_WorkgroupID_description String False
Custom_CaseCurrent_TimeResolution String False
Custom_CaseCurrent_InitResponse String False


CashSale is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Description String False
Type [KEY] String False
CustomerID String False
PaymentMethod String False
Hold Bool False
Amount Double False
CashAccount String False
Date Datetime False
PaymentRef String False
Status String False
ReferenceNbr [KEY] String False
LinkedDetails String False
TaxTotal Double False
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
Balance Double False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
Custom_Document_DepositAfter String False
Custom_Document_PMInstanceID Int False
Custom_Document_CCPaymentStateDescr String False
Custom_Document_NoteText String False
Custom_Document_CuryChargeAmt String False
Custom_Document_RefTranExtNbr String False
Custom_Document_CuryConsolidateChargeTotal String False
Custom_Document_CuryLineTotal String False
Custom_Document_IsCCPayment Bool False
Custom_Document_PMInstanceID_description String False
Custom_Document_CustomerLocationID String False
Custom_Document_CuryRoundDiff String False
Custom_Document_ProjectID String False
Custom_Document_CuryID String False
Custom_Document_NoteID String False
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Custom_Document_AdjFinPeriodID String False
Custom_Document_CuryVatTaxableTotal String False
Custom_Document_CuryViewState Bool False
Custom_Document_CuryOrigDiscAmt String False


Check is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Description String False
Type [KEY] String False
CurrencyID String False
Vendor String False
LinkedHistory String False
PaymentMethod String False
UnappliedBalance Double False
ApplicationDate Datetime False
Hold Bool False
CashAccount String False
PaymentRef String False
Status String False
ReferenceNbr [KEY] String False
LinkedDetails String False
PaymentAmount Double False
Custom_Document_NoteID String False
Custom_Document_DepositAfter String False
Custom_Document_NoteText String False
Custom_Document_CuryApplAmt String False
Custom_Document_AdjFinPeriodID String False
Custom_Document_PTInstanceID_description String False
Custom_Document_CuryChargeAmt String False
Custom_Document_CuryViewState Bool False
Custom_Document_PTInstanceID Int False
Custom_Document_VendorLocationID String False
Custom_Document_CuryInitDocBal String False


Contact is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
LanguageOrLocale String False
DuplicateFound Bool False
JobTitle String False
MiddleName String False
FirstName String False
DoNotFax Bool False
LinkedAttributes String False
Status String False
ParentAccount String False
OwnerEmployeeName String False
Phone3 String False
Phone2 String False
Phone1 String False
Phone2Type String False
MaritalStatus String False
Email String False
FaxType String False
LinkedMarketingLists String False
DoNotCall Bool False
LinkedNotifications String False
Active Bool False
LinkedDuplicates String False
Owner String False
DoNotMail Bool False
Title String False
Gender String False
LinkedActivities String False
Phone1Type String False
ContactID [KEY] Int False
WebSite String False
LinkedRelations String False
ContactClass String False
CompanyName String False
AddressIsSameAsInAccount Bool False
NoMassMail Bool False
LastOutgoingActivity Datetime False
DisplayName String False
LinkedUserInfo String False
ContactMethod String False
Workgroup String False
AddressValidated Bool False
LastIncomingActivity Datetime False
LinkedCampaigns String False
SourceCampaign String False
SpouseOrPartnerName String False
LinkedAddress String False
Reason String False
Synchronize Bool False
ConvertedBy String False
Image String False
Type String False
NoMarketing Bool False
DateOfBirth Datetime False
Duplicate String False
DoNotEmail Bool False
Phone3Type String False
Source String False
BusinessAccount String False
LastName String False
LinkedOpportunities String False
Fax String False
QualificationDate Datetime False
WorkgroupDescription String False
LinkedCases String False
Custom_ContactCurrent_NoMarketing Bool False
Custom_ContactCurrent_DuplicateStatus String False
Custom_ContactCurrent2_NoteID String False
Custom_ContactCurrent_FullName String False
Custom_ContactCurrent_NoEMail Bool False
Custom_ContactCurrent_Method String False
Custom_ContactCurrent_ParentBAccountID String False
Custom_ContactCurrent_Synchronize Bool False
Custom_ContactCurrent_Gender String False
Custom_ContactCurrent_QualificationDate String False
Custom_ContactCurrent_DateOfBirth String False
Custom_ContactCurrent_ConvertedBy String False
Custom_Contact_ContactID_displayName String False
Custom_ContactCurrent_NoteID String False
Custom_ContactCurrent_CampaignID String False
Custom_ContactCurrent_LanguageID String False
Custom_ContactCurrent_Resolution String False
Custom_ContactCurrent_Source String False
Custom_ContactCurrent_MaritalStatus String False
Custom_ContactCurrent_NoFax Bool False
Custom_AddressCurrent_NoteID String False
Custom_ContactCurrent_NoCall Bool False
Custom_ContactCurrent_Status String False
Custom_ContactCurrent_NoMail Bool False
Custom_ContactCurrent_Img String False
Custom_ContactCurrent_Spouse String False
Custom_ContactCurrent_NoMassMail Bool False
Custom_Contact_NoteID String False
Custom_Contact_NoteText String False


Currency is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
DecimalPrecision Int False
CurrencyID [KEY] String False
Active Bool False
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
CurrencySymbol String False
Description String False
UseForAccounting Bool False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False


Customer is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
LinkedBillingContact String False
ShippingRule String False
AccountRef String False
CurrencyID String False
BillingAddressSameAsMain Bool False
LinkedAttributes String False
Status String False
WarehouseID String False
PrintStatements Bool False
ShippingAddressSameAsMain Bool False
FOBPoint String False
AutoApplyPayments Bool False
ShippingTerms String False
PrintDunningLetters Bool False
CustomerID [KEY] String False
CustomerClass String False
ParentRecord String False
ShippingBranch String False
LinkedMainContact String False
SaturdayDelivery Bool False
CurrencyRateType String False
StatementCycleID String False
SendStatementsbyEmail Bool False
LeadTimedays Int False
ResidentialDelivery Bool False
LinkedShippingContact String False
LinkedPaymentInstructions String False
PriceClassID String False
SendDunningLettersbyEmail Bool False
Terms String False
CustomerName String False
TaxZone String False
PrintInvoices Bool False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
MultiCurrencyStatements Bool False
EnableCurrencyOverride Bool False
WriteOffLimit Double False
EnableRateOverride Bool False
TaxRegistrationID String False
ApplyOverdueCharges Bool False
SendInvoicesbyEmail Bool False
ShippingZoneID String False
BillingContactSameAsMain Bool False
StatementType String False
LinkedContacts String False
ShippingContactSameAsMain Bool False
OrderPriority Int False
ShipVia String False
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
EnableWriteOffs Bool False
LinkedSalespersons String False
LinkedCreditVerificationRules String False
LocationName String False


CustomerClass is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
OverdueChargeID String False
GroupDocumentDiscountLimit Double False
CreditVerification String False
ShippingRule String False
FreightAccount String False
CurrencyID String False
LinkedAttributes String False
PrintStatements Bool False
CreditLimit Double False
PaymentMethod String False
DefaultRestrictionGroup String False
OverLimitAmount Double False
AutoApplyPayments Bool False
ShippingTerms String False
ARAccount String False
DefaultLocationIDfromBranch Bool False
PrintDunningLetters Bool False
MiscAccount String False
SalespersonID String False
UnrealizedGainAccount String False
SendStatementsByEmail Bool False
Description String False
CurrencyRateType String False
StatementCycleID String False
CashDiscountSubaccount String False
DiscountSubaccount String False
RequireTaxZone Bool False
COGSAccount String False
SendDunningLettersbyEmail Bool False
Terms String False
UnrealizedGainSubaccount String False
UnrealizedLossSubaccount String False
PrintInvoices Bool False
SalesAccount String False
MultiCurrencyStatements Bool False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
EnableCurrencyOverride Bool False
CashDiscountAccount String False
COGSSubaccount String False
TaxZoneID String False
WriteOffLimit Double False
EnableRateOverride Bool False
ApplyOverdueCharges Bool False
RequireEntityUsageType Bool False
Country String False
SendInvoicesbyEmail Bool False
ClassID [KEY] String False
ARSubaccount String False
PrepaymentSubaccount String False
SalesSubaccount String False
StatementType String False
MiscSubaccount String False
PrepaymentAccount String False
CreditDaysPastDue Int False
ShipVia String False
FreightSubaccount String False
DiscountAccount String False
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
EntityUsageType String False
EnableWriteOffs Bool False
UnrealizedLossAccount String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_FinChargeApply Bool False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_FreightAcctID String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_DiscTakenSubID String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_FinChargeID String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_CreditLimit String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_COGSAcctID String False
Custom_CustomerClassRecord_LocaleName_translatedName String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_UnrealizedGainAcctID String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_SmallBalanceAllow Bool False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_PrepaymentAcctID String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_PrintDunningLetters Bool False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_CuryID String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_ARAcctID String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_DiscountAcctID String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_AllowOverrideCury Bool False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_AutoApplyPayments Bool False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_OverLimitAmount String False
Custom_CustomerClassRecord_NoteID String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_UnrealizedLossAcctID String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_DiscountLimit String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_ARSubID String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_NoteID String False
Custom_CustomerClassRecord_LocaleName String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_CreditRule String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_DiscountSubID String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_SalesSubID String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_MailDunningLetters Bool False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_COGSSubID String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_MiscAcctID String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_SmallBalanceLimit String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_ShipTermsID String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_TermsID String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_SalesAcctID String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_ShipComplete String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_StatementType String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_MiscSubID String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_AllowOverrideRate Bool False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_DefPaymentMethodID String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_DiscTakenAcctID String False
Custom_CustomerClassRecord_NoteText String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_UnrealizedGainSubID String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_CreditDaysPastDue Int False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_UnrealizedLossSubID String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_PrintCuryStatements Bool False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_CuryRateTypeID String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_FreightSubID String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_PrintStatements Bool False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_MailInvoices Bool False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_SendStatementByEmail Bool False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_PrepaymentSubID String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_PrintInvoices Bool False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_StatementCycleId String False
Custom_CurCustomerClassRecord_ShipVia String False


CustomerLocation is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
TaxRegistrationID String False
ShippingTerms String False
ShippingZone String False
TaxZone String False
ShipVia String False
Warehouse String False
Insurance Bool False
FOBPoint String False
AddressSameAsMain Bool False
LinkedLocationContact String False
LeadTimeDays Int False
TaxExemptionNbr String False
FedExGroundCollect Bool False
Customer String False
EntityUsageType String False
ShippingRule String False
LocationName String False
LocationID [KEY] String False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
Calendar String False
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
PriceClass String False
DefaultProject String False
Active Bool False
ContactSameAsMain Bool False
SaturdayDelivery Bool False
ShippingBranch String False
OrderPriority Int False
ResidentialDelivery Bool False


CustomerPaymentMethod is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
CustomerID [KEY] String False
Active Bool False
PaymentMethod [KEY] String False
CashAccount String False
CustomerProfileID String False
LinkedDetails String False
InstanceID Int False
CardAccountNbr String False
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
ProcCenterID String False
Custom_CustomerPaymentMethod_NoteText String False
Custom_CustomerPaymentMethod_HasBillingInfo Bool False
Custom_CustomerPaymentMethod_ExpirationDate String False
Custom_CustomerPaymentMethod_NoteID String False


CustomerPriceClass is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
Description String False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
PriceClassID [KEY] String False
Custom_Records_SortOrder Int False
Custom_Records_NoteText String False
Custom_Records_NoteID String False


Discount is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Promotional Bool False
LinkedCustomerPriceClasses String False
BreakBy String False
LinkedItemPriceClasses String False
LinkedDiscountBreakpoints String False
DiscountCode [KEY] String False
LinkedCustomers String False
Sequence [KEY] String False
EffectiveDate Datetime False
ProrateDiscount Bool False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
DiscountBy String False
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
Active Bool False
LinkedWarehouses String False
LinkedItems String False
ExpirationDate Datetime False
ShowFreeItem Bool False
Description String False
Custom_Sequence_NoteID String False
Custom_Sequence_NoteText String False


DiscountCode is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
ApplicableTo String False
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
DiscountType String False
Description String False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
DiscountCodeID [KEY] String False
Custom_Document_IsManual Bool False
Custom_Document_IsAutoNumber Bool False
Custom_Document_ExcludeFromDiscountableAmt Bool False
Custom_Document_IsAppliedToDR Bool False
Custom_Document_SkipDocumentDiscounts Bool False
Custom_Document_LastNumber String False


Email is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Bcc String False
Date Datetime False
To String False
StartTime Datetime False
Owner String False
Parent String False
RelatedEntityDescription String False
Workgroup String False
Subject String False
Internal Bool False
Incoming Bool False
LinkedTimeActivity String False
FromEmailAccountDisplayName String False
Body String False
Cc String False
MailStatus String False
ParentSummary String False
FromEmailAccountID Int False
Description String False
From String False
Custom_CurrentMessage_WorkgroupID String False
Custom_CurrentMessage_StartDate_Time String False
Custom_Message_MailTo_SearchSuggestion String False
Custom_CurrentMessage_Source String False
Custom_CurrentMessage_IsIncome Bool False
Custom_CurrentMessage_ParentNoteID String False
Custom_Message_MailBcc_SearchSuggestion String False
Custom_CurrentMessage_ParentNoteID_description String False
Custom_Message_NoteID String False
Custom_CurrentMessage_OwnerID String False
Custom_CurrentMessage_NoteID String False
Custom_Message_MailCc_SearchSuggestion String False
Custom_CurrentMessage_StartDate_Date String False
Custom_CurrentMessage_IsPrivate Bool False
Custom_Message_NoteText String False
Custom_CurrentMessage_MPStatus String False


Employee is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
CurrencyID String False
LinkedContact String False
PaymentMethod String False
EmployeeClassID String False
Name String False
Status String False
BranchID String False
ReportsToID String False
LinkedEmployeeCost String False
EmployeeID [KEY] String False
LinkedEmploymentHistory String False
DepartmentID String False
DateOfBirth Datetime False


Event is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Location String False
AllDay Bool False
StartTime Datetime False
ShowAs String False
LinkedReminder String False
EndDate Datetime False
RelatedEntityDescription String False
Summary [KEY] String False
NoteID String False
Internal Bool False
LinkedTimeActivity String False
Status String False
LinkedAttendees String False
Body String False
Category String False
EndTime Datetime False
StartDate Datetime False
LinkedRelatedActivities String False
Priority String False
Custom_Events_NoteText String False


FinancialPeriod is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
UserDefinedPeriods Bool False
LinkedDetails String False
NbrOfPeriods Int False
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
FinancialYear String False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
StartDate Datetime False
Custom_FiscalYear_NoteID String False
Custom_FiscalYear_NoteText String False


FOBPoint is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Description String False
FOBPointID [KEY] String False
Custom_FOBPoint_NoteText String False
Custom_FOBPoint_NoteID String False


InterBranchAccountMapping is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
LinkedTransactionsInSourceBranch String False
OriginatingBranch [KEY] String False
PostingLedger String False
LinkedTransactionsInDestinationBranch String False


InventoryAllocationInquiry is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Location String False
KitAssemblyDemand Double False
OnHand Double False
PurchaseOrders Double False
OnLocationNotAvailable Double False
SOToPurchase Double False
PurchaseReceipts Double False
LinkedResults String False
SOPrepared Double False
PurchaseForSO Double False
InventoryIssues Double False
InTransitToSO Double False
SOShipped Double False
KitAssemblySupply Double False
PurchasePrepared Double False
AvailableForIssue Double False
TotalAddition Double False
TotalDeduction Double False
AvailableForShipping Double False
SOBackOrdered Double False
Available Double False
InTransit Double False
SOBooked Double False
PurchaseForSOPrepared Double False
ReceiptsForSO Double False
SOAllocated Double False
WarehouseID String False
BaseUnit String False
InventoryReceipts Double False
InventoryID [KEY] String False
Custom_Filter_InclQtyInTransit Bool False
Custom_Filter_QtyPODropShipOrders String False
Custom_Filter_LotSerialNbr String False
Custom_Filter_QtyPODropShipPrepared String False
Custom_Filter_SubItemCD String False
Custom_Filter_InclQtyPOPrepared Bool False
Custom_Filter_Label2 String False
Custom_Filter_InclQtyINReceipts Bool False
Custom_Filter_Label String False
Custom_Filter_InclQtyINAssemblySupply Bool False
Custom_Filter_QtyPODropShipReceipts String False
Custom_Filter_InclQtyINAssemblyDemand Bool False
Custom_Filter_InclQtySOBackOrdered Bool False
Custom_Filter_InclQtySOShipping Bool False
Custom_Filter_InclQtySOShipped Bool False
Custom_Filter_InclQtySOBooked Bool False
Custom_Filter_InclQtyINIssues Bool False
Custom_Filter_InclQtyPOReceipts Bool False
Custom_Filter_InclQtySOPrepared Bool False
Custom_Filter_InclQtyPOOrders Bool False
Custom_Filter_QtyExpired String False
Custom_Filter_QtySODropShip String False


InventoryReceipt is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Description String False
TransferNbr String False
TotalQty Double False
TotalCost Double False
Hold Bool False
Date Datetime False
Status String False
ReferenceNbr [KEY] String False
LinkedDetails String False
ControlCost Double False
ControlQty Double False
PostPeriod String False
Custom_receipt_NoteText String False
Custom_receipt_ExtRefNbr String False
Custom_receipt_NoteID String False


InventorySummaryInquiry is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
LinkedResults String False
WarehouseID String False
ExpandByLotSerialNbr Bool False
InventoryID [KEY] String False
Subitem String False
LocationID String False


Invoice is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
LinkBranch String False
Date Datetime False
LinkedApplicationsCreditMemo String False
BillingPrinted Bool False
LinkARAccount String False
LinkedDetails String False
Customer String False
Type [KEY] String False
DueDate Datetime False
LocationID String False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
Balance Double False
ReferenceNbr [KEY] String False
Terms String False
Status String False
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
CustomerOrder String False
Project String False
TaxTotal Double False
Hold Bool False
Amount Double False
PostPeriod String False
LinkedTaxDetails String False
Description String False
LinkedApplicationsDefault String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_DontEmail Bool False
Custom_Document_DiscDate String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_WorkgroupID String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_PMInstanceID_description String False
Custom_Document_CuryLineTotal String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_BatchNbr String False
Custom_Document_CuryID String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_OrigRefNbr String False
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ItemClass is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
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ItemWarehouse is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
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Custom_itemsiterecord_NoteText String False
Custom_itemsitesettings_StdCostDate String False
Custom_itemsitesettings_ReplenishmentSourceSiteID String False


JournalTransaction is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Description String False
CurrencyID String False
Hold Bool False
Module [KEY] String False
TransactionDate Datetime False
BatchNbr [KEY] String False
Status String False
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Custom_BatchModule_CuryControlTotal String False
Custom_BatchModule_AutoReverse Bool False
Custom_BatchModule_NoteText String False


JournalVoucher is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
ControlTotal Double False
BaseCurrencyID String False
ReciprocalRate Double False
TransactionDate Datetime False
Ledger String False
LinkedDetails String False
EffectiveDate Datetime False
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Description String False
LinkedGLTransactions String False
Custom_BatchModule_CuryViewState Bool False
Custom_BatchModule_NoteID String False
Custom_BatchModule_NoteText String False


KitAssembly is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Date Datetime False
KitInventoryID String False
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UOM String False
Subitem String False
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Type String False
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ReasonCode String False
Description String False
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KitSpecification is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
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Active Bool False
RevisionID [KEY] String False
Description String False
LinkedNonStockComponents String False
IsNonStock Bool False
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Custom_Hdr_NoteText String False
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Lead is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
LanguageOrLocale String False
DuplicateFound Bool False
JobTitle String False
FirstName String False
DoNotFax Bool False
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Status String False
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Reason String False
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Duplicate String False
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Source String False
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Custom_LeadCurrent_NoteID String False
Custom_Lead_NoteID String False
Custom_LeadCurrent_NoCall Bool False


LotSerialClass is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
IssueMethod String False
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ClassID [KEY] String False
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AssignmentMethod String False
Description String False
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Custom_lotserclass_RequiredForDropship Bool False
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NonStockItem is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
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IsKit Bool False
LinkedAttributes String False
WeightUOM String False
LinkedCrossReferences String False
ItemType String False
Volume Double False
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Weight Double False
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DefaultPrice Double False
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Custom_ItemSettings_PendingStdCostDate String False
Custom_ItemSettings_MarkupPct String False
Custom_ItemSettings_COGSSubID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_BaseUnit String False


Opportunity is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
ManualAmount Bool False
Subject String False
CurrencyID String False
LinkedContactInformation String False
LinkedAttributes String False
Status String False
ParentAccount String False
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Owner String False
Override Bool False
Total Double False
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ContactID Int False
Branch String False
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Amount Double False
ClassID String False
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Details String False
Discount Double False
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ContactDisplayName String False
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Source String False
BusinessAccount String False
Project String False
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WorkgroupDescription String False
Stage String False
Custom_OpportunityCurrent_NoteID String False
Custom_Opportunity_NoteID String False
Custom_OpportunityCurrent_AllowOverrideContactAddress Bool False
Custom_Opportunity_NoteText String False


Payment is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
LinkedDocumentsToApply String False
ApplicationDate Datetime False
LinkedOrdersToApply String False
AppliedToDocuments Double False
LinkedApplicationHistory String False
LinkedCreditCardProcessingInfo String False
Type [KEY] String False
CustomerID String False
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PaymentMethod is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
LinkedAllowedCashAccounts String False
Description String False
IntegratedProcessing Bool False
UseInAR Bool False
Active Bool False
RequireRemittanceInformationforCashAccount Bool False
UseInAP Bool False
PaymentMethodID [KEY] String False
MeansOfPayment String False
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
LinkedProcessingCenters String False
Custom_PaymentMethod_NoteText String False
Custom_PaymentMethod_NoteID String False


PhysicalInventoryReview is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Description String False
WarehouseID String False
FreezeDate Datetime False
TotalVarianceCost Double False
Status String False
TotalVarianceQty Double False
TypeID String False
ReferenceNbr [KEY] String False
LinkedDetails String False
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Custom_PIHeaderInfo_TotalVarCost String False
Custom_PIHeaderInfo_TotalVarQty String False
Custom_PIHeader_NoteText String False
Custom_PIHeaderInfo_PIAdjRefNbr String False


ProjectTransaction is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Description String False
TotalQty Double False
Module [KEY] String False
TotalAmount Double False
Status String False
OriginalDocNbr String False
ReferenceNbr [KEY] String False
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CreatedDateTime Datetime False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
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PurchaseOrder is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
ControlTotal Double False
Location String False
Date Datetime False
PromisedOn Datetime False
Owner String False
LinkedShippingInstructions String False
LinkedDetails String False
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PurchaseReceipt is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Type [KEY] String False
TotalQty Double False
CurrencyID String False
VendorRef String False
ControlAmount Double False
Hold Bool False
CreateBill Bool False
Date Datetime False
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ReportingSettings is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
LinkedReportingGroups String False
TaxAgency [KEY] String False
Custom_TaxVendor_ShowNoTemp Bool False
Custom_TaxVendor_NoteID String False


SalesInvoice is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Description String False
Type [KEY] String False
CustomerOrder String False
LinkedBillingSettings String False
CustomerID String False
Hold Bool False
Amount Double False
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Balance Double False
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Custom_Document_CuryViewState Bool False
Custom_Document_FinPeriodID String False
Custom_Document_CuryOrigDiscAmt String False


SalesOrder is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
LinkedShipToContact String False
OrderNbr [KEY] String False
CurrencyID String False
TaxTotal Double False
Status String False
CurrencyRate Double False
LinkedBillToContact String False
PaymentMethod String False
ControlTotal Double False
VATTaxableTotal Double False
ShipToAddressOverride Bool False
CustomerID String False
PreferredWarehouseID String False
OrderTotal Double False
PreAuthorizationNbr String False
BaseCurrencyID String False
Description String False
BillToAddressValidated Bool False
EffectiveDate Datetime False
IsTaxValid Bool False
BillToContactOverride Bool False
PreAuthorizedAmount Double False
LinkedShipments String False
Hold Bool False
CurrencyRateTypeID String False
LastModified Datetime False
LocationID String False
CreditHold Bool False
ShipToAddressValidated Bool False
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LinkedCommissions String False
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CashAccount String False
ReciprocalRate Double False
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PaymentCardIdentifier String False
CustomerOrder String False
VATExemptTotal Double False
ExternalRef String False
BillToAddressOverride Bool False
LinkedDetails String False
NewCard Bool False
Date Datetime False
DestinationWarehouseID String False
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OrderedQty Double False
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Approved Bool False
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Custom_CurrentDocument_Priority Int False
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Custom_CurrentDocument_BranchID String False
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Salesperson is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Name String False
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
DefaultCommission Double False
IsActive Bool False
SalespersonID [KEY] String False
SalesSubaccount String False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
Custom_Salesperson_NoteID String False
Custom_Salesperson_NoteText String False


SalesPricesInquiry is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
EffectiveAsOf Datetime False
PriceCode String False
PriceClass String False
PriceWorkgroupIsMine Bool False
ItemClassID String False
LinkedSalesPriceDetails String False
PriceType String False
PriceManagerIsMe Bool False
PriceManager String False
InventoryID [KEY] String False
PriceWorkgroup String False
Custom_Filter_SiteID String False


SalesPriceWorksheet is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Description String False
Hold Bool False
EffectiveDate Datetime False
ExpirationDate Datetime False
Status String False
ReferenceNbr [KEY] String False
LinkedSalesPrices String False
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CreatedDateTime Datetime False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
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Shipment is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
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Operation String False
CurrencyID String False
Status String False
WarehouseID String False
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ShippedWeight Double False
LinkedOrders String False
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GroundCollect Bool False
PackageWeight Double False
ShippedQty Double False
LinkedDetails String False
ShippingZoneID String False
LinkedShippingSettings String False
ToWarehouseID String False
CurrencyViewState Bool False
Type String False
ShipVia String False
Insurance Bool False
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
Custom_Document_NoteID String False
Custom_CurrentDocument_NoteID String False
Custom_Document_NoteText String False
Custom_Document_OwnerID_description String False


ShippingBox is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Description String False
BoxID [KEY] String False
Height Int False
WeightUOM String False
BoxWeight Double False
Length Int False
VolumeUOM String False
CarriersPackage String False
MaxVolume Double False
MaxWeight Double False
ActiveByDefault Bool False
Width Int False


ShippingTerm is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
LinkedDetails String False
Description String False
TermID [KEY] String False
Custom_ShipTermsCurrent_NoteID String False


ShippingZones is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Description String False
ZoneID [KEY] String False


ShipVia is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Description String False
Calendar String False
LinkedFreightRates String False
LinkedPackages String False
FreightExpenseAccount String False
TaxCategory String False
CarrierID [KEY] String False
FreightSalesSubaccount String False
FreightSalesAccount String False
CommonCarrier Bool False
CalculationMethod String False
FreightExpenseSubaccount String False
Custom_Carrier_NoteText String False
Custom_Carrier_NoteID String False
Custom_CarrierCurrent_PackageRequired Bool False
Custom_CarrierCurrent_ConfirmationRequired Bool False
Custom_Carrier_IsExternal Bool False
Custom_CarrierCurrent_BaseRate String False
Custom_CarrierCurrent_CarrierPluginID String False
Custom_CarrierCurrent_PluginMethod String False
Custom_CarrierCurrent_NoteID String False


StatementCycle is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
OverdueChargeID String False
LastStatementDate Datetime False
AgingPeriod3Message String False
AgingPeriod1Message String False
AgingPeriod1EndDay Int False
PrepareOn String False
ApplyOverdueCharges Bool False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
RequirePaymentApplicationBeforeStatementProcessing Bool False
AgingPeriod4Message String False
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
AgingPeriod2Message String False
AgingPeriod3EndDay Int False
AgingPeriod2EndDay Int False
RequireOverdueChargesCalculationBeforeStatement Bool False
DayOfMonth1 Int False
Description String False
DayOfMonth Int False
CycleID [KEY] String False
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_AgeBasedOn String False
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_AgeDays02 Int False
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_Bucket04LowerExclusiveBound Int False
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_AgeMsgCurrent String False
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_AgeMsg00 String False
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_NoteID String False
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_AgeDays01 Int False
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_DayOfWeek String False
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_PrintEmptyStatements Bool False
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_NoteText String False
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_AgeMsg01 String False
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_UseFinPeriodForAging Bool False
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_AgeDays00 Int False
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_Bucket02LowerInclusiveBound Int False
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_AgeMsg02 String False
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_FinChargeID String False
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_Bucket01LowerInclusiveBound Int False
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_AgeMsg03 String False
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_RequireFinChargeProcessing Bool False
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_Bucket03LowerInclusiveBound Int False
Custom_ARStatementCycleRecord_FinChargeApply Bool False


StockItem is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
DefaultPrice Double False
PriceWorkgroup String False
LandedCostVarianceSubaccount String False
InventorySubaccount String False
LandedCostVarianceAccount String False
POAccrualSubaccount String False
ItemStatus String False
LinkedWarehouseDetails String False
LastModified Datetime False
DefaultIssueLocationID String False
DefaultReceiptLocationID String False
UseOnEntry Bool False
SalesSubaccount String False
LinkedVendorDetails String False
DefaultSubitem String False
LotSerialClass String False
SubjectToCommission Bool False
PriceManager String False
LinkedReplenishmentParameters String False
LastCost Double False
COGSAccount String False
SalesAccount String False
StandardCostVarianceSubaccount String False
COGSSubaccount String False
PackSeparately Bool False
ReasonCodeSubaccount String False
ImageUrl String False
ItemClass String False
ItemType String False
MinMarkup Double False
DeferralAccount String False
VolumeUOM String False
StandardCostVarianceAccount String False
AverageCost Double False
IsAKit Bool False
CurrentStdCost Double False
SalesUOM String False
DefaultWarehouseID String False
BaseUOM String False
ProductWorkgroup String False
ProductManager String False
AutoIncrementalValue String False
Description String False
PackagingOption String False
DimensionVolume Double False
PostingClass String False
DimensionWeight Double False
InventoryAccount String False
ABCCode String False
ValuationMethod String False
LinkedCrossReferences String False
LinkedUOMConversions String False
MSRP Double False
PriceClass String False
PurchaseUOM String False
LinkedBoxes String False
DiscountAccount String False
MaxCost Double False
Markup Double False
StandardCostRevaluationSubaccount String False
DeferralSubaccount String False
StandardCostRevaluationAccount String False
WeightUOM String False
LastStdCost Double False
LinkedAttributes String False
TaxCategory String False
LinkedCategories String False
PurchasePriceVarianceSubaccount String False
MinCost Double False
POAccrualAccount String False
LinkedSubItems String False
DiscountSubaccount String False
InventoryID [KEY] String False
Content String False
PendingStdCost Double False
PurchasePriceVarianceAccount String False
Custom_ItemSettings_Body String False
Custom_ItemSettings_NoteID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_MovementClassID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_StdCstRevSubID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_LCVarianceSubID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_DefaultTermUOM String False
Custom_ItemSettings_ABCCodeID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_InvtSubID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_ABCCodeIsFixed Bool False
Custom_ItemSettings_BaseItemVolume String False
Custom_ItemSettings_DiscAcctID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_ImageUrl String False
Custom_ItemSettings_PurchaseUnit String False
Custom_ItemSettings_BaseItemWeight String False
Custom_ItemSettings_DeferralSubID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_UseParentSubID Bool False
Custom_ItemSettings_PPVAcctID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_DefaultTerm String False
Custom_ItemSettings_StdCstVarSubID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_PackSeparately Bool False
Custom_ItemSettings_DfltReceiptLocationID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_COGSAcctID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_LCVarianceAcctID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_MarkupPct String False
Custom_ItemSettings_DiscSubID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_COGSSubID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_BaseUnit String False
Custom_ItemSettings_PriceClassID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_TotalPercentage String False
Custom_ItemSettings_DeferralAcctID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_CycleID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_StdCstRevAcctID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_DeferredCode String False
Custom_ItemSettings_MovementClassIsFixed Bool False
Custom_ItemSettings_LastStdCost String False
Custom_ItemSettings_StdCstVarAcctID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_DefaultSubItemID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_StdCostDate String False
Custom_ItemSettings_StdCost String False
Custom_ItemSettings_SalesAcctID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_Commisionable Bool False
Custom_ItemSettings_SalesUnit String False
Custom_ItemSettings_PendingStdCost String False
Custom_ItemSettings_DefaultSubItemOnEntry Bool False
Custom_ItemSettings_DfltSiteID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_RecPrice String False
Custom_ItemSettings_ReasonCodeSubID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_SalesSubID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_PriceWorkgroupID String False
Custom_Item_NoteID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_WeightUOM String False
Custom_ItemSettings_VolumeUOM String False
Custom_ItemSettings_POAccrualSubID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_PPVSubID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_DfltShipLocationID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_BasePrice String False
Custom_ItemSettings_PriceManagerID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_MinGrossProfitPct String False
Custom_Item_NoteText String False
Custom_ItemSettings_POAccrualAcctID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_InvtAcctID String False
Custom_ItemSettings_PendingStdCostDate String False
Custom_ItemSettings_PackageOption String False


Subaccount is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Secured Bool False
Active Bool False
SubaccountCD String False
SubaccountID Int False
Description String False
Custom_SubRecords_NoteText String False
Custom_SubRecords_NoteID String False


Task is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
LinkedReminder String False
Owner String False
Parent String False
RelatedEntityDescription String False
Summary String False
NoteID String False
DueDate Datetime False
Internal Bool False
CompletedAt Datetime False
LinkedTimeActivity String False
Status String False
WorkgroupID String False
Body String False
CompletionPercentage Int False
Category String False
ParentSummary String False
StartDate Datetime False
LinkedRelatedActivities String False
Priority String False
LinkedRelatedTasks String False
Custom_Tasks_ParentNoteID_Subject String False
Custom_Tasks_NoteText String False


Tax is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
CalculateOn String False
TaxID [KEY] String False
IncludeInVATTaxableTotal Bool False
TaxPayableAccount String False
TaxExpenseAccount String False
TaxClaimableSubaccount String False
PendingVAT Bool False
ExcludeFromTaxonTaxCalculation Bool False
TaxClaimableAccount String False
TaxType String False
TaxAgency String False
ReverseVAT Bool False
IncludeInVATExemptTotal Bool False
StatisticalVAT Bool False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
LinkedTaxSchedule String False
EnterFromTaxBill Bool False
CashDiscount String False
TaxPayableSubaccount String False
TaxExpenseSubaccount String False
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
NotValidAfter Datetime False
LinkedZones String False
Description String False
DeductibleVAT Bool False
Custom_Tax_PurchTaxSubID String False
Custom_Tax_ReportExpenseToSingleAccount Bool False
Custom_Tax_NoteID String False
Custom_Tax_PurchTaxAcctID String False
Custom_Tax_PendingSalesTaxSubID String False
Custom_Tax_PendingSalesTaxAcctID String False
Custom_Tax_ExpenseSubID String False
Custom_Tax_PendingPurchTaxSubID String False
Custom_Tax_SalesTaxSubID String False
Custom_Tax_ExpenseAccountID String False
Custom_Tax_SalesTaxAcctID String False
Custom_Tax_PendingPurchTaxAcctID String False


TaxCategory is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
LinkedDetails String False
TaxCategoryID [KEY] String False
ExcludeListedTaxes Bool False
Active Bool False
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
Description String False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
Custom_TxCategory_NoteText String False
Custom_TxCategory_NoteID String False


TaxZone is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
TaxZoneID [KEY] String False
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
Description String False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
LinkedApplicableTaxes String False
Custom_TxZone_DfltTaxCategoryID String False
Custom_TxZone_ShowZipTabExpr Bool False
Custom_TxZone_TaxVendorID String False
Custom_TxZone_ShowTaxTabExpr Bool False
Custom_TxZone_IsManualVATZone Bool False
Custom_TxZone_NoteID String False
Custom_TxZone_TaxID String False
Custom_TxZone_IsExternal Bool False
Custom_TxZone_NoteText String False


TransferOrder is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Description String False
TotalQty Double False
Hold Bool False
ExternalRef String False
Date Datetime False
Status String False
ReferenceNbr [KEY] String False
LinkedDetails String False
ToWarehouseID String False
TransferType String False
FromWarehouseID String False
PostPeriod String False
Custom_transfer_ControlQty String False
Custom_transfer_NoteID String False
Custom_transfer_NoteText String False


TrialBalance is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Description String False
ControlTotal Double False
CreditTotal Double False
DebitTotal Double False
Hold Bool False
ImportNbr [KEY] String False
BatchNbr String False
ImportDate Datetime False
Status String False
LinkedDetails String False
Branch String False
Ledger String False
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
Period String False
Custom_Map_NoteID String False
Custom_Map_NoteText String False


UnitsOfMeasure is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
FromUOM String False
ConversionFactor Double False
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
MultiplyOrDivide String False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
ToUOM String False
Custom_Unit_ItemClassID Int False
Custom_Unit_UnitType String False
Custom_Unit_InventoryID Int False


Vendor is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
APAccount String False
F1099Box String False
Warehouse String False
AccountRef String False
CurrencyID String False
LinkedAttributes String False
Status String False
MinReceipt Double False
ParentAccount String False
PaymentMethod String False
FOBPoint String False
PaySeparately Bool False
ReceivingBranch String False
LandedCostVendor Bool False
ShippingTerms String False
VendorIsTaxAgency Bool False
VendorID [KEY] String False
FATCA Bool False
LinkedRemittanceContact String False
RemittanceContactSameasMain Bool False
ThresholdReceipt Double False
LinkedMainContact String False
CurrencyRateType String False
VendorClass String False
ShippersContactSameasMain Bool False
LeadTimedays Int False
ReceiptAction String False
LinkedShippingContact String False
MaxReceipt Double False
LinkedPaymentInstructions String False
PaymentLeadTimedays Int False
Terms String False
PaymentBy String False
ForeignEntity Bool False
RemittanceAddressSameasMain Bool False
TaxZone String False
CashAccount String False
ShippingAddressSameasMain Bool False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
EnableCurrencyOverride Bool False
SendOrdersbyEmail Bool False
EnableRateOverride Bool False
TaxRegistrationID String False
F1099Vendor Bool False
PrintOrders Bool False
TaxCalculationMode String False
VendorIsLaborUnion Bool False
LinkedContacts String False
APSubaccount String False
ShipVia String False
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
LocationName String False
VendorName String False


VendorClass is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
ClassID [KEY] String False
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
Description String False
LinkedAttributes String False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
Custom_VendorClassRecord_LocaleName String False
Custom_VendorClassRecord_NoteText String False
Custom_VendorClassRecord_NoteID String False
Custom_VendorClassRecord_LocaleName_translatedName String False


VendorPricesInquiry is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
ProductWorkgroup String False
ProductManager String False
InventoryID [KEY] String False
ItemClass String False
Vendor String False
LinkedVendorPriceDetails String False
Custom_Filter_SiteID String False
Custom_Filter_MyOwner Bool False
Custom_Filter_EffectiveAsOfDate String False
Custom_Filter_MyWorkGroup Bool False


VendorPriceWorksheet is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
Description String False
LinkedVendorSalesPrices String False
Hold Bool False
EffectiveDate Datetime False
ExpirationDate Datetime False
Status String False
Promotional Bool False
ReferenceNbr [KEY] String False
OverwriteOverlappingPrices Bool False
CreatedDateTime Datetime False
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime False
Custom_Document_NoteID String False


VoucherEntryCode is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
ModuleTransactionType String False
UniqueTransactionCode String False
Module String False
Active Bool False
Description String False


Warehouse is an auto-generated table.

Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True
ReceivingLocationID String False
LinkedLocations String False
StandardCostVarianceAccount String False
MiscChargeAccount String False
PurchasePriceVarianceSubaccount String False
LandedCostVarianceAccount String False
POAccrualSubaccount String False
DropShipLocationID String False
COGSExpenseAccount String False
StandardCostRevaluationSubaccount String False
DiscountSubaccount String False
DiscountAccount String False
OverrideInventoryAccountSubaccount Bool False
SalesSubaccount String False
LandedCostVarianceSubaccount String False
InventorySubaccount String False
COGSExpenseSubaccount String False
FreightChargeAccount String False
PurchasePriceVarianceAccount String False
ShippingLocationID String False
InventoryAccount String False
FreightChargeSubaccount String False
POAccrualAccount String False
StandardCostRevaluationAccount String False
StandardCostVarianceSubaccount String False
Active Bool False
RMALocationID String False
ReasonCodeSubaccount String False
MiscChargeSubaccount String False
WarehouseID [KEY] String False
Description String False
SalesAccount String False
Custom_siteaccounts_POAccrualAcctID String False
Custom_siteaccounts_LCVarianceAcctID String False
Custom_siteaccounts_StdCstVarAcctID String False
Custom_site_ReplenishmentClassID String False
Custom_siteaccounts_MiscAcctID String False
Custom_siteaccounts_FreightAcctID String False
Custom_siteaccounts_DiscAcctID String False
Custom_siteaccounts_POAccrualSubID String False
Custom_siteaccounts_NoteID String False
Custom_siteaccounts_PPVSubID String False
Custom_siteaccounts_DiscSubID String False
Custom_site_BranchID String False
Custom_siteaccounts_FreightSubID String False
Custom_site_AvgDefaultCost String False
Custom_siteaccounts_SalesAcctID String False
Custom_siteaccounts_OverrideInvtAccSub Bool False
Custom_siteaccounts_COGSSubID String False
Custom_siteaccounts_SalesSubID String False
Custom_site_FIFODefaultCost String False
Custom_siteaccounts_PPVAcctID String False
Custom_site_LocationValid String False
Custom_siteaccounts_LCVarianceSubID String False
Custom_site_NoteText String False
Custom_siteaccounts_InvtAcctID String False
Custom_siteaccounts_StdCstRevSubID String False
Custom_siteaccounts_MiscSubID String False
Custom_siteaccounts_InvtSubID String False
Custom_site_LockSitePICountEntry Bool False
Custom_siteaccounts_StdCstRevAcctID String False
Custom_siteaccounts_StdCstVarSubID String False
Custom_siteaccounts_ReasonCodeSubID String False
Custom_site_NoteID String False
Custom_siteaccounts_COGSAcctID String False


Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.

Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.

Jitterbit Connector for Acumatica Views

Name Description
AccountByPeriodInquiry_Results AccountByPeriodInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table.
AccountBySubaccountInquiry_Results AccountBySubaccountInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table.
AccountDetailsInquiry_Results AccountDetailsInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table.
AccountLocation_Address AccountLocation_Address is an auto-generated table.
AccountLocation_Cases AccountLocation_Cases is an auto-generated table.
AccountLocation_Contact AccountLocation_Contact is an auto-generated table.
AccountLocation_Opportunities AccountLocation_Opportunities is an auto-generated table.
AccountSummaryInquiry_Results AccountSummaryInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table.
Adjustment_Details Adjustment_Details is an auto-generated table.
AttributeDefinition_Values AttributeDefinition_Values is an auto-generated table.
Bill_Applications Bill_Applications is an auto-generated table.
Bill_Details Bill_Details is an auto-generated table.
Bill_TaxDetails Bill_TaxDetails is an auto-generated table.
BusinessAccount_Activities BusinessAccount_Activities is an auto-generated table.
BusinessAccount_Attributes BusinessAccount_Attributes is an auto-generated table.
BusinessAccount_Campaigns BusinessAccount_Campaigns is an auto-generated table.
BusinessAccount_Cases BusinessAccount_Cases is an auto-generated table.
BusinessAccount_Contacts BusinessAccount_Contacts is an auto-generated table.
BusinessAccount_Contracts BusinessAccount_Contracts is an auto-generated table.
BusinessAccount_DefaultLocationSettings BusinessAccount_DefaultLocationSettings is an auto-generated table.
BusinessAccount_Duplicates BusinessAccount_Duplicates is an auto-generated table.
BusinessAccount_Locations BusinessAccount_Locations is an auto-generated table.
BusinessAccount_MainAddress BusinessAccount_MainAddress is an auto-generated table.
BusinessAccount_MainContact BusinessAccount_MainContact is an auto-generated table.
BusinessAccount_MarketingLists BusinessAccount_MarketingLists is an auto-generated table.
BusinessAccount_Opportunities BusinessAccount_Opportunities is an auto-generated table.
BusinessAccount_Orders BusinessAccount_Orders is an auto-generated table.
BusinessAccount_Relations BusinessAccount_Relations is an auto-generated table.
BusinessAccount_ShippingAddress BusinessAccount_ShippingAddress is an auto-generated table.
BusinessAccount_ShippingContact BusinessAccount_ShippingContact is an auto-generated table.
Carrier_CustomerAccounts Carrier_CustomerAccounts is an auto-generated table.
Carrier_PlugInParameters Carrier_PlugInParameters is an auto-generated table.
Case_Activities Case_Activities is an auto-generated table.
Case_Attributes Case_Attributes is an auto-generated table.
Case_RelatedCases Case_RelatedCases is an auto-generated table.
Case_Relations Case_Relations is an auto-generated table.
CashSale_Details CashSale_Details is an auto-generated table.
Check_Details Check_Details is an auto-generated table.
Check_History Check_History is an auto-generated table.
Contact_Activities Contact_Activities is an auto-generated table.
Contact_Address Contact_Address is an auto-generated table.
Contact_Attributes Contact_Attributes is an auto-generated table.
Contact_Campaigns Contact_Campaigns is an auto-generated table.
Contact_Cases Contact_Cases is an auto-generated table.
Contact_Duplicates Contact_Duplicates is an auto-generated table.
Contact_MarketingLists Contact_MarketingLists is an auto-generated table.
Contact_Notifications Contact_Notifications is an auto-generated table.
Contact_Opportunities Contact_Opportunities is an auto-generated table.
Contact_Relations Contact_Relations is an auto-generated table.
Contact_UserInfo Contact_UserInfo is an auto-generated table.
CustomerClass_Attributes CustomerClass_Attributes is an auto-generated table.
CustomerLocation_LocationContact CustomerLocation_LocationContact is an auto-generated table.
CustomerPaymentMethod_Details CustomerPaymentMethod_Details is an auto-generated table.
Customer_Attributes Customer_Attributes is an auto-generated table.
Customer_BillingContact Customer_BillingContact is an auto-generated table.
Customer_Contacts Customer_Contacts is an auto-generated table.
Customer_CreditVerificationRules Customer_CreditVerificationRules is an auto-generated table.
Customer_MainContact Customer_MainContact is an auto-generated table.
Customer_PaymentInstructions Customer_PaymentInstructions is an auto-generated table.
Customer_Salespersons Customer_Salespersons is an auto-generated table.
Customer_ShippingContact Customer_ShippingContact is an auto-generated table.
Discount_CustomerPriceClasses Discount_CustomerPriceClasses is an auto-generated table.
Discount_Customers Discount_Customers is an auto-generated table.
Discount_DiscountBreakpoints Discount_DiscountBreakpoints is an auto-generated table.
Discount_ItemPriceClasses Discount_ItemPriceClasses is an auto-generated table.
Discount_Items Discount_Items is an auto-generated table.
Discount_Warehouses Discount_Warehouses is an auto-generated table.
Email_TimeActivity Email_TimeActivity is an auto-generated table.
Employee_Contact Employee_Contact is an auto-generated table.
Employee_EmployeeCost Employee_EmployeeCost is an auto-generated table.
Employee_EmploymentHistory Employee_EmploymentHistory is an auto-generated table.
Event_Attendees Event_Attendees is an auto-generated table.
Event_RelatedActivities Event_RelatedActivities is an auto-generated table.
Event_Reminder Event_Reminder is an auto-generated table.
Event_TimeActivity Event_TimeActivity is an auto-generated table.
FinancialPeriod_Details FinancialPeriod_Details is an auto-generated table.
InterBranchAccountMapping_TransactionsInDestinationBranch InterBranchAccountMapping_TransactionsInDestinationBranch is an auto-generated table.
InterBranchAccountMapping_TransactionsInSourceBranch InterBranchAccountMapping_TransactionsInSourceBranch is an auto-generated table.
InventoryAllocationInquiry_Results InventoryAllocationInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table.
InventoryReceipt_Details InventoryReceipt_Details is an auto-generated table.
InventorySummaryInquiry_Results InventorySummaryInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table.
Invoice_ApplicationsCreditMemo Invoice_ApplicationsCreditMemo is an auto-generated table.
Invoice_ApplicationsDefault Invoice_ApplicationsDefault is an auto-generated table.
Invoice_Details Invoice_Details is an auto-generated table.
Invoice_TaxDetails Invoice_TaxDetails is an auto-generated table.
ItemClass_Attributes ItemClass_Attributes is an auto-generated table.
JournalTransaction_Details JournalTransaction_Details is an auto-generated table.
JournalVoucher_Details JournalVoucher_Details is an auto-generated table.
JournalVoucher_GLTransactions JournalVoucher_GLTransactions is an auto-generated table.
KitAssembly_Allocations KitAssembly_Allocations is an auto-generated table.
KitAssembly_NonStockComponents KitAssembly_NonStockComponents is an auto-generated table.
KitAssembly_StockComponents KitAssembly_StockComponents is an auto-generated table.
KitSpecification_NonStockComponents KitSpecification_NonStockComponents is an auto-generated table.
KitSpecification_StockComponents KitSpecification_StockComponents is an auto-generated table.
Lead_Activities Lead_Activities is an auto-generated table.
Lead_Address Lead_Address is an auto-generated table.
Lead_Attributes Lead_Attributes is an auto-generated table.
Lead_Campaigns Lead_Campaigns is an auto-generated table.
Lead_Duplicates Lead_Duplicates is an auto-generated table.
Lead_MarketingLists Lead_MarketingLists is an auto-generated table.
Lead_Relations Lead_Relations is an auto-generated table.
LotSerialClass_Segments LotSerialClass_Segments is an auto-generated table.
NonStockItem_Attributes NonStockItem_Attributes is an auto-generated table.
NonStockItem_CrossReferences NonStockItem_CrossReferences is an auto-generated table.
NonStockItem_SalesCategories NonStockItem_SalesCategories is an auto-generated table.
NonStockItem_VendorDetails NonStockItem_VendorDetails is an auto-generated table.
Opportunity_Activities Opportunity_Activities is an auto-generated table.
Opportunity_Address Opportunity_Address is an auto-generated table.
Opportunity_Attributes Opportunity_Attributes is an auto-generated table.
Opportunity_ContactInformation Opportunity_ContactInformation is an auto-generated table.
Opportunity_Discounts Opportunity_Discounts is an auto-generated table.
Opportunity_Products Opportunity_Products is an auto-generated table.
Opportunity_Relations Opportunity_Relations is an auto-generated table.
Opportunity_TaxDetails Opportunity_TaxDetails is an auto-generated table.
PaymentMethod_AllowedCashAccounts PaymentMethod_AllowedCashAccounts is an auto-generated table.
PaymentMethod_ProcessingCenters PaymentMethod_ProcessingCenters is an auto-generated table.
Payment_ApplicationHistory Payment_ApplicationHistory is an auto-generated table.
Payment_CreditCardProcessingInfo Payment_CreditCardProcessingInfo is an auto-generated table.
Payment_DocumentsToApply Payment_DocumentsToApply is an auto-generated table.
Payment_OrdersToApply Payment_OrdersToApply is an auto-generated table.
PhysicalInventoryReview_Details PhysicalInventoryReview_Details is an auto-generated table.
ProjectTransaction_Details ProjectTransaction_Details is an auto-generated table.
PurchaseOrder_Details PurchaseOrder_Details is an auto-generated table.
PurchaseOrder_ShippingInstructions PurchaseOrder_ShippingInstructions is an auto-generated table.
PurchaseReceipt_Details PurchaseReceipt_Details is an auto-generated table.
ReportingSettings_ReportingGroups ReportingSettings_ReportingGroups is an auto-generated table.
SalesInvoice_BillingSettings SalesInvoice_BillingSettings is an auto-generated table.
SalesInvoice_Details SalesInvoice_Details is an auto-generated table.
SalesInvoice_FreightDetails SalesInvoice_FreightDetails is an auto-generated table.
SalesOrder_BillToAddress SalesOrder_BillToAddress is an auto-generated table.
SalesOrder_BillToContact SalesOrder_BillToContact is an auto-generated table.
SalesOrder_Commissions SalesOrder_Commissions is an auto-generated table.
SalesOrder_Details SalesOrder_Details is an auto-generated table.
SalesOrder_DiscountDetails SalesOrder_DiscountDetails is an auto-generated table.
SalesOrder_FinancialSettings SalesOrder_FinancialSettings is an auto-generated table.
SalesOrder_Payments SalesOrder_Payments is an auto-generated table.
SalesOrder_Shipments SalesOrder_Shipments is an auto-generated table.
SalesOrder_ShippingSettings SalesOrder_ShippingSettings is an auto-generated table.
SalesOrder_ShipToAddress SalesOrder_ShipToAddress is an auto-generated table.
SalesOrder_ShipToContact SalesOrder_ShipToContact is an auto-generated table.
SalesOrder_TaxDetails SalesOrder_TaxDetails is an auto-generated table.
SalesOrder_Totals SalesOrder_Totals is an auto-generated table.
SalesPricesInquiry_SalesPriceDetails SalesPricesInquiry_SalesPriceDetails is an auto-generated table.
SalesPriceWorksheet_SalesPrices SalesPriceWorksheet_SalesPrices is an auto-generated table.
Shipment_Details Shipment_Details is an auto-generated table.
Shipment_Orders Shipment_Orders is an auto-generated table.
Shipment_Packages Shipment_Packages is an auto-generated table.
Shipment_ShippingSettings Shipment_ShippingSettings is an auto-generated table.
ShippingTerm_Details ShippingTerm_Details is an auto-generated table.
ShipVia_FreightRates ShipVia_FreightRates is an auto-generated table.
ShipVia_Packages ShipVia_Packages is an auto-generated table.
StockItem_Attributes StockItem_Attributes is an auto-generated table.
StockItem_Boxes StockItem_Boxes is an auto-generated table.
StockItem_Categories StockItem_Categories is an auto-generated table.
StockItem_CrossReferences StockItem_CrossReferences is an auto-generated table.
StockItem_ReplenishmentParameters StockItem_ReplenishmentParameters is an auto-generated table.
StockItem_SubItems StockItem_SubItems is an auto-generated table.
StockItem_UOMConversions StockItem_UOMConversions is an auto-generated table.
StockItem_VendorDetails StockItem_VendorDetails is an auto-generated table.
StockItem_WarehouseDetails StockItem_WarehouseDetails is an auto-generated table.
Task_RelatedActivities Task_RelatedActivities is an auto-generated table.
Task_RelatedTasks Task_RelatedTasks is an auto-generated table.
Task_Reminder Task_Reminder is an auto-generated table.
Task_TimeActivity Task_TimeActivity is an auto-generated table.
TaxCategory_Details TaxCategory_Details is an auto-generated table.
TaxZone_ApplicableTaxes TaxZone_ApplicableTaxes is an auto-generated table.
Tax_TaxSchedule Tax_TaxSchedule is an auto-generated table.
Tax_Zones Tax_Zones is an auto-generated table.
TransferOrder_Details TransferOrder_Details is an auto-generated table.
TrialBalance_Details TrialBalance_Details is an auto-generated table.
VendorClass_Attributes VendorClass_Attributes is an auto-generated table.
VendorPricesInquiry_VendorPriceDetails VendorPricesInquiry_VendorPriceDetails is an auto-generated table.
VendorPriceWorksheet_VendorSalesPrices VendorPriceWorksheet_VendorSalesPrices is an auto-generated table.
Vendor_Attributes Vendor_Attributes is an auto-generated table.
Vendor_Contacts Vendor_Contacts is an auto-generated table.
Vendor_MainContact Vendor_MainContact is an auto-generated table.
Vendor_PaymentInstructions Vendor_PaymentInstructions is an auto-generated table.
Vendor_RemittanceContact Vendor_RemittanceContact is an auto-generated table.
Vendor_ShippingContact Vendor_ShippingContact is an auto-generated table.
Warehouse_Locations Warehouse_Locations is an auto-generated table.


AccountByPeriodInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentAccount [KEY] String
CreditTotal Double
CurrencyBeginingBalance Double
CurrencyID String
CurrencyCreditTotal Double
DebitTotal Double
BeginingBalance Double
CurrencyEndingBalance Double
CurrencyDebitTotal Double
CurrencyPtdTotal Double
PtdTotal Double
LedgerID Int
EndingBalance Double
Period String
Custom_EnqResult_AccountCD String
Custom_EnqResult_SubCD String


AccountBySubaccountInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentAccount [KEY] String
CreditTotal Double
CurrencyBeginingBalance Double
CurrencyID String
CurrencyCreditTotal Double
DebitTotal Double
BeginingBalance Double
CurrencyEndingBalance Double
CurrencyDebitTotal Double
CurrencyPtdTotal Double
Subaccount String
PtdTotal Double
LedgerID Int
EndingBalance Double
Custom_EnqResult_AccountCD String


AccountDetailsInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentAccount [KEY] String
CurrencyCreditAmount Double
CurrencyBeginingBalance Double
CreditAmount Double
TransactionDate Datetime
Subaccount String
LineNbr Int
VendorOrCustomer String
Branch String
CurrencyID String
IncludedinReclassHistory Bool
DebitAmount Double
ReferenceNbr String
BatchNbr String
CurrencyEndingBalance Double
Selected Bool
CurrencyDebitAmount Double
Account String
Period String
EndingBalance Double
ReclassBatchNbr String
BeginingBalance Double
Description String
Module String
InventoryID String
Custom_GLTranEnq_NoteText String
Custom_GLTranEnq_NoteID String
Custom_GLTranEnq_ReferenceID_BaccountR_AcctName String


AccountLocation_Address is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentLocationId [KEY] String
State String
AddressLine2 String
PostalCode String
AddressLine1 String
City String
Country String


AccountLocation_Cases is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentLocationId [KEY] String
DateReported Datetime
Subject String
Workgroup String
Estimation String
ClosingDate Datetime
CaseID String
Status String
Reason String
Severity String
ClassID String
Owner String
InitialResponse String
Custom_Cases_NoteText String
Custom_Cases_NoteID String


AccountLocation_Contact is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentLocationId [KEY] String
WebSite String
Phone2 String
Fax String
Phone1 String
Phone2Type String
CompanyName String
FaxType String
Email String
Phone1Type String
Attention String
SameAsMain Bool
Custom_Contact_NoteID String


AccountLocation_Opportunities is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentLocationId [KEY] String
Subject String
DisplayName String
Workgroup String
Estimation Datetime
Stage String
Currency String
Total Double
Status String
Owner String
Probability Int
Custom_Opportunities_NoteID String
Custom_Opportunities_OpportunityID String
Custom_Opportunities_NoteText String


AccountSummaryInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentAccountClass [KEY] String
CurrencyDebitTotal Double
CurrencyBeginingBalance Double
AccountClass String
LedgerID Int
ConsolidationAccount String
Subaccount String
PtdTotal Double
Type String
LastActivity String
Branch String
DebitTotal Double
CurrencyID String
CurrencyEndingBalance Double
CreditTotal Double
CurrencyPtdTotal Double
Account String
CurrencyCreditTotal Double
EndingBalance Double
BeginingBalance Double
Description String


Adjustment_Details is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] String
Description String
WarehouseID String
LocationID String
Subitem String
ReasonCode String
ExtendedCost Double
ExpirationDate Datetime
ReceiptNbr String
UOM String
BranchID String
InventoryID String
LotSerialNbr String
Qty Double
Custom_transactions_Availability String
Custom_transactions_POReceiptNbr String
Custom_transactions_SOOrderNbr String
Custom_transactions_DocType String
Custom_transactions_SOOrderType String
Custom_transactions_NoteID String
Custom_transactions_SOShipmentNbr String
Custom_transactions_UnitCost String
Custom_transactions_RefNbr String
Custom_transactions_NoteText String
Custom_transactions_LineNbr Int


AttributeDefinition_Values is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentAttributeID [KEY] String
SortOrder Int
Disabled Bool
ValueID String
Description String
Custom_AttributeDetails_AttributeID String
Custom_AttributeDetails_NoteText String
Custom_AttributeDetails_NoteID String


Bill_Applications is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentType [KEY] String
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] String
Status String
ReferenceNbr String
Balance Double
AmountPaid Double
DocType String
Custom_Adjustments_AdjNbr Int
Custom_Adjustments_AdjgDocType String
Custom_Adjustments_DisplayCuryID String
Custom_Adjustments_CuryAdjdPPDAmt String
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdRefNbr String
Custom_Adjustments_AdjgBranchID String
Custom_Adjustments_DisplayDocDate String
Custom_Adjustments_DisplayDocDesc String
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdDocType String
Custom_Adjustments_DisplayFinPeriodID String
Custom_Adjustments_AdjgRefNbr String
Custom_Adjustments_APPayment_ExtRefNbr String
Custom_Adjustments_NoteID String
Custom_Adjustments_NoteText String


Bill_Details is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentType [KEY] String
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] String
UnitCost Double
Description String
Account String
TaxCategory String
Amount Double
Project String
ExtendedCost Double
ProjectTask String
POOrderType String
Subaccount String
TransactionDescription String
UOM String
NonBillable Bool
POOrderNbr String
Branch String
Qty Double
Custom_Transactions_ReceiptNbr String
Custom_Transactions_ManualDisc Bool
Custom_Transactions_POLineNbr Int
Custom_Transactions_CostCodeID String
Custom_Transactions_POReceiptLine_SubItemID String
Custom_Transactions_ManualPrice Bool
Custom_Transactions_DiscountSequenceID String
Custom_Transactions_DiscPct String
Custom_Transactions_NoteText String
Custom_Transactions_NoteID String
Custom_Transactions_PPVRefNbr String
Custom_Transactions_PPVDocType String
Custom_Transactions_DefScheduleID String
Custom_Transactions_LineNbr Int
Custom_Transactions_ReceiptLineNbr Int
Custom_Transactions_Box1099 String
Custom_Transactions_TranType String
Custom_Transactions_CuryDiscCost String
Custom_Transactions_SortOrder Int
Custom_Transactions_RefNbr String
Custom_Transactions_Date String
Custom_Transactions_BaseQty String
Custom_Transactions_InventoryID String
Custom_Transactions_DiscountID String
Custom_Transactions_CuryDiscAmt String
Custom_Transactions_DeferredCode String


Bill_TaxDetails is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentType [KEY] String
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] String
TaxableAmount Double
TaxAmount Double
TaxRate Double
TaxID String
Custom_Taxes_CuryExpenseAmt String
Custom_Taxes_CuryDiscountedPrice String
Custom_Taxes_CuryDiscountedTaxableAmt String
Custom_Taxes_TranType String
Custom_Taxes_Module String
Custom_Taxes_RefNbr String
Custom_Taxes_Tax_ExemptTax Bool
Custom_Taxes_RecordID Int
Custom_Taxes_Tax_ReverseTax Bool
Custom_Taxes_Tax_PendingTax Bool
Custom_Taxes_Tax_StatisticalTax Bool
Custom_Taxes_NonDeductibleTaxRate String
Custom_Taxes_Tax_TaxType String


BusinessAccount_Activities is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] String
ClassIcon String
IsCompleteIcon String
PriorityIcon String
Owner String
Released Bool
RelatedEntityDescription String
Workgroup String
Summary String
Type String
CreatorID String
CreatedAt Datetime
Status String
Project String
RefNoteID String
ProjectTask String
StartDate Datetime
TimeSpent String
CreatorUsername String
ReminderIcon String
Custom_Activities_NoteID String
Custom_Activities_NoteText String


BusinessAccount_Attributes is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] String
Value String
Attribute String
RefNoteID String
Required Bool


BusinessAccount_Campaigns is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] String
CampaignName String
CampaignID String
ContactID Int
Stage String


BusinessAccount_Cases is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] String
DateReported Datetime
Subject String
Workgroup String
Estimation String
ClosingDate Datetime
CaseID String
Contract String
Status String
Reason String
Severity String
ClassID String
Owner String
InitialResponse String
Custom_Cases_NoteText String
Custom_Cases_NoteID String


BusinessAccount_Contacts is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] String
Type String
DisplayName String
Workgroup String
Phone1 String
Active Bool
Email String
JobTitle String
City String
ContactID Int
Owner String
Custom_Contacts_NoteID String
Custom_Contacts_NoteText String


BusinessAccount_Contracts is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] String
BusinessAccountID String
Status String
BusinessAccountName String
Location String
ContractID String
Description String
ExpirationDate Datetime
Custom_Contracts_NoteID String
Custom_Contracts_NoteText String


BusinessAccount_DefaultLocationSettings is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] String
LocationName String
ResidentialDelivery Bool
FOBPoint String
PriceClass String
Warehouse String
ShippingZone String
ShippingTerms String
LeadTimeInDays Int
SaturdayDelivery Bool
ShippingRule String
ShipVia String
Insurance Bool
TaxRegistrationID String
ShippingBranch String
OrderPriority Int
TaxZone String
Custom_DefLocation_CPriceClassID String
Custom_DefLocation_CBranchID String
Custom_DefLocation_CShipComplete String
Custom_DefLocation_CTaxZoneID String
Custom_DefLocation_CLeadTime Int
Custom_DefLocation_CShipTermsID String
Custom_DefLocation_COrderPriority Int
Custom_DefLocation_NoteID String
Custom_DefLocation_CShipZoneID String
Custom_DefLocation_CFOBPointID String
Custom_DefLocation_CSaturdayDelivery Bool
Custom_DefLocation_CInsurance Bool
Custom_DefLocation_CCarrierID String
Custom_DefLocation_TaxRegistrationID String
Custom_DefLocation_CSiteID String
Custom_DefLocation_Descr String
Custom_DefLocation_CResedential Bool


BusinessAccount_Duplicates is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] String
Type String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
AccountName String
DisplayName String
EntityType String
Email String
BusinessAccountType String
BusinessAccount String
Duplicate String
DuplicateContactID Int
ContactID Int
Custom_Duplicates_Selected Bool


BusinessAccount_Locations is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] String
LocationName String
LocationID String
PriceClass String
Active Bool
SalesSubaccount String
Default Bool
SalesAccount String
City String
State String
Country String
TaxZone String
Custom_Locations_BAccountID Int
Custom_Locations_NoteID String
Custom_Locations_NoteText String


BusinessAccount_MainAddress is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] String
State String
AddressLine2 String
PostalCode String
AddressLine1 String
City String
Country String


BusinessAccount_MainContact is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] String
CompanyName String
Phone2 String
Fax String
Phone1 String
LanguageOrLocale String
JobTitle String
Web String
Email String
Custom_DefContact_LanguageID String
Custom_DefContact_DuplicateFound Bool
Custom_DefContact_NoteID String


BusinessAccount_MarketingLists is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] String
Phone1 String
Email String
MarketingListID Int
Subscribed Bool
MemberName String
DynamicList Bool
Format String
ContactID Int
ListName String


BusinessAccount_Opportunities is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] String
BusinessAccountName String
CurrencyID String
Subject String
DisplayName String
BusinessAccountID String
Workgroup String
Estimation Datetime
Stage String
Total Double
Status String
Owner String
Probability Int
Custom_Opportunities_NoteID String
Custom_Opportunities_OpportunityID String
Custom_Opportunities_NoteText String


BusinessAccount_Orders is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] String
Description String
CustomerOrder String
RequestedOn Datetime
CurrencyID String
OrderTotal Double
ScheduledShipment Datetime
ShippingZone String
ShipVia String
Status String
OrderNbr String
OrderVolume Double
OrderedQty Double
OrderWeight Double
OrderType String
Custom_Orders_NoteID String
Custom_Orders_NoteText String


BusinessAccount_Relations is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] String
Type String
DocumentTargetNoteIDDescription String
ContactDisplayName String
Account String
Email String
Document String
Name String
RelationID Int
Role String
ContactID Int
AddToCc Bool
Primary Bool


BusinessAccount_ShippingAddress is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] String
State String
AddressLine2 String
PostalCode String
AddressLine1 String
City String
Country String


BusinessAccount_ShippingContact is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentBusinessAccountID [KEY] String
Phone2 String
Fax String
Phone1 String
SameasMain Bool
JobTitle String
Email String
Custom_DefLocationContact_NoteID String


Carrier_CustomerAccounts is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentCarrierID [KEY] String
CustomerID String
CustomerName String
Location String
PostalCode String
RecordID Int
Active Bool
CarrierAccount String
Custom_CustomerAccounts_CarrierPluginID String


Carrier_PlugInParameters is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentCarrierID [KEY] String
PluginID String
Value String
Description String
Custom_Details_CarrierPluginID String


Case_Activities is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentCaseID [KEY] String
BillableTime String
ClassIcon String
IsCompleteIcon String
BillableOvertime String
PriorityIcon String
Owner String
Released Bool
Workgroup String
Summary String
Type String
CreatedAt Datetime
Status String
Category String
Project String
RefNoteID String
ProjectTask String
CreatedBy String
StartDate Datetime
Overtime String
Billable Bool
TimeSpent String
ReminderIcon String
Custom_Activities_NoteID String
Custom_Activities_NoteText String


Case_Attributes is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentCaseID [KEY] String
Value String
Attribute String
RefNoteID String
Required Bool


Case_RelatedCases is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentCaseID [KEY] String
Status String
Subject String
Workgroup String
ParentCaseID Int
RelationType String
Owner String
CaseID String


Case_Relations is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentCaseID [KEY] String
Type String
DocumentTargetNoteIDDescription String
ContactDisplayName String
Account String
Email String
Document String
Name String
RelationID Int
Role String
ContactID Int
AddToCc Bool
Primary Bool


CashSale_Details is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentType [KEY] String
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] String
Account String
ExtendedPrice Double
TaxCategory String
Amount Double
Subaccount String
TransactionDescription String
Branch String
InventoryID String
UnitPrice Double
Qty Double
Custom_Transactions_DRTermStartDate String
Custom_Transactions_CuryUnitPriceDR String
Custom_Transactions_DRTermEndDate String
Custom_Transactions_TranType String
Custom_Transactions_Commissionable Bool
Custom_Transactions_ManualDisc Bool
Custom_Transactions_CostCodeID String
Custom_Transactions_RefNbr String
Custom_Transactions_SalesPersonID String
Custom_Transactions_ManualPrice Bool
Custom_Transactions_TaskID String
Custom_Transactions_DiscPct String
Custom_Transactions_UOM String
Custom_Transactions_NoteText String
Custom_Transactions_NoteID String
Custom_Transactions_CuryDiscAmt String
Custom_Transactions_DefScheduleID String
Custom_Transactions_DiscPctDR String
Custom_Transactions_DeferredCode String
Custom_Transactions_LineNbr Int


Check_Details is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentType [KEY] String
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] String
ReferenceNbr String
CashDiscountBalance Double
Balance Double
AmountPaid Double
DocType String
Custom_Adjustments_CuryAdjgWhTaxAmt String
Custom_Adjustments_AdjNbr Int
Custom_Adjustments_AdjgDocType String
Custom_Adjustments_APInvoice_SuppliedByVendorID String
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdCuryID String
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdFinPeriodID String
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdCuryRate String
Custom_Adjustments_CuryWhTaxBal String
Custom_Adjustments_APInvoice_InvoiceNbr String
Custom_Adjustments_APInvoice_DocDesc String
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdDocDate String
Custom_Adjustments_AdjgRefNbr String
Custom_Adjustments_CuryAdjgPPDAmt String
Custom_Adjustments_APInvoice_DueDate String
Custom_Adjustments_NoteID String
Custom_Adjustments_NoteText String
Custom_Adjustments_APInvoice_DiscDate String
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdBranchID String


Check_History is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentType [KEY] String
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] String
CashDiscountTaken Double
ReferenceNbr String
VendorRef String
CashDiscountBalance Double
Balance Double
AmountPaid Double
DocType String
Custom_Adjustments_History_AdjdRefNbr String
Custom_Adjustments_History_NoteID String
Custom_Adjustments_History_APInvoice_DueDate String
Custom_Adjustments_History_AdjdDocDate String
Custom_Adjustments_History_AdjNbr Int
Custom_Adjustments_History_NoteText String
Custom_Adjustments_History_PendingPPD Bool
Custom_Adjustments_History_PPDDebitAdjRefNbr String
Custom_Adjustments_History_AdjdFinPeriodID String
Custom_Adjustments_History_TaxInvoiceNbr String
Custom_Adjustments_History_AdjgRefNbr String
Custom_Adjustments_History_DisplayCuryWhTaxAmt String
Custom_Adjustments_History_AdjgDocType String
Custom_Adjustments_History_DisplayDocDesc String
Custom_Adjustments_History_DisplayDocType String
Custom_Adjustments_History_AdjBatchNbr String
Custom_Adjustments_History_DisplayCuryID String
Custom_Adjustments_History_APInvoice_DiscDate String
Custom_Adjustments_History_DisplayCuryPPDAmt String
Custom_Adjustments_History_AdjgFinPeriodID String
Custom_Adjustments_History_AdjdBranchID String
Custom_Adjustments_History_APInvoice_SuppliedByVendorID String


Contact_Activities is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentContactID [KEY] String
ClassIcon String
IsCompleteIcon String
PriorityIcon String
Owner String
Released Bool
Summary String
Type String
CreatorID String
CreatedAt Datetime
Status String
WorkgroupID String
Project String
RefNoteID String
ProjectTask String
StartDate Datetime
TimeSpent String
CreatorUsername String
ReminderIcon String
Custom_Activities_NoteID String
Custom_Activities_NoteText String


Contact_Address is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentContactID [KEY] String
State String
AddressLine2 String
PostalCode String
AddressLine1 String
City String
Country String


Contact_Attributes is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentContactID [KEY] String
Value String
Attribute String
RefNoteID String
Required Bool


Contact_Campaigns is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentContactID [KEY] String
CampaignName String
CampaignID String
ContactID Int
Stage String


Contact_Cases is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentContactID [KEY] String
DateReported Datetime
Subject String
Workgroup String
Estimation String
ClosingDate Datetime
CaseID String
Status String
Reason String
Severity String
ClassID String
Owner String
InitialResponse String
Custom_Cases_NoteText String
Custom_Cases_NoteID String


Contact_Duplicates is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentContactID [KEY] String
BusinessAccount String
BusinessAccountName String
Type String
BusinessAccountType String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
DisplayName String
Duplicate String
Email String
Custom_Duplicates_ContactID Int
Custom_Duplicates_Selected Bool
Custom_Duplicates_DuplicateContactID Int
Custom_Duplicates_ValidationType String
Custom_Duplicates_Contact2_ContactID Int


Contact_MarketingLists is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentContactID [KEY] String
DynamicList Bool
ListName String
Subscribed Bool
Format String
ContactID Int
MarketingListID Int
Custom_Subscriptions_CRMarketingList_IsStatic Bool


Contact_Notifications is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentContactID [KEY] String
Description String
MailingID String
Source String
Active Bool
Module String
Bcc Bool
Report String
NotificationID Int
ClassID String
Format String


Contact_Opportunities is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentContactID [KEY] String
Subject String
DisplayName String
Workgroup String
Estimation Datetime
Stage String
Currency String
Total Double
Status String
Owner String
Probability Int
Custom_Opportunities_NoteID String
Custom_Opportunities_OpportunityID String
Custom_Opportunities_NoteText String


Contact_Relations is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentContactID [KEY] String
Type String
DocumentTargetNoteIDDescription String
ContactDisplayName String
Account String
Email String
Document String
Name String
RelationID Int
Role String
ContactID Int
AddToCc Bool
Primary Bool


Contact_UserInfo is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentContactID [KEY] String
Status String
GeneratePassword Bool
Password String
Login String
UserType String
Custom_User_ConfirmPassword String
Custom_User_NewPassword String
Custom_User_NoteID String


CustomerClass_Attributes is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentClassID [KEY] String
DefaultValue String
Active Bool
SortOrder Int
Description String
AttributeID String
Required Bool
Custom_Mapping_EntityClassID String
Custom_Mapping_CSAttribute_IsInternal Bool
Custom_Mapping_ControlType String
Custom_Mapping_EntityType String


CustomerLocation_LocationContact is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentLocationID [KEY] String
LanguageOrLocale String
DuplicateFound Bool
JobTitle String
MiddleName String
FirstName String
DoNotFax Bool
Status String
ParentAccount String
OwnerEmployeeName String
Phone3 String
Phone2 String
Phone1 String
Phone2Type String
MaritalStatus String
Email String
FaxType String
DoNotCall Bool
Active Bool
Owner String
DoNotMail Bool
Title String
Gender String
Phone1Type String
ContactID Int
WebSite String
ContactClass String
CompanyName String
AddressIsSameAsInAccount Bool
NoMassMail Bool
LastOutgoingActivity Datetime
DisplayName String
ContactMethod String
Workgroup String
AddressValidated Bool
LastIncomingActivity Datetime
SourceCampaign String
SpouseOrPartnerName String
Reason String
Synchronize Bool
ConvertedBy String
Image String
Type String
NoMarketing Bool
DateOfBirth Datetime
Duplicate String
DoNotEmail Bool
Phone3Type String
Source String
BusinessAccount String
LastName String
Fax String
QualificationDate Datetime
WorkgroupDescription String


CustomerPaymentMethod_Details is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentCustomerID [KEY] String
ParentPaymentMethod [KEY] String
Name String
Value String
Custom_Details_PaymentMethodID String
Custom_Details_PMInstanceID Int


Customer_Attributes is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentCustomerID [KEY] String
Value String
Attribute String
RefNoteID String
Required Bool


Customer_BillingContact is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentCustomerID [KEY] String
LanguageOrLocale String
DuplicateFound Bool
JobTitle String
MiddleName String
FirstName String
DoNotFax Bool
Status String
ParentAccount String
OwnerEmployeeName String
Phone3 String
Phone2 String
Phone1 String
Phone2Type String
MaritalStatus String
Email String
FaxType String
DoNotCall Bool
Active Bool
Owner String
DoNotMail Bool
Title String
Gender String
Phone1Type String
ContactID Int
WebSite String
ContactClass String
CompanyName String
AddressIsSameAsInAccount Bool
NoMassMail Bool
LastOutgoingActivity Datetime
DisplayName String
ContactMethod String
Workgroup String
AddressValidated Bool
LastIncomingActivity Datetime
SourceCampaign String
SpouseOrPartnerName String
Reason String
Synchronize Bool
ConvertedBy String
Image String
Type String
NoMarketing Bool
DateOfBirth Datetime
Duplicate String
DoNotEmail Bool
Phone3Type String
Source String
BusinessAccount String
LastName String
Fax String
QualificationDate Datetime
WorkgroupDescription String


Customer_Contacts is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentCustomerID [KEY] String
ContactID Int


Customer_CreditVerificationRules is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentCustomerID [KEY] String
OpenOrdersBalance Double
CreditDaysPastDue Int
CreditVerification String
RemainingCreditLimit Double
CreditLimit Double
FirstDueDate Datetime
UnreleasedBalance Double


Customer_MainContact is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentCustomerID [KEY] String
LanguageOrLocale String
DuplicateFound Bool
JobTitle String
MiddleName String
FirstName String
DoNotFax Bool
Status String
ParentAccount String
OwnerEmployeeName String
Phone3 String
Phone2 String
Phone1 String
Phone2Type String
MaritalStatus String
Email String
FaxType String
DoNotCall Bool
Active Bool
Owner String
DoNotMail Bool
Title String
Gender String
Phone1Type String
ContactID Int
WebSite String
ContactClass String
CompanyName String
AddressIsSameAsInAccount Bool
NoMassMail Bool
LastOutgoingActivity Datetime
DisplayName String
ContactMethod String
Workgroup String
AddressValidated Bool
LastIncomingActivity Datetime
SourceCampaign String
SpouseOrPartnerName String
Reason String
Synchronize Bool
ConvertedBy String
Image String
Type String
NoMarketing Bool
DateOfBirth Datetime
Duplicate String
DoNotEmail Bool
Phone3Type String
Source String
BusinessAccount String
LastName String
Fax String
QualificationDate Datetime
WorkgroupDescription String


Customer_PaymentInstructions is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentCustomerID [KEY] String
Value String
PaymentInstructionsID String
PaymentMethod String
Description String
LocationID Int


Customer_Salespersons is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentCustomerID [KEY] String
Name String
Default Bool
Commission Double
LocationName String
SalespersonID String
LocationID String


Customer_ShippingContact is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentCustomerID [KEY] String
LanguageOrLocale String
DuplicateFound Bool
JobTitle String
MiddleName String
FirstName String
DoNotFax Bool
Status String
ParentAccount String
OwnerEmployeeName String
Phone3 String
Phone2 String
Phone1 String
Phone2Type String
MaritalStatus String
Email String
FaxType String
DoNotCall Bool
Active Bool
Owner String
DoNotMail Bool
Title String
Gender String
Phone1Type String
ContactID Int
WebSite String
ContactClass String
CompanyName String
AddressIsSameAsInAccount Bool
NoMassMail Bool
LastOutgoingActivity Datetime
DisplayName String
ContactMethod String
Workgroup String
AddressValidated Bool
LastIncomingActivity Datetime
SourceCampaign String
SpouseOrPartnerName String
Reason String
Synchronize Bool
ConvertedBy String
Image String
Type String
NoMarketing Bool
DateOfBirth Datetime
Duplicate String
DoNotEmail Bool
Phone3Type String
Source String
BusinessAccount String
LastName String
Fax String
QualificationDate Datetime
WorkgroupDescription String


Discount_CustomerPriceClasses is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentDiscountCode [KEY] String
ParentSequence [KEY] String
PriceClassID String
Custom_CustomerPriceClasses_ARPriceClass_Description String
Custom_CustomerPriceClasses_DiscountID String
Custom_CustomerPriceClasses_DiscountSequenceID String


Discount_Customers is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentDiscountCode [KEY] String
ParentSequence [KEY] String
CustomerID String
CustomerName String
Custom_Customers_DiscountID String
Custom_Customers_DiscountSequenceID String


Discount_DiscountBreakpoints is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentDiscountCode [KEY] String
ParentSequence [KEY] String
PendingFreeItemQty Double
BreakAmount Double
DiscountDetailID Int
LastFreeItemQty Double
PendingDate Datetime
LastBreakQty Double
DiscountPercent Double
FreeItemQty Double
LastDiscountPercent Double
PendingDiscountPercent Double
PendingBreakQty Double
PendingDiscountAmount Double
DiscountAmount Double
EffectiveDate Datetime
LastBreakAmount Double
LastDiscountAmount Double
PendingBreakAmount Double
BreakQty Double
Custom_Details_IsActive Bool


Discount_ItemPriceClasses is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentDiscountCode [KEY] String
ParentSequence [KEY] String
PriceClassID String
Custom_InventoryPriceClasses_INPriceClass_Description String
Custom_InventoryPriceClasses_DiscountSequenceID String
Custom_InventoryPriceClasses_DiscountID String


Discount_Items is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentDiscountCode [KEY] String
ParentSequence [KEY] String
Description String
InventoryID String
Custom_Items_DiscountID String
Custom_Items_DiscountSequenceID String


Discount_Warehouses is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentDiscountCode [KEY] String
ParentSequence [KEY] String
Warehouse String
Custom_Sites_INSite_Descr String
Custom_Sites_DiscountID String
Custom_Sites_DiscountSequenceID String


Email_TimeActivity is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
EarningType String
Approver String
TrackTime Bool
Overtime String
BillableOvertime String
Project String
ProjectTask String
Released Bool
Status String
TimeSpent String
BillableTime String
Billable Bool
Custom_TimeActivity_NoteID String
Custom_TimeActivity_CostCodeID String


Employee_Contact is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentEmployeeID [KEY] String
LanguageOrLocale String
DuplicateFound Bool
JobTitle String
MiddleName String
FirstName String
DoNotFax Bool
Status String
ParentAccount String
OwnerEmployeeName String
Phone3 String
Phone2 String
Phone1 String
Phone2Type String
MaritalStatus String
Email String
FaxType String
DoNotCall Bool
Active Bool
Owner String
DoNotMail Bool
Title String
Gender String
Phone1Type String
ContactID Int
WebSite String
ContactClass String
CompanyName String
AddressIsSameAsInAccount Bool
NoMassMail Bool
LastOutgoingActivity Datetime
DisplayName String
ContactMethod String
Workgroup String
AddressValidated Bool
LastIncomingActivity Datetime
SourceCampaign String
SpouseOrPartnerName String
Reason String
Synchronize Bool
ConvertedBy String
Image String
Type String
NoMarketing Bool
DateOfBirth Datetime
Duplicate String
DoNotEmail Bool
Phone3Type String
Source String
BusinessAccount String
LastName String
Fax String
QualificationDate Datetime
WorkgroupDescription String


Employee_EmployeeCost is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentEmployeeID [KEY] String
EffectiveDate Datetime
HourlyRate Double
AnnualSalaryAmount Double
RegularHoursPerWeek Double
TypeOfEmployment String


Employee_EmploymentHistory is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentEmployeeID [KEY] String
StartDate Datetime
EndDate Datetime
PositionID String
RehireEligible Bool
Active Bool
LineNbr Int
TerminationReason String
StartReason String
Terminated Bool


Event_Attendees is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentSummary [KEY] String
Key String
Name String
Type Int
EventNoteID String
Comment String
InvitationStatus String
NameAttendeeName String
Email String


Event_RelatedActivities is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentSummary [KEY] String
Type String
Summary String
StartDate Datetime
Overtime String
BillableOvertime String
Status String
TimeSpent String
BillableTime String
Billable Bool
Custom_ChildActivities_CostCodeID String
Custom_ChildActivities_NoteText String
Custom_ChildActivities_NoteID String


Event_Reminder is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentSummary [KEY] String
RemindAtDate Datetime
IsActive Bool
RemindAtTime Datetime


Event_TimeActivity is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentSummary [KEY] String
TimeSpent String
BillableOvertime String
Overtime String
BillableTime String


FinancialPeriod_Details is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
Description String
StartDate Datetime
FinancialPeriodID String
EndDate Datetime
AdjustmentPeriod Bool
LengthInDays Int
Active Bool
ClosedInPR Bool
ClosedInFA Bool
ClosedInAR Bool
ClosedInCA Bool
ClosedInAP Bool
ClosedInGL Bool
PeriodNbr String
ClosedInIN Bool
Custom_Periods_StartDateUI String
Custom_Periods_NoteID String
Custom_Periods_NoteText String


InterBranchAccountMapping_TransactionsInDestinationBranch is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentOriginatingBranch [KEY] String
OffsetAccount String
OffsetSubaccount String
AccountFrom String
LineNbr Int
BranchID Int
DestinationBranch String
AccountTo String


InterBranchAccountMapping_TransactionsInSourceBranch is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentOriginatingBranch [KEY] String
OffsetAccount String
OffsetSubaccount String
AccountFrom String
LineNbr Int
BranchID Int
DestinationBranch String
AccountTo String


InventoryAllocationInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentInventoryID [KEY] String
Location String
Expired Bool
Module String
LotSerialNbr String
Qty Double
AllocationDate Datetime
DocType String
AllocationType String
Custom_ResultRecords_RefNbr String
Custom_ResultRecords_SubItemID String
Custom_ResultRecords_AcctName String
Custom_ResultRecords_GridLineNbr Int
Custom_ResultRecords_LocNotAvailable Bool
Custom_ResultRecords_BAccountID String
Custom_ResultRecords_SiteID String


InventoryReceipt_Details is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] String
UnitCost Double
Description String
WarehouseID String
LineNumber Int
Subitem String
Location String
ExpirationDate Datetime
UOM String
InventoryID String
ExtCost Double
LotSerialNbr String
Qty Double
Custom_transactions_TaskID String
Custom_transactions_Availability String
Custom_transactions_POReceiptNbr String
Custom_transactions_ProjectID String
Custom_transactions_ReasonCode String
Custom_transactions_DocType String
Custom_transactions_NoteID String
Custom_transactions_RefNbr String
Custom_transactions_NoteText String
Custom_transactions_BranchID String


InventorySummaryInquiry_Results is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentInventoryID [KEY] String
EstimatedUnitCost Double
WarehouseID String
LocationID String
QtyNotAvailable Double
EstimatedTotalCost Double
QtyAvailableForShipment Double
Subitem String
QtyOnHand Double
QtyAvailable Double
ExpirationDate Datetime
BaseUOM String
LotSerialNbr String
Custom_ISERecords_QtyPODropShipReceipts String
Custom_ISERecords_QtyInTransit String
Custom_ISERecords_QtyInTransitToSO String
Custom_ISERecords_QtySOPrepared String
Custom_ISERecords_QtyActual String
Custom_ISERecords_QtySOBackOrdered String
Custom_ISERecords_QtyPOFixedOrders String
Custom_ISERecords_QtyPOPrepared String
Custom_ISERecords_QtySOBooked String
Custom_ISERecords_QtyPODropShipPrepared String
Custom_ISERecords_QtySODropShip String
Custom_ISERecords_QtyPODropShipOrders String
Custom_ISERecords_QtyPOFixedPrepared String
Custom_ISERecords_QtyINIssues String
Custom_ISERecords_QtyInAssemblyDemand String
Custom_ISERecords_QtySOShipping String
Custom_ISERecords_QtySOShipped String
Custom_ISERecords_QtyINReceipts String
Custom_ISERecords_QtyExpired String
Custom_ISERecords_QtyInAssemblySupply String
Custom_ISERecords_QtySOFixed String
Custom_ISERecords_QtyPOFixedReceipts String
Custom_ISERecords_QtyPOOrders String
Custom_ISERecords_QtyPOReceipts String
Custom_ISERecords_InventoryID String


Invoice_ApplicationsCreditMemo is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentType [KEY] String
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] String
Description String
CustomerOrder String
Customer String
DocType String
AmountPaid Double
Status String
ReferenceNbr String
Balance Double
PostPeriod String
Custom_Adjustments_1\_AdjgDocType String
Custom_Adjustments_1\_ARInvoice_DocDate String
Custom_Adjustments_1\_ARInvoice_CuryID String
Custom_Adjustments_1\_NoteID String
Custom_Adjustments_1\_AdjNbr Int
Custom_Adjustments_1\_AdjgBranchID String
Custom_Adjustments_1\_AdjgRefNbr String
Custom_Adjustments_1\_NoteText String


Invoice_ApplicationsDefault is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentType [KEY] String
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] String
Status String
CashDiscountTaken Double
ReferenceNbr String
Balance Double
AmountPaid Double
PaymentDate Datetime
DocType String
Custom_Adjustments_CustomerID String
Custom_Adjustments_PPDCrMemoRefNbr String
Custom_Adjustments_AdjNbr Int
Custom_Adjustments_ARPayment_DocDesc String
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdRefNbr String
Custom_Adjustments_AdjgBranchID String
Custom_Adjustments_ARPayment_CuryID String
Custom_Adjustments_ARPayment_ExtRefNbr String
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdDocType String
Custom_Adjustments_NoteID String
Custom_Adjustments_PendingPPD Bool
Custom_Adjustments_ARPayment_FinPeriodID String
Custom_Adjustments_NoteText String


Invoice_Details is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentType [KEY] String
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] String
Subitem String
Account String
LineNbr Int
ExtendedPrice Double
DiscountAmount Double
Amount Double
ProjectTask String
Subaccount String
TransactionDescription String
UOM String
Branch String
InventoryID String
UnitPrice Double
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime
Qty Double
Custom_Transactions_CaseID String
Custom_Transactions_DRTermStartDate String
Custom_Transactions_CuryUnitPriceDR String
Custom_Transactions_DRTermEndDate String
Custom_Transactions_TranType String
Custom_Transactions_Commissionable Bool
Custom_Transactions_ManualDisc Bool
Custom_Transactions_AccountID_Account_description String
Custom_Transactions_CostCodeID String
Custom_Transactions_RefNbr String
Custom_Transactions_Date String
Custom_Transactions_SalesPersonID String
Custom_Transactions_BaseQty String
Custom_Transactions_ManualPrice Bool
Custom_Transactions_DiscountSequenceID String
Custom_Transactions_DiscountID String
Custom_Transactions_TaxCategoryID String
Custom_Transactions_DiscPct String
Custom_Transactions_NoteText String
Custom_Transactions_NoteID String
Custom_Transactions_DefScheduleID String
Custom_Transactions_DiscPctDR String
Custom_Transactions_DeferredCode String


Invoice_TaxDetails is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentType [KEY] String
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] String
TaxableAmount Double
TaxAmount Double
TaxRate Double
TaxID String
Custom_Taxes_RecordID Int
Custom_Taxes_Tax_ReverseTax Bool
Custom_Taxes_Tax_PendingTax Bool
Custom_Taxes_CuryDiscountedPrice String
Custom_Taxes_CuryDiscountedTaxableAmt String
Custom_Taxes_Tax_StatisticalTax Bool
Custom_Taxes_TranType String
Custom_Taxes_Module String
Custom_Taxes_RefNbr String
Custom_Taxes_Tax_ExemptTax Bool
Custom_Taxes_Tax_TaxType String


ItemClass_Attributes is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentClassID [KEY] String
SortOrder Int
AttributeID String
Required Bool
Custom_Mapping_IsActive Bool
Custom_Mapping_EntityClassID String
Custom_Mapping_Description String
Custom_Mapping_ControlType String
Custom_Mapping_EntityType String


JournalTransaction_Details is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentModule [KEY] String
ParentBatchNbr [KEY] String
Description String
VendorOrCustomer String
Account String
LineNbr Int
Project String
ProjectTask String
Subaccount String
TransactionDescription String
UOM String
NonBillable Bool
ReferenceNbr String
BranchID String
DebitAmount Double
CreditAmount Double
Qty Double
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_NoteText String
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_ReclassBatchNbr String
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_OrigBatchNbr String
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_InventoryID String
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_CostCodeID String
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_IncludedInReclassHistory Bool
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_OrigModule String
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_Module String
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_TaxID String
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_BatchNbr String
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_TranDate String
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_TaxCategoryID String
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_OrigLineNbr Int
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_LedgerID String
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_NoteID String


JournalVoucher_Details is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentBatchNbr [KEY] String
DocTotal Double
DebitSubaccount String
PaymentMethod String
CreditAccount String
VendorOrCustomer String
Released Bool
Split Bool
TaxAmount Double
CardAccountNbr Int
CashDiscount Double
ProjectTask String
Terms String
LineNbr Int
TaxZone String
ReferenceNbr String
EntryTypeID String
TaxCategory String
IncludedTaxAmount Double
TransactionDate Datetime
GroupTransactionID Int
TotalAmount Double
BatchNbr String
DueDate Datetime
ExternalRef String
CardAccountNbrCardAccountNbr String
TransactionDescription String
CashDiscountDate Datetime
TransactionCode String
Location String
DocCreated Bool
Project String
SubtotalAmount Double
BatchModule String
DebitAccount String
CreditSubaccount String
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_NoteText String
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_CostCodeID String
Custom_GLTranModuleBatNbr_NoteID String


JournalVoucher_GLTransactions is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentBatchNbr [KEY] String
CurrencyID String
Account String
LineNbr Int
Module String
TransactionDate Datetime
Subaccount String
BatchNbr String
TransactionDescription String
ReferenceNbr String
DebitAmount Double
CreditAmount Double
Qty Double
Custom_GLTransactions_NoteID String
Custom_GLTransactions_NoteText String


KitAssembly_Allocations is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
SplitLineNbr Int
LotSerialNbr String
UOM String
LineNbr Int
Qty Double
ExpirationDate Datetime
Subitem String
LocationID String
Custom_MasterSplits_LineNbr Int
Custom_MasterSplits_DocType String
Custom_MasterSplits_RefNbr String


KitAssembly_NonStockComponents is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ComponentQty Double
UOM String
ReasonCode String
LineNbr Int
Qty Double
NonStockInventoryID String
UnitCost Double
Custom_Overhead_RefNbr String
Custom_Overhead_INKitSpecNonStkDet_MinCompQty String
Custom_Overhead_INKitSpecNonStkDet_MaxCompQty String
Custom_Overhead_INKitSpecNonStkDet_UOM String
Custom_Overhead_INKitSpecNonStkDet_AllowQtyVariation Bool
Custom_Overhead_DocType String


KitAssembly_StockComponents is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
UnitCost Double
LocationID String
Subitem String
ComponentQty Double
LineNbr Int
ReasonCode String
StockInventoryID String
UOM String
Qty Double
Custom_Components_NoteText String
Custom_Components_INKitSpecStkDet_AllowSubstitution Bool
Custom_Components_RefNbr String
Custom_Components_NoteID String
Custom_Components_INKitSpecStkDet_MaxCompQty String
Custom_Components_INKitSpecStkDet_MinCompQty String
Custom_Components_INKitSpecStkDet_DisassemblyCoeff String
Custom_Components_DocType String
Custom_Components_INKitSpecStkDet_UOM String
Custom_Components_INKitSpecStkDet_AllowQtyVariation Bool
Custom_Components_Availability String


KitSpecification_NonStockComponents is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentKitInventoryID [KEY] String
ParentRevisionID [KEY] String
AllowComponentQtyVariance Bool
ComponentQty Double
MaxComponentQty Double
UOM String
NonStockInventoryID String
MinComponentQty Double
Custom_NonStockDet_KitInventoryID String
Custom_NonStockDet_RevisionID String
Custom_NonStockDet_LineNbr Int


KitSpecification_StockComponents is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentKitInventoryID [KEY] String
ParentRevisionID [KEY] String
AllowComponentQtyVariance Bool
ComponentQty Double
MaxComponentQty Double
UOM String
StockInventoryID String
MinComponentQty Double
Subitem String
Custom_StockDet_DisassemblyCoeff String
Custom_StockDet_KitInventoryID String
Custom_StockDet_RevisionID String
Custom_StockDet_LineNbr Int
Custom_StockDet_AllowSubstitution Bool


Lead_Activities is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentLeadID [KEY] String
ClassIcon String
IsCompleteIcon String
PriorityIcon String
Owner String
Released Bool
Summary String
Type String
CreatorID String
CreatedAt Datetime
Status String
WorkgroupID String
Project String
RefNoteID String
ProjectTask String
StartDate Datetime
TimeSpent String
CreatorUsername String
ReminderIcon String
Custom_Activities_NoteID String
Custom_Activities_NoteText String


Lead_Address is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentLeadID [KEY] String
State String
AddressLine2 String
PostalCode String
AddressLine1 String
City String
Country String
Custom_AddressCurrent_NoteID String


Lead_Attributes is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentLeadID [KEY] String
Value String
Attribute String
RefNoteID String
Required Bool


Lead_Campaigns is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentLeadID [KEY] String
CampaignName String
CampaignID String
ContactID Int
Stage String


Lead_Duplicates is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentLeadID [KEY] String
Type String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
AccountName String
DisplayName String
EntityType String
Email String
BusinessAccountType String
BusinessAccount String
Duplicate String
DuplicateContactID Int
ContactID Int
Custom_Duplicates_Selected Bool


Lead_MarketingLists is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentLeadID [KEY] String
DynamicList Bool
ListName String
Subscribed Bool
Format String
ContactID Int
MarketingListID Int


Lead_Relations is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentLeadID [KEY] String
Type String
DocumentTargetNoteIDDescription String
ContactDisplayName String
Account String
Email String
Document String
Name String
RelationID Int
Role String
ContactID Int
AddToCc Bool
Primary Bool


LotSerialClass_Segments is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentClassID [KEY] String
Type String
Value String
SegmentNbr Int
Custom_lotsersegments_LotSerClassID String


NonStockItem_Attributes is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentInventoryID [KEY] String
Value String
Attribute String
Required Bool
Custom_Answers_RefNoteID String


NonStockItem_CrossReferences is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentInventoryID [KEY] String
AlternateID String
VendorOrCustomer String
Description String
AlternateType String
Subitem String
Custom_itemxrefrecords_InventoryID String
Custom_itemxrefrecords_SubItemID String
Custom_itemxrefrecords_UOM String


NonStockItem_SalesCategories is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentInventoryID [KEY] String
CategoryID Int
Custom_Category_InventoryID String


NonStockItem_VendorDetails is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentInventoryID [KEY] String
VendorID String
VendorName String
Custom_VendorItems_CuryID String
Custom_VendorItems_VendorInventoryID String
Custom_VendorItems_VendorLocationID String
Custom_VendorItems_PurchaseUnit String
Custom_VendorItems_IsDefault Bool
Custom_VendorItems_LastPrice String
Custom_VendorItems_Active Bool
Custom_VendorItems_RecordID Int


Opportunity_Activities is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentOpportunityID [KEY] String
ClassIcon String
IsCompleteIcon String
PriorityIcon String
Owner String
Released Bool
Summary String
Type String
CreatorID String
CreatedAt Datetime
Status String
WorkgroupID String
Project String
RefNoteID String
ProjectTask String
StartDate Datetime
TimeSpent String
CreatorUsername String
ReminderIcon String
Custom_Activities_NoteID String
Custom_Activities_NoteText String


Opportunity_Address is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentOpportunityID [KEY] String
State String
AddressLine2 String
PostalCode String
AddressLine1 String
City String
Country String


Opportunity_Attributes is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentOpportunityID [KEY] String
Value String
Attribute String
RefNoteID String
Required Bool


Opportunity_ContactInformation is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentOpportunityID [KEY] String
WebSite String
Phone3 String
Position String
Phone2 String
Fax String
Phone1 String
Phone3Type String
FaxType String
CompanyName String
Phone2Type String
Email String
Phone1Type String
Title String
LastName String
FirstName String


Opportunity_Discounts is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentOpportunityID [KEY] String
Type String
SequenceID String
DiscountableQty Double
LineNbr Int
ManualDiscount Bool
DiscountAmount Double
DiscountCode String
DiscountPercent Double
SkipDiscount Bool
FreeItem String
FreeItemQty Double
DiscountableAmount Double
Custom_DiscountDetails_OpportunityID String


Opportunity_Products is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentOpportunityID [KEY] String
ExternalPrice Double
TaxCategory String
Discount Double
Warehouse String
UnitPrice Double
UOM String
FreeItem Bool
ManualDiscount Bool
Subitem String
DiscountCode String
DiscountAmount Double
OpportunityProductID Int
DiscountSequence String
Qty Double
ProjectTask String
Amount Double
TransactionDescription String
InventoryID String
Custom_Products_CROpportunityID String
Custom_Products_NoteID String
Custom_Products_NoteText String


Opportunity_Relations is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentOpportunityID [KEY] String
Type String
DocumentTargetNoteIDDescription String
ContactDisplayName String
Account String
Email String
Document String
Name String
RelationID Int
Role String
ContactID Int
AddToCc Bool
Primary Bool


Opportunity_TaxDetails is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentOpportunityID [KEY] String
TaxType String
ReverseVAT Bool
TaxID String
PendingVAT Bool
LineNbr Int
TaxAmount Double
TaxableAmount Double
StatisticalVAT Bool
IncludeInVATExemptTotal Bool
TaxRate Double
Custom_Taxes_OpportunityID String


PaymentMethod_AllowedCashAccounts is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentPaymentMethodID [KEY] String
Description String
APDefault Bool
UseInAR Bool
ARLastRefNbr String
PaymentMethod String
UseInAP Bool
BatchLastRefNbr String
CashAccount String
ARDefaultForRefund Bool
ARSuggestNextNbr Bool
APLastRefNbr String
APSuggestNextNbr Bool
Branch String
ARDefault Bool
Custom_CashAccounts_NoteText String


PaymentMethod_ProcessingCenters is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentPaymentMethodID [KEY] String
Default Bool
PaymentMethod String
Active Bool
ProcCenterID String


Payment_ApplicationHistory is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentType [KEY] String
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] String
Date Datetime
AdjustingRefNbr String
VATCreditMemo String
CashDiscountBalance Double
Customer String
DisplayDocType String
DueDate Datetime
AdjustingDocType String
DisplayRefNbr String
CurrencyID String
Balance Double
AdjustedDocType String
BatchNbr String
CashDiscountTaken Double
ApplicationPeriod String
AmountPaid Double
CustomerOrder String
AdjustmentNbr Int
PostPeriod String
AdjustsVAT Bool
AdjustedRefNbr String
CashDiscountDate Datetime
BalanceWriteOff Double
Description String
Custom_Adjustments_History_NoteID String
Custom_Adjustments_History_NoteText String
Custom_Adjustments_History_TaxInvoiceNbr String
Custom_Adjustments_History_AdjdBranchID String


Payment_CreditCardProcessingInfo is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentType [KEY] String
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] String
TransactionStatus String
TransactionAmount Double
Custom_ccProcTran_ErrorSource String
Custom_ccProcTran_PCResponseReasonText String
Custom_ccProcTran_RefTranNbr Int
Custom_ccProcTran_CVVVerificationStatus String
Custom_ccProcTran_TranNbr Int
Custom_ccProcTran_AuthNumber String
Custom_ccProcTran_ErrorText String
Custom_ccProcTran_PCTranNumber String
Custom_ccProcTran_StartTime String
Custom_ccProcTran_ProcStatus String
Custom_ccProcTran_TranType String
Custom_ccProcTran_ProcessingCenterID String


Payment_DocumentsToApply is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentType [KEY] String
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] String
BalanceWriteOff Double
ReferenceNbr String
AmountPaid Double
Description String
DocType String
CustomerOrder String
WriteOffReasonCode String
Custom_Adjustments_AdjNbr Int
Custom_Adjustments_AdjgDocType String
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdCuryID String
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdFinPeriodID String
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdCuryRate String
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdCustomerID String
Custom_Adjustments_ARRegisterAlias_DocDesc String
Custom_Adjustments_ARRegisterAlias_DueDate String
Custom_Adjustments_CuryDiscBal String
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdDocDate String
Custom_Adjustments_AdjgRefNbr String
Custom_Adjustments_CuryAdjgPPDAmt String
Custom_Adjustments_NoteID String
Custom_Adjustments_ARInvoice_DiscDate String
Custom_Adjustments_CuryDocBal String
Custom_Adjustments_NoteText String
Custom_Adjustments_AdjdBranchID String


Payment_OrdersToApply is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentType [KEY] String
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] String
OrderType String
AppliedToOrder Double
OrderNbr String
Custom_SOAdjustments_SOOrder_DueDate String
Custom_SOAdjustments_SOOrder_InvoiceDate String
Custom_SOAdjustments_AdjgRefNbr String
Custom_SOAdjustments_AdjgDocType String
Custom_SOAdjustments_SOOrder_InvoiceNbr String
Custom_SOAdjustments_CuryDocBal String
Custom_SOAdjustments_SOOrder_CuryID String
Custom_SOAdjustments_CuryAdjgBilledAmt String
Custom_SOAdjustments_SOOrder_DiscDate String
Custom_SOAdjustments_NoteID String
Custom_SOAdjustments_SOOrder_CuryOrderTotal String
Custom_SOAdjustments_SOOrder_OrderDesc String
Custom_SOAdjustments_NoteText String
Custom_SOAdjustments_AdjdOrderDate String
Custom_SOAdjustments_SOOrder_Status String


PhysicalInventoryReview_Details is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] String
UnitCost Double
Description String
LocationID String
PhysicalQty Double
BookQty Double
Subitem String
VarianceQty Double
LineNbr Int
ReasonCode String
TagNbr Int
ExtendedVarianceCost Double
ExpirationDate Datetime
Status String
InventoryID String
LotSerialNbr String
Custom_PIDetail_NoteText String
Custom_PIDetail_BaseUnit String
Custom_PIDetail_NoteID String
Custom_PIDetail_PIID String


ProjectTransaction_Details is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentModule [KEY] String
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] String
DebitAccount String
Location String
AccountGroup String
DebitSubaccount String
Date Datetime
EarningType String
UOM String
AccountGroupDescription String
Allocated Bool
Released Bool
EndDate Datetime
CreditAccount String
VendorOrCustomer String
Employee String
UnitRate Double
Branch String
BatchNbr String
Project String
Qty Double
FinPeriod String
ProjectTask String
Amount Double
Multiplier Double
StartDate Datetime
Billable Bool
TransactionID Long
Description String
UseBillableQtyInAmountFormula Bool
CreditSubaccount String
BillableQty Double
InventoryID String


PurchaseOrder_Details is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentType [KEY] String
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] String
TaxCategory String
ReceivedAmount Double
Cancelled Bool
ExtendedCost Double
UOM String
MaxReceiptPercent Double
OrigPOType String
Requested Datetime
AlternateID String
OrderQty Double
Subaccount String
UnitCost Double
Subitem String
LineDescription String
BranchID String
LineNbr Int
QtyOnReceipts Double
OrderType String
Account String
OrderNbr String
MinReceiptPercent Double
CompleteOn Double
WarehouseID String
LineType String
Description String
ReceiptAction String
Completed Bool
OrigPONbr String
Promised Datetime
InventoryID String
Custom_Transactions_CompletePOLine String
Custom_Transactions_CuryDiscCost String
Custom_Transactions_ManualDisc Bool
Custom_Transactions_CostCodeID String
Custom_Transactions_SortOrder Int
Custom_Transactions_CuryExtCost String
Custom_Transactions_ManualPrice Bool
Custom_Transactions_DiscountSequenceID String
Custom_Transactions_DiscountID String
Custom_Transactions_TaskID String
Custom_Transactions_ProjectID String
Custom_Transactions_DiscPct String
Custom_Transactions_NoteText String
Custom_Transactions_NoteID String
Custom_Transactions_CuryDiscAmt String
Custom_Transactions_BaseOrderQty String
Custom_Transactions_LotSerialNbr String


PurchaseOrder_ShippingInstructions is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentType [KEY] String
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] String
ShipToContactOverride Bool
Warehouse String
ShippingLocation String
ShipTo String
ShippingDestinationType String
ShipToAddressOverride Bool
ShipToAddressValidated Bool
Custom_CurrentDocument_NoteID String
Custom_CurrentDocument_DontEmail Bool
Custom_CurrentDocument_RQReqNbr String
Custom_CurrentDocument_PayToVendorID String
Custom_CurrentDocument_ShipVia String
Custom_CurrentDocument_CuryOpenOrderTotal String
Custom_CurrentDocument_DontPrint Bool
Custom_CurrentDocument_FOBPoint String
Custom_CurrentDocument_TermsID String
Custom_CurrentDocument_OpenOrderQty String
Custom_CurrentDocument_TaxZoneID String
Custom_CurrentDocument_Emailed Bool
Custom_CurrentDocument_SOOrderType String
Custom_CurrentDocument_OwnerWorkgroupID String
Custom_CurrentDocument_PrepaymentRefNbr String
Custom_CurrentDocument_BranchID String
Custom_CurrentDocument_SOOrderNbr String
Custom_CurrentDocument_Printed Bool


PurchaseReceipt_Details is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentType [KEY] String
ParentReceiptNbr [KEY] String
Location String
ExtendedCost Double
Warehouse String
UOM String
Subaccount String
UnitCost Double
POLineNbr Int
Subitem String
LineNbr Int
OrderedQty Double
POOrderType String
Branch String
OpenQty Double
Account String
Project String
AccrualAccount String
ProjectTask String
LotSerialNbr String
ExpirationDate Datetime
LineType String
POOrderNbr String
AccrualSubaccount String
ReceiptQty Double
InventoryID String
TransactionDescription String
Custom_transactions_CuryDiscCost String
Custom_transactions_ReasonCode String
Custom_transactions_BaseReceiptQty String
Custom_transactions_ManualDisc Bool
Custom_transactions_SOOrderType String
Custom_transactions_DiscPct String
Custom_transactions_SOOrderLineNbr Int
Custom_transactions_ReceiptNbr String
Custom_transactions_NoteText String
Custom_transactions_ManualPrice Bool
Custom_transactions_Availability String
Custom_transactions_DiscountSequenceID String
Custom_transactions_SOOrderNbr String
Custom_transactions_NoteID String
Custom_transactions_ExpenseAcctID_Account_description String
Custom_transactions_CuryDiscAmt String
Custom_transactions_SOShipmentNbr String
Custom_transactions_AllowComplete Bool
Custom_transactions_DiscountID String
Custom_transactions_TaxCategoryID String
Custom_transactions_SortOrder Int
Custom_transactions_AllowOpen Bool
Custom_transactions_CuryExtCost String


ReportingSettings_ReportingGroups is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentTaxAgency [KEY] String
Name String
GroupType String
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime
Custom_Bucket_BucketID Int
Custom_Bucket_VendorID Int


SalesInvoice_BillingSettings is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentType [KEY] String
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] String
BillToAddressOverride Bool
BillToContactOverride Bool


SalesInvoice_Details is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentType [KEY] String
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] String
Description String
LineNbr Int
ShipmentNbr String
Amount Double
UOM String
OrderNbr String
BranchID String
InventoryID String
UnitPrice Double
OrderType String
Qty Double
Custom_Transactions_AccountID String
Custom_Transactions_DRTermStartDate String
Custom_Transactions_ManualDisc Bool
Custom_Transactions_CostCodeID String
Custom_Transactions_SubID String
Custom_Transactions_LineType String
Custom_Transactions_SubItemID String
Custom_Transactions_ManualPrice Bool
Custom_Transactions_DiscountSequenceID String
Custom_Transactions_TaskID String
Custom_Transactions_TaxCategoryID String
Custom_Transactions_DiscPct String
Custom_Transactions_NoteText String
Custom_Transactions_NoteID String
Custom_Transactions_DefScheduleID String
Custom_Transactions_SOOrderLineNbr Int
Custom_Transactions_DRTermEndDate String
Custom_Transactions_TranType String
Custom_Transactions_Commissionable Bool
Custom_Transactions_SortOrder Int
Custom_Transactions_RefNbr String
Custom_Transactions_SalesPersonID String
Custom_Transactions_BaseQty String
Custom_Transactions_DiscountID String
Custom_Transactions_TranDesc String
Custom_Transactions_CuryDiscAmt String
Custom_Transactions_DeferredCode String


SalesInvoice_FreightDetails is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentType [KEY] String
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] String
Description String
LineTotal Double
ShipmentNbr String
PremiumFreightAmount Double
TotalFreightAmount Double
ShipmentType String
FreightCost Double
Weight Double
Volume Double
FreightAmount Double
Custom_FreightDetails_ShipTermsID String
Custom_FreightDetails_DocType String
Custom_FreightDetails_RefNbr String
Custom_FreightDetails_AccountID String
Custom_FreightDetails_TaskID String
Custom_FreightDetails_TaxCategoryID String
Custom_FreightDetails_ShipVia String
Custom_FreightDetails_SubID String
Custom_FreightDetails_NoteID String
Custom_FreightDetails_ShipZoneID String
Custom_FreightDetails_NoteText String


SalesOrder_BillToAddress is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentOrderType [KEY] String
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] String
State String
AddressLine2 String
PostalCode String
AddressLine1 String
City String
Country String


SalesOrder_BillToContact is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentOrderType [KEY] String
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] String
Attention String
Phone1 String
BusinessName String
Email String


SalesOrder_Commissions is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentOrderType [KEY] String
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] String
DefaultSalesperson String


SalesOrder_Details is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentOrderType [KEY] String
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] String
OpenQty Double
AlternateID String
DiscountedUnitPrice Double
Operation String
ShippingRule String
Account String
ReasonCode String
WarehouseID String
UndershipThreshold Double
MarkForPO Bool
LineType String
SalespersonID String
UnitCost Double
QtyOnShipments Double
Subitem String
UnitPrice Double
POSource String
ProjectTask String
ManualDiscount Bool
Commissionable Bool
AverageCost Double
LineNbr Int
DiscountCode String
Branch String
UOM String
ShipOn Datetime
ExtendedPrice Double
TaxCategory String
FreeItem Bool
OrderQty Double
OvershipThreshold Double
LastModifiedDate String
Completed Bool
DiscountPercent Double
DiscountAmount Double
Location String
AutoCreateIssue Bool
RequestedOn Datetime
LineDescription String
InventoryID String
UnbilledAmount Double
Custom_Transactions_Availability String
Custom_Transactions_DRTermStartDate String
Custom_Transactions_DRTermEndDate String
Custom_Transactions_CuryUnitPriceDR String
Custom_Transactions_SalesSubID String
Custom_Transactions_IsStockItem Bool
Custom_Transactions_OrderType String
Custom_Transactions_CostCodeID String
Custom_Transactions_SortOrder Int
Custom_Transactions_OrderNbr String
Custom_Transactions_InvoiceNbr String
Custom_Transactions_ManualPrice Bool
Custom_Transactions_DiscountSequenceID String
Custom_Transactions_NoteText String
Custom_Transactions_NoteID String
Custom_Transactions_ExpireDate String
Custom_Transactions_DiscPctDR String
Custom_Transactions_BaseOrderQty String
Custom_Transactions_LotSerialNbr String


SalesOrder_DiscountDetails is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentOrderType [KEY] String
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] String
Type String
SequenceID String
DiscountableQty Double
ManualDiscount Bool
DiscountAmount Double
DiscountCode String
DiscountPercent Double
SkipDiscount Bool
FreeItem String
FreeItemQty Double
DiscountableAmount Double
Custom_DiscountDetails_OrderNbr String
Custom_DiscountDetails_OrderType String
Custom_DiscountDetails_LineNbr Int


SalesOrder_FinancialSettings is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentOrderType [KEY] String
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] String
OriginalOrderType String
BillSeparately Bool
OverrideTaxZone Bool
Terms String
EntityUsageType String
InvoiceDate Datetime
DueDate Datetime
InvoiceNbr String
CustomerTaxZone String
Branch String
CashDiscountDate Datetime
OriginalOrderNbr String
Owner String
PostPeriod String


SalesOrder_Payments is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentOrderType [KEY] String
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] String
CurrencyID String
DocType String
PaymentMethod String
CashAccount String
PaymentRef String
Status String
OrderNbr String
ReferenceNbr String
PaymentAmount Double
TransferredtoInvoice Double
AppliedToOrder Double
Balance Double
OrderType String
Custom_Adjustments_NoteID String
Custom_Adjustments_NoteText String


SalesOrder_Shipments is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentOrderType [KEY] String
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] String
ShipmentDate Datetime
ShipmentNbr String
ShippedQty Double
InventoryRefNbr String
Status String
InventoryDocType String
InvoiceNbr String
ShipmentType String
ShippedWeight Double
ShippedVolume Double
InvoiceType String
Custom_ShipmentList_NoteText String
Custom_ShipmentList_Operation String
Custom_ShipmentList_OrderType String
Custom_ShipmentList_NoteID String
Custom_ShipmentList_OrderNbr String


SalesOrder_ShippingSettings is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentOrderType [KEY] String
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] String
UseCustomersAccount Bool
ScheduledShipmentDate Datetime
ResidentialDelivery Bool
FOBPoint String
ShipSeparately Bool
Canceled Bool
GroundCollect Bool
ShippingTerms String
ShippingZone String
SaturdayDelivery Bool
ShippingRule String
ShipVia String
PreferredWarehouseID String
Priority Int
CancelByDate Datetime
Insurance Bool


SalesOrder_ShipToAddress is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentOrderType [KEY] String
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] String
State String
AddressLine2 String
PostalCode String
AddressLine1 String
City String
Country String


SalesOrder_ShipToContact is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentOrderType [KEY] String
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] String
Attention String
Phone1 String
BusinessName String
Email String


SalesOrder_TaxDetails is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentOrderType [KEY] String
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] String
TaxType String
ReverseVAT Bool
TaxID String
PendingVAT Bool
LineNbr Int
RecordID Int
TaxAmount Double
OrderNbr String
TaxableAmount Double
StatisticalVAT Bool
IncludeInVATExemptTotal Bool
TaxRate Double
OrderType String


SalesOrder_Totals is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentOrderType [KEY] String
ParentOrderNbr [KEY] String
UnbilledAmount Double
FreightTaxCategory String
FreightCostIsuptodate Bool
PremiumFreight Double
MiscTotalAmount Double
UnbilledQty Double
PackageWeight Double
LineTotalAmount Double
DiscountTotal Double
FreightCost Double
OrderVolume Double
OrderWeight Double
TaxTotal Double
UnpaidBalance Double
Freight Double


SalesPricesInquiry_SalesPriceDetails is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentInventoryID [KEY] String
Description String
PriceCode String
CurrencyID String
Promotion Bool
Tax String
Price Double
RecordID Int
EffectiveDate Datetime
PriceType String
ExpirationDate Datetime
UOM String
BreakQty Double
InventoryID String
CreatedDateTime Datetime
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime
Custom_Records_SiteID String
Custom_Records_AlternateID String


SalesPriceWorksheet_SalesPrices is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] String
Description String
PriceCode String
CurrencyID String
LineID Int
Tax String
PriceType String
UOM String
PendingPrice Double
ReferenceNbr String
BreakQty Double
InventoryID String
SourcePrice Double
Custom_Details_AlternateID String
Custom_Details_SiteID String


Shipment_Details is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentShipmentNbr [KEY] String
UOM String
FreeItem Bool
ShippedQty Double
Subitem String
OrderLineNbr Int
LineNbr Int
OrderedQty Double
LocationID String
OpenQty Double
OrderType String
OrderNbr String
LotSerialNbr String
ExpirationDate Datetime
WarehouseID String
ReasonCode String
OriginalQty Double
Description String
InventoryID String
Custom_Transactions_CompleteQtyMin String
Custom_Transactions_ShipmentNbr String
Custom_Transactions_BaseShippedQty String
Custom_Transactions_Availability String
Custom_Transactions_NoteText String
Custom_Transactions_UnassignedQty String
Custom_Transactions_NoteID String
Custom_Transactions_ShipmentType String
Custom_Transactions_ShipComplete String


Shipment_Orders is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentShipmentNbr [KEY] String
ShipmentNbr String
ShippedQty Double
InventoryRefNbr String
InventoryDocType String
InvoiceNbr String
ShippedWeight Double
OrderNbr String
ShippedVolume Double
ShipmentType String
InvoiceType String
OrderType String
Custom_OrderList_NoteText String
Custom_OrderList_NoteID String


Shipment_Packages is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentShipmentNbr [KEY] String
Description String
CustomRefNbr1 String
Type String
BoxID String
CODAmount Double
Confirmed Bool
DeclaredValue Double
UOM String
TrackingNbr String
Weight Double
CustomRefNbr2 String
Custom_Packages_NoteID String
Custom_Packages_ShipmentNbr String
Custom_Packages_LineNbr Int
Custom_Packages_NoteText String


Shipment_ShippingSettings is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentShipmentNbr [KEY] String
ShipToAddressOverride Bool
ShipToContactOverride Bool
Validated Bool


ShippingTerm_Details is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentTermID [KEY] String
InvoiceAmount Double
LineHandling Double
ShippingandHandling Double
BreakAmount Double
LineNbr Int
FreightCost Double
Custom_ShipTermsDetail_ShipTermsID String


ShipVia_FreightRates is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentCarrierID [KEY] String
Rate Double
Volume Double
LineNbr Int
Weight Double
ZoneID String
Custom_FreightRates_CarrierID String


ShipVia_Packages is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentCarrierID [KEY] String
Description String
BoxID String
Height Int
WeightUOM String
BoxWeight Double
Length Int
VolumeUOM String
CarriersPackage String
MaxVolume Double
MaxWeight Double
ActiveByDefault Bool
Width Int
Custom_CarrierPackages_CarrierID String


StockItem_Attributes is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentInventoryID [KEY] String
Value String
AttributeID String
Required Bool
Custom_Answers_RefNoteID String


StockItem_Boxes is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentInventoryID [KEY] String
BoxID String
MaxVolume Double
MaxWeight Double
UOM String
Qty Double
Description String
MaxQty Double
Custom_Boxes_NoteID String
Custom_Boxes_InventoryID Int


StockItem_Categories is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentInventoryID [KEY] String
CategoryID Int
Custom_Category_InventoryID String


StockItem_CrossReferences is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentInventoryID [KEY] String
AlternateID String
VendorOrCustomer String
Description String
AlternateType String
Subitem String
Custom_itemxrefrecords_InventoryID String
Custom_itemxrefrecords_UOM String


StockItem_ReplenishmentParameters is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentInventoryID [KEY] String
DemandForecastModel String
TransferERQ Double
MaxShelfLifeInDays Int
ReplenishmentWarehouse String
ReplenishmentClass String
Method String
Source String
ReorderPoint Double
TerminationDate Datetime
Seasonality String
ServiceLevel Double
PeriodsToAnalyze Int
SafetyStock Double
ForecastPeriodType String
LaunchDate Datetime
MaxQty Double
Custom_replenishment_InventoryID String


StockItem_SubItems is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentInventoryID [KEY] String
SegmentID Int
Value String
Active Bool
Description String


StockItem_UOMConversions is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentInventoryID [KEY] String
FromUOM String
ConversionFactor Double
MultiplyOrDivide String
ToUOM String
Custom_itemunits_ItemClassID Int
Custom_itemunits_UnitType String
Custom_itemunits_PriceAdjustmentMultiplier String
Custom_itemunits_SampleToUnit String
Custom_itemunits_InventoryID Int


StockItem_VendorDetails is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentInventoryID [KEY] String
Location String
LastVendorPrice Double
Warehouse String
LeadTimeDays Int
MaxOrderQty Double
MinOrderQty Double
EOQ Double
Default Bool
Subitem String
Override Bool
MinOrderFrequencyInDays Int
AddLeadTimeDays Int
CurrencyID String
VendorID String
LotSize Double
RecordID Int
Active Bool
PurchaseUnit String
VendorName String
Custom_VendorItems_VendorInventoryID String


StockItem_WarehouseDetails is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentInventoryID [KEY] String
DefaultReceiptLocationID String
OverrideReplenishmentSettings Bool
DailyDemandForecastErrorSTDEV Double
DefaultIssueLocationID String
ProductManager String
ReplenishmentSource String
ProductWorkgroup String
Override Bool
InventorySubaccount String
DailyDemandForecast Double
PreferredVendor String
Status String
InventoryAccount String
QtyOnHand Double
ReplenishmentWarehouse String
LastForecastDate Datetime
OverridePreferredVendor Bool
OverrideStdCost Bool
Seasonality String
WarehouseID String
IsDefault Bool
ServiceLevel Double
PriceOverride Bool
Custom_itemsiterecords_SiteID_INSite_SiteCD String
Custom_itemsiterecords_NoteText String
Custom_itemsiterecords_NoteID String
Custom_itemsiterecords_InventoryID String


Task_RelatedActivities is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
BillableTime String
IsCompleteIcon String
BillableOvertime String
PriorityIcon String
Owner String
Released Bool
Workgroup String
Summary String
Type String
CreatedAt Datetime
Status String
Category String
RefNoteID String
CreatedBy String
StartDate Datetime
Billable Bool
Overtime String
TimeSpent String
Custom_ChildActivities_CostCodeID String
Custom_ChildActivities_NoteText String
Custom_ChildActivities_NoteID String


Task_RelatedTasks is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
Status String
Subject String
CompletedAt Datetime
DueDate Datetime
RecordID Int
StartDate Datetime
Custom_ReferencedTasks_NoteID String


Task_Reminder is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
RemindAtDate Datetime
IsActive Bool
RemindAtTime Datetime


Task_TimeActivity is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ProjectTask String
TimeSpent String
BillableOvertime String
Overtime String
BillableTime String
Project String
Custom_TimeActivity_CostCodeID String


TaxCategory_Details is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentTaxCategoryID [KEY] String
CashDiscount String
CalculateOn String
TaxCategory String
TaxType String
Description String
TaxID String


TaxZone_ApplicableTaxes is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentTaxZoneID [KEY] String
TaxID String
Custom_Details_Tax_TaxType String
Custom_Details_Tax_TaxApplyTermsDisc String
Custom_Details_Tax_TaxCalcRule String
Custom_Details_TaxZoneID String
Custom_Details_Tax_Descr String


Tax_TaxSchedule is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentTaxID [KEY] String
MinTaxableAmount Double
MaxTaxableAmount Double
DeductibleTaxRate Double
RevisionID Int
TaxRate Double
ReportingGroup String
TaxID String
StartDate Datetime
Custom_TaxRevisions_TaxType String


Tax_Zones is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentTaxID [KEY] String
TaxZoneID String
DefaultTaxCategory String
Description String
TaxID String


TransferOrder_Details is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] String
Description String
Subitem String
LineNbr Int
ToLocationID String
ReasonCode String
ExpirationDate Datetime
UOM String
InventoryID String
FromLocationID String
LotSerialNbr String
Qty Double
Custom_transactions_Availability String
Custom_transactions_ReceiptedQty String
Custom_transactions_DocType String
Custom_transactions_INTransitQty String
Custom_transactions_NoteID String
Custom_transactions_RefNbr String
Custom_transactions_NoteText String


TrialBalance_Details is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentImportNbr [KEY] String
Description String
Type String
Selected Bool
MappedSubaccount String
ImportedAccount String
Line Int
MappedAccount String
ImportedSubaccount String
YTDBalance Double
Status String
MapNbr String
CurrencyYTDBalance Double


VendorClass_Attributes is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentClassID [KEY] String
DefaultValue String
Active Bool
SortOrder Int
Description String
AttributeID String
Required Bool
Custom_Mapping_EntityClassID String
Custom_Mapping_CSAttribute_IsInternal Bool
Custom_Mapping_ControlType String
Custom_Mapping_EntityType String


VendorPricesInquiry_VendorPriceDetails is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentInventoryID [KEY] String
Description String
CurrencyID String
Vendor String
VendorName String
Price Double
RecordID Int
EffectiveDate Datetime
ExpirationDate Datetime
Promotional Bool
UOM String
BreakQty Double
InventoryID String
CreatedDateTime Datetime
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime
Custom_Records_SiteID String
Custom_Records_AlternateID String


VendorPriceWorksheet_VendorSalesPrices is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentReferenceNbr [KEY] String
Description String
CurrencyID String
Vendor String
LineID Int
Tax String
UOM String
PendingPrice Double
ReferenceNbr String
BreakQty Double
InventoryID String
SourcePrice Double
Custom_Details_AlternateID String
Custom_Details_SiteID String


Vendor_Attributes is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentVendorID [KEY] String
Value String
Attribute String
RefNoteID String
Required Bool


Vendor_Contacts is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentVendorID [KEY] String
ContactID Int


Vendor_MainContact is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentVendorID [KEY] String
LanguageOrLocale String
DuplicateFound Bool
JobTitle String
MiddleName String
FirstName String
DoNotFax Bool
Status String
ParentAccount String
OwnerEmployeeName String
Phone3 String
Phone2 String
Phone1 String
Phone2Type String
MaritalStatus String
Email String
FaxType String
DoNotCall Bool
Active Bool
Owner String
DoNotMail Bool
Title String
Gender String
Phone1Type String
ContactID Int
WebSite String
ContactClass String
CompanyName String
AddressIsSameAsInAccount Bool
NoMassMail Bool
LastOutgoingActivity Datetime
DisplayName String
ContactMethod String
Workgroup String
AddressValidated Bool
LastIncomingActivity Datetime
SourceCampaign String
SpouseOrPartnerName String
Reason String
Synchronize Bool
ConvertedBy String
Image String
Type String
NoMarketing Bool
DateOfBirth Datetime
Duplicate String
DoNotEmail Bool
Phone3Type String
Source String
BusinessAccount String
LastName String
Fax String
QualificationDate Datetime
WorkgroupDescription String


Vendor_PaymentInstructions is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentVendorID [KEY] String
Value String
PaymentInstructionsID String
PaymentMethod String
Description String
LocationID Int


Vendor_RemittanceContact is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentVendorID [KEY] String
LanguageOrLocale String
DuplicateFound Bool
JobTitle String
MiddleName String
FirstName String
DoNotFax Bool
Status String
ParentAccount String
OwnerEmployeeName String
Phone3 String
Phone2 String
Phone1 String
Phone2Type String
MaritalStatus String
Email String
FaxType String
DoNotCall Bool
Active Bool
Owner String
DoNotMail Bool
Title String
Gender String
Phone1Type String
ContactID Int
WebSite String
ContactClass String
CompanyName String
AddressIsSameAsInAccount Bool
NoMassMail Bool
LastOutgoingActivity Datetime
DisplayName String
ContactMethod String
Workgroup String
AddressValidated Bool
LastIncomingActivity Datetime
SourceCampaign String
SpouseOrPartnerName String
Reason String
Synchronize Bool
ConvertedBy String
Image String
Type String
NoMarketing Bool
DateOfBirth Datetime
Duplicate String
DoNotEmail Bool
Phone3Type String
Source String
BusinessAccount String
LastName String
Fax String
QualificationDate Datetime
WorkgroupDescription String


Vendor_ShippingContact is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentVendorID [KEY] String
LanguageOrLocale String
DuplicateFound Bool
JobTitle String
MiddleName String
FirstName String
DoNotFax Bool
Status String
ParentAccount String
OwnerEmployeeName String
Phone3 String
Phone2 String
Phone1 String
Phone2Type String
MaritalStatus String
Email String
FaxType String
DoNotCall Bool
Active Bool
Owner String
DoNotMail Bool
Title String
Gender String
Phone1Type String
ContactID Int
WebSite String
ContactClass String
CompanyName String
AddressIsSameAsInAccount Bool
NoMassMail Bool
LastOutgoingActivity Datetime
DisplayName String
ContactMethod String
Workgroup String
AddressValidated Bool
LastIncomingActivity Datetime
SourceCampaign String
SpouseOrPartnerName String
Reason String
Synchronize Bool
ConvertedBy String
Image String
Type String
NoMarketing Bool
DateOfBirth Datetime
Duplicate String
DoNotEmail Bool
Phone3Type String
Source String
BusinessAccount String
LastName String
Fax String
QualificationDate Datetime
WorkgroupDescription String


Warehouse_Locations is an auto-generated table.

Name Type Description
ParentGUID [KEY] String
ParentWarehouseID [KEY] String
AssemblyAllowed Bool
Active Bool
TransfersAllowed Bool
Description String
ReceiptsAllowed Bool
SalesAllowed Bool
LocationID String
PickPriority Int
Custom_location_PrimaryItemClassID String
Custom_location_TaskID String
Custom_location_ProjectID String
Custom_location_NoteID String
Custom_location_IsCosted Bool
Custom_location_PrimaryItemValid String
Custom_location_SiteID Int
Custom_location_PrimaryItemID String
Custom_location_InclQtyAvail Bool
Custom_location_NoteText String

Stored Procedures

Stored procedures are function-like interfaces that extend the functionality of the connector beyond simple SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE operations with Acumatica.

Stored procedures accept a list of parameters, perform their intended function, and then return any relevant response data from Acumatica, along with an indication of whether the procedure succeeded or failed.

Jitterbit Connector for Acumatica Stored Procedures

Name Description
GetOAuthAccessToken Gets the OAuth access token from Basecamp.
GetOAuthAuthorizationURL Gets the Acumatica authorization URL. Access the URL returned in the output in a Web browser.
RefreshOAuthAccessToken Refreshes the OAuth access token used for authentication.


Attach a file to a record.


This procedure makes use of indexed parameters.

Indexed parameters facilitate providing multiple instances a single parameter as inputs for the procedure.

Suppose there is an input parameter named Param#. To input multiple instances of an indexed parameter like this, execute:

EXEC ProcedureName Param#1 = "value1", Param#2 = "value2", Param#3 = "value3"

In the table below, indexed parameters are denoted with a # character at the end of their names.

Name Type Description
TopLevelEntity String The name of the entity for which you are going to attach a file.
KeyValue# String The values for one or more key fields of the record to which you are going to attach a file. You should provide the number and order of key fields as they are defined on the corresponding Acumatica ERP form.
LocalFile String The local file path including the file name of the file to be attached.
FileName String The name of the file that you are going to attach with the extension.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Specific message text describing the status or any errors or warning for the stored procedure.


Creates a schema file for the specified table or view.


Creates a local schema file (.rsd) from an existing table or view in the data model.

The schema file is created in the directory set in the Location connection property when this procedure is executed. You can edit the file to include or exclude columns, rename columns, or adjust column datatypes.

The connector checks the Location to determine if the names of any .rsd files match a table or view in the data model. If there is a duplicate, the schema file will take precedence over the default instance of this table in the data model. If a schema file is present in Location that does not match an existing table or view, a new table or view entry is added to the data model of the connector.

Name Type Description
TableName String The name of the table or view.
FileName String The full file path and name of the schema to generate. Begin by choosing a parent directory (this parent directory should be set in the Location property). Complete the filepath by adding a directory corresponding to the schema used (REST), followed by a .rsd file with a name corresponding to the desired table name. For example : 'C:\Users\User\Desktop\Acumatica\REST\table.rsd'
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Result String Returns Success or Failure.
FileData String If the FileName input is empty.


Perform an action on an Acumatica ERP form.

Execute an Action

To execute an Acumatica Action, you will need to specify the action that you are going to execute via the 'ActionName' input parameter, the entity type via the TopLevelEntity input parameter, the EntityRecord and optionally the Action parameters via the Parameters input, if you are executing a custom Action.

To specify the entity record, you may either submit the single record in JSON format, or you may create a temporary table containing group of recrods and then reference the temporary table in the EntityRecord input parameter.


The custom parameters can only be submitted in the JSON format as in the example below.

EXEC ExecuteAction ActionName = 'Close', TopLevelEntity = 'Case', EntityRecord = '{"id": "e3f46a39-1a14-e911-816f-bc920a5e0ac8"}',
    Parameters = '{
        "custom": {
            "FilterPreview": {
                "Reason": {
                    "type" : "CustomStringField",
                    "value" : "Abandoned"

Execute an Action submitting the record in the JSON format

To submit a record in the JSON format, you will need set the EntityRecord input parameter to the JSON object containing the record on which the action is going to be executed.

For example, via the below statement you can confirm the shipment for the shipment with number 003523.

EXEC ExecuteAction ActionName = 'ConfirmShipment', TopLevelEntity = 'Shipment',
      EntityRecord = '{
      "Type": {
        "value": "Shipment"
      "ShipmentNbr": {
        "value": "003523"

You should note, that only one entity record can be specified in the EntityRecord input parameter when using the JSON format.

Execute an Action submitting a Temporary Table of recrods

If using a temporary table, it must be defined and inserted within the same connection. Closing the connection will clear out any temporary tables in memory.

Start by inserting the related entities corresponding to the same entity type into a temporary table.

The following statements add three Shipment records into the Shipment#TEMP temporary table.

INSERT INTO Shipment#TEMP (Type, ShipmentNbr) VALUES ('Shipment', '003523')
INSERT INTO Shipment#TEMP (Type, ShipmentNbr) VALUES ('Shipment', '003524')
INSERT INTO Shipment#TEMP (Type, ShipmentNbr) VALUES ('Shipment', '003525')

Lastly, reference the temporary table via the EntityRecord input parameter, just as in the below example.

EXEC ExecuteAction ActionName = 'ConfirmShipment', TopLevelEntity = 'Shipment', EntityRecord = 'Shipment#TEMP'

If more than one entity record is provided, the connector will automatically split the records and execute the Action for each of them.

Name Type Description
TopLevelEntity String The name of the entity type for which you are going to perform an action.
ActionName String The name of the action that you are going to execute.
EntityRecord String The entity record in the JSON format or the temporary table of entity records to which the action should be applied.
Parameters String The parameters of the action in the JSON format.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Specific message text describing the status or any errors or warning for the execute action.
AffectedRecords String The number of affected records.


Obtain a file attached to a record

Name Type Description
FileId String The internal identifier of the file in the system.
DownloadTo String The local file path including the file name of the file to be downloaded. Leave empty to keep the file in memory.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Status String Specific message text describing the status or any errors or warning for the stored procedure.
FileData String If the DownloadTo input is empty.


Gets the OAuth access token from Basecamp.

Name Type Description
AuthMode String WEB or APP. The Basecamp authentication mode. Default is APP. The default value is APP.
CallbackUrl String The URL the user will be redirected to after authorizing your application.
Verifier String The verifier token returned by Basecamp. Required for only the Web AuthMode.
Scope String The access scope that is requested by the client application. The default value is api offline_access.
State String This field indicates any state that may be useful to your application upon receipt of the response. Your application receives the same value it sent, as this parameter makes a round-trip to Acumatica authorization server and back. Uses include redirecting the user to the correct resource in your site, using nonces, and mitigating cross-site request forgery.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
OAuthAccessToken String The OAuth token.
OAuthRefreshToken String The OAuth refresh token.
ExpiresIn String The remaining lifetime for the access token in seconds.


Gets the Acumatica authorization URL. Access the URL returned in the output in a Web browser.

Name Type Description
CallbackUrl String The URL that Acumatica will return to after the user has authorized your app.
Scope String The access scope that is requested by the client application. The default value is api offline_access.
State String This field indicates any state that may be useful to your application upon receipt of the response. Your application receives the same value it sent, as this parameter makes a round-trip to Acumatica authorization server and back. Uses include redirecting the user to the correct resource in your site, using nonces, and mitigating cross-site request forgery.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
URL String The URL to be entered into a Web browser to obtain the verifier token and authorize the data provider with.


Refreshes the OAuth access token used for authentication.

Name Type Description
OAuthRefreshToken String The refresh token returned with the previous access token.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
OAuthAccessToken String The authentication token returned from Acumatica. This can be used in subsequent calls to other operations for this particular service.
OAuthRefreshToken String A token that may be used to obtain a new access token.
ExpiresIn String The remaining lifetime on the access token.

OData Data Model

The connector models the Acumatica OData API as relational views. Only read only tables (views) are supported on OData schema.
Any changes to the remote data are immediately reflected in your queries; the table definitions are dynamically retrieved. When you connect, the connector connects to Acumatica and gets the list of views and the metadata for the views by calling the appropriate Web services.

API limitations and requirements are documented in this section; you can use the SupportEnhancedSQL feature, set by default, to circumvent most of these limitations.


Shows all the Generic Inquires exposed via OData from Acumatica. The Jitterbit Connector for Acumatica reads view and column metadata dynamically, so it will include both your customizations and any new features that are added to standard Acumatica entities in the future.


Generic Inquiries are not exposed via OData by default, and you may need to expose them. To do this, on the Acumatica Generic Inquiries Screen check the "Expose via OData" checkbox.

Stored Procedures

Stored Procedures are function-like interfaces to Acumatica. They can be used to peform extra tasks that do not fit into the

standard operation of directly interacting with a table.

Stored Procedures

Stored procedures are function-like interfaces that extend the functionality of the connector beyond simple SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE operations with Acumatica.

Stored procedures accept a list of parameters, perform their intended function, and then return any relevant response data from Acumatica, along with an indication of whether the procedure succeeded or failed.

Jitterbit Connector for Acumatica Stored Procedures

Name Description
GetOAuthAccessToken Gets the OAuth access token from Basecamp.
GetOAuthAuthorizationURL Gets the Acumatica authorization URL. Access the URL returned in the output in a Web browser.
RefreshOAuthAccessToken Refreshes the OAuth access token used for authentication.


Creates a schema file for the specified table or view.


Creates a local schema file (.rsd) from an existing table or view in the data model.

The schema file is created in the directory set in the Location connection property when this procedure is executed. You can edit the file to include or exclude columns, rename columns, or adjust column datatypes.

The connector checks the Location to determine if the names of any .rsd files match a table or view in the data model. If there is a duplicate, the schema file will take precedence over the default instance of this table in the data model. If a schema file is present in Location that does not match an existing table or view, a new table or view entry is added to the data model of the connector.

Name Type Description
TableName String The name of the table or view.
FileName String The full file path and name of the schema to generate. Begin by choosing a parent directory (this parent directory should be set in the Location property). Complete the filepath by adding a directory corresponding to the schema used (REST), followed by a .rsd file with a name corresponding to the desired table name. For example : 'C:\Users\User\Desktop\Acumatica\REST\table.rsd'
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
Result String Returns Success or Failure.
FileData String If the FileName input is empty.


Gets the OAuth access token from Basecamp.

Name Type Description
AuthMode String WEB or APP. The Basecamp authentication mode. Default is APP. The default value is APP.
CallbackUrl String The URL the user will be redirected to after authorizing your application.
Verifier String The verifier token returned by Basecamp. Required for only the Web AuthMode.
Scope String The access scope that is requested by the client application. The default value is api offline_access.
State String This field indicates any state that may be useful to your application upon receipt of the response. Your application receives the same value it sent, as this parameter makes a round-trip to Acumatica authorization server and back. Uses include redirecting the user to the correct resource in your site, using nonces, and mitigating cross-site request forgery.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
OAuthAccessToken String The OAuth token.
OAuthRefreshToken String The OAuth refresh token.
ExpiresIn String The remaining lifetime for the access token in seconds.


Gets the Acumatica authorization URL. Access the URL returned in the output in a Web browser.

Name Type Description
CallbackUrl String The URL that Acumatica will return to after the user has authorized your app.
Scope String The access scope that is requested by the client application. The default value is api offline_access.
State String This field indicates any state that may be useful to your application upon receipt of the response. Your application receives the same value it sent, as this parameter makes a round-trip to Acumatica authorization server and back. Uses include redirecting the user to the correct resource in your site, using nonces, and mitigating cross-site request forgery.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
URL String The URL to be entered into a Web browser to obtain the verifier token and authorize the data provider with.


Refreshes the OAuth access token used for authentication.

Name Type Description
OAuthRefreshToken String The refresh token returned with the previous access token.
Result Set Columns
Name Type Description
OAuthAccessToken String The authentication token returned from Acumatica. This can be used in subsequent calls to other operations for this particular service.
OAuthRefreshToken String A token that may be used to obtain a new access token.
ExpiresIn String The remaining lifetime on the access token.

System Tables

You can query the system tables described in this section to access schema information, information on data source functionality, and batch operation statistics.

Schema Tables

The following tables return database metadata for Acumatica:

Data Source Tables

The following tables return information about how to connect to and query the data source:

  • sys_connection_props: Returns information on the available connection properties.
  • sys_sqlinfo: Describes the SELECT queries that the connector can offload to the data source.

Query Information Tables

The following table returns query statistics for data modification queries:

  • sys_identity: Returns information about batch operations or single updates.


Lists the available databases.

The following query retrieves all databases determined by the connection string:

SELECT * FROM sys_catalogs
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The database name.


Lists the available schemas.

The following query retrieves all available schemas:

SELECT * FROM sys_schemas
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The database name.
SchemaName String The schema name.


Lists the available tables.

The following query retrieves the available tables and views:

SELECT * FROM sys_tables
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The database containing the table or view.
SchemaName String The schema containing the table or view.
TableName String The name of the table or view.
TableType String The table type (table or view).
Description String A description of the table or view.
IsUpdateable Boolean Whether the table can be updated.


Describes the columns of the available tables and views.

The following query returns the columns and data types for the Events table:

SELECT ColumnName, DataTypeName FROM sys_tablecolumns WHERE TableName='Events'
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the table or view.
SchemaName String The schema containing the table or view.
TableName String The name of the table or view containing the column.
ColumnName String The column name.
DataTypeName String The data type name.
DataType Int32 An integer indicating the data type. This value is determined at run time based on the environment.
Length Int32 The storage size of the column.
DisplaySize Int32 The designated column's normal maximum width in characters.
NumericPrecision Int32 The maximum number of digits in numeric data. The column length in characters for character and date-time data.
NumericScale Int32 The column scale or number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
IsNullable Boolean Whether the column can contain null.
Description String A brief description of the column.
Ordinal Int32 The sequence number of the column.
IsAutoIncrement String Whether the column value is assigned in fixed increments.
IsGeneratedColumn String Whether the column is generated.
IsHidden Boolean Whether the column is hidden.
IsArray Boolean Whether the column is an array.
IsReadOnly Boolean Whether the column is read-only.
IsKey Boolean Indicates whether a field returned from sys_tablecolumns is the primary key of the table.


Lists the available stored procedures.

The following query retrieves the available stored procedures:

SELECT * FROM sys_procedures
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The database containing the stored procedure.
SchemaName String The schema containing the stored procedure.
ProcedureName String The name of the stored procedure.
Description String A description of the stored procedure.
ProcedureType String The type of the procedure, such as PROCEDURE or FUNCTION.


Describes stored procedure parameters.

The following query returns information about all of the input parameters for the SendMail stored procedure:

SELECT * FROM sys_procedureparameters WHERE ProcedureName='SendMail' AND Direction=1 OR Direction=2
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the stored procedure.
SchemaName String The name of the schema containing the stored procedure.
ProcedureName String The name of the stored procedure containing the parameter.
ColumnName String The name of the stored procedure parameter.
Direction Int32 An integer corresponding to the type of the parameter: input (1), input/output (2), or output(4). input/output type parameters can be both input and output parameters.
DataTypeName String The name of the data type.
DataType Int32 An integer indicating the data type. This value is determined at run time based on the environment.
Length Int32 The number of characters allowed for character data. The number of digits allowed for numeric data.
NumericPrecision Int32 The maximum precision for numeric data. The column length in characters for character and date-time data.
NumericScale Int32 The number of digits to the right of the decimal point in numeric data.
IsNullable Boolean Whether the parameter can contain null.
IsRequired Boolean Whether the parameter is required for execution of the procedure.
IsArray Boolean Whether the parameter is an array.
Description String The description of the parameter.
Ordinal Int32 The index of the parameter.


Describes the primary and foreign keys.

The following query retrieves the primary key for the Events table:

SELECT * FROM sys_keycolumns WHERE IsKey='True' AND TableName='Events'
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the key.
SchemaName String The name of the schema containing the key.
TableName String The name of the table containing the key.
ColumnName String The name of the key column.
IsKey Boolean Whether the column is a primary key in the table referenced in the TableName field.
IsForeignKey Boolean Whether the column is a foreign key referenced in the TableName field.
PrimaryKeyName String The name of the primary key.
ForeignKeyName String The name of the foreign key.
ReferencedCatalogName String The database containing the primary key.
ReferencedSchemaName String The schema containing the primary key.
ReferencedTableName String The table containing the primary key.
ReferencedColumnName String The column name of the primary key.


Describes the foreign keys.

The following query retrieves all foreign keys which refer to other tables:

SELECT * FROM sys_foreignkeys WHERE ForeignKeyType = 'FOREIGNKEY_TYPE_IMPORT'
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the key.
SchemaName String The name of the schema containing the key.
TableName String The name of the table containing the key.
ColumnName String The name of the key column.
PrimaryKeyName String The name of the primary key.
ForeignKeyName String The name of the foreign key.
ReferencedCatalogName String The database containing the primary key.
ReferencedSchemaName String The schema containing the primary key.
ReferencedTableName String The table containing the primary key.
ReferencedColumnName String The column name of the primary key.
ForeignKeyType String Designates whether the foreign key is an import (points to other tables) or export (referenced from other tables) key.


Describes the primary keys.

The following query retrieves the primary keys from all tables and views:

SELECT * FROM sys_primarykeys
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the key.
SchemaName String The name of the schema containing the key.
TableName String The name of the table containing the key.
ColumnName String The name of the key column.
KeySeq String The sequence number of the primary key.
KeyName String The name of the primary key.


Describes the available indexes. By filtering on indexes, you can write more selective queries with faster query response times.

The following query retrieves all indexes that are not primary keys:

SELECT * FROM sys_indexes WHERE IsPrimary='false'
Name Type Description
CatalogName String The name of the database containing the index.
SchemaName String The name of the schema containing the index.
TableName String The name of the table containing the index.
IndexName String The index name.
ColumnName String The name of the column associated with the index.
IsUnique Boolean True if the index is unique. False otherwise.
IsPrimary Boolean True if the index is a primary key. False otherwise.
Type Int16 An integer value corresponding to the index type: statistic (0), clustered (1), hashed (2), or other (3).
SortOrder String The sort order: A for ascending or D for descending.
OrdinalPosition Int16 The sequence number of the column in the index.


Returns information on the available connection properties and those set in the connection string.

When querying this table, the config connection string should be used:


This connection string enables you to query this table without a valid connection.

The following query retrieves all connection properties that have been set in the connection string or set through a default value:

SELECT * FROM sys_connection_props WHERE Value <> ''
Name Type Description
Name String The name of the connection property.
ShortDescription String A brief description.
Type String The data type of the connection property.
Default String The default value if one is not explicitly set.
Values String A comma-separated list of possible values. A validation error is thrown if another value is specified.
Value String The value you set or a preconfigured default.
Required Boolean Whether the property is required to connect.
Category String The category of the connection property.
IsSessionProperty String Whether the property is a session property, used to save information about the current connection.
Sensitivity String The sensitivity level of the property. This informs whether the property is obfuscated in logging and authentication forms.
PropertyName String A camel-cased truncated form of the connection property name.
Ordinal Int32 The index of the parameter.
CatOrdinal Int32 The index of the parameter category.
Hierarchy String Shows dependent properties associated that need to be set alongside this one.
Visible Boolean Informs whether the property is visible in the connection UI.
ETC String Various miscellaneous information about the property.


Describes the SELECT query processing that the connector can offload to the data source.

Discover the Data Source's SELECT Capabilities

Below is an example data set of SQL capabilities. Some aspects of SELECT functionality are returned in a comma-separated list if supported; otherwise, the column contains NO.

Name Description Possible Values
AGGREGATE_FUNCTIONS Supported aggregation functions. AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, DISTINCT
COUNT Whether COUNT function is supported. YES, NO
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_OPEN_CHAR The opening character used to escape an identifier. [
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CLOSE_CHAR The closing character used to escape an identifier. ]
SUPPORTED_OPERATORS A list of supported SQL operators. =, >, <, >=, <=, <>, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, AND, OR
GROUP_BY Whether GROUP BY is supported, and, if so, the degree of support. NO, NO_RELATION, EQUALS_SELECT, SQL_GB_COLLATE
REPLICATION_SKIP_TABLES Indicates tables skipped during replication.
REPLICATION_TIMECHECK_COLUMNS A string array containing a list of columns which will be used to check for (in the given order) to use as a modified column during replication.
IDENTIFIER_PATTERN String value indicating what string is valid for an identifier.
SUPPORT_TRANSACTION Indicates if the provider supports transactions such as commit and rollback. YES, NO
DIALECT Indicates the SQL dialect to use.
KEY_PROPERTIES Indicates the properties which identify the uniform database.
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_SCHEMAS Indicates if multiple schemas may exist for the provider. YES, NO
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_CATALOGS Indicates if multiple catalogs may exist for the provider. YES, NO
DATASYNCVERSION The Data Sync version needed to access this driver. Standard, Starter, Professional, Enterprise
DATASYNCCATEGORY The Data Sync category of this driver. Source, Destination, Cloud Destination
SUPPORTSENHANCEDSQL Whether enhanced SQL functionality beyond what is offered by the API is supported. TRUE, FALSE
SUPPORTS_BATCH_OPERATIONS Whether batch operations are supported. YES, NO
PREFERRED_CACHE_OPTIONS A string value specifies the preferred cacheOptions.
ENABLE_EF_ADVANCED_QUERY Indicates if the driver directly supports advanced queries coming from Entity Framework. If not, queries will be handled client side. YES, NO
PSEUDO_COLUMNS A string array indicating the available pseudo columns.
MERGE_ALWAYS If the value is true, The Merge Mode is forcibly executed in Data Sync. TRUE, FALSE
REPLICATION_MIN_DATE_QUERY A select query to return the replicate start datetime.
REPLICATION_MIN_FUNCTION Allows a provider to specify the formula name to use for executing a server side min.
REPLICATION_START_DATE Allows a provider to specify a replicate startdate.
REPLICATION_MAX_DATE_QUERY A select query to return the replicate end datetime.
REPLICATION_MAX_FUNCTION Allows a provider to specify the formula name to use for executing a server side max.
IGNORE_INTERVALS_ON_INITIAL_REPLICATE A list of tables which will skip dividing the replicate into chunks on the initial replicate.
CHECKCACHE_USE_PARENTID Indicates whether the CheckCache statement should be done against the parent key column. TRUE, FALSE
CREATE_SCHEMA_PROCEDURES Indicates stored procedures that can be used for generating schema files.

The following query retrieves the operators that can be used in the WHERE clause:


Note that individual tables may have different limitations or requirements on the WHERE clause; refer to the Data Model section for more information.

Name Type Description
NAME String A component of SQL syntax, or a capability that can be processed on the server.
VALUE String Detail on the supported SQL or SQL syntax.


Returns information about attempted modifications.

The following query retrieves the Ids of the modified rows in a batch operation:

SELECT * FROM sys_identity
Name Type Description
Id String The database-generated ID returned from a data modification operation.
Batch String An identifier for the batch. 1 for a single operation.
Operation String The result of the operation in the batch: INSERTED, UPDATED, or DELETED.
Message String SUCCESS or an error message if the update in the batch failed.

Advanced Configurations Properties

The advanced configurations properties are the various options that can be used to establish a connection. This section provides a complete list of the options you can configure. Click the links for further details.


Property Description
AuthScheme The scheme used for authentication. Accepted entries are Basic, OAuth, OAuthImplicit and OAuthPassword.
URL The base URL of your Acumatica site.
User The Acumatica user account used to authenticate.
Password The password used to authenticate the user.
Company Your Acumatica Company.
EndpointName The name of the endpoint in Acumatica WebService which you wish to access. You can find available endpoints in Web Service Endpoints form in Acumatica ERP.
EndpointVersion The version of the endpoint. You can find available endpoints in Web Service Endpoints form in Acumatica ERP and their version under Endpoint Version.


Property Description
InitiateOAuth Set this property to initiate the process to obtain or refresh the OAuth access token when you connect.
OAuthClientId The client ID assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.
OAuthClientSecret The client secret assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.
OAuthAccessToken The access token for connecting using OAuth.
OAuthSettingsLocation The location of the settings file where OAuth values are saved when InitiateOAuth is set to GETANDREFRESH or REFRESH. Alternatively, you can hold this location in memory by specifying a value starting with 'memory://'.
OAuthSettingsLocation The location of the settings file where OAuth values are saved when InitiateOAuth is set to GETANDREFRESH or REFRESH . Alternatively, you can hold this location in memory by specifying a value starting with 'memory://'.
CallbackURL The OAuth callback URL to return to when authenticating. This value must match the callback URL you specify in your app settings.
OAuthGrantType The grant type for the OAuth flow.
OAuthVerifier The verifier code returned from the OAuth authorization URL.
OAuthRefreshToken The OAuth refresh token for the corresponding OAuth access token.
OAuthExpiresIn The lifetime in seconds of the OAuth AccessToken.
OAuthTokenTimestamp The Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds when the current Access Token was created.


Property Description
SSLServerCert The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL.


Property Description
Location A path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures.
BrowsableSchemas This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA, SchemaB, SchemaC.
Tables This property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA, TableB, TableC.
Views Restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA, ViewB, ViewC.
Schema Used to specify what Acumatica API to use. The default one is the REST Contact API. When OData is specified the OData API will be used and all the Generic Inquires exposed via OData will be dynamically retrieved.


Property Description
GenerateSchemaFiles Indicates the user preference as to when schemas should be generated and saved.
IncludeCustomFields Whether or not to retrieve custom fields that are added to Acumatica Screens.
InquiryTables Comma seperated Inquiry Tables. Inquiry tables in Contract 3 Acumatica API version 17.200.001 are: AccountByPeriodInquiry, AccountBySubaccountInquiry, AccountDetailsInquiry, AccountSummaryInquiry, InventoryAllocationInquiry, InventorySummaryInquiry, InvoicedItemsInquiry, SalesPricesInquiry, VendorPricesInquiry.
MaxRows Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses.
Other These hidden properties are used only in specific use cases.
Pagesize The maximum number of results to return per page from Acumatica.
PseudoColumns This property indicates whether or not to include pseudo columns as columns to the table.
Timeout The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation.
UserDefinedViews A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views.


This section provides a complete list of authentication properties you can configure.

Property Description
AuthScheme The scheme used for authentication. Accepted entries are Basic, OAuth, OAuthImplicit and OAuthPassword.
URL The base URL of your Acumatica site.
User The Acumatica user account used to authenticate.
Password The password used to authenticate the user.
Company Your Acumatica Company.
EndpointName The name of the endpoint in Acumatica WebService which you wish to access. You can find available endpoints in Web Service Endpoints form in Acumatica ERP.
EndpointVersion The version of the endpoint. You can find available endpoints in Web Service Endpoints form in Acumatica ERP and their version under Endpoint Version.


The scheme used for authentication. Accepted entries are Basic, OAuth, OAuthImplicit and OAuthPassword.

Possible Values

OAuthPassword, Auto, Basic, OAuth, OAuthImplicit

Data Type


Default Value


  • Auto: Lets the driver decide automatically based on the other connection properties you have set. Note: In case OAuthGrantType is set to PASSWORD, then the driver will use the Basic AuthScheme, unless the OAuth AuthScheme is specified.
  • Basic: Set this to authenticate using the Basic authentication schema. You need to specify the User, Password and Company connection properties for this schema.
  • OAuth: Set to this to perform OAuth authentication with CODE flow.
  • OAuthImplicit: Set to this to perform OAuth authentication with IMPLICIT flow.
  • OAuthPassword: Set to this to perform OAuth authentication with PASSWORD flow.


The base URL of your Acumatica site.

Data Type


Default Value



The base URL of your Acumatica site. For example:


The Acumatica user account used to authenticate.

Data Type


Default Value



Together with Password, this field is used to authenticate against the Acumatica server.


The password used to authenticate the user.

Data Type


Default Value



The User and Password are together used to authenticate with the server.


Your Acumatica Company.

Data Type


Default Value



This connection parameter is required when Schema is set to "OData".


The name of the endpoint in Acumatica WebService which you wish to access. You can find available endpoints in Web Service Endpoints form in Acumatica ERP.

Data Type


Default Value



The name of the endpoint. You can find available endpoints in Web Service Endpoints form (ScreenId SM207060) in Acumatica ERP. Under Endpoints properties, you will find the Endpoint Name and Endpoint Version.


The version of the endpoint. You can find available endpoints in Web Service Endpoints form in Acumatica ERP and their version under Endpoint Version.

Data Type


Default Value



The version of the endpoint. You can find available endpoints in Web Service Endpoints form (ScreenId SM207060) in Acumatica ERP. Under Endpoints properties, you will find the Endpoint Name and Endpoint Version.


This section provides a complete list of OAuth properties you can configure.

Property Description
InitiateOAuth Set this property to initiate the process to obtain or refresh the OAuth access token when you connect.
OAuthClientId The client ID assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.
OAuthClientSecret The client secret assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.
OAuthAccessToken The access token for connecting using OAuth.
OAuthSettingsLocation The location of the settings file where OAuth values are saved when InitiateOAuth is set to GETANDREFRESH or REFRESH. Alternatively, you can hold this location in memory by specifying a value starting with 'memory://'.
OAuthSettingsLocation The location of the settings file where OAuth values are saved when InitiateOAuth is set to GETANDREFRESH or REFRESH . Alternatively, you can hold this location in memory by specifying a value starting with 'memory://'.
CallbackURL The OAuth callback URL to return to when authenticating. This value must match the callback URL you specify in your app settings.
OAuthGrantType The grant type for the OAuth flow.
OAuthVerifier The verifier code returned from the OAuth authorization URL.
OAuthRefreshToken The OAuth refresh token for the corresponding OAuth access token.
OAuthExpiresIn The lifetime in seconds of the OAuth AccessToken.
OAuthTokenTimestamp The Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds when the current Access Token was created.


Set this property to initiate the process to obtain or refresh the OAuth access token when you connect.

Possible Values


Data Type


Default Value



The following options are available:

  1. OFF: Indicates that the OAuth flow will be handled entirely by the user. An OAuthAccessToken will be required to authenticate.
  2. GETANDREFRESH: Indicates that the entire OAuth Flow will be handled by the connector. If no token currently exists, it will be obtained by prompting the user via the browser. If a token exists, it will be refreshed when applicable.
  3. REFRESH: Indicates that the connector will only handle refreshing the OAuthAccessToken. The user will never be prompted by the connector to authenticate via the browser. The user must handle obtaining the OAuthAccessToken and OAuthRefreshToken initially.


The client ID assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.

Data Type


Default Value



As part of registering an OAuth application, you will receive the OAuthClientId value, sometimes also called a consumer key, and a client secret, the OAuthClientSecret.


The client secret assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.

Data Type


Default Value



As part of registering an OAuth application, you will receive the OAuthClientId, also called a consumer key. You will also receive a client secret, also called a consumer secret. Set the client secret in the OAuthClientSecret property.


The access token for connecting using OAuth.

Data Type


Default Value



The OAuthAccessToken property is used to connect using OAuth. The OAuthAccessToken is retrieved from the OAuth server as part of the authentication process. It has a server-dependent timeout and can be reused between requests.

The access token is used in place of your user name and password. The access token protects your credentials by keeping them on the server.


The location of the settings file where OAuth values are saved when InitiateOAuth is set to GETANDREFRESH or REFRESH. Alternatively, you can hold this location in memory by specifying a value starting with 'memory://'.

Data Type


Default Value

%APPDATA%\\CData\\Acumatica Data Provider\\OAuthSettings.txt


When InitiateOAuth is set to GETANDREFRESH or REFRESH, the driver saves OAuth values to avoid requiring the user to manually enter OAuth connection properties and to allow the credentials to be shared across connections or processes.

Instead of specifying a file path, you can use memory storage. Memory locations are specified by using a value starting with 'memory://' followed by a unique identifier for that set of credentials (for example, memory://user1). The identifier can be anything you choose but should be unique to the user. Unlike file-based storage, where credentials persist across connections, memory storage loads the credentials into static memory, and the credentials are shared between connections using the same identifier for the life of the process. To persist credentials outside the current process, you must manually store the credentials prior to closing the connection. This enables you to set them in the connection when the process is started again. You can retrieve OAuth property values with a query to the sys_connection_props system table. If there are multiple connections using the same credentials, the properties are read from the previously closed connection.

The default location is "%APPDATA%\\CData\\Acumatica Data Provider\\OAuthSettings.txt" with %APPDATA% set to the user's configuration directory. The default values are

  • Windows: "register://%DSN"
  • Unix: "%AppData%..."

where DSN is the name of the current DSN used in the open connection.

The following table lists the value of %APPDATA% by OS:

Platform %APPDATA%
Windows The value of the APPDATA environment variable
Linux ~/.config


The OAuth callback URL to return to when authenticating. This value must match the callback URL you specify in your app settings.

Data Type


Default Value



During the authentication process, the OAuth authorization server redirects the user to this URL. This value must match the callback URL you specify in your app settings.


The grant type for the OAuth flow.

Possible Values


Data Type


Default Value



The following options are available: CODE,PASSWORD,IMPLICIT


The verifier code returned from the OAuth authorization URL.

Data Type


Default Value



The verifier code returned from the OAuth authorization URL. This can be used on systems where a browser cannot be launched such as headless systems.

Authentication on Headless Machines

See to obtain the OAuthVerifier value.

Set OAuthSettingsLocation along with OAuthVerifier. When you connect, the connector exchanges the OAuthVerifier for the OAuth authentication tokens and saves them, encrypted, to the specified location. Set InitiateOAuth to GETANDREFRESH to automate the exchange.

Once the OAuth settings file has been generated, you can remove OAuthVerifier from the connection properties and connect with OAuthSettingsLocation set.

To automatically refresh the OAuth token values, set OAuthSettingsLocation and additionally set InitiateOAuth to REFRESH.


The OAuth refresh token for the corresponding OAuth access token.

Data Type


Default Value



The OAuthRefreshToken property is used to refresh the OAuthAccessToken when using OAuth authentication.


The lifetime in seconds of the OAuth AccessToken.

Data Type


Default Value



Pair with OAuthTokenTimestamp to determine when the AccessToken will expire.


The Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds when the current Access Token was created.

Data Type


Default Value



Pair with OAuthExpiresIn to determine when the AccessToken will expire.


This section provides a complete list of SSL properties you can configure.

Property Description
SSLServerCert The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL.


The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL.

Data Type


Default Value



If using a TLS/SSL connection, this property can be used to specify the TLS/SSL certificate to be accepted from the server. Any other certificate that is not trusted by the machine is rejected.

This property can take the following forms:

Description Example
A full PEM Certificate (example shortened for brevity) -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE-----
A path to a local file containing the certificate C:\\cert.cer
The public key (example shortened for brevity) -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
The MD5 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4
The SHA1 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d

If not specified, any certificate trusted by the machine is accepted.

Certificates are validated as trusted by the machine based on the System's trust store. The trust store used is the '' value specified for the system. If no value is specified for this property, Java's default trust store is used (for example, JAVA_HOME\lib\security\cacerts).

Use '*' to signify to accept all certificates. Note that this is not recommended due to security concerns.


This section provides a complete list of schema properties you can configure.

Property Description
Location A path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures.
BrowsableSchemas This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA, SchemaB, SchemaC.
Tables This property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA, TableB, TableC.
Views Restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA, ViewB, ViewC.
Schema Used to specify what Acumatica API to use. The default one is the REST Contact API. When OData is specified the OData API will be used and all the Generic Inquires exposed via OData will be dynamically retrieved.


A path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures.

Data Type


Default Value

%APPDATA%\Acumatica Data Provider\Schema


The path to a directory which contains the schema files for the connector (.rsd files for tables and views, .rsb files for stored procedures). The folder location can be a relative path from the location of the executable. The Location property is only needed if you want to customize definitions (for example, change a column name, ignore a column, and so on) or extend the data model with new tables, views, or stored procedures.


Given that this connector supports multiple schemas, the structure for Acumatica custom schema files is as follows:

  • Each schema is given a folder corresponding to that schema name.
  • These schema folders are contained in a parent folder.
  • The parent folder should be set as the Location, not an individual schema's folder.

If left unspecified, the default location is "%APPDATA%\Acumatica Data Provider\Schema" with %APPDATA% being set to the user's configuration directory:

Platform %APPDATA%
Windows The value of the APPDATA environment variable
Mac ~/Library/Application Support
Linux ~/.config


This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC.

Data Type


Default Value



Listing the schemas from databases can be expensive. Providing a list of schemas in the connection string improves the performance.


This property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC.

Data Type


Default Value



Listing the tables from some databases can be expensive. Providing a list of tables in the connection string improves the performance of the connector.

This property can also be used as an alternative to automatically listing views if you already know which ones you want to work with and there would otherwise be too many to work with.

Specify the tables you want in a comma-separated list. Each table should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Tables=TableA,[TableB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`TableC With Space`.

Note that when connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you will need to provide the fully qualified name of the table in this property, as in the last example here, to avoid ambiguity between tables that exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.


Restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC.

Data Type


Default Value



Listing the views from some databases can be expensive. Providing a list of views in the connection string improves the performance of the connector.

This property can also be used as an alternative to automatically listing views if you already know which ones you want to work with and there would otherwise be too many to work with.

Specify the views you want in a comma-separated list. Each view should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Views=ViewA,[ViewB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`ViewC With Space`.

Note that when connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you will need to provide the fully qualified name of the table in this property, as in the last example here, to avoid ambiguity between tables that exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.


Used to specify what Acumatica API to use. The default one is the REST Contact API. When OData is specified the OData API will be used and all the Generic Inquires exposed via OData will be dynamically retrieved.

Possible Values


Data Type


Default Value



Used to specify what Acumatica API to use. The default one is the REST Contact API. When OData is specified the OData API will be used and all the Generic Inquires exposed via OData will be dynamically retrieved.


This section provides a complete list of miscellaneous properties you can configure.

Property Description
GenerateSchemaFiles Indicates the user preference as to when schemas should be generated and saved.
IncludeCustomFields Whether or not to retrieve custom fields that are added to Acumatica Screens.
InquiryTables Comma seperated Inquiry Tables. Inquiry tables in Contract 3 Acumatica API version 17.200.001 are: AccountByPeriodInquiry, AccountBySubaccountInquiry, AccountDetailsInquiry, AccountSummaryInquiry, InventoryAllocationInquiry, InventorySummaryInquiry, InvoicedItemsInquiry, SalesPricesInquiry, VendorPricesInquiry.
MaxRows Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses.
Other These hidden properties are used only in specific use cases.
Pagesize The maximum number of results to return per page from Acumatica.
PseudoColumns This property indicates whether or not to include pseudo columns as columns to the table.
Timeout The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation.
UserDefinedViews A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views.


Indicates the user preference as to when schemas should be generated and saved.

Possible Values

Never, OnUse, OnStart, OnCreate

Data Type


Default Value



This property outputs schemas to .rsd files in the path specified by Location.

Available settings are the following:

  • Never: A schema file will never be generated.
  • OnUse: A schema file will be generated the first time a table is referenced, provided the schema file for the table does not already exist.
  • OnStart: A schema file will be generated at connection time for any tables that do not currently have a schema file.
  • OnCreate: A schema file will be generated by when running a CREATE TABLE SQL query.

Note that if you want to regenerate a file, you will first need to delete it.

Generate Schemas with SQL

When you set GenerateSchemaFiles to OnUse, the connector generates schemas as you execute SELECT queries. Schemas are generated for each table referenced in the query.

When you set GenerateSchemaFiles to OnCreate, schemas are only generated when a CREATE TABLE query is executed.

Generate Schemas on Connection

Another way to use this property is to obtain schemas for every table in your database when you connect. To do so, set GenerateSchemaFiles to OnStart and connect.


Whether or not to retrieve custom fields that are added to Acumatica Screens.

Data Type


Default Value



Leave this set to true if you have custom fields added and have not extended the API to include custom fields in your entities. Set it to false if you don't want to retrieve custom fields.

Acumatica endpoints support a small amount of custom fields per request. Once a certain amount is reached, it is recommended to setup an extended endpoint and include the custom fields in it.


Comma seperated Inquiry Tables. Inquiry tables in Contract 3 Acumatica API version 17.200.001 are: AccountByPeriodInquiry, AccountBySubaccountInquiry, AccountDetailsInquiry, AccountSummaryInquiry, InventoryAllocationInquiry, InventorySummaryInquiry, InvoicedItemsInquiry, SalesPricesInquiry,VendorPricesInquiry.

Data Type


Default Value




Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses.

Data Type


Default Value



Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses.


These hidden properties are used only in specific use cases.

Data Type


Default Value



The properties listed below are available for specific use cases. Normal driver use cases and functionality should not require these properties.

Specify multiple properties in a semicolon-separated list.

Integration and Formatting
Property Description
DefaultColumnSize Sets the default length of string fields when the data source does not provide column length in the metadata. The default value is 2000.
ConvertDateTimeToGMT Determines whether to convert date-time values to GMT, instead of the local time of the machine.
RecordToFile=filename Records the underlying socket data transfer to the specified file.


The maximum number of results to return per page from Acumatica.

Data Type


Default Value



The Pagesize property affects the maximum number of results to return per page from Acumatica. Setting a higher value may result in better performance at the cost of additional memory allocated per page consumed.


This property indicates whether or not to include pseudo columns as columns to the table.

Data Type


Default Value



This setting is particularly helpful in Entity Framework, which does not allow you to set a value for a pseudo column unless it is a table column. The value of this connection setting is of the format "Table1=Column1, Table1=Column2, Table2=Column3". You can use the "*" character to include all tables and all columns; for example, "*=*".


The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation.

Data Type


Default Value



If Timeout = 0, operations do not time out. The operations run until they complete successfully or until they encounter an error condition.

If Timeout expires and the operation is not yet complete, the connector throws an exception.


A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views.

Data Type


Default Value



User Defined Views are defined in a JSON-formatted configuration file called UserDefinedViews.json. The connector automatically detects the views specified in this file.

You can also have multiple view definitions and control them using the UserDefinedViews connection property. When you use this property, only the specified views are seen by the connector.

This User Defined View configuration file is formatted as follows:

  • Each root element defines the name of a view.
  • Each root element contains a child element, called query, which contains the custom SQL query for the view.

For example:

    "MyView": {
        "query": "SELECT * FROM Events WHERE MyColumn = 'value'"
    "MyView2": {
        "query": "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id IN (1,2,3)"

Use the UserDefinedViews connection property to specify the location of your JSON configuration file. For example:

"UserDefinedViews", C:\Users\yourusername\Desktop\tmp\UserDefinedViews.json

Note that the specified path is not embedded in quotation marks.