Detalles de Conexión de Dynamics GP
Versión del conector
Esta documentación se basa en la versión 21.0.8361 del conector.
Compatibilidad con la versión de Dynamics GP
El conector admite el acceso de lectura a Dynamics GP 2010, 2013 y 2015 a través de las APIs de servicios web de Dynamics GP. Los servicios web deben estar habilitados para su instancia.
Establecer una Conexión
Conexión a Dynamics GP
Para conectar establecer el URL
al extremo de los servicios web; Por ejemplo, http://{servername}:{port}/Dynamics/GPService
. Además, establezca CompanyId
; puede obtener este valor en la ventana de configuración de la empresa: Haga clic en Herramientas -> Configuración -> Compañía.
Autenticación a Dynamics GP
El origen de datos de Dynamics GP admite los siguientes métodos de autenticación: autenticación anónima, autenticación WS-Security (WSS), autenticación básica, autenticación de usuario NTLM, resumen y negociación (Kerberos).
Autenticación Anónima
En algunas situaciones, se puede conectar Dynamics GP sin establecer ninguna propiedad de conexión de autenticación. Para hacerlo, simplemente configure AuthScheme
a "Ninguno", y ya está listo para conectarse.
Autenticar Usando la Autenticación WS-Security (wss)
Selecciona el User
y Password
para conectar y configurar AuthScheme
a "WSS".
Nota: La autenticación WSS es el esquema de autenticación predeterminado.
Autenticar Utilizando la Autenticación Básica
Selecciona el User
y Password
para conectar y configurar AuthScheme
a "Básico".
Autenticar Usando Windows (ntlm)
Configurar las Windows User
y Password
para conectar y configurar AuthScheme
a "NTLM".
Autenticar Mediante Autenticación Implícita
Selecciona el User
y Password
para conectar y configurar AuthScheme
Autenticarse Mediante la Autenticación Kerberos
Consulte Uso de Kerberos para obtener detalles sobre cómo autenticarse con Kerberos.
Ajuste Fino del Acceso a Datos
El conector devuelve resúmenes de datos de forma predeterminada para ahorrar rendimiento. Colocar LookupIds
a true para devolver detalles como elementos de línea; sin embargo, tenga en cuenta que las entidades deben recuperarse de una en una.
Uso de Kerberos
Esta sección muestra cómo usar el conector para autenticarse en Dynamics GP mediante Kerberos.
Autenticación con Kerberos
Para autenticarse en Dynamics GP mediante Kerberos, establezca las siguientes propiedades:
: Establézcalo enNEGOTIATE
: Establézcalo enhost name or IP Address
de su máquina Kerberos KDC.KerberosRealm
: Establézcalo enthe realm of the Dynamics GP Kerberos principal
. Este será el valor después del símbolo '@' (por ejemplo, EXAMPLE.COM) deprincipal value
(por ejemplo, ServiceName/MyHost@EXAMPLE.COM).KerberosSPN
: Establézcalo enservice and host of the Dynamics GP Kerberos Principal
. Este será el valor antes del símbolo '@' (por ejemplo, ServiceName/MyHost) deprincipal value
(por ejemplo, ServiceName/MyHost@EXAMPLE.COM).
Recuperar el Ticket de Kerberos
Puede utilizar una de las siguientes opciones para recuperar el vale de Kerberos necesario.
Archivo de Caché de Credenciales MIT Kerberos
Esta opción le permite utilizar el administrador de tickets MIT Kerberos o el comando kinit para obtener tickets. Tenga en cuenta que usted no necesitará configurar el User
o Password
propiedades de conexión con esta opción.
- Asegúrese de tener una variable de ambiente creada llamada
. - Configure el
variable de ambiente a una ruta que apunta a sucredential cache file
(por ejemplo, C:\krb_cache\krb5cc_0 o /tmp/krb5cc_0). Este archivo se creará al generar su ticket con MIT Kerberos Ticket Manager. - Para obtener un ticket, abra la aplicación MIT Kerberos Ticket Manager, haga clic en
Get Ticket, enter your principal name and password, then click OK
. Si tiene éxito, la información del ticket aparecerá en Kerberos Ticket Manager y ahora se almacenará en el archivo de caché de credenciales. - Ahora que se ha creado el archivo de caché de credenciales, el conector usará el archivo de caché para obtener el vale kerberos para conectarse a Dynamics GP.
Como alternativa a la configuración de KRB5CCNAME
variable de ambiente, puede establecer directamente la ruta del archivo usando KerberosTicketCache
propiedad. Cuando se configura, el conector usará el archivo de caché especificado para obtener el vale de Kerberos para conectarse a Dynamics GP.
Archivo de Tabla de Claves
Si no se ha configurado la variable de entorno KRB5CCNAME
, puede recuperar un ticket de Kerberos usando un Keytab File
. Para hacer esto, configure User
propiedad al nombre de usuario deseado y configure KerberosKeytabFile
propiedad a una ruta de archivo que apunta al archivo keytab asociado con el usuario.
Usuario y Contraseña
Si no se han establecido ni la variable de entorno KRB5CCNAME
ni la propiedad KerberosKeytabFile
, puede recuperar un boleto usando un User and Password combination
. Para hacer esto, configure User
y Password
propiedades a la combinación de usuario/contraseña que usa para autenticarse con Dynamics GP.
Autenticación Entre Reinos
Los ambientes de Kerberos más complejos pueden requerir la autenticación entre dominios donde se utilizan múltiples dominios y servidores KDC (por ejemplo, donde se usa un dominio/KDC para la autenticación del usuario y otro dominio/KDC para obtener el ticket de servicio).
En tal ambiente, el KerberosRealm
y KerberosKDC
las propiedades se pueden establecer en los valores necesarios para la autenticación del usuario. El KerberosServiceRealm
y KerberosServiceKDC
las propiedades se pueden configurar a los valores requeridos para obtener el ticket de servicio.
Notas Importantes
Procedimientos Almacenados
- Las funciones de procedimientos almacenados descritas en esta documentación no se admiten actualmente.
- Debido a que los procedimientos almacenados no se admiten actualmente, cualquier característica que dependa de los procedimientos almacenados tampoco se admite actualmente.
Archivos de Configuración y Sus Rutas
- Todas las referencias a la adición de archivos de configuración y sus rutas se refieren a archivos y ubicaciones en Harmony Agente donde está instalado el conector. Estas rutas deben ajustarse según corresponda según el agente y el sistema operativo. Si se utilizan varios agentes en un grupo de agentes, se requerirán archivos idénticos en cada agente.
Características Avanzadas
Esta sección detalla una selección de funciones avanzadas del conector Dynamics GP.
Vistas definidas por el usuario
El conector le permite definir tablas virtuales, llamadas vistas definidas por el usuario, cuyo contenido se decide mediante una consultar preconfigurada. Estas vistas son útiles cuando no puede controlar directamente las consultas que se envían a los controladores. Consulte Vistas definidas por el usuario para obtener una descripción general de la creación y configuración de vistas personalizadas.
Configuración SSL
Usar Configuración SSL para ajustar cómo el conector maneja las negociaciones de certificados TLS/SSL. Puede elegir entre varios formatos de certificado; ver el SSLServerCert
propiedad en "Opciones de cadena de conexión" para obtener más información.
Para configurar el conector mediante Configuración de proxy de Agente Privado, Selecciona el Use Proxy Settings
casilla de verificación en la pantalla de configuración de la conexión.
Vistas Definidas por el Usuario
El conector Jitterbit para Dynamics GP le permite definir una tabla virtual cuyo contenido se decide mediante una consultar preconfigurada. Estas se denominan Vistas definidas por el usuario, que son útiles en situaciones en las que no puede controlar directamente la consultar que se envía al controlador, por ejemplo, cuando se utiliza el controlador de Jitterbit. Las vistas definidas por el usuario se pueden utilizar para definir predicados que siempre se aplican. Si especifica predicados adicionales en la consultar a la vista, se combinan con la consultar ya definida como parte de la vista.
Hay dos formas de crear vistas definidas por el usuario:
- Cree un archivo de configuración con formato JSON que defina las vistas que desea.
- Declaraciones DDL.
Definición de Vistas Utilizando un Archivo de Configuración
Las vistas definidas por el usuario se definen en un archivo de configuración con formato JSON llamado UserDefinedViews.json
. El conector detecta automáticamente las vistas especificadas en este archivo.
También puede tener múltiples definiciones de vista y controlarlas usando UserDefinedViews
propiedad de conexión. Cuando utiliza esta propiedad, el conector solo ve las vistas especificadas.
Este archivo de configuración de vista definida por el usuario tiene el siguiente formato:
- Cada elemento raíz define el nombre de una vista.
- Cada elemento raíz contiene un elemento hijo, llamado
, que contiene la consultar SQL personalizada para la vista.
Por ejemplo:
"MyView": {
"query": "SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE MyColumn = 'value'"
"MyView2": {
"query": "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id IN (1,2,3)"
Utilizar el UserDefinedViews
propiedad de conexión para especificar la ubicación de su archivo de configuración JSON. Por ejemplo:
"UserDefinedViews", "C:\Users\yourusername\Desktop\tmp\UserDefinedViews.json"
Esquema para Vistas Definidas por el Usuario
Las vistas definidas por el usuario se exponen en UserViews
esquema por defecto. Esto se hace para evitar que el nombre de la vista entre en conflicto con una entidad real en el modelo de datos. Puede cambiar el nombre del esquema utilizado para UserViews configurando UserViewsSchemaName
Trabajar con Vistas Definidas por el Usuario
Por ejemplo, una instrucción SQL con una vista definida por el usuario llamada UserViews.RCustomers
solo enumera clientes en Raleigh:
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE City = 'Raleigh';
Un ejemplo de una consultar al controlador:
SELECT * FROM UserViews.RCustomers WHERE Status = 'Active';
Dando como resultado la consultar efectiva a la fuente:
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE City = 'Raleigh' AND Status = 'Active';
Ese es un ejemplo muy simple de una consultar a una vista definida por el usuario que es efectivamente una combinación de la consultar de vista y la definición de vista. Es posible componer estas consultas en patrones mucho más complejos. Todas las operaciones de SQL están permitidas en ambas consultas y se combinan cuando corresponde.
Configuración SSL
Personalización de la Configuración SSL
De forma predeterminada, el conector intenta negociar SSL/TLS comparando el certificado del servidor con el almacén de certificados de confianza del sistema.
Para especificar otro certificado, consulte SSLServerCert
propiedad de los formatos disponibles para hacerlo.
Modelo de Datos
El conector Jitterbit para Dynamics GP modela entidades de Dynamics GP en vistas relacionales o tablas de solo lectura. Las tablas se determinan automáticamente en función de los metadatos que recupera el conector cuando se conecta. Cualquier cambio que realice en su cuenta de Dynamics GP, como crear un campo personalizado o cambiar su tipo de datos, se refleja en la reconexión.
Puntos de vista muestra algunas definiciones de vista de muestra incluidas en el ambiente de desarrollo de Dynamics GP. Las vistas reales disponibles dependerán de su cuenta.
Ejecución de inserciones
Algunas de las entidades que se exponen como tablas admiten operaciones de inserción. Por ejemplo, para insertar un nuevo Cliente en el Cliente table ejecutamos la siguiente consultar:
INSERT INTO Customer(Id, Name, Comment1, Comment2) VALUES('TEST_CST', 'Name', 'Comment1', 'Comment2')
Ejecución de Inserciones Utilizando Tablas Temporales
Al insertar, puede encontrar columnas que terminan con la palabra clave "Agregado". Estas columnas solo aceptarán valores de tabla temporales. Si usa tablas temporales, deben definirse e insertarse dentro de la misma conexión. Cerrar la conexión borrará cualquier tabla temporal en la memoria. Por ejemplo, al insertar una nueva factura de ventas, también se deben insertar las líneas de ventas. Las líneas de venta están expuestas en SalesInvoice tabla como la columna LinesAggregate. Primero tenemos que encontrar la vista secundaria que corresponde a la columna LinesAggregate. En este caso, la vista es SalesInvoiceLines. Utilizando el nombre de la vista de nuestra tabla temporal y sus columnas como referencia a los atributos de las líneas de ventas, primero insertaremos las líneas de ventas en la tabla temporal. Siga las consultas sql a continuación:
INSERT INTO SalesInvoiceLines#TEMP(LinesItemId, LinesWarehouseId, LinesQuantity, LinesUnitPrice, LinesUnitPriceCurrency) VALUES('100XLG', 'WAREHOUSE', '1', '30', 'USD')
INSERT INTO SalesInvoiceLines#TEMP(LinesItemId, LinesWarehouseId, LinesQuantity, LinesUnitPrice, LinesUnitPriceCurrency) VALUES('M1700', 'WAREHOUSE', '1', '30', 'USD')
INSERT INTO SalesInvoice(BatchId, CustomerId, DocumentTypeKeyType, DocumentTypeId, LinesAggregate) VALUES('CONTRACTS', 'PLAZAONE0001', 'Invoice', 'STDINV', 'SalesInvoiceLines#TEMP')
Primero agregamos 2 líneas de ventas en la tabla temporal con el nombre "SalesInvoiceLines#TEMP". Luego, podemos crear una nueva factura de ventas utilizando el nombre de la tabla temporal como valor para la columna LinesAggregate. Nota: Las columnas LinesItemId, LinesWarehouseId, LinesQuantity, LinesUnitPrice, LinesUnitPriceCurrency en el ejemplo anterior deben corresponder a columnas reales en la tabla secundaria; de lo contrario, no funcionará.
A continuación, puede encontrar otros ejemplos de consultar con o sin el uso de tablas temporales.
INSERT INTO Customer(Id, Name) VALUES('TEST_CST', 'Name')
INSERT INTO CustomerAddress(SalespersonId, SalesTerritoryId, Id, KeyCustomerId, Line1, Line2, City, State, CountryRegion, Fax, Phone1, Phone2, PostalCode) VALUES('PAUL W.', 'TERRITORY 1', 'WAREHOUSE', 'TEST_CST', '11403 45 St. South', 'Billing Dept.', 'Chicago', 'IL', 'USA', '31255501010000', '42555501010000', '00000000000000', '98052-6399')
INSERT INTO Vendor(Id, Name, Comment1, Comment2) VALUES('test11', 'Name', 'Comment1', 'Comment2')
INSERT INTO VendorAddress(SalespersonId, SalesTerritoryId, Id, KeyVendorId, Line1, Line2, City, State, CountryRegion, Fax, Phone1, Phone2, PostalCode) VALUES('PAUL W.', 'TERRITORY 1', 'PRIMARY', 'test11', '11403 45 St. South', 'Billing Dept.', 'Chicago', 'IL', 'USA', '31255501010000', '42555501010000', '00000000000000', '98052-6399')
INSERT INTO PayablesCreditMemo(BatchId, Id, VendorId, PurchaseAmount, PurchaseAmountCurrency, VendorDocumentNumber) VALUES('JAN-98', 'DM6502', 'CENTRALC0001', '100', 'USD', 'DOCUMENT 42')
INSERT INTO ApplicantApplications#TEMP(ApplicationsDateApplied, ApplicationsLastModifiedDate) VALUES('2021-01-07T00:00:00+01:00','2021-01-07T00:00:00+01:00')
INSERT INTO Applicant(FirstName, LastName, ApplicationsAggregate) VALUES('Test', 'Applicant', 'ApplicantApplications#TEMP')
INSERT INTO PurchaseOrderLines#TEMP(LinesQuantityOrdered, LinesVendorItemNumber, LinesWarehouseId) VALUES('1', '100XLG', 'WAREHOUSE')
INSERT INTO PurchaseOrder(LinesAggregate, Id, VendorId) VALUES('PurchaseOrderLines#TEMP', 'PO4056', 'ACETRAVE0001')
INSERT INTO SalesReturnLines#TEMP(LinesItemId, LinesWarehouseId, LinesQuantity, LinesUnitPrice, LinesUnitPriceCurrency) VALUES('100XLG', 'WAREHOUSE', '1', '30', 'USD');
INSERT INTO SalesReturnLines#TEMP(LinesItemId, LinesWarehouseId, LinesQuantity, LinesUnitPrice, LinesUnitPriceCurrency) VALUES('M1700', 'WAREHOUSE', '1', '30', 'USD');
INSERT INTO SalesReturn(BatchId, CustomerId, DocumentTypeKeyType, DocumentTypeId, LinesAggregate) VALUES('SALES RETURNS', 'PLAZAONE0001', 'Return', 'RTN', 'SalesReturnLines#TEMP');
Ejecutando Eliminar
Algunas de las entidades que se exponen como tablas admiten operaciones de eliminación. Por ejemplo, para eliminar un Cliente del Cliente table ejecutamos la siguiente consultar:
Ejecutar Eliminar Usando Varias Teclas
Algunas operaciones de eliminación requieren varias claves para que la consultar se realice correctamente. Por ejemplo, para eliminar una dirección de cliente de CustomerAddresses la tabla requiere que se configuren ambas columnas clave, el ID y los valores KeyCustomerId, por ejemplo:
DELETE FROM CustomerAddress WHERE Id='WAREHOUSE' AND KeyCustomerId='TEST2'
A continuación puede encontrar otros ejemplos de consultar con o sin claves múltiples.
DELETE FROM Applicant WHERE ApplicantId='2'
DELETE FROM ApplicantApplication WHERE ApplicantApplicationKeyApplicantId='3' AND ApplicantApplicationKeySequenceId='1'
Ejecutando actualización
Algunas de las entidades que se exponen como tablas admiten operaciones de actualización. Por ejemplo, para actualizar un Cliente desde el Cliente table ejecutamos la siguiente consultar:
UPDATE Customer SET Name='new test name',Comment1='new comment 1', Comment2='new comment 2' WHERE Id='TEST1'
Ejecutar Actualización Usando Varias Teclas
Algunas operaciones de actualización requieren varias claves para que la consultar se realice correctamente. Por ejemplo, para actualizar una dirección de cliente desde CustomerAddresses la tabla requiere que se configuren ambas columnas clave, el ID y los valores KeyCustomerId, por ejemplo:
UPDATE CustomerAddress SET Line1='new line 1', Line2='new line 2', City='new city', State='new state', Fax='111111111', Phone1='222222222', Phone2='3333333', PostalCode='235-325' WHERE KeyCustomerId='TEST1234' AND Id='WAREHOUSE'
UPDATE SalesInvoice SET CustomerId='AARONFIT0001', Date='2021-01-07T00:00:00+01:00' WHERE Id='STDINV2300' AND BatchId='CONTRACTS'
Nota: Al actualizar las tablas SalesInvoice, Órdenes de venta, Cotización de ventas, RetornoVentas, Pedido pendiente de ventas, Pedido de cumplimiento de ventas la columna Fecha debe establecerse para una consultar exitosa .
Ejecutando Update Usando Tablas Temporales
Como se explica en Executing Inserts using Temporary Tables
las tablas temporales también se pueden utilizar en operaciones de actualización. Eche un vistazo a la consultar a continuación que actualiza la cantidad de artículos existentes en nuestra factura:
INSERT INTO SalesInvoiceLines#TEMP(LinesItemId, LinesWarehouseId, LinesQuantity, LinesUnitPrice, LinesUnitPriceCurrency) VALUES('100XLG', 'WAREHOUSE', '2', '30', 'USD')
INSERT INTO SalesInvoiceLines#TEMP(LinesItemId, LinesWarehouseId, LinesQuantity, LinesUnitPrice, LinesUnitPriceCurrency) VALUES('M1700', 'WAREHOUSE', '2', '30', 'USD')
UPDATE SalesInvoice SET Date='2021-01-07T00:00:00+01:00', LinesAggregate='SalesInvoiceLines#TEMP' WHERE Id='STDINV2300' AND BatchId='CONTRACTS'
A continuación puede encontrar otros ejemplos de consultar.
UPDATE SalesOrder SET CustomerId='AARONFIT0001', Date='2021-01-07T00:00:00+01:00' WHERE Id='ORDST2225' AND BatchId='SOP ORDERS'
INSERT INTO ApplicantApplications#TEMP(ApplicationsDateApplied, ApplicationsLastModifiedDate) VALUES('2021-01-05T00:00:00+01:00','2021-01-07T00:00:00+01:00')
UPDATE Applicant SET FirstName='New Test Name', LastName='New Applicant Name', ApplicationsAggregate='ApplicantApplications#TEMP' WHERE ApplicantId='3'
UPDATE SalesQuote SET CustomerId='BAKERSEM0001', Date='2021-01-07T00:00:00+01:00' WHERE Id='QTEST1022' AND BatchId='SALES QUOTES'
UPDATE Vendor SET Name='new test name',Comment1='new comment 1', Comment2='new comment 2' WHERE Id='ACETRAVE0001'
UPDATE VendorAddress SET Line1='new line 1', Line2='new line 2', City='new city', State='new state', Fax='111111111', Phone1='222222222', Phone2='3333333', PostalCode='235-325' WHERE KeyVendorId='ACETRAVE0001' AND Id='PRIMARY'
El conector modela los datos en Dynamics GP en una lista de tablas que se pueden consultar mediante instrucciones SQL estándar.
Generalmente, consultar tablas de Dynamics GP es lo mismo que consultar una tabla en una base de datos relacional. A veces hay casos especiales, por ejemplo, incluir una determinada columna en la cláusula WHERE puede ser necesario para obtener datos para ciertas columnas de la tabla. Esto suele ser necesario para situaciones en las que se debe realizar una solicitud separada para cada fila para obtener ciertas columnas. Estos tipos de situaciones están claramente documentados en la parte superior de la página de la tabla vinculada a continuación.
Conector Jitterbit para Tablas de Dynamics GP
Nombre | Descripción |
Applicant | Devuelva una lista de: Solicitante |
ApplicantEducation | Devuelva una lista de: SolicitanteEducación |
ApplicantInterview | Devuelve una lista de: ApplicantInterview |
ApplicantReference | Devuelve una lista de: ApplicantReference |
ApplicantSkill | Devolver una lista de: ApplicantSkill |
ApplicantTest | Devuelve una lista de: ApplicantTest |
ApplicantWorkHistory | Devuelve una lista de: ApplicantWorkHistory |
BackOfficeRoleAssignment | Devolver una lista de: BackOfficeRoleAssignment |
BusinessObjectUserAssignment | Devuelve una lista de: BusinessObjectUserAssignment |
CashReceipt | Devolver una lista de: CashReceipt |
Customer | Devolver una lista de: Cliente |
CustomerAddress | Devuelve una lista de: CustomerAddress |
Employee | Devolver una lista de: Empleado |
EmployeeAddress | Devuelve una lista de: EmployeeAddress |
EmployeePayCode | Devolver una lista de: EmployeePayCode |
Fee | Devolver una lista de: Cuota |
GLFixedAllocationAccount | Devuelve una lista de: GLFixedAllocationAccount |
GLPostingAccount | Devuelve una lista de: GLPostingAccount |
GLTransaction | Devuelve una lista de: GLTransaction |
GLUnitAccount | Devuelve una lista de: GLUnitAccount |
GLVariableAllocationAccount | Devuelve una lista de: GLVariableAllocationAccount |
HRRequisition | Devolver una lista de: HRRequisition |
InventoryAdjustment | Devuelve una lista de: InventoryAdjustment |
InventoryTransfer | Devuelve una lista de: InventoryTransfer |
InventoryVariance | Devuelve una lista de: InventoryVariance |
ItemCurrency | Devuelve una lista de: ItemCurrency |
ItemVendor | Devuelve una lista de: ItemVendor |
ItemWarehouse | Devuelve una lista de: ItemWarehouse |
PayablesCreditMemo | Devolver una lista de: PayablesCreditMemo |
PayablesFinanceCharge | Devuelve una lista de: PayablesFinanceCharge |
PayablesInvoice | Devuelve una lista de: PayablesInvoice |
PayablesMiscellaneousCharge | Devuelve una lista de: PayablesMiscellaneousCharge |
PayablesReturn | Devuelve una lista de: PayablesReturn |
Policy | Devolver una lista de: Política |
Pricing | Devolver una lista de: Precios |
PurchaseInvoice | Devuelve una lista de: Factura de compra |
PurchaseOrder | Devuelve una lista de: orden de compra |
PurchaseReceipt | Devuelve una lista de: Recibo de compra |
ReceivablesCreditMemo | Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesCreditMemo |
ReceivablesDebitMemo | Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesDebitMemo |
ReceivablesFinanceCharge | Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesFinanceCharge |
ReceivablesInvoice | Devuelve una lista de: Cuentas por cobrarFactura |
ReceivablesReturn | Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesReturn |
ReceivablesServiceRepair | Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesServiceRepair |
ReceivablesWarranty | Devolver una lista de: Cuentas por cobrarGarantía |
ReturnMaterialAuthorization | Devolver una lista de: ReturnMaterialAuthorization |
SalesBackorder | Devuelve una lista de: SalesBackorder |
SalesFulfillmentOrder | Devuelve una lista de: SalesFulfillmentOrder |
SalesInvoice | Devuelve una lista de: SalesInvoice |
SalesOrder | Devuelve una lista de: SalesOrder |
SalesProcessHoldSetup | Devuelve una lista de: SalesProcessHoldSetup |
SalesQuote | Devuelve una lista de: SalesQuote |
SalesReturn | Devuelve una lista de: SalesReturn |
Service | Devolver una lista de: Servicio |
ServiceCall | Devolver una lista de: ServiceCall |
ServiceEquipment | Devuelve una lista de: ServiceEquipment |
ServiceQuote | Devolver una lista de: ServiceQuote |
Skill | Devuelve una lista de: Habilidad |
SkillSet | Devuelve una lista de: SkillSet |
Vendor | Devolver una lista de: Proveedor |
VendorAddress | Devuelve una lista de: VendorAddress |
Warehouse | Devuelve una lista de: Almacén |
Devolver una lista de: Solicitante
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AddressCity | String | Falso | |
AddressLine1 | String | Falso | |
AddressLine2 | String | Falso | |
AddressLine3 | String | Falso | |
AddressPostalCode | String | Falso | |
AddressState | String | Falso | |
AddressCountryRegion | String | Falso | |
AddressFaxCountryCode | String | Falso | |
AddressFaxExtension | String | Falso | |
AddressFax | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone1CountryCode | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone1Extension | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone1 | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone2CountryCode | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone2Extension | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone2 | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone3CountryCode | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone3Extension | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone3 | String | Falso | |
AgeCode | String | Falso | |
ApplicantId [KEY] | Int | Falso | |
ApplicationColorColorCode | String | Falso | |
ApplicationColorColorName | String | Falso | |
ApplicationStatus | String | Falso | |
ApplicationsAggregate | String | Falso | |
CompanyCode | String | Falso | |
DateApplied | Datetime | Falso | |
DepartmentId | String | Falso | |
DivisionId | String | Falso | |
Ethnicity | String | Falso | |
FirstName | String | Falso | |
Gender | String | Falso | |
HRRequisistionId | String | Falso | |
InterviewsAggregate | String | Falso | |
IsDisabled | Bool | Falso | |
IsDisabledVeteran | Bool | Falso | |
IsOtherVeteran | Bool | Falso | |
IsReplyLetterSent | Bool | Falso | |
IsVeteran | Bool | Falso | |
IsVietnamEraVeteran | Bool | Falso | |
IsWillRelocate | Bool | Falso | |
LastModifiedBy | String | Falso | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
LastName | String | Falso | |
Location | String | Falso | |
MiddleName | String | Falso | |
PositionId | String | Falso | |
PreviousEmployersAggregate | String | Falso | |
ReferenceInformationSource | String | Falso | |
ReferenceInformationSourceDescription | String | Falso | |
ReferencesAggregate | String | Falso | |
RejectionInformationComment | String | Falso | |
RejectionInformationReason | String | Falso | |
SchoolsAggregate | String | Falso | |
SequenceId | Int | Falso | |
SkillsAggregate | String | Falso | |
TaxIdentifier | String | Falso | |
TestsAggregate | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: SolicitanteEducación
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ApplicantEducationKeyApplicantId [KEY] | Int | Falso | |
ApplicantEducationKeySequenceId [KEY] | Int | Falso | |
Degree | String | Falso | |
DeleteOnUpdate | Bool | Falso | |
GPABase | String | Falso | |
GradePointAverage | String | Falso | |
LastModifiedBy | String | Falso | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Major | String | Falso | |
Notes | String | Falso | |
School | String | Falso | |
YearGraduated | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: ApplicantInterview
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ApplicantInterviewKeyApplicantId [KEY] | Int | Falso | |
ApplicantInterviewKeyApplyDateId [KEY] | Datetime | Falso | |
ApplicantInterviewKeyInterviewTypeId [KEY] | String | Falso | |
CompanyCode | String | Falso | |
DeleteOnUpdate | Bool | Falso | |
DepartmentId | String | Falso | |
DivisionId | String | Falso | |
EffectiveDate | Datetime | Falso | |
InterviewItemsAggregate | String | Falso | |
InterviewTypeCode | Int | Falso | |
Notes | String | Falso | |
PositionId | String | Falso | |
ReviewRange | Int | Falso | |
ReviewRating | Decimal | Falso | |
TotalWeight | Int | Falso | |
WeightedScore | Int | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devuelve una lista de: ApplicantReference
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AddressCity | String | Falso | |
AddressLine1 | String | Falso | |
AddressLine2 | String | Falso | |
AddressLine3 | String | Falso | |
AddressPostalCode | String | Falso | |
AddressState | String | Falso | |
AddressCountryRegion | String | Falso | |
AddressFaxCountryCode | String | Falso | |
AddressFaxExtension | String | Falso | |
AddressFax | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone1CountryCode | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone1Extension | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone1 | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone2CountryCode | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone2Extension | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone2 | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone3CountryCode | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone3Extension | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone3 | String | Falso | |
ApplicantReferenceKeyApplicantSequenceKeyApplicantId [KEY] | Int | Falso | |
ApplicantReferenceKeyApplicantSequenceKeySequenceId [KEY] | Int | Falso | |
ApplicantReferenceId [KEY] | String | Falso | |
CompanyName | String | Falso | |
DeleteOnUpdate | Bool | Falso | |
LastModifiedBy | String | Falso | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Notes | String | Falso | |
Relationship | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devuelve una lista de: ApplicantSkill
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ApplicantSkillKeyApplicantId [KEY] | Int | Falso | |
ApplicantSkillKeySkillId [KEY] | String | Falso | |
Comments | String | Falso | |
DeleteOnUpdate | Bool | Falso | |
Proficiency | Int | Falso | |
SkillNumber | Int | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devuelve una lista de: ApplicantTest
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ApplicantTestKeyApplicantSequenceKeyApplicantId [KEY] | Int | Falso | |
ApplicantTestKeyApplicantSequenceKeySequenceId [KEY] | Int | Falso | |
ApplicantTestKeyTestId [KEY] | String | Falso | |
DeleteOnUpdate | Bool | Falso | |
LastModifiedBy | String | Falso | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Notes | String | Falso | |
Score | String | Falso | |
TestDate | Datetime | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Historial de Trabajo del Solicitante
Devolver una lista de: ApplicantWorkHistory
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ApplicantWorkHistoryKeyApplicantSequenceKeyApplicantId [KEY] | Int | Falso | |
ApplicantWorkHistoryKeyApplicantSequenceKeySequenceId [KEY] | Int | Falso | |
ApplicantWorkHistoryId [KEY] | String | Falso | |
CompensationPeriod | String | Falso | |
DeleteOnUpdate | Bool | Falso | |
EndDate | Datetime | Falso | |
LastModifiedBy | String | Falso | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Notes | String | Falso | |
PositionId | String | Falso | |
StartDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Wage | Decimal | Falso | |
YearsOfExperience | Int | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Asignación de Roles de BackOffice
Devolver una lista de: BackOfficeRoleAssignment
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
KeyRoleId [KEY] | String | Falso | |
KeyUserId [KEY] | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Asignación de Usuario de BusinessObject
Devolver una lista de: BusinessObjectUserAssignment
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
BusinessObjectKey | String | Falso | |
BusinessObjectTypeId | String | Falso | |
User [KEY] | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Recibo de Caja
Devolver una lista de: CashReceipt
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
Amount | Decimal | Falso | |
AuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
BankAccountId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeySource | String | Falso | |
CheckCardNumber | String | Falso | |
CorporateAccountId | String | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
CustomerId | String | Falso | |
Date | Datetime | Falso | |
Description | String | Falso | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | Falso | |
IsVoided | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
ModifiedBy | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentCardTypeId | String | Falso | |
PostedBy | String | Falso | |
PostedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
VoidDate | Datetime | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: Cliente
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AccountsReceivableGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
AccountsReceivableGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
AddressesAggregate | String | Falso | |
AllowRevaluation | Bool | Falso | |
BalanceType | String | Falso | |
BankAccountId | String | Falso | |
BankBranch | String | Falso | |
BankName | String | Falso | |
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId | String | Falso | |
BillToAddressId | String | Falso | |
CashGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
CashGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
ClassId | String | Falso | |
Comment1 | String | Falso | |
Comment2 | String | Falso | |
CorporateAccountId | String | Falso | |
CostOfGoodsSoldGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
CostOfGoodsSoldGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
CreditLimitItem | String | Falso | |
CreditLimitPeriod | Int | Falso | |
CreditLimitPeriodAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CreditLimitPeriodAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
DefaultAddressKeyCustomerId | String | Falso | |
DefaultAddressId | String | Falso | |
DefaultCashAccountType | String | Falso | |
DiscountGracePeriod | Int | Falso | |
DueDateGracePeriod | Int | Falso | |
FinanceChargeItem | String | Falso | |
FinanceChargesGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
FinanceChargesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
HistoryOptionsKeepCalendarHistory | Bool | Falso | |
HistoryOptionsKeepDistributionHistory | Bool | Falso | |
HistoryOptionsKeepFiscalHistory | Bool | Falso | |
HistoryOptionsKeepTransactionHistory | Bool | Falso | |
IncludeInDemandPlanning | Bool | Falso | |
InventoryGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
InventoryGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
IsActive | Bool | Falso | |
IsOnHold | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
MaximumWriteoffItem | String | Falso | |
MinimumPaymentItem | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Name | String | Falso | |
Notes | String | Falso | |
OrderFullfillmentShortageDefault | String | Falso | |
OverpaymentWriteoffGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
OverpaymentWriteoffGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
PaymentCardAccountExpirationDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentCardAccountKeyNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentCardAccountKeyPaymentCardTypeId | String | Falso | |
PaymentTermsDiscountAvailableGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
PaymentTermsDiscountAvailableGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
PaymentTermsDiscountTakenGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
PaymentTermsDiscountTakenGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
PaymentTermsId | String | Falso | |
PostResultsTo | String | Falso | |
PriceLevelId | String | Falso | |
Priority | Int | Falso | |
RateTypeId | String | Falso | |
SalesGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
SalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
SalesOrderReturnsGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
SalesOrderReturnsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
SendEmailStatements | Bool | Falso | |
ShipCompleteOnly | Bool | Falso | |
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressId | String | Falso | |
Shortname | String | Falso | |
StatementCycle | String | Falso | |
StatementName | String | Falso | |
StatementRecipientsBCCAggregate | String | Falso | |
StatementRecipientsCCAggregate | String | Falso | |
StatementRecipientsToAggregate | String | Falso | |
StatementToAddressKeyCustomerId | String | Falso | |
StatementToAddressId | String | Falso | |
TaxExemptNumbersAggregate | String | Falso | |
TaxRegistrationNumber | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountPercent | Decimal | Falso | |
UserDefined1 | String | Falso | |
UserDefined2 | String | Falso | |
UserLanguageId | Int | Falso | |
WriteoffGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
WriteoffGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Dirección del Cliente
Devolver una lista de: CustomerAddress
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
City | String | Falso | |
Line1 | String | Falso | |
Line2 | String | Falso | |
Line3 | String | Falso | |
PostalCode | String | Falso | |
State | String | Falso | |
CountryRegion | String | Falso | |
FaxCountryCode | String | Falso | |
FaxExtension | String | Falso | |
Fax | String | Falso | |
Phone1CountryCode | String | Falso | |
Phone1Extension | String | Falso | |
Phone1 | String | Falso | |
Phone2CountryCode | String | Falso | |
Phone2Extension | String | Falso | |
Phone2 | String | Falso | |
Phone3CountryCode | String | Falso | |
Phone3Extension | String | Falso | |
Phone3 | String | Falso | |
CountryRegionCodeId | String | Falso | |
ContactPerson | String | Falso | |
Name | String | Falso | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
InternetAddressesAdditionalInformation | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesEmailBccAddress | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesEmailCcAddress | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesEmailToAddress | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField1 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField2 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField3 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField4 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField5 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField6 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField7 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField8 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesMessengerAddress | String | Falso | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ShippingMethodId | String | Falso | |
TaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
UPSZone | String | Falso | |
UserDefined1 | String | Falso | |
UserDefined2 | String | Falso | |
DeleteOnUpdate | Bool | Falso | |
KeyCustomerId [KEY] | String | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
SalesTerritoryId | String | Falso | |
SalespersonId | String | Falso | |
WarehouseId | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: Empleado
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AddressesAggregate | String | Falso | |
BenefitExpiration | Datetime | Falso | |
BenefitStartDate | Datetime | Falso | |
BirthDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ClassId | String | Falso | |
CompanyAddressId | String | Falso | |
DayOfBirth | Int | Falso | |
DefaultAddressKeyEmployeeId | String | Falso | |
DefaultAddressId | String | Falso | |
DefaultCashAccountFromType | String | Falso | |
DepartmentId | String | Falso | |
DivisionId | String | Falso | |
DoesCalculateMinimumWageBalance | Bool | Falso | |
EmployeeInactivatedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
EmployeeId [KEY] | String | Falso | |
EmploymentStartDate | Datetime | Falso | |
EmploymentType | String | Falso | |
Ethnicity | String | Falso | |
FederalClass | String | Falso | |
GLAccountId | String | Falso | |
GLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
GenderCode | String | Falso | |
HRStatus | String | Falso | |
I9RenewDate | Datetime | Falso | |
IsActive | Bool | Falso | |
IsDisabled | Bool | Falso | |
IsDisabledVeteran | Bool | Falso | |
IsI9Verified | Bool | Falso | |
IsOtherVeteran | Bool | Falso | |
IsSmoker | Bool | Falso | |
IsUnionEmployee | Bool | Falso | |
IsUnitedStatesCitizen | Bool | Falso | |
IsVeteran | Bool | Falso | |
IsVietnamEraVeteran | Bool | Falso | |
LastWorkedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
MaritalStatus | String | Falso | |
MilitaryDischargeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
MinimumNetPayCurrency | String | Falso | |
MinimumNetPay | Decimal | Falso | |
ModifiedBy | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
MonthOfBirth | String | Falso | |
NameAlternate | String | Falso | |
NameFamily | String | Falso | |
NameGiven | String | Falso | |
NameMiddle | String | Falso | |
NamePreferred | String | Falso | |
NameSuffix | String | Falso | |
PositionId | String | Falso | |
PrimaryPayCodeId | String | Falso | |
RateClass | String | Falso | |
ReasonEmployeeInactivated | String | Falso | |
ReviewLastDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ReviewNextDate | Datetime | Falso | |
SUTAStateId | String | Falso | |
SickTimeAccrualAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
SickTimeAccrualMethod | String | Falso | |
SickTimeDoesAutomaticallyAccrue | Bool | Falso | |
SickTimeHoursAvailable | Decimal | Falso | |
SickTimeHoursPerYear | Int | Falso | |
SickTimeWarnWhenHoursAvailableFallsBelowZero | Bool | Falso | |
SpouseName | String | Falso | |
SpouseTaxIdentifier | String | Falso | |
Status | String | Falso | |
SupervisorId | String | Falso | |
TaxIdentifier | String | Falso | |
UnionId | String | Falso | |
UserDefined1 | String | Falso | |
UserDefined2 | String | Falso | |
VacationAccrualAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
VacationAccrualMethod | String | Falso | |
VacationDoesAutomaticallyAccrue | Bool | Falso | |
VacationHoursAvailable | Decimal | Falso | |
VacationHoursPerYear | Int | Falso | |
VacationWarnWhenHoursAvailableFallsBelowZero | Bool | Falso | |
WorkHoursPerYear | Int | Falso | |
WorkersCompensationId | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Dirección del Empleado
Devolver una lista de: EmployeeAddress
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
City | String | Falso | |
Line1 | String | Falso | |
Line2 | String | Falso | |
Line3 | String | Falso | |
PostalCode | String | Falso | |
State | String | Falso | |
CountryRegion | String | Falso | |
FaxCountryCode | String | Falso | |
FaxExtension | String | Falso | |
Fax | String | Falso | |
Phone1CountryCode | String | Falso | |
Phone1Extension | String | Falso | |
Phone1 | String | Falso | |
Phone2CountryCode | String | Falso | |
Phone2Extension | String | Falso | |
Phone2 | String | Falso | |
Phone3CountryCode | String | Falso | |
Phone3Extension | String | Falso | |
Phone3 | String | Falso | |
CountryRegionCodeId | String | Falso | |
County | String | Falso | |
DeleteOnUpdate | Bool | Falso | |
InternetAddressesAdditionalInformation | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesEmailBccAddress | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesEmailCcAddress | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesEmailToAddress | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField1 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField2 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField3 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField4 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField5 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField6 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField7 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField8 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesMessengerAddress | String | Falso | |
KeyEmployeeId [KEY] | String | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: EmployeePayCode
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ApplicableTaxesIsFederalTaxApplied | Bool | Falso | |
ApplicableTaxesIsFutaApplied | Bool | Falso | |
ApplicableTaxesIsLocalTaxApplied | Bool | Falso | |
ApplicableTaxesIsMedicareApplied | Bool | Falso | |
ApplicableTaxesIsSocialSecurityApplied | Bool | Falso | |
ApplicableTaxesIsStateTaxApplied | Bool | Falso | |
ApplicableTaxesIsSutaApplied | Bool | Falso | |
ApplicableTaxesSutaState | String | Falso | |
BasePayRecordId | String | Falso | |
BasedOnRate | Decimal | Falso | |
EmployeePayCodeKeyEmployeeId [KEY] | String | Falso | |
EmployeePayCodeKeyPayCodeId [KEY] | String | Falso | |
FlatTaxRatesFederal | Decimal | Falso | |
FlatTaxRatesState | Decimal | Falso | |
IsDataEntry | Bool | Falso | |
IsInactive | Bool | Falso | |
IsPrimaryPayRecord | Bool | Falso | |
IsReportAsWages | Bool | Falso | |
IsSickTimeAccrued | Bool | Falso | |
IsTaxable | Bool | Falso | |
IsVacationAccrued | Bool | Falso | |
MaxPayPerPeriod | Decimal | Falso | |
Notes | String | Falso | |
PayAdvance | Decimal | Falso | |
PayAdvanceTaken | Decimal | Falso | |
PayFactor | Decimal | Falso | |
PayPerPeriod | Decimal | Falso | |
PayPeriod | String | Falso | |
PayRate | Decimal | Falso | |
PayStepBasedOn | String | Falso | |
PayStepEffectiveDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PayStepPayStepId | String | Falso | |
PayStepStep | Int | Falso | |
PayStepStepFTE | Decimal | Falso | |
PayType | String | Falso | |
PayUnit | String | Falso | |
PayUnitPeriod | String | Falso | |
ShiftCode | String | Falso | |
TipType | String | Falso | |
W2BoxesLabelsW2BoxLabel1 | String | Falso | |
W2BoxesLabelsW2BoxLabel2 | String | Falso | |
W2BoxesLabelsW2BoxLabel3 | String | Falso | |
W2BoxesLabelsW2BoxLabel4 | String | Falso | |
W2BoxesLabelsW2BoxNumber1 | Int | Falso | |
W2BoxesLabelsW2BoxNumber2 | Int | Falso | |
W2BoxesLabelsW2BoxNumber3 | Int | Falso | |
W2BoxesLabelsW2BoxNumber4 | Int | Falso | |
WorkersComp | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: Cuota
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ABCCode | String | Falso | |
AllowBackOrder | Bool | Falso | |
AssemblyVarianceGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
AssemblyVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
ClassId | String | Falso | |
CostofGoodsSoldGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
CostofGoodsSoldGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
CurrencyDecimalPlaces | String | Falso | |
CurrentCostCurrency | String | Falso | |
CurrentCost | Decimal | Falso | |
DamagedGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
DamagedGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
DefaultPriceLevelId | String | Falso | |
DefaultSellingUofM | String | Falso | |
DefaultWarehouseId | String | Falso | |
Description | String | Falso | |
DropShipGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
DropShipGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
FunctionalCurrencyDecimalPlaces | String | Falso | |
GenericDescription | String | Falso | |
InServiceGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
InServiceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
InUseGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
InUseGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
IncludeInDemandPlanning | Bool | Falso | |
InternetAddressesAdditionalInformation | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesEmailBccAddress | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesEmailCcAddress | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesEmailToAddress | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField1 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField2 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField3 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField4 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField5 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField6 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField7 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField8 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesMessengerAddress | String | Falso | |
InventoryGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
InventoryGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
InventoryOffsetGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
InventoryOffsetGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
InventoryReturnGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
InventoryReturnGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
IsDiscontinued | Bool | Falso | |
KeepCalendarYearHistory | Bool | Falso | |
KeepDistributionHistory | Bool | Falso | |
KeepFiscalYearHistory | Bool | Falso | |
KeepTransactionHistory | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
MarkdownGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
MarkdownGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PriceMethod | String | Falso | |
PurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
PurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
PurchaseTaxBasis | String | Falso | |
PurchaseTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
PurchaseUofM | String | Falso | |
QuantityDecimalPlaces | String | Falso | |
SalesGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
SalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
SalesReturnGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
SalesReturnGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
SalesTaxBasis | String | Falso | |
SalesTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
ShippingWeight | Decimal | Falso | |
ShortDescription | String | Falso | |
StandardCostCurrency | String | Falso | |
StandardCost | Decimal | Falso | |
SubstituteItem1Id | String | Falso | |
SubstituteItem2Id | String | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
UnrealizedPurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
UnrealizedPurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
UofMScheduleId | String | Falso | |
UserCategoryList1 | String | Falso | |
UserCategoryList2 | String | Falso | |
UserCategoryList3 | String | Falso | |
UserCategoryList4 | String | Falso | |
UserCategoryList5 | String | Falso | |
UserCategoryList6 | String | Falso | |
VarianceGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
VarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
WarrantyDays | Short | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devuelve una lista de: GLFixedAllocationAccount
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
Alias | String | Falso | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Description | String | Falso | |
IsActive | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
KeyIsEncrypted [KEY] | Bool | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
PostInventoryIn | String | Falso | |
PostPayrollIn | String | Falso | |
PostPurchasingIn | String | Falso | |
PostSalesIn | String | Falso | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: GLPostingAccount
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
Alias | String | Falso | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Description | String | Falso | |
IsActive | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
KeyIsEncrypted [KEY] | Bool | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
PostInventoryIn | String | Falso | |
PostPayrollIn | String | Falso | |
PostPurchasingIn | String | Falso | |
PostSalesIn | String | Falso | |
AllowAccountEntry | Bool | Falso | |
CurrenciesAggregate | String | Falso | |
GLAccountCategoryId | String | Falso | |
IsRevalued | Bool | Falso | |
PostRevaluationResultsTo | String | Falso | |
PostingType | String | Falso | |
RevaluationMethod | String | Falso | |
TypicalBalance | String | Falso | |
UserDefined1 | String | Falso | |
UserDefined2 | String | Falso | |
UserDefined3 | String | Falso | |
UserDefined4 | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: GLTransaction
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeySource | String | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
IntercompanyId | Int | Falso | |
IntercompanyOriginalJournalId | Int | Falso | |
IsVoided | Bool | Falso | |
KeyDate [KEY] | Datetime | Falso | |
KeyJournalId [KEY] | Int | Falso | |
LedgerType | String | Falso | |
LinesAggregate | String | Falso | |
ModifiedBy | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
OriginatingDocumentAuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
OriginatingDocumentPostedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
OriginatingDocumentSeries | String | Falso | |
PostedBy | String | Falso | |
Reference | String | Falso | |
SourceDocumentId | String | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: GLUnitAccount
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
Alias | String | Falso | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Description | String | Falso | |
IsActive | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
KeyIsEncrypted [KEY] | Bool | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
DecimalPlaces | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devuelve una lista de: GLVariableAllocationAccount
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
Alias | String | Falso | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Description | String | Falso | |
IsActive | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
KeyIsEncrypted [KEY] | Bool | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
PostInventoryIn | String | Falso | |
PostPayrollIn | String | Falso | |
PostPurchasingIn | String | Falso | |
PostSalesIn | String | Falso | |
BalanceForCalculation | String | Falso | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Requisición de Recursos Humanos
Devolver una lista de: HRRequisition
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AdvertisingListLine1 | String | Falso | |
AdvertisingListLine2 | String | Falso | |
AdvertisingListLine3 | String | Falso | |
AdvertisingListLine4 | String | Falso | |
AdvertisingListLine5 | String | Falso | |
ApplicantsApplied | Int | Falso | |
ApplicantsInterviewed | Int | Falso | |
CompanyCode | String | Falso | |
DepartmentId | String | Falso | |
DivisionId | String | Falso | |
InternalCloseDate | Datetime | Falso | |
InternalPostDate | Datetime | Falso | |
JobPostingType | String | Falso | |
LastModifiedBy | String | Falso | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ManagerId | String | Falso | |
OpeningDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PositionId | String | Falso | |
PositionsAvailable | Int | Falso | |
PositionsFilled | Int | Falso | |
Recruiter | String | Falso | |
RequisitionCostsAdvertising | Decimal | Falso | |
RequisitionCostsLodging | Decimal | Falso | |
RequisitionCostsMovingExpenses | Decimal | Falso | |
RequisitionCostsOther | Decimal | Falso | |
RequisitionCostsRecruiterFees | Decimal | Falso | |
RequisitionCostsTravel | Decimal | Falso | |
RequisitionNumberId [KEY] | String | Falso | |
Status | String | Falso | |
SupervisorId | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Ajuste de Inventario
Devolver una lista de: InventoryAdjustment
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeySource | String | Falso | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Date | Datetime | Falso | |
GLPostingDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
LinesAggregate | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Transferencia de Inventario
Devuelve una lista de: InventoryTransfer
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeySource | String | Falso | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Date | Datetime | Falso | |
GLPostingDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
LinesAggregate | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Variación de Inventario
Devolver una lista de: InventoryVariance
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeySource | String | Falso | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Date | Datetime | Falso | |
GLPostingDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
LinesAggregate | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devuelve una lista de: ItemCurrency
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
CurrencyDecimalPlaces | String | Falso | |
KeyCurrencyKeyISOCode [KEY] | String | Falso | |
KeyItemId [KEY] | String | Falso | |
ListPriceCurrency | String | Falso | |
ListPrice | Decimal | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: ItemVendor
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AverageLeadTime | Decimal | Falso | |
EconomicOrderQuantity | Decimal | Falso | |
FreeOnBoard | String | Falso | |
KeyItemId [KEY] | String | Falso | |
KeyVendorId [KEY] | String | Falso | |
LastCurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
LastOriginatingCostCurrency | String | Falso | |
LastOriginatingCost | Decimal | Falso | |
MaximumOrderQuantity | Decimal | Falso | |
MinimumOrderQuantity | Decimal | Falso | |
NumberOfReceipts | Short | Falso | |
OrderMultipleQuantity | Decimal | Falso | |
PlanningLeadTime | Short | Falso | |
PurchasingUofM | String | Falso | |
RequisitionedQuantity | Decimal | Falso | |
VendorItemDescription | String | Falso | |
VendorItemNumber | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Almacén de Artículos
Devolver una lista de: ItemWarehouse
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
Bin | String | Falso | |
BuyerId | String | Falso | |
KeyItemId [KEY] | String | Falso | |
KeyWarehouseId [KEY] | String | Falso | |
LandedCostGroupId | String | Falso | |
PlannerId | String | Falso | |
PlanningFixedOrderQuantity | Decimal | Falso | |
PlanningManufacturingLeadTime | Decimal | Falso | |
PlanningMaximumOrderQuantity | Decimal | Falso | |
PlanningMinimumOrderQuantity | Decimal | Falso | |
PlanningOrderMultipleQuantity | Decimal | Falso | |
PlanningOrderPointQuantity | Decimal | Falso | |
PlanningOrderPolicy | String | Falso | |
PlanningOrderUpToLevelQuantity | Decimal | Falso | |
PlanningPurchasingLeadTime | Decimal | Falso | |
PlanningReorderVarianceQuantity | Decimal | Falso | |
PlanningReplenishmentMethod | String | Falso | |
PlanningSafetyStockQuantity | Decimal | Falso | |
PlanningShrinkageFactor | Decimal | Falso | |
PlanningTimeFence | Short | Falso | |
PrimaryVendorId | String | Falso | |
RequisitionedQuantity | Decimal | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: PayablesCreditMemo
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AddressId | String | Falso | |
Amount1099Currency | String | Falso | |
Amount1099 | Decimal | Falso | |
AuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeySource | String | Falso | |
ChargeAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
ChargeAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
Date | Datetime | Falso | |
Description | String | Falso | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
DocumentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
DocumentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | Falso | |
HasIntercompanyDistributions | Bool | Falso | |
IsIntercompanyTransaction | Bool | Falso | |
IsVoided | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
ModifiedBy | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PONumber | String | Falso | |
PostedBy | String | Falso | |
PostedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PurchaseTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
PurchasesAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PurchasesAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
RemitToAddressId | String | Falso | |
ShippingMethodId | String | Falso | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TaxDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
TaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
VendorDocumentNumber | String | Falso | |
VendorId | String | Falso | |
VendorName | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Cuentas Por PagarFinanzas
Devolver una lista de: PayablesFinanceCharge
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AddressId | String | Falso | |
Amount1099Currency | String | Falso | |
Amount1099 | Decimal | Falso | |
AuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeySource | String | Falso | |
ChargeAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
ChargeAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
Date | Datetime | Falso | |
Description | String | Falso | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
DocumentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
DocumentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | Falso | |
HasIntercompanyDistributions | Bool | Falso | |
IsIntercompanyTransaction | Bool | Falso | |
IsVoided | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
ModifiedBy | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PONumber | String | Falso | |
PostedBy | String | Falso | |
PostedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PurchaseTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
PurchasesAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PurchasesAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
RemitToAddressId | String | Falso | |
ShippingMethodId | String | Falso | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TaxDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
TaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
VendorDocumentNumber | String | Falso | |
VendorId | String | Falso | |
VendorName | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentCashBankAccountId | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentCashNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashDocumentId | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentCheckBankAccountId | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckCheckNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentCheckNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountItem | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TermsDiscountDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TermsDueDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAmountAppliedTakenCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAmountAppliedTaken | Decimal | Falso | |
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountTakenAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TotalPaymentsCurrency | String | Falso | |
TotalPayments | Decimal | Falso | |
WriteoffAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
WriteoffAmount | Decimal | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Cuentas Por PagarFactura
Devuelve una lista de: PayablesInvoice
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AddressId | String | Falso | |
Amount1099Currency | String | Falso | |
Amount1099 | Decimal | Falso | |
AuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeySource | String | Falso | |
ChargeAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
ChargeAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
Date | Datetime | Falso | |
Description | String | Falso | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
DocumentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
DocumentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | Falso | |
HasIntercompanyDistributions | Bool | Falso | |
IsIntercompanyTransaction | Bool | Falso | |
IsVoided | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
ModifiedBy | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PONumber | String | Falso | |
PostedBy | String | Falso | |
PostedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PurchaseTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
PurchasesAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PurchasesAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
RemitToAddressId | String | Falso | |
ShippingMethodId | String | Falso | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TaxDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
TaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
VendorDocumentNumber | String | Falso | |
VendorId | String | Falso | |
VendorName | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentCashBankAccountId | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentCashNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashDocumentId | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentCheckBankAccountId | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckCheckNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentCheckNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountItem | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TermsDiscountDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TermsDueDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAmountAppliedTakenCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAmountAppliedTaken | Decimal | Falso | |
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountTakenAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TotalPaymentsCurrency | String | Falso | |
TotalPayments | Decimal | Falso | |
WriteoffAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
WriteoffAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentTermsId | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Cuentas por Pagarvarioscargo
Devolver una lista de: PayablesMiscellaneousCharge
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AddressId | String | Falso | |
Amount1099Currency | String | Falso | |
Amount1099 | Decimal | Falso | |
AuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeySource | String | Falso | |
ChargeAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
ChargeAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
Date | Datetime | Falso | |
Description | String | Falso | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
DocumentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
DocumentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | Falso | |
HasIntercompanyDistributions | Bool | Falso | |
IsIntercompanyTransaction | Bool | Falso | |
IsVoided | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
ModifiedBy | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PONumber | String | Falso | |
PostedBy | String | Falso | |
PostedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PurchaseTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
PurchasesAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PurchasesAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
RemitToAddressId | String | Falso | |
ShippingMethodId | String | Falso | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TaxDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
TaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
VendorDocumentNumber | String | Falso | |
VendorId | String | Falso | |
VendorName | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentCashBankAccountId | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentCashNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashDocumentId | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentCheckBankAccountId | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckCheckNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentCheckNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountItem | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TermsDiscountDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TermsDueDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAmountAppliedTakenCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAmountAppliedTaken | Decimal | Falso | |
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountTakenAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TotalPaymentsCurrency | String | Falso | |
TotalPayments | Decimal | Falso | |
WriteoffAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
WriteoffAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentTermsId | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Cuentas por Pagarretorno
Devolver una lista de: PayablesReturn
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AddressId | String | Falso | |
Amount1099Currency | String | Falso | |
Amount1099 | Decimal | Falso | |
AuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeySource | String | Falso | |
ChargeAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
ChargeAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
Date | Datetime | Falso | |
Description | String | Falso | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
DocumentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
DocumentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | Falso | |
HasIntercompanyDistributions | Bool | Falso | |
IsIntercompanyTransaction | Bool | Falso | |
IsVoided | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
ModifiedBy | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PONumber | String | Falso | |
PostedBy | String | Falso | |
PostedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PurchaseTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
PurchasesAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PurchasesAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
RemitToAddressId | String | Falso | |
ShippingMethodId | String | Falso | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TaxDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
TaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
VendorDocumentNumber | String | Falso | |
VendorId | String | Falso | |
VendorName | String | Falso | |
DiscountReturnedAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
DiscountReturnedAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentCashAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentCashBankAccountId | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentCashNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashDocumentId | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentCheckBankAccountId | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckCheckNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentCheckNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId | String | Falso | |
TotalPaymentsCurrency | String | Falso | |
TotalPayments | Decimal | Falso | |
WriteoffAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
WriteoffAmount | Decimal | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: Política
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
BehaviorsAggregate | String | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
Name | String | Falso | |
RootBusinessObjectName | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: Precios
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
DetailsAggregate | String | Falso | |
KeyCurrencyKeyISOCode [KEY] | String | Falso | |
KeyItemId [KEY] | String | Falso | |
KeyPriceLevelId [KEY] | String | Falso | |
KeyUofM [KEY] | String | Falso | |
LastModifiedBy | String | Falso | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
RoundAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
RoundAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
RoundOption | String | Falso | |
RoundPolicy | String | Falso | |
UofMSalesOption | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Factura de Compra
Devolver una lista de: Factura de compra
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
Amount1099Currency | String | Falso | |
Amount1099 | Decimal | Falso | |
AuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeySource | String | Falso | |
CreatedBy | String | Falso | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
Date | Datetime | Falso | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightTaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxBasis | String | Falso | |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
FreightTaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
LinesAggregate | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxBasis | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentTermsId | String | Falso | |
PostedBy | String | Falso | |
PostedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Reference | String | Falso | |
RemitToAddressId | String | Falso | |
SubtotalCurrency | String | Falso | |
Subtotal | Decimal | Falso | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
TaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountItem | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TermsDiscountDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TermsDueDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
VendorDocumentNumber | String | Falso | |
VendorId | String | Falso | |
VendorName | String | Falso | |
VoucherNumber | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Orden de Compra
Devuelve una lista de: orden de compra
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
BackoutFreightTaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
BackoutFreightTaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
BackoutMiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
BackoutMiscellaneousTaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
BackoutTaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
BackoutTaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
BillToAddressId | String | Falso | |
BuyerId | String | Falso | |
CanceledSubtotalCurrency | String | Falso | |
CanceledSubtotal | Decimal | Falso | |
Comment | String | Falso | |
CommentId | String | Falso | |
ConfirmWith | String | Falso | |
ContractEndDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ContractNumber | String | Falso | |
CreatedBy | String | Falso | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
CustomerId | String | Falso | |
Date | Datetime | Falso | |
DoesAllowSalesOrderCommitments | Bool | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightTaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxBasis | String | Falso | |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
FreightTaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
IsOnHold | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
LastEditDate | Datetime | Falso | |
LastPrintedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
LinesAggregate | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxBasis | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentTermsId | String | Falso | |
PromisedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PromisedShipDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressCity | String | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressLine1 | String | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressLine2 | String | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressLine3 | String | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressPostalCode | String | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressState | String | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressCountryRegion | String | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressFaxCountryCode | String | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressFaxExtension | String | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressFax | String | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressPhone1CountryCode | String | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressPhone1Extension | String | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressPhone1 | String | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressPhone2CountryCode | String | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressPhone2Extension | String | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressPhone2 | String | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressPhone3CountryCode | String | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressPhone3Extension | String | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressPhone3 | String | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressCountryRegionCodeId | String | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressContactPerson | String | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressName | String | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressId | String | Falso | |
RemainingSubtotalCurrency | String | Falso | |
RemainingSubtotal | Decimal | Falso | |
RequestedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
RequisitionDate | Datetime | Falso | |
RevisionNumber | Int | Falso | |
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCity | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine1 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine2 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine3 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPostalCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressState | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCountryRegion | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressFaxExtension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressFax | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone2 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone3 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressContactPerson | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressName | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressId | String | Falso | |
ShippingMethodId | String | Falso | |
Status | String | Falso | |
StatusGroup | String | Falso | |
SubtotalCurrency | String | Falso | |
Subtotal | Decimal | Falso | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TaxRegistrationNumber | String | Falso | |
TaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
TaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountItem | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TermsDiscountDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TermsDueDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TimesPrinted | Int | Falso | |
TotalAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TotalAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
VendorId | String | Falso | |
VendorName | String | Falso | |
WorkflowPriority | String | Falso | |
WorkflowsAggregate | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Recibo de Compra
Devolver una lista de: Recibo de compra
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ActualShipDate | Datetime | Falso | |
AuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeySource | String | Falso | |
CreatedBy | String | Falso | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
Date | Datetime | Falso | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
LinesAggregate | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PostedBy | String | Falso | |
PostedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Reference | String | Falso | |
RemitToAddressId | String | Falso | |
SubtotalCurrency | String | Falso | |
Subtotal | Decimal | Falso | |
TotalLandedCostAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TotalLandedCostAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedAggregate | String | Falso | |
VendorDocumentNumber | String | Falso | |
VendorId | String | Falso | |
VendorName | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Cuentas por CobrarCreditMemo
Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesCreditMemo
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AddressKeyCustomerId | String | Falso | |
AddressId | String | Falso | |
AuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeySource | String | Falso | |
CorporateAccountId | String | Falso | |
CostAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CostAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
CurrentDocumentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CurrentDocumentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CustomerId | String | Falso | |
CustomerName | String | Falso | |
CustomerPONumber | String | Falso | |
Date | Datetime | Falso | |
Description | String | Falso | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
DocumentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
DocumentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | Falso | |
InvoicePaidOffDate | Datetime | Falso | |
IsDeleted | Bool | Falso | |
IsDirectDebitDocument | Bool | Falso | |
IsElectronic | Bool | Falso | |
IsIntrastatDocument | Bool | Falso | |
IsVoided | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
ModifiedBy | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PostedBy | String | Falso | |
PostedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
SalesAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
SalesAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
SalesTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
SalesTerritoryId | String | Falso | |
SalespersonId | String | Falso | |
ShippingMethodId | String | Falso | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
TaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
VoidDate | Datetime | Falso | |
DiscountReturnedCurrency | String | Falso | |
DiscountReturned | Decimal | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Cuentas por CobrarDébitoMemo
Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesDebitMemo
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AddressKeyCustomerId | String | Falso | |
AddressId | String | Falso | |
AuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeySource | String | Falso | |
CorporateAccountId | String | Falso | |
CostAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CostAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
CurrentDocumentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CurrentDocumentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CustomerId | String | Falso | |
CustomerName | String | Falso | |
CustomerPONumber | String | Falso | |
Date | Datetime | Falso | |
Description | String | Falso | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
DocumentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
DocumentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | Falso | |
InvoicePaidOffDate | Datetime | Falso | |
IsDeleted | Bool | Falso | |
IsDirectDebitDocument | Bool | Falso | |
IsElectronic | Bool | Falso | |
IsIntrastatDocument | Bool | Falso | |
IsVoided | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
ModifiedBy | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PostedBy | String | Falso | |
PostedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
SalesAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
SalesAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
SalesTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
SalesTerritoryId | String | Falso | |
SalespersonId | String | Falso | |
ShippingMethodId | String | Falso | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
TaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
VoidDate | Datetime | Falso | |
GSTDiscountAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
GSTDiscountAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentCashAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentCashBankAccountId | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentCashNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentCheckBankAccountId | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckCheckNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentCheckNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardBankAccountId | String | Falso | |
PaymentTermsId | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountItem | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TermsDiscountDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TermsDueDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableTakenAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableTakenAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountTakenAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
WriteoffAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
WriteoffAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CommissionAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CommissionAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CommissionBasedOn | String | Falso | |
CommissionsAggregate | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Cuentas por CobrarFinanzasCargo
Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesFinanceCharge
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AddressKeyCustomerId | String | Falso | |
AddressId | String | Falso | |
AuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeySource | String | Falso | |
CorporateAccountId | String | Falso | |
CostAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CostAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
CurrentDocumentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CurrentDocumentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CustomerId | String | Falso | |
CustomerName | String | Falso | |
CustomerPONumber | String | Falso | |
Date | Datetime | Falso | |
Description | String | Falso | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
DocumentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
DocumentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | Falso | |
InvoicePaidOffDate | Datetime | Falso | |
IsDeleted | Bool | Falso | |
IsDirectDebitDocument | Bool | Falso | |
IsElectronic | Bool | Falso | |
IsIntrastatDocument | Bool | Falso | |
IsVoided | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
ModifiedBy | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PostedBy | String | Falso | |
PostedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
SalesAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
SalesAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
SalesTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
SalesTerritoryId | String | Falso | |
SalespersonId | String | Falso | |
ShippingMethodId | String | Falso | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
TaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
VoidDate | Datetime | Falso | |
GSTDiscountAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
GSTDiscountAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentCashAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentCashBankAccountId | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentCashNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentCheckBankAccountId | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckCheckNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentCheckNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardBankAccountId | String | Falso | |
PaymentTermsId | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountItem | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TermsDiscountDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TermsDueDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableTakenAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableTakenAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountTakenAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
WriteoffAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
WriteoffAmount | Decimal | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Cuentas Por CobrarFactura
Devolver una lista de: Cuentas por cobrar Factura
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AddressKeyCustomerId | String | Falso | |
AddressId | String | Falso | |
AuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeySource | String | Falso | |
CorporateAccountId | String | Falso | |
CostAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CostAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
CurrentDocumentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CurrentDocumentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CustomerId | String | Falso | |
CustomerName | String | Falso | |
CustomerPONumber | String | Falso | |
Date | Datetime | Falso | |
Description | String | Falso | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
DocumentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
DocumentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | Falso | |
InvoicePaidOffDate | Datetime | Falso | |
IsDeleted | Bool | Falso | |
IsDirectDebitDocument | Bool | Falso | |
IsElectronic | Bool | Falso | |
IsIntrastatDocument | Bool | Falso | |
IsVoided | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
ModifiedBy | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PostedBy | String | Falso | |
PostedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
SalesAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
SalesAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
SalesTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
SalesTerritoryId | String | Falso | |
SalespersonId | String | Falso | |
ShippingMethodId | String | Falso | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
TaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
VoidDate | Datetime | Falso | |
GSTDiscountAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
GSTDiscountAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentCashAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentCashBankAccountId | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentCashNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentCheckBankAccountId | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckCheckNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentCheckNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardBankAccountId | String | Falso | |
PaymentTermsId | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountItem | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TermsDiscountDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TermsDueDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableTakenAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableTakenAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountTakenAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
WriteoffAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
WriteoffAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CommissionAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CommissionAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CommissionBasedOn | String | Falso | |
CommissionsAggregate | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Cuentas por Cobrar
Devolver una lista de: Devolución de cuentas por cobrar
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AddressKeyCustomerId | String | Falso | |
AddressId | String | Falso | |
AuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeySource | String | Falso | |
CorporateAccountId | String | Falso | |
CostAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CostAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
CurrentDocumentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CurrentDocumentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CustomerId | String | Falso | |
CustomerName | String | Falso | |
CustomerPONumber | String | Falso | |
Date | Datetime | Falso | |
Description | String | Falso | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
DocumentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
DocumentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | Falso | |
InvoicePaidOffDate | Datetime | Falso | |
IsDeleted | Bool | Falso | |
IsDirectDebitDocument | Bool | Falso | |
IsElectronic | Bool | Falso | |
IsIntrastatDocument | Bool | Falso | |
IsVoided | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
ModifiedBy | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PostedBy | String | Falso | |
PostedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
SalesAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
SalesAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
SalesTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
SalesTerritoryId | String | Falso | |
SalespersonId | String | Falso | |
ShippingMethodId | String | Falso | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
TaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
VoidDate | Datetime | Falso | |
DiscountReturnedCurrency | String | Falso | |
DiscountReturned | Decimal | Falso | |
CommissionAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CommissionAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CommissionBasedOn | String | Falso | |
CommissionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentCashBankAccountId | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentCashNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentCheckBankAccountId | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckCheckNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentCheckNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardBankAccountId | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Cuentas por Cobrarservicioreparación
Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesServiceRepair
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AddressKeyCustomerId | String | Falso | |
AddressId | String | Falso | |
AuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeySource | String | Falso | |
CorporateAccountId | String | Falso | |
CostAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CostAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
CurrentDocumentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CurrentDocumentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CustomerId | String | Falso | |
CustomerName | String | Falso | |
CustomerPONumber | String | Falso | |
Date | Datetime | Falso | |
Description | String | Falso | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
DocumentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
DocumentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | Falso | |
InvoicePaidOffDate | Datetime | Falso | |
IsDeleted | Bool | Falso | |
IsDirectDebitDocument | Bool | Falso | |
IsElectronic | Bool | Falso | |
IsIntrastatDocument | Bool | Falso | |
IsVoided | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
ModifiedBy | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PostedBy | String | Falso | |
PostedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
SalesAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
SalesAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
SalesTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
SalesTerritoryId | String | Falso | |
SalespersonId | String | Falso | |
ShippingMethodId | String | Falso | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
TaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
VoidDate | Datetime | Falso | |
GSTDiscountAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
GSTDiscountAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentCashAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentCashBankAccountId | String | Falso | |
PaymentCashDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentCashNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentCheckBankAccountId | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckCheckNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentCheckDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentCheckNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId | String | Falso | |
PaymentPaymentCardBankAccountId | String | Falso | |
PaymentTermsId | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountItem | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TermsDiscountDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TermsDueDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableTakenAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableTakenAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountTakenAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
WriteoffAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
WriteoffAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CommissionAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CommissionAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CommissionBasedOn | String | Falso | |
CommissionsAggregate | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Cuentas por CobrarGarantía
Devolver una lista de: Cuentas por cobrarGarantía
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AddressKeyCustomerId | String | Falso | |
AddressId | String | Falso | |
AuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeySource | String | Falso | |
CorporateAccountId | String | Falso | |
CostAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CostAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
CurrentDocumentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CurrentDocumentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CustomerId | String | Falso | |
CustomerName | String | Falso | |
CustomerPONumber | String | Falso | |
Date | Datetime | Falso | |
Description | String | Falso | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
DocumentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
DocumentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | Falso | |
InvoicePaidOffDate | Datetime | Falso | |
IsDeleted | Bool | Falso | |
IsDirectDebitDocument | Bool | Falso | |
IsElectronic | Bool | Falso | |
IsIntrastatDocument | Bool | Falso | |
IsVoided | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
ModifiedBy | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PostedBy | String | Falso | |
PostedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
SalesAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
SalesAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
SalesTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
SalesTerritoryId | String | Falso | |
SalespersonId | String | Falso | |
ShippingMethodId | String | Falso | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
TaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
VoidDate | Datetime | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Autorización de Regreso de Material
Devuelve una lista de: ReturnMaterialAuthorization
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
BillToAddressId | String | Falso | |
BillToCustomerId | String | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
CustomerId | String | Falso | |
CustomerName | String | Falso | |
CustomerPONumber | String | Falso | |
EntryDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
EstimatedArrivalDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
FrontOfficeIntegrationId | String | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
Note | String | Falso | |
OfficeId | String | Falso | |
RateTypeId | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressId | String | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
UserDefined01 | String | Falso | |
UserDefined02 | String | Falso | |
UserDefined03 | String | Falso | |
UserDefined04 | String | Falso | |
UserDefined05 | String | Falso | |
AuditsAggregate | String | Falso | |
BillOfLading | String | Falso | |
ClosedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
CommitDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
CreatedBy | String | Falso | |
IsFromServiceCall | Bool | Falso | |
IsReceived | Bool | Falso | |
LinesAggregate | String | Falso | |
OriginatingDocumentId | String | Falso | |
OriginatingDocumentType | String | Falso | |
ReasonCodeDescription | String | Falso | |
ReasonCodeId | String | Falso | |
ReturnDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
ReturnStatus | String | Falso | |
ReturnStatusCodeId | String | Falso | |
ReturnToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ReturnToAddressCity | String | Falso | |
ReturnToAddressLine1 | String | Falso | |
ReturnToAddressLine2 | String | Falso | |
ReturnToAddressLine3 | String | Falso | |
ReturnToAddressPostalCode | String | Falso | |
ReturnToAddressState | String | Falso | |
ReturnToAddressCountryRegion | String | Falso | |
ReturnToAddressName | String | Falso | |
ReturnTypeId | String | Falso | |
ReturnWarehouseId | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCity | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine1 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine2 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine3 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPostalCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressState | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCountryRegion | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressContactPerson | String | Falso | |
ShippingMethodId | String | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
VentasPedido Atrasado
Devolver una lista de: SalesBackorder
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ActualShipDate | Datetime | Falso | |
AuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
BackorderDate | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeySource | String | Falso | |
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId | String | Falso | |
BillToAddressId | String | Falso | |
Comment | String | Falso | |
CommentId | String | Falso | |
CommissionAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CommissionAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CommissionBasedOn | String | Falso | |
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CommissionSaleAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CommissionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
CreatedBy | String | Falso | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
CustomerId | String | Falso | |
CustomerName | String | Falso | |
CustomerPONumber | String | Falso | |
Date | Datetime | Falso | |
DiscountAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
DiscountAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
DocumentTypeId | String | Falso | |
DocumentTypeKeyType | String | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightTaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxBasis | String | Falso | |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
FreightTaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
FrontOfficeIntegrationId | String | Falso | |
FulfillDate | Datetime | Falso | |
IntegrationId | String | Falso | |
IntegrationSource | Int | Falso | |
InvoiceDate | Datetime | Falso | |
IsIntrastatDocument | Bool | Falso | |
IsVoided | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
LineTotalAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
LineTotalAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MasterNumber | Int | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxBasis | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Note | String | Falso | |
OriginalSalesDocumentId | String | Falso | |
OriginalSalesDocumentType | String | Falso | |
PaymentTermsId | String | Falso | |
PriceLevelId | String | Falso | |
ProcessHoldsAggregate | String | Falso | |
QuoteDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Reference | String | Falso | |
RequestedShipDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ReturnDate | Datetime | Falso | |
SalesTerritoryId | String | Falso | |
SalespersonId | String | Falso | |
ShipCompleteOnly | Bool | Falso | |
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCity | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine1 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine2 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine3 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPostalCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressState | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCountryRegion | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressFaxExtension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressFax | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone2 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone3 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressContactPerson | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressName | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressId | String | Falso | |
ShippingMethodId | String | Falso | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TaxExemptNumber1 | String | Falso | |
TaxExemptNumber2 | String | Falso | |
TaxRegistrationNumber | String | Falso | |
TaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
TaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
TotalAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TotalAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TrackingNumbersAggregate | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountItem | String | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
UPSZone | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedDate01 | Datetime | Falso | |
UserDefinedDate02 | Datetime | Falso | |
UserDefinedList01 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedList02 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedList03 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText01 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText02 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText03 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText04 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText05 | String | Falso | |
WarehouseId | String | Falso | |
DepositAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
DepositAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
LinesAggregate | String | Falso | |
PaymentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentsAggregate | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devuelve una lista de: SalesFulfillmentOrder
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ActualShipDate | Datetime | Falso | |
AuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
BackorderDate | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeySource | String | Falso | |
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId | String | Falso | |
BillToAddressId | String | Falso | |
Comment | String | Falso | |
CommentId | String | Falso | |
CommissionAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CommissionAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CommissionBasedOn | String | Falso | |
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CommissionSaleAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CommissionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
CreatedBy | String | Falso | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
CustomerId | String | Falso | |
CustomerName | String | Falso | |
CustomerPONumber | String | Falso | |
Date | Datetime | Falso | |
DiscountAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
DiscountAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
DocumentTypeId | String | Falso | |
DocumentTypeKeyType | String | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightTaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxBasis | String | Falso | |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
FreightTaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
FrontOfficeIntegrationId | String | Falso | |
FulfillDate | Datetime | Falso | |
IntegrationId | String | Falso | |
IntegrationSource | Int | Falso | |
InvoiceDate | Datetime | Falso | |
IsIntrastatDocument | Bool | Falso | |
IsVoided | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
LineTotalAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
LineTotalAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MasterNumber | Int | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxBasis | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Note | String | Falso | |
OriginalSalesDocumentId | String | Falso | |
OriginalSalesDocumentType | String | Falso | |
PaymentTermsId | String | Falso | |
PriceLevelId | String | Falso | |
ProcessHoldsAggregate | String | Falso | |
QuoteDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Reference | String | Falso | |
RequestedShipDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ReturnDate | Datetime | Falso | |
SalesTerritoryId | String | Falso | |
SalespersonId | String | Falso | |
ShipCompleteOnly | Bool | Falso | |
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCity | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine1 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine2 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine3 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPostalCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressState | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCountryRegion | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressFaxExtension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressFax | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone2 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone3 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressContactPerson | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressName | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressId | String | Falso | |
ShippingMethodId | String | Falso | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TaxExemptNumber1 | String | Falso | |
TaxExemptNumber2 | String | Falso | |
TaxRegistrationNumber | String | Falso | |
TaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
TaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
TotalAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TotalAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TrackingNumbersAggregate | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountItem | String | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
UPSZone | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedDate01 | Datetime | Falso | |
UserDefinedDate02 | Datetime | Falso | |
UserDefinedList01 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedList02 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedList03 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText01 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText02 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText03 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText04 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText05 | String | Falso | |
WarehouseId | String | Falso | |
DepositAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
DepositAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | Falso | |
IsDirectDebit | Bool | Falso | |
LinesAggregate | String | Falso | |
PaymentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentsAggregate | String | Falso | |
PostedBy | String | Falso | |
PostedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ShippingProcessStatus | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountItem | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TermsDiscountDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TermsDueDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountTakenAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
WorkflowPriority | String | Falso | |
WorkflowsAggregate | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Factura de Venta
Devuelve una lista de: SalesInvoice
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ActualShipDate | Datetime | Falso | |
AuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
BackorderDate | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeySource | String | Falso | |
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId | String | Falso | |
BillToAddressId | String | Falso | |
Comment | String | Falso | |
CommentId | String | Falso | |
CommissionAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CommissionAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CommissionBasedOn | String | Falso | |
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CommissionSaleAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CommissionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
CreatedBy | String | Falso | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
CustomerId | String | Falso | |
CustomerName | String | Falso | |
CustomerPONumber | String | Falso | |
Date | Datetime | Falso | |
DiscountAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
DiscountAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
DocumentTypeId | String | Falso | |
DocumentTypeKeyType | String | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightTaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxBasis | String | Falso | |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
FreightTaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
FrontOfficeIntegrationId | String | Falso | |
FulfillDate | Datetime | Falso | |
IntegrationId | String | Falso | |
IntegrationSource | Int | Falso | |
InvoiceDate | Datetime | Falso | |
IsIntrastatDocument | Bool | Falso | |
IsVoided | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
LineTotalAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
LineTotalAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MasterNumber | Int | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxBasis | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Note | String | Falso | |
OriginalSalesDocumentId | String | Falso | |
OriginalSalesDocumentType | String | Falso | |
PaymentTermsId | String | Falso | |
PriceLevelId | String | Falso | |
ProcessHoldsAggregate | String | Falso | |
QuoteDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Reference | String | Falso | |
RequestedShipDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ReturnDate | Datetime | Falso | |
SalesTerritoryId | String | Falso | |
SalespersonId | String | Falso | |
ShipCompleteOnly | Bool | Falso | |
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCity | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine1 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine2 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine3 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPostalCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressState | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCountryRegion | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressFaxExtension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressFax | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone2 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone3 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressContactPerson | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressName | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressId | String | Falso | |
ShippingMethodId | String | Falso | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TaxExemptNumber1 | String | Falso | |
TaxExemptNumber2 | String | Falso | |
TaxRegistrationNumber | String | Falso | |
TaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
TaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
TotalAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TotalAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TrackingNumbersAggregate | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountItem | String | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
UPSZone | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedDate01 | Datetime | Falso | |
UserDefinedDate02 | Datetime | Falso | |
UserDefinedList01 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedList02 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedList03 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText01 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText02 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText03 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText04 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText05 | String | Falso | |
WarehouseId | String | Falso | |
DepositAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
DepositAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | Falso | |
IsDirectDebit | Bool | Falso | |
LinesAggregate | String | Falso | |
PaymentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentsAggregate | String | Falso | |
PostedBy | String | Falso | |
PostedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TermsDiscountItem | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TermsDiscountDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TermsDueDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountTakenAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
WorkflowPriority | String | Falso | |
WorkflowsAggregate | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Órdenes de Venta
Devuelve una lista de: SalesOrder
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ActualShipDate | Datetime | Falso | |
AuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
BackorderDate | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeySource | String | Falso | |
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId | String | Falso | |
BillToAddressId | String | Falso | |
Comment | String | Falso | |
CommentId | String | Falso | |
CommissionAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CommissionAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CommissionBasedOn | String | Falso | |
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CommissionSaleAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CommissionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
CreatedBy | String | Falso | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
CustomerId | String | Falso | |
CustomerName | String | Falso | |
CustomerPONumber | String | Falso | |
Date | Datetime | Falso | |
DiscountAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
DiscountAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
DocumentTypeId | String | Falso | |
DocumentTypeKeyType | String | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightTaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxBasis | String | Falso | |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
FreightTaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
FrontOfficeIntegrationId | String | Falso | |
FulfillDate | Datetime | Falso | |
IntegrationId | String | Falso | |
IntegrationSource | Int | Falso | |
InvoiceDate | Datetime | Falso | |
IsIntrastatDocument | Bool | Falso | |
IsVoided | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
LineTotalAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
LineTotalAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MasterNumber | Int | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxBasis | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Note | String | Falso | |
OriginalSalesDocumentId | String | Falso | |
OriginalSalesDocumentType | String | Falso | |
PaymentTermsId | String | Falso | |
PriceLevelId | String | Falso | |
ProcessHoldsAggregate | String | Falso | |
QuoteDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Reference | String | Falso | |
RequestedShipDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ReturnDate | Datetime | Falso | |
SalesTerritoryId | String | Falso | |
SalespersonId | String | Falso | |
ShipCompleteOnly | Bool | Falso | |
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCity | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine1 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine2 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine3 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPostalCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressState | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCountryRegion | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressFaxExtension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressFax | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone2 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone3 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressContactPerson | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressName | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressId | String | Falso | |
ShippingMethodId | String | Falso | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TaxExemptNumber1 | String | Falso | |
TaxExemptNumber2 | String | Falso | |
TaxRegistrationNumber | String | Falso | |
TaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
TaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
TotalAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TotalAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TrackingNumbersAggregate | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountItem | String | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
UPSZone | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedDate01 | Datetime | Falso | |
UserDefinedDate02 | Datetime | Falso | |
UserDefinedList01 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedList02 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedList03 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText01 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText02 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText03 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText04 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText05 | String | Falso | |
WarehouseId | String | Falso | |
DaysToIncrement | Int | Falso | |
DepositAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
DepositAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
DocumentFrequency | String | Falso | |
IsRepeating | Bool | Falso | |
LinesAggregate | String | Falso | |
PaymentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentsAggregate | String | Falso | |
ShippingProcessStatus | String | Falso | |
TimesToRepeat | Int | Falso | |
WorkflowPriority | String | Falso | |
WorkflowsAggregate | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: SalesProcessHoldSetup
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
CreatedBy | String | Falso | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Description | String | Falso | |
IsFulfillHold | Bool | Falso | |
IsPostHold | Bool | Falso | |
IsPrintHold | Bool | Falso | |
IsTransferHold | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Password | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Cotización de Ventas
Devolver una lista de: SalesQuote
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ActualShipDate | Datetime | Falso | |
AuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
BackorderDate | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeySource | String | Falso | |
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId | String | Falso | |
BillToAddressId | String | Falso | |
Comment | String | Falso | |
CommentId | String | Falso | |
CommissionAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CommissionAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CommissionBasedOn | String | Falso | |
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CommissionSaleAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CommissionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
CreatedBy | String | Falso | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
CustomerId | String | Falso | |
CustomerName | String | Falso | |
CustomerPONumber | String | Falso | |
Date | Datetime | Falso | |
DiscountAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
DiscountAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
DocumentTypeId | String | Falso | |
DocumentTypeKeyType | String | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightTaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxBasis | String | Falso | |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
FreightTaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
FrontOfficeIntegrationId | String | Falso | |
FulfillDate | Datetime | Falso | |
IntegrationId | String | Falso | |
IntegrationSource | Int | Falso | |
InvoiceDate | Datetime | Falso | |
IsIntrastatDocument | Bool | Falso | |
IsVoided | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
LineTotalAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
LineTotalAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MasterNumber | Int | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxBasis | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Note | String | Falso | |
OriginalSalesDocumentId | String | Falso | |
OriginalSalesDocumentType | String | Falso | |
PaymentTermsId | String | Falso | |
PriceLevelId | String | Falso | |
ProcessHoldsAggregate | String | Falso | |
QuoteDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Reference | String | Falso | |
RequestedShipDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ReturnDate | Datetime | Falso | |
SalesTerritoryId | String | Falso | |
SalespersonId | String | Falso | |
ShipCompleteOnly | Bool | Falso | |
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCity | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine1 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine2 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine3 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPostalCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressState | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCountryRegion | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressFaxExtension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressFax | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone2 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone3 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressContactPerson | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressName | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressId | String | Falso | |
ShippingMethodId | String | Falso | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TaxExemptNumber1 | String | Falso | |
TaxExemptNumber2 | String | Falso | |
TaxRegistrationNumber | String | Falso | |
TaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
TaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
TotalAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TotalAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TrackingNumbersAggregate | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountItem | String | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
UPSZone | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedDate01 | Datetime | Falso | |
UserDefinedDate02 | Datetime | Falso | |
UserDefinedList01 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedList02 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedList03 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText01 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText02 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText03 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText04 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText05 | String | Falso | |
WarehouseId | String | Falso | |
DaysToIncrement | Int | Falso | |
DocumentFrequency | String | Falso | |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | Falso | |
IsProspect | Bool | Falso | |
IsRepeating | Bool | Falso | |
LinesAggregate | String | Falso | |
TimesToRepeat | Int | Falso | |
WorkflowPriority | String | Falso | |
WorkflowsAggregate | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devuelve una lista de: SalesReturn
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ActualShipDate | Datetime | Falso | |
AuditTrailCode | String | Falso | |
BackorderDate | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
BatchId | String | Falso | |
BatchKeySource | String | Falso | |
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId | String | Falso | |
BillToAddressId | String | Falso | |
Comment | String | Falso | |
CommentId | String | Falso | |
CommissionAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CommissionAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CommissionBasedOn | String | Falso | |
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
CommissionSaleAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CommissionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
CreatedBy | String | Falso | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
CustomerId | String | Falso | |
CustomerName | String | Falso | |
CustomerPONumber | String | Falso | |
Date | Datetime | Falso | |
DiscountAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
DiscountAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
DocumentTypeId | String | Falso | |
DocumentTypeKeyType | String | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
FreightTaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
FreightTaxBasis | String | Falso | |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
FreightTaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
FrontOfficeIntegrationId | String | Falso | |
FulfillDate | Datetime | Falso | |
IntegrationId | String | Falso | |
IntegrationSource | Int | Falso | |
InvoiceDate | Datetime | Falso | |
IsIntrastatDocument | Bool | Falso | |
IsVoided | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
LineTotalAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
LineTotalAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MasterNumber | Int | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxBasis | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Note | String | Falso | |
OriginalSalesDocumentId | String | Falso | |
OriginalSalesDocumentType | String | Falso | |
PaymentTermsId | String | Falso | |
PriceLevelId | String | Falso | |
ProcessHoldsAggregate | String | Falso | |
QuoteDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Reference | String | Falso | |
RequestedShipDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ReturnDate | Datetime | Falso | |
SalesTerritoryId | String | Falso | |
SalespersonId | String | Falso | |
ShipCompleteOnly | Bool | Falso | |
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCity | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine1 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine2 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine3 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPostalCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressState | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCountryRegion | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressFaxExtension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressFax | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone2 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone3 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressContactPerson | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressName | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressId | String | Falso | |
ShippingMethodId | String | Falso | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TaxExemptNumber1 | String | Falso | |
TaxExemptNumber2 | String | Falso | |
TaxRegistrationNumber | String | Falso | |
TaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
TaxesAggregate | String | Falso | |
TotalAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TotalAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TrackingNumbersAggregate | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountItem | String | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
UPSZone | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedDate01 | Datetime | Falso | |
UserDefinedDate02 | Datetime | Falso | |
UserDefinedList01 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedList02 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedList03 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText01 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText02 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText03 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText04 | String | Falso | |
UserDefinedText05 | String | Falso | |
WarehouseId | String | Falso | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | Falso | |
LinesAggregate | String | Falso | |
PaymentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PaymentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentsAggregate | String | Falso | |
PostedBy | String | Falso | |
PostedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
TermsDiscountReturnedAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountReturnedAmount | Decimal | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: Servicio
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ABCCode | String | Falso | |
AllowBackOrder | Bool | Falso | |
AssemblyVarianceGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
AssemblyVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
ClassId | String | Falso | |
CostofGoodsSoldGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
CostofGoodsSoldGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
CurrencyDecimalPlaces | String | Falso | |
CurrentCostCurrency | String | Falso | |
CurrentCost | Decimal | Falso | |
DamagedGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
DamagedGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
DefaultPriceLevelId | String | Falso | |
DefaultSellingUofM | String | Falso | |
DefaultWarehouseId | String | Falso | |
Description | String | Falso | |
DropShipGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
DropShipGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
FunctionalCurrencyDecimalPlaces | String | Falso | |
GenericDescription | String | Falso | |
InServiceGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
InServiceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
InUseGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
InUseGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
IncludeInDemandPlanning | Bool | Falso | |
InternetAddressesAdditionalInformation | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesEmailBccAddress | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesEmailCcAddress | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesEmailToAddress | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField1 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField2 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField3 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField4 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField5 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField6 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField7 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField8 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesMessengerAddress | String | Falso | |
InventoryGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
InventoryGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
InventoryOffsetGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
InventoryOffsetGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
InventoryReturnGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
InventoryReturnGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
IsDiscontinued | Bool | Falso | |
KeepCalendarYearHistory | Bool | Falso | |
KeepDistributionHistory | Bool | Falso | |
KeepFiscalYearHistory | Bool | Falso | |
KeepTransactionHistory | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
MarkdownGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
MarkdownGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
PriceMethod | String | Falso | |
PurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
PurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
PurchaseTaxBasis | String | Falso | |
PurchaseTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
PurchaseUofM | String | Falso | |
QuantityDecimalPlaces | String | Falso | |
SalesGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
SalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
SalesReturnGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
SalesReturnGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
SalesTaxBasis | String | Falso | |
SalesTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
ShippingWeight | Decimal | Falso | |
ShortDescription | String | Falso | |
StandardCostCurrency | String | Falso | |
StandardCost | Decimal | Falso | |
SubstituteItem1Id | String | Falso | |
SubstituteItem2Id | String | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
UnrealizedPurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
UnrealizedPurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
UofMScheduleId | String | Falso | |
UserCategoryList1 | String | Falso | |
UserCategoryList2 | String | Falso | |
UserCategoryList3 | String | Falso | |
UserCategoryList4 | String | Falso | |
UserCategoryList5 | String | Falso | |
UserCategoryList6 | String | Falso | |
VarianceGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
VarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
WarrantyDays | Short | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Llamada de Servicio
Devolver una lista de: ServiceCall
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
BillToAddressId | String | Falso | |
BillToCustomerId | String | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
CustomerId | String | Falso | |
CustomerName | String | Falso | |
CustomerPONumber | String | Falso | |
EntryDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
EstimatedArrivalDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
FrontOfficeIntegrationId | String | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
Note | String | Falso | |
OfficeId | String | Falso | |
RateTypeId | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressId | String | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
UserDefined01 | String | Falso | |
UserDefined02 | String | Falso | |
UserDefined03 | String | Falso | |
UserDefined04 | String | Falso | |
UserDefined05 | String | Falso | |
AuditsAggregate | String | Falso | |
CustomerReference | String | Falso | |
Description | String | Falso | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
DocumentTotalCurrency | String | Falso | |
DocumentTotal | Decimal | Falso | |
EstimatedTimeToRepair | Decimal | Falso | |
IsOnHold | Bool | Falso | |
LaborChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
LaborChargesBillablePercent | Decimal | Falso | |
LaborChargesTotalAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
LaborChargesTotalAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
LaborChargesTotalCostCurrency | String | Falso | |
LaborChargesTotalCost | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousChargesBillablePercent | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCostCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCost | Decimal | Falso | |
PartsChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
PartsChargesBillablePercent | Decimal | Falso | |
PartsChargesTotalAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PartsChargesTotalAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PartsChargesTotalCostCurrency | String | Falso | |
PartsChargesTotalCost | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentTermsId | String | Falso | |
PreTaxDocumentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PreTaxDocumentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PriceLevelId | String | Falso | |
Priority | Int | Falso | |
ResponseDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
SalesPersonId | String | Falso | |
ServiceAreaId | String | Falso | |
ServiceContractId | String | Falso | |
ServiceContractLineSequenceNumber | Decimal | Falso | |
ServiceTypeId | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCity | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine1 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine2 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine3 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPostalCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressState | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCountryRegion | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressContactPerson | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1 | String | Falso | |
StatusCodeId | String | Falso | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TaxExemptNumber1 | String | Falso | |
TaxExemptNumber2 | String | Falso | |
TaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
TechnicianId | String | Falso | |
TimeZoneId | String | Falso | |
AdditionalChargesAggregate | String | Falso | |
ArrivalDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
CompletionDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
DispatchDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
EquipmentCodesAggregate | String | Falso | |
EscalationDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
EscalationLevel | Int | Falso | |
ExpensesAggregate | String | Falso | |
InvoicedAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
InvoicedAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
IsCallback | Bool | Falso | |
LaborAggregate | String | Falso | |
Meter1ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
Meter1CurrentReading | Int | Falso | |
Meter1Replaced | Bool | Falso | |
Meter1InternalUsage | Int | Falso | |
Meter2ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
Meter2CurrentReading | Int | Falso | |
Meter2Replaced | Bool | Falso | |
Meter2InternalUsage | Int | Falso | |
Meter3ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
Meter3CurrentReading | Int | Falso | |
Meter3Replaced | Bool | Falso | |
Meter3InternalUsage | Int | Falso | |
Meter4ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
Meter4CurrentReading | Int | Falso | |
Meter4Replaced | Bool | Falso | |
Meter4InternalUsage | Int | Falso | |
Meter5ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
Meter5CurrentReading | Int | Falso | |
Meter5Replaced | Bool | Falso | |
Meter5InternalUsage | Int | Falso | |
NotifyDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
PartsAggregate | String | Falso | |
Type | String | Falso | |
WasNotified | Bool | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devuelve una lista de: ServiceEquipment
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AddressCity | String | Falso | |
AddressLine1 | String | Falso | |
AddressLine2 | String | Falso | |
AddressLine3 | String | Falso | |
AddressPostalCode | String | Falso | |
AddressState | String | Falso | |
AddressContactPerson | String | Falso | |
AddressCountry | String | Falso | |
AddressId | String | Falso | |
AssetTag | String | Falso | |
CustomerId | String | Falso | |
InstallDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
KeyItemId [KEY] | String | Falso | |
LastCalculatedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
LastPreventiveMaintenanceDate | Datetime | Falso | |
LastServiceDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Note | String | Falso | |
OfficeId | String | Falso | |
PreventiveMaintenanceDay | Int | Falso | |
PreventiveMaintenanceMonth | String | Falso | |
Quantity | Decimal | Falso | |
ReadingsAggregate | String | Falso | |
Reference | String | Falso | |
RegisterDate | Datetime | Falso | |
SellerWarrantyCodeExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
SellerWarrantyCodeEndDate | Datetime | Falso | |
SellerWarrantyCodeId | String | Falso | |
SellerWarrantyCodeStartDate | Datetime | Falso | |
SerialNumber | String | Falso | |
ServiceAreaId | String | Falso | |
ShippedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
StatusId | String | Falso | |
TechnicianId | String | Falso | |
TimeZoneId | String | Falso | |
UserDefined01 | String | Falso | |
UserDefined02 | String | Falso | |
UserDefined03 | String | Falso | |
UserDefined04 | String | Falso | |
UserDefined05 | String | Falso | |
VendorId | String | Falso | |
VendorWarrantyCodeExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
VendorWarrantyCodeEndDate | Datetime | Falso | |
VendorWarrantyCodeId | String | Falso | |
VendorWarrantyCodeStartDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Version | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Cotización de Servicio
Devolver una lista de: ServiceQuote
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
BillToAddressId | String | Falso | |
BillToCustomerId | String | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
CustomerId | String | Falso | |
CustomerName | String | Falso | |
CustomerPONumber | String | Falso | |
EntryDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
EstimatedArrivalDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Falso | |
FrontOfficeIntegrationId | String | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
Note | String | Falso | |
OfficeId | String | Falso | |
RateTypeId | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressId | String | Falso | |
TransactionState | String | Falso | |
UserDefined01 | String | Falso | |
UserDefined02 | String | Falso | |
UserDefined03 | String | Falso | |
UserDefined04 | String | Falso | |
UserDefined05 | String | Falso | |
AuditsAggregate | String | Falso | |
CustomerReference | String | Falso | |
Description | String | Falso | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | Falso | |
DocumentTotalCurrency | String | Falso | |
DocumentTotal | Decimal | Falso | |
EstimatedTimeToRepair | Decimal | Falso | |
IsOnHold | Bool | Falso | |
LaborChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
LaborChargesBillablePercent | Decimal | Falso | |
LaborChargesTotalAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
LaborChargesTotalAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
LaborChargesTotalCostCurrency | String | Falso | |
LaborChargesTotalCost | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousChargesBillablePercent | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCostCurrency | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCost | Decimal | Falso | |
PartsChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
PartsChargesBillablePercent | Decimal | Falso | |
PartsChargesTotalAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PartsChargesTotalAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PartsChargesTotalCostCurrency | String | Falso | |
PartsChargesTotalCost | Decimal | Falso | |
PaymentTermsId | String | Falso | |
PreTaxDocumentAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
PreTaxDocumentAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
PriceLevelId | String | Falso | |
Priority | Int | Falso | |
ResponseDateTime | Datetime | Falso | |
SalesPersonId | String | Falso | |
ServiceAreaId | String | Falso | |
ServiceContractId | String | Falso | |
ServiceContractLineSequenceNumber | Decimal | Falso | |
ServiceTypeId | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCity | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine1 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine2 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressLine3 | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPostalCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressState | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressCountryRegion | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressContactPerson | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension | String | Falso | |
ShipToAddressPhone1 | String | Falso | |
StatusCodeId | String | Falso | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
TaxExemptNumber1 | String | Falso | |
TaxExemptNumber2 | String | Falso | |
TaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
TechnicianId | String | Falso | |
TimeZoneId | String | Falso | |
AdditionalChargesAggregate | String | Falso | |
EquipmentCodesAggregate | String | Falso | |
ExpensesAggregate | String | Falso | |
LaborAggregate | String | Falso | |
PartsAggregate | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: Habilidad
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
CompensationExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
CompensationCompensationAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
CompensationCompensationPeriod | String | Falso | |
DeleteOnUpdate | Bool | Falso | |
SkillId [KEY] | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Conjunto de Habilidades
Devuelve una lista de: SkillSet
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AvailableSkills | Int | Falso | |
SkillSetId [KEY] | String | Falso | |
SkillsAggregate | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: Proveedor
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AccountsPayableGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
AccountsPayableGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
AccruedPurchasesGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
AccruedPurchasesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
AddressesAggregate | String | Falso | |
AllowRevaluation | Bool | Falso | |
BankAccountId | String | Falso | |
CashGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
CashGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
CheckName | String | Falso | |
ClassId | String | Falso | |
Comment1 | String | Falso | |
Comment2 | String | Falso | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
CreditLimitItem | String | Falso | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | Falso | |
DefaultAddressId | String | Falso | |
DefaultAddressKeyVendorId | String | Falso | |
DefaultCashAccountType | String | Falso | |
DiscountGracePeriod | Int | Falso | |
DueDateGracePeriod | Int | Falso | |
FinanceChargesGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
FinanceChargesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
FreeOnBoard | String | Falso | |
FreightGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
FreightGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
HistoryOptionsKeepCalendarHistory | Bool | Falso | |
HistoryOptionsKeepDistributionHistory | Bool | Falso | |
HistoryOptionsKeepFiscalHistory | Bool | Falso | |
HistoryOptionsKeepTransactionHistory | Bool | Falso | |
IsActive | Bool | Falso | |
IsOnHold | Bool | Falso | |
IsOneTime | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
Language | String | Falso | |
MaximumInvoiceItem | String | Falso | |
MaximumWriteoffItem | String | Falso | |
MinimumOrderAmountCurrency | String | Falso | |
MinimumOrderAmount | Decimal | Falso | |
MinimumPaymentItem | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
MiscellaneousGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
Name | String | Falso | |
Notes | String | Falso | |
PaymentPriority | String | Falso | |
PaymentTermsId | String | Falso | |
PostResultsTo | String | Falso | |
ProjectAccountingOptionsDefaultPurchaseOrderFormat | String | Falso | |
ProjectAccountingOptionsUnitCostCurrency | String | Falso | |
ProjectAccountingOptionsUnitCost | Decimal | Falso | |
ProjectAccountingOptionsUnitOfMeasure | String | Falso | |
ProjectAccountingOptionsUserDefined1 | String | Falso | |
ProjectAccountingOptionsUserDefined2 | String | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressId | String | Falso | |
PurchaseAddressKeyVendorId | String | Falso | |
PurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
PurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
PurchasesGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
PurchasesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
RateTypeId | String | Falso | |
RemitToAddressId | String | Falso | |
RemitToAddressKeyVendorId | String | Falso | |
ShipFromAddressId | String | Falso | |
ShipFromAddressKeyVendorId | String | Falso | |
ShortName | String | Falso | |
Tax1099BoxNumber | Int | Falso | |
Tax1099Type | String | Falso | |
TaxGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
TaxGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
TaxIdentificationNumber | String | Falso | |
TaxRegistrationNumber | String | Falso | |
TaxSchedule | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountAvailableGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
TermsDiscountTakenGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
TermsDiscountTakenGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
TradeDiscountGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
TradeDiscountGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso | |
TradeDiscountPercent | Decimal | Falso | |
UserDefined1 | String | Falso | |
UserDefined2 | String | Falso | |
UserLanguageId | Int | Falso | |
VendorAccountNumber | String | Falso | |
WorkflowPriority | String | Falso | |
WorkflowsAggregate | String | Falso | |
WriteoffGLAccountId | String | Falso | |
WriteoffGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Dirección del Proveedor
Devolver una lista de: VendorAddress
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
City | String | Falso | |
Line1 | String | Falso | |
Line2 | String | Falso | |
Line3 | String | Falso | |
PostalCode | String | Falso | |
State | String | Falso | |
CountryRegion | String | Falso | |
FaxCountryCode | String | Falso | |
FaxExtension | String | Falso | |
Fax | String | Falso | |
Phone1CountryCode | String | Falso | |
Phone1Extension | String | Falso | |
Phone1 | String | Falso | |
Phone2CountryCode | String | Falso | |
Phone2Extension | String | Falso | |
Phone2 | String | Falso | |
Phone3CountryCode | String | Falso | |
Phone3Extension | String | Falso | |
Phone3 | String | Falso | |
CountryRegionCodeId | String | Falso | |
ContactPerson | String | Falso | |
Name | String | Falso | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
InternetAddressesAdditionalInformation | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesEmailBccAddress | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesEmailCcAddress | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesEmailToAddress | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField1 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField2 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField3 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField4 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField5 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField6 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField7 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesInternetField8 | String | Falso | |
InternetAddressesMessengerAddress | String | Falso | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | Falso | |
ShippingMethodId | String | Falso | |
TaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
UPSZone | String | Falso | |
UserDefined1 | String | Falso | |
UserDefined2 | String | Falso | |
DeleteOnUpdate | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
KeyVendorId [KEY] | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: Almacén
Nombre | Tipo | Solo lectura | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | Falso | |
AddressCity | String | Falso | |
AddressLine1 | String | Falso | |
AddressLine2 | String | Falso | |
AddressLine3 | String | Falso | |
AddressPostalCode | String | Falso | |
AddressState | String | Falso | |
AddressCountryRegion | String | Falso | |
AddressFaxCountryCode | String | Falso | |
AddressFaxExtension | String | Falso | |
AddressFax | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone1CountryCode | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone1Extension | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone1 | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone2CountryCode | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone2Extension | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone2 | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone3CountryCode | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone3Extension | String | Falso | |
AddressPhone3 | String | Falso | |
AddressCountryRegionCodeId | String | Falso | |
BinsAggregate | String | Falso | |
Description | String | Falso | |
IncludeInPlanning | Bool | Falso | |
Id [KEY] | String | Falso | |
PurchaseTaxScheduleId | String | Falso | |
SalesTaxScheduleId | String | Falso |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Puntos de Vista
Las vistas se componen de columnas y pseudocolumnas. Las vistas son similares a las tablas en la forma en que se representan los datos; sin embargo, las vistas no admiten actualizaciones. Las entidades que se representan como vistas suelen ser entidades de solo lectura. A menudo, un procedimiento almacenado* está disponible para actualizar los datos si dicha funcionalidad es aplicable a la fuente de datos.
Las consultas se pueden ejecutar contra una vista como si fuera una tabla normal, y los datos que regresan son similares en ese sentido. Para obtener más información sobre las tablas y los procedimientos almacenados, vaya a sus entradas correspondientes en este documento de ayuda.
Conector Jitterbit para Vistas de Dynamics GP
Nombre | Descripción |
ApplicantApplication | Devolver una lista de: SolicitanteSolicitud |
ApplicantApplications | Devuelve una lista de: SolicitantesSolicitudes |
ApplicantInterviewInterviewItems | Devuelve una lista de: ApplicantInterviewInterviewItems |
ApplicantInterviews | Devolver una lista de: ApplicantInterviews |
ApplicantPreviousEmployers | Devolver una lista de: SolicitanteAnteriorEmpleadores |
ApplicantReferences | Devolver una lista de: Referencias de solicitantes |
ApplicantSchools | Devolver una lista de: Escuelas solicitantes |
ApplicantSkills | Devuelve una lista de: ApplicantSkills |
ApplicantTests | Devolver una lista de: ApplicantTests |
BackOfficeRole | Devuelve una lista de: BackOfficeRole |
Bank | Devolver una lista de: Banco |
CashReceiptDistributions | Devuelve una lista de: CashReceiptDistributions |
ChangedCurrencyKey | Devuelve una lista de: ChangedCurrencyKey |
ChangedCustomerAddressKey | Devuelve una lista de: ChangedCustomerAddressKey |
ChangedCustomerKey | Devuelve una lista de: ChangedCustomerKey |
ChangedInternetAddressKey | Devuelve una lista de: ChangedInternetAddressKey |
ChangedItemKey | Devuelve una lista de: ChangedItemKey |
ChangedPriceLevelKey | Devuelve una lista de: ChangedPriceLevelKey |
ChangedPricingKey | Devuelve una lista de: ChangedPricingKey |
ChangedSalesInvoiceKey | Devuelve una lista de: ChangedSalesInvoiceKey |
ChangedSalesOrderKey | Devuelve una lista de: ChangedSalesOrderKey |
ChangedSalespersonKey | Devuelve una lista de: ChangedSalespersonKey |
ChangedUofMScheduleKey | Devuelve una lista de: ChangedUofMScheduleKey |
Company | Devolver una lista de: Empresa |
CompanyAddress | Devuelve una lista de: CompanyAddress |
CountryRegionCode | Devuelve una lista de: CountryRegionCode |
Currency | Devuelve una lista de: Moneda |
CurrencyAccess | Devuelve una lista de: CurrencyAccess |
CurrencyPostingAccount | Devuelve una lista de: CurrencyPostingAccount |
CustomerAddresses | Devolver una lista de: CustomerAddresses |
CustomerReceivablesSummary | Devuelve una lista de: CustomerReceivablesSummary |
EmployeeAddresses | Devuelve una lista de: EmployeeAddresses |
GLAccount | Devuelve una lista de: GLAccount |
GLAccountCategory | Devuelve una lista de: GLAccountCategory |
GLAccountFormat | Devuelve una lista de: GLAccountFormat |
GLFixedAllocationAccountDistributions | Devuelve una lista de: GLFixedAllocationAccountDistributions |
GLPostingAccountCurrencies | Devuelve una lista de: GLPostingAccountCurrencies |
GLTransactionLines | Devuelve una lista de: GLTransactionLines |
GLVariableAllocationAccountDistributions | Devuelve una lista de: GLVariableAllocationAccountDistributions |
InventoriedItem | Devuelve una lista de: InventoriedItem |
InventoryAdjustmentLines | Devuelve una lista de: InventoryAdjustmentLines |
InventoryTransferLines | Devolver una lista de: InventoryTransferLines |
InventoryVarianceLines | Devuelve una lista de: InventoryVarianceLines |
Item | Devolver una lista de: Artículo |
ItemClass | Devuelve una lista de: ItemClass |
ManufacturingOrder | Devuelve una lista de: ManufacturingOrder |
ManufacturingOrderPickList | Devuelve una lista de: ManufacturingOrderPickList |
ManufacturingOrderRoute | Devuelve una lista de: ManufacturingOrderRoute |
MulticurrencySetup | Devuelve una lista de: MulticurrencySetup |
PayablesDocument | Devuelve una lista de: PayablesDocument |
PayablesDocumentDistributions | La tabla de DynamicsGP PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
PayablesDocumentTaxes | La tabla de DynamicsGP PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
PaymentCardType | Devuelve una lista de: PaymentCardType |
PaymentTerms | Devuelve una lista de: PaymentTerms |
PlannedOrder | Devuelve una lista de: PlannedOrder |
PlannedOrderItems | Devuelve una lista de: PlannedOrderItems |
PolicyBehaviors | Devolver una lista de: PolicyBehaviors |
PriceLevel | Devuelve una lista de: PriceLevel |
PricingDetails | Devuelve una lista de: PricingDetails |
Project | Devolver una lista de: Proyecto |
ProjectAccounts | Devuelve una lista de: ProjectAccounts |
ProjectBillingCycles | Devolver una lista de: ProjectBillingCycles |
ProjectBudget | Devuelve una lista de: ProjectBudget |
ProjectBudgets | Devolver una lista de: ProjectBudgets |
ProjectChangeOrder | Devuelve una lista de: ProjectChangeOrder |
ProjectChangeOrderBudgets | Devuelve una lista de: ProjectChangeOrderBudgets |
ProjectChangeOrderFees | Devuelve una lista de: ProjectChangeOrderFees |
ProjectContract | Devolver una lista de: ProjectContract |
ProjectContractAccounts | Devuelve una lista de: ProjectContractAccounts |
ProjectContractBillingCycles | Devolver una lista de: ProjectContractBillingCycles |
ProjectEmployeeExpense | Devuelve una lista de: ProjectEmployeeExpense |
ProjectEmployeeExpenseDistributions | Devuelve una lista de: ProjectEmployeeExpenseDistributions |
ProjectEmployeeExpenseLines | Devuelve una lista de: ProjectEmployeeExpenseLines |
ProjectEquipmentList | Devuelve una lista de: ProjectEquipmentList |
ProjectFees | Devuelve una lista de: ProjectFees |
ProjectMiscellaneousLog | Devuelve una lista de: ProjectMiscellaneousLog |
ProjectMiscellaneousLogDistributions | Devuelve una lista de: ProjectMiscellaneousLogDistributions |
ProjectMiscellaneousLogLines | Devuelve una lista de: ProjectMiscellaneousLogLines |
ProjectTimesheet | Devuelve una lista de: ProjectTimesheet |
ProjectTimesheetDistributions | Devuelve una lista de: ProjectTimesheetDistributions |
ProjectTimesheetLines | Devuelve una lista de: ProjectTimesheetLines |
PurchaseInvoiceDistributions | Devolver una lista de: Distribuciones de facturas de compra |
PurchaseInvoiceFreightTaxes | Devuelve una lista de: Factura de compra Flete Impuestos |
PurchaseInvoiceLines | Devuelve una lista de: LíneasDeFacturaDeCompra |
PurchaseInvoiceMiscellaneousTaxes | Devuelve una lista de: Factura de compra Varios Impuestos |
PurchaseInvoiceTaxes | Devolver una lista de: FacturaDeCompraImpuestos |
PurchaseOrderFreightTaxes | Devuelve una lista de: impuestos de flete de pedido de compra |
PurchaseOrderLines | Devuelve una lista de: Líneas de pedido de compra |
PurchaseOrderMiscellaneousTaxes | Devuelve una lista de: Pedido de compraImpuestos varios |
PurchaseOrderTaxes | Devolver una lista de: Impuestos por orden de compra |
PurchaseReceiptDistributions | Devolver una lista de: Distribuciones de Recibos de Compra |
PurchaseReceiptLines | Devuelve una lista de: LíneasDeReciboDeCompra |
PurchaseReceiptUserDefined | Devuelve una lista de: PurchaseReceiptUserDefined |
ReceivablesDebitMemoCommissions | Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesDebitMemoCommissions |
ReceivablesDocument | Devuelve una lista de: ReceivablesDocument |
ReceivablesDocumentDistributions | La tabla DynamicsGP ReceivablesDocumentDistributions. |
ReceivablesDocumentTaxes | La tabla de DynamicsGP ReceivablesDocumentTaxes. |
ReceivablesInvoiceCommissions | Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesInvoiceCommissions |
ReceivablesReturnCommissions | Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesReturnCommissions |
ReceivablesServiceRepairCommissions | Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesServiceRepairCommissions |
ReturnMaterialAuthorizationAudits | Devolver una lista de: ReturnMaterialAuthorizationAudits |
ReturnMaterialAuthorizationLines | Devuelve una lista de: ReturnMaterialAuthorizationLines |
SalesBackorderLines | Devuelve una lista de: SalesBackorderLines |
SalesBackorderPayments | Devuelve una lista de: SalesBackorderPayments |
SalesDocument | Devuelve una lista de: SalesDocument |
SalesDocumentCommissions | La tabla SalesDocumentCommissions de DynamicsGP. |
SalesDocumentFreightTaxes | La tabla de DynamicsGP SalesDocumentFreightTaxes. |
SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes | La tabla de DynamicsGP SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes. |
SalesDocumentProcessHolds | La tabla de DynamicsGP SalesDocumentProcessHolds. |
SalesDocumentTaxes | La tabla de DynamicsGP SalesDocumentTaxes. |
SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers | La tabla de DynamicsGP SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers. |
SalesFulfillmentOrderDistributions | Devuelve una lista de: Distribuciones de pedidos de cumplimiento de ventas |
SalesFulfillmentOrderLines | Devuelve una lista de: SalesFulfillmentOrderLines |
SalesFulfillmentOrderPayments | Devuelve una lista de: SalesFulfillmentOrderPayments |
SalesInvoiceDistributions | Devuelve una lista de: Distribuciones de facturas de ventas |
SalesInvoiceLines | Devuelve una lista de: SalesInvoiceLines |
SalesInvoicePayments | Devuelve una lista de: SalesInvoicePayments |
SalesOrderLines | Devuelve una lista de: SalesOrderLines |
SalesOrderPayments | Devuelve una lista de: SalesOrderPayments |
Salesperson | Devolver una lista de: Vendedor |
SalespersonCommissions | Devuelve una lista de: SalespersonCommissions |
SalespersonSalesHistory | Devuelve una lista de: SalespersonSalesHistory |
SalesQuoteLines | Devuelve una lista de: SalesQuoteLines |
SalesReturnDistributions | Devuelve una lista de: SalesReturnDistributions |
SalesReturnLines | Devuelve una lista de: SalesReturnLines |
SalesReturnPayments | Devuelve una lista de: SalesReturnPayments |
SalesTerritory | Devuelve una lista de: SalesTerritory |
SalesTerritorySalesHistory | Devuelve una lista de: SalesTerritorySalesHistory |
ServiceCallAdditionalCharges | Devolver una lista de: ServiceCallAdditionalCharges |
ServiceCallEquipmentCodes | Devuelve una lista de: ServiceCallEquipmentCodes |
ServiceCallExpenses | Devuelve una lista de: ServiceCallExpenses |
ServiceCallLabor | Devolver una lista de: ServiceCallLabor |
ServiceCallParts | Devolver una lista de: ServiceCallParts |
ServiceEquipmentReadings | Devuelve una lista de: ServiceEquipmentReadings |
ServiceQuoteAdditionalCharges | Devolver una lista de: ServiceQuoteAdditionalCharges |
ServiceQuoteEquipmentCodes | Devuelve una lista de: ServiceQuoteEquipmentCodes |
ServiceQuoteExpenses | Devuelve una lista de: ServiceQuoteExpenses |
ServiceQuoteLabor | Devuelve una lista de: ServiceQuoteLabor |
ServiceQuoteParts | Devolver una lista de: ServiceQuoteParts |
ShippingMethod | Devolver una lista de: ShippingMethod |
SkillSetSkills | Devuelve una lista de: SkillSetSkills |
UofMSchedule | Devuelve una lista de: UofMSchedule |
UofMScheduleDetails | Devuelve una lista de: UofMScheduleDetails |
UserAssignableBusinessObject | Devuelve una lista de: UserAssignableBusinessObject |
VendorAddresses | Devuelve una lista de: VendorAddresses |
VendorManufacturingOrder | Devuelve una lista de: VendorManufacturingOrder |
VendorManufacturingOrderRoute | Devuelve una lista de: VendorManufacturingOrderRoute |
VendorPlannedOrder | Devuelve una lista de: VendorPlannedOrder |
WarehouseBins | Devolver una lista de: WarehouseBins |
Devolver una lista de: SolicitanteSolicitud
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
ApplicantApplicationKeyApplicantId [KEY] | Int | |
ApplicantApplicationKeySequenceId [KEY] | Int | |
ColorColorCode | String | |
ColorColorName | String | |
CompanyCode | String | |
DateApplied | Datetime | |
DeleteOnUpdate | Bool | |
DepartmentId | String | |
DivisionId | String | |
IsReplyLetterSent | Bool | |
IsWillRelocate | Bool | |
LastModifiedBy | String | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
Location | String | |
PositionId | String | |
ReferenceInformationSource | String | |
ReferenceInformationSourceDescription | String | |
RejectionInfomationComment | String | |
RejectionInfomationReason | String | |
RequisitionId | String | |
Status | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: SolicitanteSolicitudes
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AddressCity | String | |
AddressLine1 | String | |
AddressLine2 | String | |
AddressLine3 | String | |
AddressPostalCode | String | |
AddressState | String | |
AddressCountryRegion | String | |
AddressFaxCountryCode | String | |
AddressFaxExtension | String | |
AddressFax | String | |
AddressPhone1CountryCode | String | |
AddressPhone1Extension | String | |
AddressPhone1 | String | |
AddressPhone2CountryCode | String | |
AddressPhone2Extension | String | |
AddressPhone2 | String | |
AddressPhone3CountryCode | String | |
AddressPhone3Extension | String | |
AddressPhone3 | String | |
AgeCode | String | |
ApplicantId | Int | |
ApplicationColorColorCode | String | |
ApplicationColorColorName | String | |
ApplicationStatus | String | |
ApplicationsExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
ApplicationsApplicantApplicationKeyApplicantId [KEY] | Int | |
ApplicationsApplicantApplicationKeySequenceId [KEY] | Int | |
ApplicationsColorColorCode | String | |
ApplicationsColorColorName | String | |
ApplicationsCompanyCode | String | |
ApplicationsDateApplied | Datetime | |
ApplicationsDeleteOnUpdate | Bool | |
ApplicationsDepartmentId | String | |
ApplicationsDivisionId | String | |
ApplicationsIsReplyLetterSent | Bool | |
ApplicationsIsWillRelocate | Bool | |
ApplicationsLastModifiedBy | String | |
ApplicationsLastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
ApplicationsLocation | String | |
ApplicationsPositionId | String | |
ApplicationsReferenceInformationSource | String | |
ApplicationsReferenceInformationSourceDescription | String | |
ApplicationsRejectionInfomationComment | String | |
ApplicationsRejectionInfomationReason | String | |
ApplicationsRequisitionId | String | |
ApplicationsStatus | String | |
CompanyCode | String | |
DateApplied | Datetime | |
DepartmentId | String | |
DivisionId | String | |
Ethnicity | String | |
FirstName | String | |
Gender | String | |
HRRequisistionId | String | |
InterviewsAggregate | String | |
IsDisabled | Bool | |
IsDisabledVeteran | Bool | |
IsOtherVeteran | Bool | |
IsReplyLetterSent | Bool | |
IsVeteran | Bool | |
IsVietnamEraVeteran | Bool | |
IsWillRelocate | Bool | |
LastModifiedBy | String | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
LastName | String | |
Location | String | |
MiddleName | String | |
PositionId | String | |
PreviousEmployersAggregate | String | |
ReferenceInformationSource | String | |
ReferenceInformationSourceDescription | String | |
ReferencesAggregate | String | |
RejectionInformationComment | String | |
RejectionInformationReason | String | |
SchoolsAggregate | String | |
SequenceId | Int | |
SkillsAggregate | String | |
TaxIdentifier | String | |
TestsAggregate | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devuelve una lista de: ApplicantInterviewInterviewItems
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
ApplicantInterviewKeyApplicantId | Int | |
ApplicantInterviewKeyApplyDateId | Datetime | |
ApplicantInterviewKeyInterviewTypeId | String | |
CompanyCode | String | |
DeleteOnUpdate | Bool | |
DepartmentId | String | |
DivisionId | String | |
EffectiveDate | Datetime | |
InterviewItemsCategoryCode | Int | |
InterviewItemsCategoryName | String | |
InterviewItemsCategoryWeight | Int | |
InterviewItemsNotes | String | |
InterviewItemsScore | Int | |
InterviewItemsSequenceId [KEY] | Int | |
InterviewTypeCode | Int | |
Notes | String | |
PositionId | String | |
ReviewRange | Int | |
ReviewRating | Decimal | |
TotalWeight | Int | |
WeightedScore | Int |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: ApplicantInterviews
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AddressCity | String | |
AddressLine1 | String | |
AddressLine2 | String | |
AddressLine3 | String | |
AddressPostalCode | String | |
AddressState | String | |
AddressCountryRegion | String | |
AddressFaxCountryCode | String | |
AddressFaxExtension | String | |
AddressFax | String | |
AddressPhone1CountryCode | String | |
AddressPhone1Extension | String | |
AddressPhone1 | String | |
AddressPhone2CountryCode | String | |
AddressPhone2Extension | String | |
AddressPhone2 | String | |
AddressPhone3CountryCode | String | |
AddressPhone3Extension | String | |
AddressPhone3 | String | |
AgeCode | String | |
ApplicantId | Int | |
ApplicationColorColorCode | String | |
ApplicationColorColorName | String | |
ApplicationStatus | String | |
ApplicationsAggregate | String | |
CompanyCode | String | |
DateApplied | Datetime | |
DepartmentId | String | |
DivisionId | String | |
Ethnicity | String | |
FirstName | String | |
Gender | String | |
HRRequisistionId | String | |
InterviewsExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
InterviewsApplicantInterviewKeyApplicantId [KEY] | Int | |
InterviewsApplicantInterviewKeyApplyDateId [KEY] | Datetime | |
InterviewsApplicantInterviewKeyInterviewTypeId [KEY] | String | |
InterviewsCompanyCode | String | |
InterviewsDeleteOnUpdate | Bool | |
InterviewsDepartmentId | String | |
InterviewsDivisionId | String | |
InterviewsEffectiveDate | Datetime | |
InterviewsInterviewItemsAggregate | String | |
InterviewsInterviewTypeCode | Int | |
InterviewsNotes | String | |
InterviewsPositionId | String | |
InterviewsReviewRange | Int | |
InterviewsReviewRating | Decimal | |
InterviewsTotalWeight | Int | |
InterviewsWeightedScore | Int | |
IsDisabled | Bool | |
IsDisabledVeteran | Bool | |
IsOtherVeteran | Bool | |
IsReplyLetterSent | Bool | |
IsVeteran | Bool | |
IsVietnamEraVeteran | Bool | |
IsWillRelocate | Bool | |
LastModifiedBy | String | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
LastName | String | |
Location | String | |
MiddleName | String | |
PositionId | String | |
PreviousEmployersAggregate | String | |
ReferenceInformationSource | String | |
ReferenceInformationSourceDescription | String | |
ReferencesAggregate | String | |
RejectionInformationComment | String | |
RejectionInformationReason | String | |
SchoolsAggregate | String | |
SequenceId | Int | |
SkillsAggregate | String | |
TaxIdentifier | String | |
TestsAggregate | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: SolicitanteAnteriorEmpleadores
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AddressCity | String | |
AddressLine1 | String | |
AddressLine2 | String | |
AddressLine3 | String | |
AddressPostalCode | String | |
AddressState | String | |
AddressCountryRegion | String | |
AddressFaxCountryCode | String | |
AddressFaxExtension | String | |
AddressFax | String | |
AddressPhone1CountryCode | String | |
AddressPhone1Extension | String | |
AddressPhone1 | String | |
AddressPhone2CountryCode | String | |
AddressPhone2Extension | String | |
AddressPhone2 | String | |
AddressPhone3CountryCode | String | |
AddressPhone3Extension | String | |
AddressPhone3 | String | |
AgeCode | String | |
ApplicantId | Int | |
ApplicationColorColorCode | String | |
ApplicationColorColorName | String | |
ApplicationStatus | String | |
ApplicationsAggregate | String | |
CompanyCode | String | |
DateApplied | Datetime | |
DepartmentId | String | |
DivisionId | String | |
Ethnicity | String | |
FirstName | String | |
Gender | String | |
HRRequisistionId | String | |
InterviewsAggregate | String | |
IsDisabled | Bool | |
IsDisabledVeteran | Bool | |
IsOtherVeteran | Bool | |
IsReplyLetterSent | Bool | |
IsVeteran | Bool | |
IsVietnamEraVeteran | Bool | |
IsWillRelocate | Bool | |
LastModifiedBy | String | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
LastName | String | |
Location | String | |
MiddleName | String | |
PositionId | String | |
PreviousEmployersExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
PreviousEmployersApplicantWorkHistoryKeyApplicantSequenceKeyApplicantId [KEY] | Int | |
PreviousEmployersApplicantWorkHistoryKeyApplicantSequenceKeySequenceId [KEY] | Int | |
PreviousEmployersApplicantWorkHistoryId [KEY] | String | |
PreviousEmployersCompensationPeriod | String | |
PreviousEmployersDeleteOnUpdate | Bool | |
PreviousEmployersEndDate | Datetime | |
PreviousEmployersLastModifiedBy | String | |
PreviousEmployersLastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
PreviousEmployersNotes | String | |
PreviousEmployersPositionId | String | |
PreviousEmployersStartDate | Datetime | |
PreviousEmployersWage | Decimal | |
PreviousEmployersYearsOfExperience | Int | |
ReferenceInformationSource | String | |
ReferenceInformationSourceDescription | String | |
ReferencesAggregate | String | |
RejectionInformationComment | String | |
RejectionInformationReason | String | |
SchoolsAggregate | String | |
SequenceId | Int | |
SkillsAggregate | String | |
TaxIdentifier | String | |
TestsAggregate | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: Referencias de solicitantes
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AddressCity | String | |
AddressLine1 | String | |
AddressLine2 | String | |
AddressLine3 | String | |
AddressPostalCode | String | |
AddressState | String | |
AddressCountryRegion | String | |
AddressFaxCountryCode | String | |
AddressFaxExtension | String | |
AddressFax | String | |
AddressPhone1CountryCode | String | |
AddressPhone1Extension | String | |
AddressPhone1 | String | |
AddressPhone2CountryCode | String | |
AddressPhone2Extension | String | |
AddressPhone2 | String | |
AddressPhone3CountryCode | String | |
AddressPhone3Extension | String | |
AddressPhone3 | String | |
AgeCode | String | |
ApplicantId | Int | |
ApplicationColorColorCode | String | |
ApplicationColorColorName | String | |
ApplicationStatus | String | |
ApplicationsAggregate | String | |
CompanyCode | String | |
DateApplied | Datetime | |
DepartmentId | String | |
DivisionId | String | |
Ethnicity | String | |
FirstName | String | |
Gender | String | |
HRRequisistionId | String | |
InterviewsAggregate | String | |
IsDisabled | Bool | |
IsDisabledVeteran | Bool | |
IsOtherVeteran | Bool | |
IsReplyLetterSent | Bool | |
IsVeteran | Bool | |
IsVietnamEraVeteran | Bool | |
IsWillRelocate | Bool | |
LastModifiedBy | String | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
LastName | String | |
Location | String | |
MiddleName | String | |
PositionId | String | |
PreviousEmployersAggregate | String | |
ReferenceInformationSource | String | |
ReferenceInformationSourceDescription | String | |
ReferencesExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
ReferencesAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
ReferencesAddressCity | String | |
ReferencesAddressLine1 | String | |
ReferencesAddressLine2 | String | |
ReferencesAddressLine3 | String | |
ReferencesAddressPostalCode | String | |
ReferencesAddressState | String | |
ReferencesAddressCountryRegion | String | |
ReferencesAddressFaxCountryCode | String | |
ReferencesAddressFaxExtension | String | |
ReferencesAddressFax | String | |
ReferencesAddressPhone1CountryCode | String | |
ReferencesAddressPhone1Extension | String | |
ReferencesAddressPhone1 | String | |
ReferencesAddressPhone2CountryCode | String | |
ReferencesAddressPhone2Extension | String | |
ReferencesAddressPhone2 | String | |
ReferencesAddressPhone3CountryCode | String | |
ReferencesAddressPhone3Extension | String | |
ReferencesAddressPhone3 | String | |
ReferencesApplicantReferenceKeyApplicantSequenceKeyApplicantId [KEY] | Int | |
ReferencesApplicantReferenceKeyApplicantSequenceKeySequenceId [KEY] | Int | |
ReferencesApplicantReferenceId [KEY] | String | |
ReferencesCompanyName | String | |
ReferencesDeleteOnUpdate | Bool | |
ReferencesLastModifiedBy | String | |
ReferencesLastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
ReferencesNotes | String | |
ReferencesRelationship | String | |
RejectionInformationComment | String | |
RejectionInformationReason | String | |
SchoolsAggregate | String | |
SequenceId | Int | |
SkillsAggregate | String | |
TaxIdentifier | String | |
TestsAggregate | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Escuelas Solicitantes
Devolver una lista de: Escuelas Solicitantes
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AddressCity | String | |
AddressLine1 | String | |
AddressLine2 | String | |
AddressLine3 | String | |
AddressPostalCode | String | |
AddressState | String | |
AddressCountryRegion | String | |
AddressFaxCountryCode | String | |
AddressFaxExtension | String | |
AddressFax | String | |
AddressPhone1CountryCode | String | |
AddressPhone1Extension | String | |
AddressPhone1 | String | |
AddressPhone2CountryCode | String | |
AddressPhone2Extension | String | |
AddressPhone2 | String | |
AddressPhone3CountryCode | String | |
AddressPhone3Extension | String | |
AddressPhone3 | String | |
AgeCode | String | |
ApplicantId | Int | |
ApplicationColorColorCode | String | |
ApplicationColorColorName | String | |
ApplicationStatus | String | |
ApplicationsAggregate | String | |
CompanyCode | String | |
DateApplied | Datetime | |
DepartmentId | String | |
DivisionId | String | |
Ethnicity | String | |
FirstName | String | |
Gender | String | |
HRRequisistionId | String | |
InterviewsAggregate | String | |
IsDisabled | Bool | |
IsDisabledVeteran | Bool | |
IsOtherVeteran | Bool | |
IsReplyLetterSent | Bool | |
IsVeteran | Bool | |
IsVietnamEraVeteran | Bool | |
IsWillRelocate | Bool | |
LastModifiedBy | String | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
LastName | String | |
Location | String | |
MiddleName | String | |
PositionId | String | |
PreviousEmployersAggregate | String | |
ReferenceInformationSource | String | |
ReferenceInformationSourceDescription | String | |
ReferencesAggregate | String | |
RejectionInformationComment | String | |
RejectionInformationReason | String | |
SchoolsExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
SchoolsApplicantEducationKeyApplicantId [KEY] | Int | |
SchoolsApplicantEducationKeySequenceId [KEY] | Int | |
SchoolsDegree | String | |
SchoolsDeleteOnUpdate | Bool | |
SchoolsGPABase | String | |
SchoolsGradePointAverage | String | |
SchoolsLastModifiedBy | String | |
SchoolsLastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
SchoolsMajor | String | |
SchoolsNotes | String | |
SchoolsSchool | String | |
SchoolsYearGraduated | String | |
SequenceId | Int | |
SkillsAggregate | String | |
TaxIdentifier | String | |
TestsAggregate | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Habilidades del Solicitante
Devuelve una lista de: ApplicantSkills
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AddressCity | String | |
AddressLine1 | String | |
AddressLine2 | String | |
AddressLine3 | String | |
AddressPostalCode | String | |
AddressState | String | |
AddressCountryRegion | String | |
AddressFaxCountryCode | String | |
AddressFaxExtension | String | |
AddressFax | String | |
AddressPhone1CountryCode | String | |
AddressPhone1Extension | String | |
AddressPhone1 | String | |
AddressPhone2CountryCode | String | |
AddressPhone2Extension | String | |
AddressPhone2 | String | |
AddressPhone3CountryCode | String | |
AddressPhone3Extension | String | |
AddressPhone3 | String | |
AgeCode | String | |
ApplicantId | Int | |
ApplicationColorColorCode | String | |
ApplicationColorColorName | String | |
ApplicationStatus | String | |
ApplicationsAggregate | String | |
CompanyCode | String | |
DateApplied | Datetime | |
DepartmentId | String | |
DivisionId | String | |
Ethnicity | String | |
FirstName | String | |
Gender | String | |
HRRequisistionId | String | |
InterviewsAggregate | String | |
IsDisabled | Bool | |
IsDisabledVeteran | Bool | |
IsOtherVeteran | Bool | |
IsReplyLetterSent | Bool | |
IsVeteran | Bool | |
IsVietnamEraVeteran | Bool | |
IsWillRelocate | Bool | |
LastModifiedBy | String | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
LastName | String | |
Location | String | |
MiddleName | String | |
PositionId | String | |
PreviousEmployersAggregate | String | |
ReferenceInformationSource | String | |
ReferenceInformationSourceDescription | String | |
ReferencesAggregate | String | |
RejectionInformationComment | String | |
RejectionInformationReason | String | |
SchoolsAggregate | String | |
SequenceId | Int | |
SkillsExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
SkillsApplicantSkillKeyApplicantId [KEY] | Int | |
SkillsApplicantSkillKeySkillId [KEY] | String | |
SkillsComments | String | |
SkillsDeleteOnUpdate | Bool | |
SkillsProficiency | Int | |
SkillsSkillNumber | Int | |
TaxIdentifier | String | |
TestsAggregate | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Pruebas de Solicitante
Devolver una lista de: ApplicantTests
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AddressCity | String | |
AddressLine1 | String | |
AddressLine2 | String | |
AddressLine3 | String | |
AddressPostalCode | String | |
AddressState | String | |
AddressCountryRegion | String | |
AddressFaxCountryCode | String | |
AddressFaxExtension | String | |
AddressFax | String | |
AddressPhone1CountryCode | String | |
AddressPhone1Extension | String | |
AddressPhone1 | String | |
AddressPhone2CountryCode | String | |
AddressPhone2Extension | String | |
AddressPhone2 | String | |
AddressPhone3CountryCode | String | |
AddressPhone3Extension | String | |
AddressPhone3 | String | |
AgeCode | String | |
ApplicantId | Int | |
ApplicationColorColorCode | String | |
ApplicationColorColorName | String | |
ApplicationStatus | String | |
ApplicationsAggregate | String | |
CompanyCode | String | |
DateApplied | Datetime | |
DepartmentId | String | |
DivisionId | String | |
Ethnicity | String | |
FirstName | String | |
Gender | String | |
HRRequisistionId | String | |
InterviewsAggregate | String | |
IsDisabled | Bool | |
IsDisabledVeteran | Bool | |
IsOtherVeteran | Bool | |
IsReplyLetterSent | Bool | |
IsVeteran | Bool | |
IsVietnamEraVeteran | Bool | |
IsWillRelocate | Bool | |
LastModifiedBy | String | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
LastName | String | |
Location | String | |
MiddleName | String | |
PositionId | String | |
PreviousEmployersAggregate | String | |
ReferenceInformationSource | String | |
ReferenceInformationSourceDescription | String | |
ReferencesAggregate | String | |
RejectionInformationComment | String | |
RejectionInformationReason | String | |
SchoolsAggregate | String | |
SequenceId | Int | |
SkillsAggregate | String | |
TaxIdentifier | String | |
TestsExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
TestsApplicantTestKeyApplicantSequenceKeyApplicantId [KEY] | Int | |
TestsApplicantTestKeyApplicantSequenceKeySequenceId [KEY] | Int | |
TestsApplicantTestKeyTestId [KEY] | String | |
TestsDeleteOnUpdate | Bool | |
TestsLastModifiedBy | String | |
TestsLastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
TestsNotes | String | |
TestsScore | String | |
TestsTestDate | Datetime |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: BackOfficeRole
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
Description | String | |
Id [KEY] | String | |
Name | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: Banco
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AddressCity | String | |
AddressLine1 | String | |
AddressLine2 | String | |
AddressLine3 | String | |
AddressPostalCode | String | |
AddressState | String | |
AddressCountryRegion | String | |
AddressFaxCountryCode | String | |
AddressFaxExtension | String | |
AddressFax | String | |
AddressPhone1CountryCode | String | |
AddressPhone1Extension | String | |
AddressPhone1 | String | |
AddressPhone2CountryCode | String | |
AddressPhone2Extension | String | |
AddressPhone2 | String | |
AddressPhone3CountryCode | String | |
AddressPhone3Extension | String | |
AddressPhone3 | String | |
Branch | String | |
DirectDepositTransitNumber | String | |
Id [KEY] | String | |
Name | String | |
TransitNumber | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devuelve una lista de: CashReceiptDistributions
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AmountCurrency | String | |
Amount | Decimal | |
AuditTrailCode | String | |
BankAccountId | String | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | |
BatchId | String | |
BatchKeySource | String | |
CheckCardNumber | String | |
CorporateAccountId | String | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | |
CustomerId | String | |
Date | Datetime | |
Description | String | |
DistributionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
DistributionsDistributionTypeId | Int | |
DistributionsGLAccountId | String | |
DistributionsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
DistributionsReference | String | |
DistributionsKeyReceivablesDocumentId [KEY] | String | |
DistributionsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] | Int | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | |
IsVoided | Bool | |
Id | String | |
ModifiedBy | String | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | |
PaymentCardTypeId | String | |
PostedBy | String | |
PostedDate | Datetime | |
Type | String | |
VoidDate | Datetime |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Clave de Moneda Modificada
Devuelve una lista de: ChangedCurrencyKey
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
Action [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedBy [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedDate [KEY] | Datetime | |
ISOCode [KEY] | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Clave de Dirección de Cliente Modificada
Devuelve una lista de: ChangedCustomerAddressKey
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
Action [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedBy [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedDate [KEY] | Datetime | |
CustomerId [KEY] | String | |
Id [KEY] | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devuelve una lista de: ChangedCustomerKey
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
Action [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedBy [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedDate [KEY] | Datetime | |
Id [KEY] | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Clave de Dirección de Internet Modificada
Devolver una lista de: ChangedInternetAddressKey
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
Action [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedBy [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedDate [KEY] | Datetime | |
AddressId [KEY] | String | |
InternetAddressKey [KEY] | String | |
InternetAddressType [KEY] | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devuelve una lista de: ChangedItemKey
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
Action [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedBy [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedDate [KEY] | Datetime | |
Id [KEY] | String | |
ItemType [KEY] | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Clave de Nivel de Precio Modificada
Devuelve una lista de: ChangedPriceLevelKey
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
Action [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedBy [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedDate [KEY] | Datetime | |
Id [KEY] | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Clave de Precio Modificada
Devuelve una lista de: ChangedPricingKey
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
Action [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedBy [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedDate [KEY] | Datetime | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode [KEY] | String | |
ItemId [KEY] | String | |
PriceLevelId [KEY] | String | |
UofM [KEY] | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Clave de Factura de Ventas Modificada
Devolver una lista de: ChangedSalesInvoiceKey
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
Action [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedBy [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedDate [KEY] | Datetime | |
SalesDocumentTypeId [KEY] | String | |
SalesDocumentTypeKeyType [KEY] | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Clave de Pedido de Ventas Modificada
Devuelve una lista de: ChangedSalesOrderKey
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
Action [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedBy [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedDate [KEY] | Datetime | |
SalesDocumentTypeId [KEY] | String | |
SalesDocumentTypeKeyType [KEY] | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Clave de Vendedor Modificada
Devuelve una lista de: ChangedSalespersonKey
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
Action [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedBy [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedDate [KEY] | Datetime | |
Id [KEY] | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
UofMScheduleKey Modificadauofmschedulekey
Devolver una lista de: ChangedUofMScheduleKey
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
Action [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedBy [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedDate [KEY] | Datetime | |
Id [KEY] | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: Empresa
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AccountSegmentSeparator | String | |
BusinessType | String | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | |
DUNSNumber | String | |
DefaultAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
DefaultAddressCity | String | |
DefaultAddressLine1 | String | |
DefaultAddressLine2 | String | |
DefaultAddressLine3 | String | |
DefaultAddressPostalCode | String | |
DefaultAddressState | String | |
DefaultAddressCountryRegion | String | |
DefaultAddressFaxCountryCode | String | |
DefaultAddressFaxExtension | String | |
DefaultAddressFax | String | |
DefaultAddressPhone1CountryCode | String | |
DefaultAddressPhone1Extension | String | |
DefaultAddressPhone1 | String | |
DefaultAddressPhone2CountryCode | String | |
DefaultAddressPhone2Extension | String | |
DefaultAddressPhone2 | String | |
DefaultAddressPhone3CountryCode | String | |
DefaultAddressPhone3Extension | String | |
DefaultAddressPhone3 | String | |
DefaultAddressCountryRegionCodeId | String | |
DefaultAddressContactPerson | String | |
DefaultAddressName | String | |
DefaultAddressCounty | String | |
DefaultAddressId | String | |
IsValueAddedTaxReturnEnabled | Bool | |
IsWorkflowEnabled | Bool | |
Id [KEY] | Int | |
ModifiedBy | String | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | |
Name | String | |
Options | String | |
PayablesProcessesTaxDetailId | String | |
PurchasesTaxScheduleId | String | |
ReceivablesProcessesTaxDetailId | String | |
SICNumber | String | |
SalesTaxScheduleId | String | |
TaxExempt1 | String | |
TaxExempt2 | String | |
TaxRegistration | String | |
UserDefined1 | String | |
UserDefined2 | String | |
Vets100Number | String | |
WithholdingVendorId | String | |
WitholdingFileOrReconciliationNumber | String | |
WitholdingTaxRate | Int |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Dirección de la Empresa
Devuelve una lista de: CompanyAddress
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
City | String | |
Line1 | String | |
Line2 | String | |
Line3 | String | |
PostalCode | String | |
State | String | |
CountryRegion | String | |
FaxCountryCode | String | |
FaxExtension | String | |
Fax | String | |
Phone1CountryCode | String | |
Phone1Extension | String | |
Phone1 | String | |
Phone2CountryCode | String | |
Phone2Extension | String | |
Phone2 | String | |
Phone3CountryCode | String | |
Phone3Extension | String | |
Phone3 | String | |
CountryRegionCodeId | String | |
ContactPerson | String | |
Name | String | |
County | String | |
InternetAddressesAdditionalInformation | String | |
InternetAddressesEmailBccAddress | String | |
InternetAddressesEmailCcAddress | String | |
InternetAddressesEmailToAddress | String | |
InternetAddressesInternetField1 | String | |
InternetAddressesInternetField2 | String | |
InternetAddressesInternetField3 | String | |
InternetAddressesInternetField4 | String | |
InternetAddressesInternetField5 | String | |
InternetAddressesInternetField6 | String | |
InternetAddressesInternetField7 | String | |
InternetAddressesInternetField8 | String | |
InternetAddressesMessengerAddress | String | |
Id [KEY] | String | |
ModifiedBy | String | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: CountryRegionCode
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
Description | String | |
IsEuropeanUnionMember | Bool | |
Id [KEY] | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: Moneda
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
DecimalPlaces | String | |
DecimalSymbol | String | |
Description | String | |
Id | String | |
IncludeSpace | Bool | |
Index | Int | |
KeyISOCode [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedBy | String | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
NegativeSymbol | String | |
NegativeSymbolCurrencySymbolLocation | String | |
NegativeSymbolLocation | String | |
SubunitText | String | |
Symbol | String | |
SymbolLocation | String | |
ThousandsSymbol | String | |
UnitSubunitConnectorText | String | |
UnitText | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devuelve una lista de: CurrencyAccess
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
IsActive | Bool | |
KeyCurrencyKeyISOCode [KEY] | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devuelve una lista de: CurrencyPostingAccount
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
FinancialOffsetGLAccountId | String | |
FinancialOffsetGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
KeyCurrencyKeyISOCode [KEY] | String | |
PurchasingOffsetGLAccountId | String | |
PurchasingOffsetGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
RealizedGainGLAccountId | String | |
RealizedGainGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
RealizedLossGLAccountId | String | |
RealizedLossGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
RoundingDifferenceGLAccountId | String | |
RoundingDifferenceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
RoundingWriteOffGLAccountId | String | |
RoundingWriteOffGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
SalesOffsetGLAccountId | String | |
SalesOffsetGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
UnrealizedGainGLAccountId | String | |
UnrealizedGainGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
UnrealizedLossGLAccountId | String | |
UnrealizedLossGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Direcciones de Clientes
Devolver una lista de: CustomerAddresses
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AccountsReceivableGLAccountId | String | |
AccountsReceivableGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
AddressesExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AddressesCity | String | |
AddressesLine1 | String | |
AddressesLine2 | String | |
AddressesLine3 | String | |
AddressesPostalCode | String | |
AddressesState | String | |
AddressesCountryRegion | String | |
AddressesFaxCountryCode | String | |
AddressesFaxExtension | String | |
AddressesFax | String | |
AddressesPhone1CountryCode | String | |
AddressesPhone1Extension | String | |
AddressesPhone1 | String | |
AddressesPhone2CountryCode | String | |
AddressesPhone2Extension | String | |
AddressesPhone2 | String | |
AddressesPhone3CountryCode | String | |
AddressesPhone3Extension | String | |
AddressesPhone3 | String | |
AddressesCountryRegionCodeId | String | |
AddressesContactPerson | String | |
AddressesName | String | |
AddressesCreatedDate | Datetime | |
AddressesInternetAddressesAdditionalInformation | String | |
AddressesInternetAddressesEmailBccAddress | String | |
AddressesInternetAddressesEmailCcAddress | String | |
AddressesInternetAddressesEmailToAddress | String | |
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField1 | String | |
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField2 | String | |
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField3 | String | |
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField4 | String | |
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField5 | String | |
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField6 | String | |
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField7 | String | |
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField8 | String | |
AddressesInternetAddressesMessengerAddress | String | |
AddressesLastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
AddressesModifiedDate | Datetime | |
AddressesShippingMethodId | String | |
AddressesTaxScheduleId | String | |
AddressesUPSZone | String | |
AddressesUserDefined1 | String | |
AddressesUserDefined2 | String | |
AddressesDeleteOnUpdate | Bool | |
AddressesKeyCustomerId [KEY] | String | |
AddressesId [KEY] | String | |
AddressesSalesTerritoryId | String | |
AddressesSalespersonId | String | |
AddressesWarehouseId | String | |
AllowRevaluation | Bool | |
BalanceType | String | |
BankAccountId | String | |
BankBranch | String | |
BankName | String | |
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId | String | |
BillToAddressId | String | |
CashGLAccountId | String | |
CashGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
ClassId | String | |
Comment1 | String | |
Comment2 | String | |
CorporateAccountId | String | |
CostOfGoodsSoldGLAccountId | String | |
CostOfGoodsSoldGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | |
CreditLimitItem | String | |
CreditLimitPeriod | Int | |
CreditLimitPeriodAmountCurrency | String | |
CreditLimitPeriodAmount | Decimal | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | |
DefaultAddressKeyCustomerId | String | |
DefaultAddressId | String | |
DefaultCashAccountType | String | |
DiscountGracePeriod | Int | |
DueDateGracePeriod | Int | |
FinanceChargeItem | String | |
FinanceChargesGLAccountId | String | |
FinanceChargesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
HistoryOptionsKeepCalendarHistory | Bool | |
HistoryOptionsKeepDistributionHistory | Bool | |
HistoryOptionsKeepFiscalHistory | Bool | |
HistoryOptionsKeepTransactionHistory | Bool | |
IncludeInDemandPlanning | Bool | |
InventoryGLAccountId | String | |
InventoryGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
IsActive | Bool | |
IsOnHold | Bool | |
Id | String | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
MaximumWriteoffItem | String | |
MinimumPaymentItem | String | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | |
Name | String | |
Notes | String | |
OrderFullfillmentShortageDefault | String | |
OverpaymentWriteoffGLAccountId | String | |
OverpaymentWriteoffGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
PaymentCardAccountExpirationDate | Datetime | |
PaymentCardAccountKeyNumber | String | |
PaymentCardAccountKeyPaymentCardTypeId | String | |
PaymentTermsDiscountAvailableGLAccountId | String | |
PaymentTermsDiscountAvailableGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
PaymentTermsDiscountTakenGLAccountId | String | |
PaymentTermsDiscountTakenGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
PaymentTermsId | String | |
PostResultsTo | String | |
PriceLevelId | String | |
Priority | Int | |
RateTypeId | String | |
SalesGLAccountId | String | |
SalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
SalesOrderReturnsGLAccountId | String | |
SalesOrderReturnsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
SendEmailStatements | Bool | |
ShipCompleteOnly | Bool | |
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId | String | |
ShipToAddressId | String | |
Shortname | String | |
StatementCycle | String | |
StatementName | String | |
StatementRecipientsBCCAggregate | String | |
StatementRecipientsCCAggregate | String | |
StatementRecipientsToAggregate | String | |
StatementToAddressKeyCustomerId | String | |
StatementToAddressId | String | |
TaxExemptNumbersAggregate | String | |
TaxRegistrationNumber | String | |
TradeDiscountPercent | Decimal | |
UserDefined1 | String | |
UserDefined2 | String | |
UserLanguageId | Int | |
WriteoffGLAccountId | String | |
WriteoffGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Resumen de Cuentas por Cobrar del Cliente
Devolver una lista de: CustomerReceivablesSummary
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AgingBalanceAmountCurrency | String | |
AgingBalanceAmount | Decimal | |
AgingLastAgedDate | Datetime | |
AgingPeriod1AmountCurrency | String | |
AgingPeriod1Amount | Decimal | |
AgingPeriod2AmountCurrency | String | |
AgingPeriod2Amount | Decimal | |
AgingPeriod3AmountCurrency | String | |
AgingPeriod3Amount | Decimal | |
AgingPeriod4AmountCurrency | String | |
AgingPeriod4Amount | Decimal | |
AgingPeriod5AmountCurrency | String | |
AgingPeriod5Amount | Decimal | |
AgingPeriod6AmountCurrency | String | |
AgingPeriod6Amount | Decimal | |
AgingPeriod7AmountCurrency | String | |
AgingPeriod7Amount | Decimal | |
Id [KEY] | String | |
LastPaymentAmountCurrency | String | |
LastPaymentAmount | Decimal | |
LastPaymentDate | Datetime | |
LastStatementAmountCurrency | String | |
LastStatementAmount | Decimal | |
LastStatementDate | Datetime | |
LastTransactionAmountCurrency | String | |
LastTransactionAmount | Decimal | |
LastTransactionDate | Datetime | |
LastYearAverageDaysToPay | Int | |
LastYearHighBalanceCurrency | String | |
LastYearHighBalance | Decimal | |
LastYearNumberOfInvoices | Int | |
LastYearTermsDiscountsTakenCurrency | String | |
LastYearTermsDiscountsTaken | Decimal | |
LastYearTotalCashReceivedCurrency | String | |
LastYearTotalCashReceived | Decimal | |
LastYearTotalCostCurrency | String | |
LastYearTotalCost | Decimal | |
LastYearTotalFinanceChargeCurrency | String | |
LastYearTotalFinanceCharge | Decimal | |
LastYearTotalReturnsCurrency | String | |
LastYearTotalReturns | Decimal | |
LastYearTotalSalesCurrency | String | |
LastYearTotalSales | Decimal | |
LastYearTotalWaivedFinanceChargeCurrency | String | |
LastYearTotalWaivedFinanceCharge | Decimal | |
LastYearTotalWriteoffAmountCurrency | String | |
LastYearTotalWriteoffAmount | Decimal | |
LifeToDateAverageDaysToPay | Int | |
LifeToDateHighBalanceCurrency | String | |
LifeToDateHighBalance | Decimal | |
LifeToDateNumberOfInvoices | Int | |
LifeToDateTermsDiscountsTakenCurrency | String | |
LifeToDateTermsDiscountsTaken | Decimal | |
LifeToDateTotalCashReceivedCurrency | String | |
LifeToDateTotalCashReceived | Decimal | |
LifeToDateTotalCostCurrency | String | |
LifeToDateTotalCost | Decimal | |
LifeToDateTotalFinanceChargeCurrency | String | |
LifeToDateTotalFinanceCharge | Decimal | |
LifeToDateTotalReturnsCurrency | String | |
LifeToDateTotalReturns | Decimal | |
LifeToDateTotalSalesCurrency | String | |
LifeToDateTotalSales | Decimal | |
LifeToDateTotalWaivedFinanceChargeCurrency | String | |
LifeToDateTotalWaivedFinanceCharge | Decimal | |
LifeToDateTotalWriteoffAmountCurrency | String | |
LifeToDateTotalWriteoffAmount | Decimal | |
OnOrderAmountCurrency | String | |
OnOrderAmount | Decimal | |
YearToDateAverageDaysToPay | Int | |
YearToDateHighBalanceCurrency | String | |
YearToDateHighBalance | Decimal | |
YearToDateNumberOfInvoices | Int | |
YearToDateTermsDiscountsTakenCurrency | String | |
YearToDateTermsDiscountsTaken | Decimal | |
YearToDateTotalCashReceivedCurrency | String | |
YearToDateTotalCashReceived | Decimal | |
YearToDateTotalCostCurrency | String | |
YearToDateTotalCost | Decimal | |
YearToDateTotalFinanceChargeCurrency | String | |
YearToDateTotalFinanceCharge | Decimal | |
YearToDateTotalReturnsCurrency | String | |
YearToDateTotalReturns | Decimal | |
YearToDateTotalSalesCurrency | String | |
YearToDateTotalSales | Decimal | |
YearToDateTotalWaivedFinanceChargeCurrency | String | |
YearToDateTotalWaivedFinanceCharge | Decimal | |
YearToDateTotalWriteoffAmountCurrency | String | |
YearToDateTotalWriteoffAmount | Decimal |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Direcciones de Empleados
Devolver una lista de: direcciones de empleados
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AddressesExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AddressesCity | String | |
AddressesLine1 | String | |
AddressesLine2 | String | |
AddressesLine3 | String | |
AddressesPostalCode | String | |
AddressesState | String | |
AddressesCountryRegion | String | |
AddressesFaxCountryCode | String | |
AddressesFaxExtension | String | |
AddressesFax | String | |
AddressesPhone1CountryCode | String | |
AddressesPhone1Extension | String | |
AddressesPhone1 | String | |
AddressesPhone2CountryCode | String | |
AddressesPhone2Extension | String | |
AddressesPhone2 | String | |
AddressesPhone3CountryCode | String | |
AddressesPhone3Extension | String | |
AddressesPhone3 | String | |
AddressesCountryRegionCodeId | String | |
AddressesCounty | String | |
AddressesDeleteOnUpdate | Bool | |
AddressesInternetAddressesAdditionalInformation | String | |
AddressesInternetAddressesEmailBccAddress | String | |
AddressesInternetAddressesEmailCcAddress | String | |
AddressesInternetAddressesEmailToAddress | String | |
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField1 | String | |
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField2 | String | |
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField3 | String | |
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField4 | String | |
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField5 | String | |
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField6 | String | |
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField7 | String | |
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField8 | String | |
AddressesInternetAddressesMessengerAddress | String | |
AddressesKeyEmployeeId [KEY] | String | |
AddressesId [KEY] | String | |
BenefitExpiration | Datetime | |
BenefitStartDate | Datetime | |
BirthDate | Datetime | |
ClassId | String | |
CompanyAddressId | String | |
DayOfBirth | Int | |
DefaultAddressKeyEmployeeId | String | |
DefaultAddressId | String | |
DefaultCashAccountFromType | String | |
DepartmentId | String | |
DivisionId | String | |
DoesCalculateMinimumWageBalance | Bool | |
EmployeeInactivatedDate | Datetime | |
EmployeeId | String | |
EmploymentStartDate | Datetime | |
EmploymentType | String | |
Ethnicity | String | |
FederalClass | String | |
GLAccountId | String | |
GLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
GenderCode | String | |
HRStatus | String | |
I9RenewDate | Datetime | |
IsActive | Bool | |
IsDisabled | Bool | |
IsDisabledVeteran | Bool | |
IsI9Verified | Bool | |
IsOtherVeteran | Bool | |
IsSmoker | Bool | |
IsUnionEmployee | Bool | |
IsUnitedStatesCitizen | Bool | |
IsVeteran | Bool | |
IsVietnamEraVeteran | Bool | |
LastWorkedDate | Datetime | |
MaritalStatus | String | |
MilitaryDischargeDate | Datetime | |
MinimumNetPayCurrency | String | |
MinimumNetPay | Decimal | |
ModifiedBy | String | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | |
MonthOfBirth | String | |
NameAlternate | String | |
NameFamily | String | |
NameGiven | String | |
NameMiddle | String | |
NamePreferred | String | |
NameSuffix | String | |
PositionId | String | |
PrimaryPayCodeId | String | |
RateClass | String | |
ReasonEmployeeInactivated | String | |
ReviewLastDate | Datetime | |
ReviewNextDate | Datetime | |
SUTAStateId | String | |
SickTimeAccrualAmount | Decimal | |
SickTimeAccrualMethod | String | |
SickTimeDoesAutomaticallyAccrue | Bool | |
SickTimeHoursAvailable | Decimal | |
SickTimeHoursPerYear | Int | |
SickTimeWarnWhenHoursAvailableFallsBelowZero | Bool | |
SpouseName | String | |
SpouseTaxIdentifier | String | |
Status | String | |
SupervisorId | String | |
TaxIdentifier | String | |
UnionId | String | |
UserDefined1 | String | |
UserDefined2 | String | |
VacationAccrualAmount | Decimal | |
VacationAccrualMethod | String | |
VacationDoesAutomaticallyAccrue | Bool | |
VacationHoursAvailable | Decimal | |
VacationHoursPerYear | Int | |
VacationWarnWhenHoursAvailableFallsBelowZero | Bool | |
WorkHoursPerYear | Int | |
WorkersCompensationId | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Cuenta GL
Devolver una lista de: GLAccount
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
Alias | String | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | |
Description | String | |
IsActive | Bool | |
Id [KEY] | String | |
KeyIsEncrypted [KEY] | Bool | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | |
Type | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: GLAccountCategory
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
Id [KEY] | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: GLAccountFormat
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
IsMainSegment | Bool | |
Id [KEY] | Int | |
MaximumSegmentLength | Int | |
SegmentLength | Int | |
SegmentName | String | |
UserDefinedSegment | Int |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: GLFixedAllocationAccountDistributions
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
Alias | String | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | |
Description | String | |
IsActive | Bool | |
Id | String | |
KeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | |
Type | String | |
PostInventoryIn | String | |
PostPayrollIn | String | |
PostPurchasingIn | String | |
PostSalesIn | String | |
DistributionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
DistributionsKeyAccountId [KEY] | String | |
DistributionsKeyAccountKeyIsEncrypted [KEY] | Bool | |
DistributionsKeyDistributionAccountId [KEY] | String | |
DistributionsKeyDistributionAccountKeyIsEncrypted [KEY] | Bool | |
DistributionsPercentage | Decimal |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: GLPostingAccountCurrencies
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
Alias | String | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | |
Description | String | |
IsActive | Bool | |
Id | String | |
KeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | |
Type | String | |
PostInventoryIn | String | |
PostPayrollIn | String | |
PostPurchasingIn | String | |
PostSalesIn | String | |
AllowAccountEntry | Bool | |
CurrenciesExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
CurrenciesKeyAccountId [KEY] | String | |
CurrenciesKeyAccountKeyIsEncrypted [KEY] | Bool | |
CurrenciesKeyCurrencyKeyISOCode [KEY] | String | |
GLAccountCategoryId | String | |
IsRevalued | Bool | |
PostRevaluationResultsTo | String | |
PostingType | String | |
RevaluationMethod | String | |
TypicalBalance | String | |
UserDefined1 | String | |
UserDefined2 | String | |
UserDefined3 | String | |
UserDefined4 | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: GLTransactionLines
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AuditTrailCode | String | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | |
BatchId | String | |
BatchKeySource | String | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | |
IntercompanyId | Int | |
IntercompanyOriginalJournalId | Int | |
IsVoided | Bool | |
KeyDate | Datetime | |
KeyJournalId | Int | |
LedgerType | String | |
LinesExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
LinesDescription | String | |
LinesExchangeDate | Datetime | |
LinesExchangeRate | Decimal | |
LinesGLAccountId | String | |
LinesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesIntercompanyId | Int | |
LinesKeySequenceNumber [KEY] | Int | |
LinesKeyTransactionKeyDate [KEY] | Datetime | |
LinesKeyTransactionKeyJournalId [KEY] | Int | |
LinesOriginatingDocumentControlId | String | |
LinesOriginatingDocumentDescription | String | |
LinesOriginatingDocumentId | String | |
LinesOriginatingDocumentMasterId | String | |
LinesOriginatingDocumentMasterName | String | |
LinesOriginatingDocumentSequenceNumber | Int | |
LinesOriginatingDocumentType | Int | |
LinesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
LinesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
LinesTaxDetailId | String | |
LinesTaxGLAccountId | String | |
LinesTaxGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
ModifiedBy | String | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | |
OriginatingDocumentAuditTrailCode | String | |
OriginatingDocumentPostedDate | Datetime | |
OriginatingDocumentSeries | String | |
PostedBy | String | |
Reference | String | |
SourceDocumentId | String | |
TransactionState | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: GLVariableAllocationAccountDistributions
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
Alias | String | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | |
Description | String | |
IsActive | Bool | |
Id | String | |
KeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | |
Type | String | |
PostInventoryIn | String | |
PostPayrollIn | String | |
PostPurchasingIn | String | |
PostSalesIn | String | |
BalanceForCalculation | String | |
DistributionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
DistributionsBreakdownsAggregate | String | |
DistributionsKeyAccountId [KEY] | String | |
DistributionsKeyAccountKeyIsEncrypted [KEY] | Bool | |
DistributionsKeyDistributionAccountId [KEY] | String | |
DistributionsKeyDistributionAccountKeyIsEncrypted [KEY] | Bool |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Artículo Inventariado
Devolver una lista de: InventoriedItem
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
ABCCode | String | |
AllowBackOrder | Bool | |
AssemblyVarianceGLAccountId | String | |
AssemblyVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
ClassId | String | |
CostofGoodsSoldGLAccountId | String | |
CostofGoodsSoldGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | |
CurrencyDecimalPlaces | String | |
CurrentCostCurrency | String | |
CurrentCost | Decimal | |
DamagedGLAccountId | String | |
DamagedGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
DefaultPriceLevelId | String | |
DefaultSellingUofM | String | |
DefaultWarehouseId | String | |
Description | String | |
DropShipGLAccountId | String | |
DropShipGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
FunctionalCurrencyDecimalPlaces | String | |
GenericDescription | String | |
InServiceGLAccountId | String | |
InServiceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
InUseGLAccountId | String | |
InUseGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
IncludeInDemandPlanning | Bool | |
InternetAddressesAdditionalInformation | String | |
InternetAddressesEmailBccAddress | String | |
InternetAddressesEmailCcAddress | String | |
InternetAddressesEmailToAddress | String | |
InternetAddressesInternetField1 | String | |
InternetAddressesInternetField2 | String | |
InternetAddressesInternetField3 | String | |
InternetAddressesInternetField4 | String | |
InternetAddressesInternetField5 | String | |
InternetAddressesInternetField6 | String | |
InternetAddressesInternetField7 | String | |
InternetAddressesInternetField8 | String | |
InternetAddressesMessengerAddress | String | |
InventoryGLAccountId | String | |
InventoryGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
InventoryOffsetGLAccountId | String | |
InventoryOffsetGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
InventoryReturnGLAccountId | String | |
InventoryReturnGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
IsDiscontinued | Bool | |
KeepCalendarYearHistory | Bool | |
KeepDistributionHistory | Bool | |
KeepFiscalYearHistory | Bool | |
KeepTransactionHistory | Bool | |
Id [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
MarkdownGLAccountId | String | |
MarkdownGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | |
PriceMethod | String | |
PurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountId | String | |
PurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
PurchaseTaxBasis | String | |
PurchaseTaxScheduleId | String | |
PurchaseUofM | String | |
QuantityDecimalPlaces | String | |
SalesGLAccountId | String | |
SalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
SalesReturnGLAccountId | String | |
SalesReturnGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
SalesTaxBasis | String | |
SalesTaxScheduleId | String | |
ShippingWeight | Decimal | |
ShortDescription | String | |
StandardCostCurrency | String | |
StandardCost | Decimal | |
SubstituteItem1Id | String | |
SubstituteItem2Id | String | |
Type | String | |
UnrealizedPurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountId | String | |
UnrealizedPurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
UofMScheduleId | String | |
UserCategoryList1 | String | |
UserCategoryList2 | String | |
UserCategoryList3 | String | |
UserCategoryList4 | String | |
UserCategoryList5 | String | |
UserCategoryList6 | String | |
VarianceGLAccountId | String | |
VarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
WarrantyDays | Short |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: InventoryAdjustmentLines
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AuditTrailCode | String | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | |
BatchId | String | |
BatchKeySource | String | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | |
Date | Datetime | |
GLPostingDate | Datetime | |
Id | String | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | |
TransactionState | String | |
LinesExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
LinesItemId | String | |
LinesKeyInventoryId [KEY] | String | |
LinesKeySequenceNumber [KEY] | Decimal | |
LinesQuantity | Decimal | |
LinesUnitCostCurrency | String | |
LinesUnitCost | Decimal | |
LinesBinsAggregate | String | |
LinesInventoryGLAccountId | String | |
LinesInventoryGLAccountIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesInventoryOffsetGLAccountId | String | |
LinesInventoryOffsetGLAccountIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesLotsAggregate | String | |
LinesSerialsAggregate | String | |
LinesUofM | String | |
LinesWarehouseId | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Líneas de Transferencia de Inventario
Devolver una lista de: InventoryTransferLines
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AuditTrailCode | String | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | |
BatchId | String | |
BatchKeySource | String | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | |
Date | Datetime | |
GLPostingDate | Datetime | |
Id | String | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | |
TransactionState | String | |
LinesExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
LinesItemId | String | |
LinesKeyInventoryId [KEY] | String | |
LinesKeySequenceNumber [KEY] | Decimal | |
LinesQuantity | Decimal | |
LinesUnitCostCurrency | String | |
LinesUnitCost | Decimal | |
LinesBinsAggregate | String | |
LinesInventoryFromGLAccountId | String | |
LinesInventoryFromGLAccountIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesInventoryToGLAccountId | String | |
LinesInventoryToGLAccountIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesLotsAggregate | String | |
LinesQuantityTypeFrom | String | |
LinesQuantityTypeTo | String | |
LinesSerialsAggregate | String | |
LinesWarehouseFromId | String | |
LinesWarehouseToId | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Líneas de Variación de Inventario
Devolver una lista de: InventoryVarianceLines
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AuditTrailCode | String | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | |
BatchId | String | |
BatchKeySource | String | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | |
Date | Datetime | |
GLPostingDate | Datetime | |
Id | String | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | |
TransactionState | String | |
LinesExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
LinesItemId | String | |
LinesKeyInventoryId [KEY] | String | |
LinesKeySequenceNumber [KEY] | Decimal | |
LinesQuantity | Decimal | |
LinesUnitCostCurrency | String | |
LinesUnitCost | Decimal | |
LinesBinsAggregate | String | |
LinesInventoryGLAccountId | String | |
LinesInventoryGLAccountIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesInventoryOffsetGLAccountId | String | |
LinesInventoryOffsetGLAccountIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesLotsAggregate | String | |
LinesSerialsAggregate | String | |
LinesUofM | String | |
LinesWarehouseId | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: Artículo
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
ABCCode | String | |
AllowBackOrder | Bool | |
AssemblyVarianceGLAccountId | String | |
AssemblyVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
ClassId | String | |
CostofGoodsSoldGLAccountId | String | |
CostofGoodsSoldGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | |
CurrencyDecimalPlaces | String | |
CurrentCostCurrency | String | |
CurrentCost | Decimal | |
DamagedGLAccountId | String | |
DamagedGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
DefaultPriceLevelId | String | |
DefaultSellingUofM | String | |
DefaultWarehouseId | String | |
Description | String | |
DropShipGLAccountId | String | |
DropShipGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
FunctionalCurrencyDecimalPlaces | String | |
GenericDescription | String | |
InServiceGLAccountId | String | |
InServiceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
InUseGLAccountId | String | |
InUseGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
IncludeInDemandPlanning | Bool | |
InternetAddressesAdditionalInformation | String | |
InternetAddressesEmailBccAddress | String | |
InternetAddressesEmailCcAddress | String | |
InternetAddressesEmailToAddress | String | |
InternetAddressesInternetField1 | String | |
InternetAddressesInternetField2 | String | |
InternetAddressesInternetField3 | String | |
InternetAddressesInternetField4 | String | |
InternetAddressesInternetField5 | String | |
InternetAddressesInternetField6 | String | |
InternetAddressesInternetField7 | String | |
InternetAddressesInternetField8 | String | |
InternetAddressesMessengerAddress | String | |
InventoryGLAccountId | String | |
InventoryGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
InventoryOffsetGLAccountId | String | |
InventoryOffsetGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
InventoryReturnGLAccountId | String | |
InventoryReturnGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
IsDiscontinued | Bool | |
KeepCalendarYearHistory | Bool | |
KeepDistributionHistory | Bool | |
KeepFiscalYearHistory | Bool | |
KeepTransactionHistory | Bool | |
Id [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
MarkdownGLAccountId | String | |
MarkdownGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | |
PriceMethod | String | |
PurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountId | String | |
PurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
PurchaseTaxBasis | String | |
PurchaseTaxScheduleId | String | |
PurchaseUofM | String | |
QuantityDecimalPlaces | String | |
SalesGLAccountId | String | |
SalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
SalesReturnGLAccountId | String | |
SalesReturnGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
SalesTaxBasis | String | |
SalesTaxScheduleId | String | |
ShippingWeight | Decimal | |
ShortDescription | String | |
StandardCostCurrency | String | |
StandardCost | Decimal | |
SubstituteItem1Id | String | |
SubstituteItem2Id | String | |
Type | String | |
UnrealizedPurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountId | String | |
UnrealizedPurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
UofMScheduleId | String | |
UserCategoryList1 | String | |
UserCategoryList2 | String | |
UserCategoryList3 | String | |
UserCategoryList4 | String | |
UserCategoryList5 | String | |
UserCategoryList6 | String | |
VarianceGLAccountId | String | |
VarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
WarrantyDays | Short |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Clase de Artículo
Devolver una lista de: ItemClass
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
Description | String | |
Id [KEY] | String | |
Type | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devuelve una lista de: ManufacturingOrder
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
ActualDemand | Decimal | |
BOMCategory | String | |
BOMRevisionLevel | String | |
ComponentCalculation | String | |
DateCompleted | Datetime | |
Description | String | |
DrawFromSite | String | |
EndDate | Datetime | |
EndingQty | Decimal | |
IsArchivedMO | Bool | |
IsQuickMO | Bool | |
ItemId | String | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
LotNumber | String | |
ManufacturingOrderDocumentId [KEY] | String | |
Notes | String | |
OrderStatus | String | |
OutSourced | String | |
PickNumber | String | |
PlanName | String | |
PostToSite | String | |
Priority | String | |
RoutingName | String | |
RoutingRevisionLevel | String | |
ScheduleMethod | String | |
SchedulingPreference | String | |
StartDate | Datetime | |
StartingQty | Decimal | |
PickListAggregate | String | |
RouteAggregate | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Lista de Selección de Pedidos de Fabricación
Devolver una lista de: ManufacturingOrderPickList
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
ActualDemand | Decimal | |
BOMCategory | String | |
BOMRevisionLevel | String | |
ComponentCalculation | String | |
DateCompleted | Datetime | |
Description | String | |
DrawFromSite | String | |
EndDate | Datetime | |
EndingQty | Decimal | |
IsArchivedMO | Bool | |
IsQuickMO | Bool | |
ItemId | String | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
LotNumber | String | |
ManufacturingOrderDocumentId | String | |
Notes | String | |
OrderStatus | String | |
OutSourced | String | |
PickNumber | String | |
PlanName | String | |
PostToSite | String | |
Priority | String | |
RoutingName | String | |
RoutingRevisionLevel | String | |
ScheduleMethod | String | |
SchedulingPreference | String | |
StartDate | Datetime | |
StartingQty | Decimal | |
PickListActualConsumedQty | Decimal | |
PickListAllocatedBy | String | |
PickListAllocatedQty | Decimal | |
PickListAllowedQty | Decimal | |
PickListAlternateItemForId | String | |
PickListAlternateItemSequence | Int | |
PickListBOMCategory | String | |
PickListBOMName | String | |
PickListBOMSequence | Int | |
PickListBOMUserDef1 | String | |
PickListBOMUserDef2 | String | |
PickListBackFlushedQty | Decimal | |
PickListBaseUOMQty | Decimal | |
PickListCurrentConsumedQty | Decimal | |
PickListCurrentReturnToStockQty | Decimal | |
PickListCurrentScrappedQty | Decimal | |
PickListDateAllocated | Datetime | |
PickListDateRequired | Datetime | |
PickListDateResourcePlanIssued | Datetime | |
PickListExplodedQty | Decimal | |
PickListFixedQty | Decimal | |
PickListIsActualConsumedChecked | Bool | |
PickListIsAllocated | Bool | |
PickListIsAlternateItem | Bool | |
PickListIsBOMApproved | Bool | |
PickListIsBOMSingleLot | Bool | |
PickListIsBackFlushed | Bool | |
PickListIsBackOrdered | Bool | |
PickListIsFloorStock | Bool | |
PickListIsIssued | Bool | |
PickListIsOptionedItem | Bool | |
PickListIsPhantomItem | Bool | |
PickListIsResourcePlanCalculated | Bool | |
PickListIsSubAssemblyItem | Bool | |
PickListIssuedBy | String | |
PickListIssuedQty | Decimal | |
PickListItemId | String | |
PickListLastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
PickListLeadTimeOffset | Decimal | |
PickListLinkToSequence | Int | |
PickListLocation | String | |
PickListMRPAmountCurrency | String | |
PickListMRPAmount | Decimal | |
PickListMRPAmount2Currency | String | |
PickListMRPAmount2 | Decimal | |
PickListManufacturingNote | String | |
PickListManufacturingOrderDocumentId | String | |
PickListMarkdownAmtCurrency | String | |
PickListMarkdownAmt | Decimal | |
PickListNonInventoryCreditIndex | Int | |
PickListNonInventoryItemDescription | String | |
PickListOffsetFrom | Decimal | |
PickListOrderStatus | String | |
PickListPOLineLineSequenceNumber | Int | |
PickListPOLinePurchaseTransactionId | String | |
PickListParentPartNumberId | String | |
PickListPositionNumber | Int | |
PickListPositionNumber2 | Int | |
PickListPromotion | String | |
PickListRefillCostCurrency | String | |
PickListRefillCost | Decimal | |
PickListReturnToStockQty | Decimal | |
PickListRoutingName | String | |
PickListRoutingSequence | String | |
PickListScrappedQty | Decimal | |
PickListSequence [KEY] | Int | |
PickListSubAssemblyItemForId | String | |
PickListSubAssemblyItemSequence | Int | |
PickListSuggestedQty | Decimal | |
PickListUnitCostCurrency | String | |
PickListUnitCost | Decimal | |
PickListUofM | String | |
PickListVendorId | String | |
PickListVendorName | String | |
PickListWorkCenter | String | |
RouteAggregate | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Ruta de Pedido de Fabricación
Devuelve una lista de: ManufacturingOrderRoute
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
ActualDemand | Decimal | |
BOMCategory | String | |
BOMRevisionLevel | String | |
ComponentCalculation | String | |
DateCompleted | Datetime | |
Description | String | |
DrawFromSite | String | |
EndDate | Datetime | |
EndingQty | Decimal | |
IsArchivedMO | Bool | |
IsQuickMO | Bool | |
ItemId | String | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
LotNumber | String | |
ManufacturingOrderDocumentId | String | |
Notes | String | |
OrderStatus | String | |
OutSourced | String | |
PickNumber | String | |
PlanName | String | |
PostToSite | String | |
Priority | String | |
RoutingName | String | |
RoutingRevisionLevel | String | |
ScheduleMethod | String | |
SchedulingPreference | String | |
StartDate | Datetime | |
StartingQty | Decimal | |
PickListAggregate | String | |
RouteActualFinishDate | Datetime | |
RouteActualStartDate | Datetime | |
RouteClosedBy | String | |
RouteCycleTime | Decimal | |
RouteDateClosed | Datetime | |
RouteDateCreated | Datetime | |
RouteDrawingNumber | String | |
RouteIsAutoBackFlushLabor | Bool | |
RouteIsAutoBackFlushMachine | Bool | |
RouteIsCapacityRequirementsPlanned | Bool | |
RouteIsDone | Bool | |
RouteIsLastSequenceofTheDay | Bool | |
RouteIsMultiEmployeeOperation | Bool | |
RouteIsPhantomItem | Bool | |
RouteIsQualityAssuranceNeeded | Bool | |
RouteLaborCode1 | String | |
RouteLaborCode2 | String | |
RouteLaborTime | Decimal | |
RouteLastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
RouteMRPAmountCurrency | String | |
RouteMRPAmount | Decimal | |
RouteMachineId | String | |
RouteMachineTime | Decimal | |
RouteManufacturingNote | String | |
RouteManufacturingOrderDocumentId | String | |
RouteMoveTime | Decimal | |
RouteNextRouteNumber | String | |
RouteNotes | String | |
RouteNumberOfCrews | Int | |
RouteNumberOfEmployees | Int | |
RouteNumberOfMachines | Int | |
RouteOperationCode | String | |
RoutePOOffsetDays | Int | |
RoutePercentageComplete | Int | |
RoutePieces | Decimal | |
RouteQuantity | Decimal | |
RouteQueueTime | Decimal | |
RouteRejects | Decimal | |
RouteRouteMachineID | String | |
RouteRoutePartNumber | String | |
RouteRouteSeqDescription | String | |
RouteRouteSequenceNum [KEY] | Int | |
RouteRouteSequenceType | String | |
RouteRouteWorkCenter | String | |
RouteRunTime | Decimal | |
RouteScheduledFinishDate | Datetime | |
RouteScheduledStartDate | Datetime | |
RouteServiceItemDateReleased | Datetime | |
RouteServiceItemManufacturingOrderDocumentId | String | |
RouteServiceItemQtyToOrder | Decimal | |
RouteServiceItemRequiredDate | Datetime | |
RouteServiceItemRouteSequenceNum | Int | |
RouteServiceItemServiceItemId | String | |
RouteServiceItemSuggestedQty | Decimal | |
RouteSetupTime | Decimal | |
RouteUserDef1 | String | |
RouteUserDef2 | String | |
RouteVendorId | String | |
RouteVendorName | String | |
RouteWIPOutputPerMOStartQty | Decimal | |
RouteWaitHours | Int | |
RouteWorkCenter | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Configuración de Monedas Múltiples
Devuelve una lista de: MulticurrencySetup
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AllowModifyRates | Bool | |
AllowNewRates | Bool | |
AllowOverrideExchangeRates | Bool | |
AllowOverrideRateVariance | Bool | |
AllowOverrideReportingRate | Bool | |
AverageExchangeRateCalculationMethodDisplay | String | |
DefaultFinancialRateTypeId | String | |
DefaultPurchasingRateTypeId | String | |
DefaultSalesRateTypeId | String | |
KeepGeneralLedgerAccountHistory | Bool | |
KeyCurrencyKeyISOCode [KEY] | String | |
LastFinancialRevaluationDate | Datetime | |
LastPurchasingRevaluationDate | Datetime | |
LastSalesRevaluationDate | Datetime | |
LastSummaryRemovalDate | Datetime | |
LastTransactionRemovalDate | Datetime | |
ReportingCurrencyExchangeRate | Decimal | |
ReportingCurrencyKeyISOCode | String | |
ReportingCurrencyRateCalculationMethod | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Cuentas por PagarDocumento
Devolver una lista de: PayablesDocument
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AddressId | String | |
Amount1099Currency | String | |
Amount1099 | Decimal | |
AuditTrailCode | String | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | |
BatchId | String | |
BatchKeySource | String | |
ChargeAmountCurrency | String | |
ChargeAmount | Decimal | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | |
Date | Datetime | |
Description | String | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | |
DocumentAmountCurrency | String | |
DocumentAmount | Decimal | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | |
FreightAmount | Decimal | |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | |
HasIntercompanyDistributions | Bool | |
IsIntercompanyTransaction | Bool | |
IsVoided | Bool | |
Id [KEY] | String | |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | |
ModifiedBy | String | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | |
PONumber | String | |
PostedBy | String | |
PostedDate | Datetime | |
PurchaseTaxScheduleId | String | |
PurchasesAmountCurrency | String | |
PurchasesAmount | Decimal | |
RemitToAddressId | String | |
ShippingMethodId | String | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | |
TaxDate | Datetime | |
TaxScheduleId | String | |
TaxesAggregate | String | |
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
TradeDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
TransactionState | String | |
Type | String | |
VendorDocumentNumber | String | |
VendorId | String | |
VendorName | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Cuentas por PagarDocumentoDistribuciones
La tabla de DynamicsGP PayablesDocumentDistributions.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
DistributionsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] | Int32 | La columna DistributionsKeySequenceNumber para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
DistributionsKeyPayablesDocumentId [KEY] | String | La columna DistributionsKeyPayablesDocumentId de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
AddressId | String | La columna AddressId para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
Amount1099Currency | String | La columna Amount1099Currency para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
Amount1099 | Decimal | La columna Amount1099 para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
AuditTrailCode | String | La columna AuditTrailCode para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | La columna BatchKeyCreatedDateTime para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
BatchId | String | La columna BatchId para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
BatchKeySource | String | La columna BatchKeySource para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
ChargeAmountCurrency | String | La columna ChargeAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
ChargeAmount | Decimal | La columna ChargeAmount para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | La columna CurrencyKeyISOCode para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
Date | Datetime | La columna Fecha de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
Description | String | La columna Descripción de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
DistributionsIsPosted | Boolean | La columna DistributionsIsPosted para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
DistributionsPostingDate | Datetime | La columna DistributionsPostingDate para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
DistributionsDistributionTypeId | Int32 | La columna DistributionsDistributionTypeId para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
DistributionsGLAccountId | String | La columna DistributionsGLAccountId para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
DistributionsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Boolean | La columna DistributionsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
DistributionsReference | String | La columna DistributionsReference de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
DistributionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | La columna DistributionsExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
DocumentAmountCurrency | String | La columna DocumentAmountCurrency para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
DocumentAmount | Decimal | La columna DocumentAmount para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | La columna ExchangeDate para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | La columna ExchangeRate para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | La columna FreightAmountCurrency para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
FreightAmount | Decimal | La columna FreightAmount para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | La columna FreightTaxScheduleId de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | La columna GeneralLedgerPostingDate para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
HasIntercompanyDistributions | Boolean | La columna HasIntercompanyDistributions para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
IsIntercompanyTransaction | Boolean | La columna IsIntercompanyTransaction para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
IsVoided | Boolean | La columna IsVoided para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
Id | String | La columna de ID de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | La columna MiscellaneousAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | La columna MiscellaneousAmount de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | La columna MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
ModifiedBy | String | La columna ModifiedBy de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | La columna ModifiedDate para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
PONumber | String | La columna PONumber para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
PostedBy | String | La columna Publicado por para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
PostedDate | Datetime | La columna PostedDate para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
PurchaseTaxScheduleId | String | La columna PurchaseTaxScheduleId de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
PurchasesAmountCurrency | String | La columna PurchasesAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
PurchasesAmount | Decimal | La columna Importe de compras de la tabla Distribuciones de documentos de pago. |
RemitToAddressId | String | La columna RemitToAddressId para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
ShippingMethodId | String | La columna ShippingMethodId para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | La columna TaxAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
TaxAmount | Decimal | La columna TaxAmount de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
TaxDate | Datetime | La columna TaxDate para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
TaxScheduleId | String | La columna TaxScheduleId para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
TaxesPayablesTaxAggregate | String | La columna TaxesPayablesTaxAgregate para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency | String | La columna TradeDiscountAmountCurrency para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
TradeDiscountAmount | Decimal | La columna TradeDiscountAmount para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
TransactionState | String | La columna TransactionState para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
Type | String | La columna Tipo de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
VendorDocumentNumber | String | La columna VendorDocumentNumber para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
VendorId | String | La columna VendorId para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
VendorName | String | La columna VendorName para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | La columna ExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions. |
Cuentas Por PagarDocumentoImpuestos
La tabla de DynamicsGP PayablesDocumentTaxes.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
TaxesKeyTaxDetailId [KEY] | String | La columna TaxesKeyTaxDetailId de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
TaxesKeyPayablesDocumentId [KEY] | String | La columna TaxesKeyPayablesDocumentId de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
AddressId | String | La columna AddressId para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
Amount1099Currency | String | La columna Amount1099Currency para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
Amount1099 | Decimal | La columna Amount1099 para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
AuditTrailCode | String | La columna AuditTrailCode para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | La columna BatchKeyCreatedDateTime para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
BatchId | String | La columna BatchId para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
BatchKeySource | String | La columna BatchKeySource para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
ChargeAmountCurrency | String | La columna ChargeAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
ChargeAmount | Decimal | La columna ChargeAmount para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | La columna CurrencyKeyISOCode para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
Date | Datetime | La columna Fecha de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
Description | String | La columna Descripción de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
DistributionsPayablesDistributionAggregate | String | La columna DistributionsPayablesDistributionAgregate para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
DocumentAmountCurrency | String | La columna DocumentAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
DocumentAmount | Decimal | La columna DocumentAmount para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | La columna ExchangeDate para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | La columna ExchangeRate de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | La columna FreightAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
FreightAmount | Decimal | La columna FreightAmount de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | La columna FreightTaxScheduleId de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | La columna GeneralLedgerPostingDate para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
HasIntercompanyDistributions | Boolean | La columna HasIntercompanyDistributions de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
IsIntercompanyTransaction | Boolean | La columna IsIntercompanyTransaction para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
IsVoided | Boolean | La columna IsVoided de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
Id | String | La columna de ID de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | La columna MiscellaneousAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | La columna MiscellaneousAmount de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | La columna MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
ModifiedBy | String | La columna ModifiedBy de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | La columna ModifiedDate para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
PONumber | String | La columna PONumber de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
PostedBy | String | La columna Publicado por para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
PostedDate | Datetime | La columna PostedDate para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
PurchaseTaxScheduleId | String | La columna PurchaseTaxScheduleId de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
PurchasesAmountCurrency | String | La columna PurchasesAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
PurchasesAmount | Decimal | La columna ImporteCompras de la tabla ImpuestosDocumentosPagaderos. |
RemitToAddressId | String | La columna RemitToAddressId para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
ShippingMethodId | String | La columna ShippingMethodId para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | La columna TaxAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
TaxAmount | Decimal | La columna TaxAmount de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
TaxDate | Datetime | La columna TaxDate para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
TaxScheduleId | String | La columna TaxScheduleId de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
TaxesFreightTaxAmountCurrency | String | La columna TaxesFreightTaxAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
TaxesFreightTaxAmount | Decimal | La columna TaxesFreightTaxAmount de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
TaxesGLAccountId | String | La columna TaxesGLAccountId para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
TaxesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Boolean | La columna TaxesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
TaxesIsPosted | Boolean | La columna TaxesIsPosted de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
TaxesMiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency | String | La columna TaxesMiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
TaxesMiscellaneousTaxAmount | Decimal | La columna TaxesMiscellaneousTaxAmount de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
TaxesPurchasesTaxAmountCurrency | String | La columna TaxesPurchasesTaxAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
TaxesPurchasesTaxAmount | Decimal | La columna TaxesPurchasesTaxAmount de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
TaxesIsBackoutTax | Boolean | La columna TaxesIsBackoutTax de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
TaxesTaxAmountCurrency | String | La columna TaxesTaxAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
TaxesTaxAmount | Decimal | La columna TaxesTaxAmount de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
TaxesTaxableAmountCurrency | String | La columna TaxesTaxableAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
TaxesTaxableAmount | Decimal | La columna TaxesTaxableAmount de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
TaxesTotalAmountCurrency | String | La columna TaxesTotalAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
TaxesTotalAmount | Decimal | La columna TaxesTotalAmount de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
TaxesExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | La columna TaxesExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency | String | La columna TradeDiscountAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
TradeDiscountAmount | Decimal | La columna TradeDiscountAmount para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
TransactionState | String | La columna TransactionState para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
Type | String | La columna Tipo de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
VendorDocumentNumber | String | La columna VendorDocumentNumber de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
VendorId | String | La columna VendorId para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
VendorName | String | La columna VendorName de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | La columna ExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes. |
Tipo de Tarjeta de Pago
Devuelve una lista de: PaymentCardType
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AcceptedFromCustomers | Bool | |
CompanyCardBankAccountId | String | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | |
CustomerCardBankAccountId | String | |
GLAccountId | String | |
GLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
Id [KEY] | String | |
ModifiedBy | String | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | |
PayableCardType | String | |
ReceivableCardType | String | |
UsedByCompany | Bool | |
VendorId | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Términos de Pago
Devuelve una lista de: PaymentTerms
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | |
DaysDiscountAvailable | Int | |
DaysUntilDue | Int | |
DiscountCalculationItem | String | |
DiscountDateBasedOn | String | |
DueDateBasedOn | String | |
IsDiscountCalculatedOnFreight | Bool | |
IsDiscountCalculatedOnMiscellaneous | Bool | |
IsDiscountCalculatedOnSalePurchase | Bool | |
IsDiscountCalculatedOnTax | Bool | |
IsDiscountCalculatedOnTradeDiscount | Bool | |
Id [KEY] | String | |
ModifiedBy | String | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | |
UseGracePeriods | Bool | |
UseValueAddedTax | Bool |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Orden Planificada
Devuelve una lista de: PlannedOrder
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
DueDate | Datetime | |
IsCRPScheduled | Bool | |
ItemId | String | |
ItemsAggregate | String | |
LLC | Int | |
LocationId | String | |
PlannedOrderId [KEY] | String | |
QuantityToOrder | Decimal | |
ReleaseDate | Datetime | |
Replenishment | String | |
RunNumber | Int | |
Transferred | Bool | |
UnitOfMeasure | String | |
VendorId | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Elementos de Pedido Planificado
Devolver una lista de: PlannedOrderItems
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
DueDate | Datetime | |
IsCRPScheduled | Bool | |
ItemId | String | |
ItemsAllocatedByOpenMO | Decimal | |
ItemsAllocatedByReleasedMO | Decimal | |
ItemsCanceled | Bool | |
ItemsConsumedByOpenMO | Decimal | |
ItemsConsumedByReleasedMO | Decimal | |
ItemsDueDate | Datetime | |
ItemsExceptionsHasException1 | Bool | |
ItemsExceptionsHasException10 | Bool | |
ItemsExceptionsHasException11 | Bool | |
ItemsExceptionsHasException12 | Bool | |
ItemsExceptionsHasException13 | Bool | |
ItemsExceptionsHasException14 | Bool | |
ItemsExceptionsHasException15 | Bool | |
ItemsExceptionsHasException16 | Bool | |
ItemsExceptionsHasException17 | Bool | |
ItemsExceptionsHasException18 | Bool | |
ItemsExceptionsHasException19 | Bool | |
ItemsExceptionsHasException2 | Bool | |
ItemsExceptionsHasException20 | Bool | |
ItemsExceptionsHasException3 | Bool | |
ItemsExceptionsHasException4 | Bool | |
ItemsExceptionsHasException5 | Bool | |
ItemsExceptionsHasException6 | Bool | |
ItemsExceptionsHasException7 | Bool | |
ItemsExceptionsHasException8 | Bool | |
ItemsExceptionsHasException9 | Bool | |
ItemsItemId | String | |
ItemsLocationId | String | |
ItemsMRPParentType | String | |
ItemsMRPType | String | |
ItemsMoveIn | Bool | |
ItemsMoveOut | Bool | |
ItemsOriginalDueDate | Datetime | |
ItemsPhantomParent | String | |
ItemsPlannedOrderId | String | |
ItemsRequiredByOpenMO | Decimal | |
ItemsRequiredByReleasedMO | Decimal | |
ItemsSequenceNumber [KEY] | Int | |
ItemsStatus | String | |
ItemsStatusDescription | String | |
LLC | Int | |
LocationId | String | |
PlannedOrderId | String | |
QuantityToOrder | Decimal | |
ReleaseDate | Datetime | |
Replenishment | String | |
RunNumber | Int | |
Transferred | Bool | |
UnitOfMeasure | String | |
VendorId | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Comportamientos de Política
Devolver una lista de: PolicyBehaviors
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
BehaviorsDescription | String | |
BehaviorsInternal | Bool | |
BehaviorsId [KEY] | String | |
BehaviorsKeyPolicyId [KEY] | String | |
BehaviorsName | String | |
BehaviorsOptionsAggregate | String | |
BehaviorsSelectedOptionDescription | String | |
BehaviorsSelectedOptionKeyBehaviorId | String | |
BehaviorsSelectedOptionKeyBehaviorKeyPolicyId | String | |
BehaviorsSelectedOptionId | Int | |
BehaviorsSelectedOptionName | String | |
BehaviorsSelectedOptionParametersAggregate | String | |
Id | String | |
Name | String | |
RootBusinessObjectName | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Nivel de Precios
Devuelve una lista de: PriceLevel
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | |
Description | String | |
Id [KEY] | String | |
LastModifiedBy | String | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
ModifiedDate | Datetime |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: PricingDetails
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
DetailsExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
DetailsKeyPricingKeyCurrencyKeyISOCode [KEY] | String | |
DetailsKeyPricingKeyItemId [KEY] | String | |
DetailsKeyPricingKeyPriceLevelId [KEY] | String | |
DetailsKeyPricingKeyUofM [KEY] | String | |
DetailsKeyToQuantity [KEY] | Decimal | |
DetailsLastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
DetailsLastModifiedyBy | String | |
DetailsUofMPriceItem | String | |
KeyCurrencyKeyISOCode | String | |
KeyItemId | String | |
KeyPriceLevelId | String | |
KeyUofM | String | |
LastModifiedBy | String | |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | |
RoundAmountCurrency | String | |
RoundAmount | Decimal | |
RoundOption | String | |
RoundPolicy | String | |
UofMSalesOption | String |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: Proyecto
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AccountAmountCurrency | String | |
AccountAmount | Decimal | |
AccountingMethod | String | |
AccountsAggregate | String | |
ActualAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
ActualBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualBillingAmount | Decimal | |
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
ActualProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualProfitAmount | Decimal | |
ActualQuantity | Decimal | |
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
ActualRetainageAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualRetainageAmount | Decimal | |
ActualSalesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualSalesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ActualTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ActualTotalCostCurrency | String | |
ActualTotalCost | Decimal | |
ActualBeginDate | Datetime | |
ActualEndDate | Datetime | |
BaselineBeginDate | Datetime | |
BaselineBillableAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineBillableAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineEndDate | Datetime | |
BaselineOverheadCostCurrency | String | |
BaselineOverheadCost | Decimal | |
BaselineProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineProfitAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineQuantity | Decimal | |
BaselineTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineTaxAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineTotalCostCurrency | String | |
BaselineTotalCost | Decimal | |
BillToAddressId | String | |
BilledAccruedRevenueCurrency | String | |
BilledAccruedRevenue | Decimal | |
BilledCostCurrency | String | |
BilledCost | Decimal | |
BilledQuantity | Decimal | |
BillingCyclesAggregate | String | |
BillingNotReceivableCurrency | String | |
BillingNotReceivable | Decimal | |
BillingType | String | |
BudgetsAggregate | String | |
BusinessManagerId | String | |
CloseToBillings | Bool | |
CloseToProjectCosts | Bool | |
CommissionBasedOn | String | |
CommissionPercent | Decimal | |
ContactPerson | String | |
CostCompletedPercent | Decimal | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | |
CustomerId | String | |
CustomerPONumber | String | |
DefaultBillingFormat | String | |
DepartmentId | String | |
DiscountPercent | Decimal | |
DoesAcceptEquipmentRateTableReplacement | Bool | |
DoesAcceptLaborRateTableReplacement | Bool | |
DoesCombineForRevenueRecognition | Bool | |
EquipmentListAggregate | String | |
EquipmentRateTableId | String | |
EstimatorId | String | |
FeesAggregate | String | |
ForecastBeginDate | Datetime | |
ForecastBillableAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastBillableAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastEndDate | Datetime | |
ForecastOverheadCostCurrency | String | |
ForecastOverheadCost | Decimal | |
ForecastProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastProfitAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastQuantity | Decimal | |
ForecastTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastTotalCostCurrency | String | |
ForecastTotalCost | Decimal | |
Id [KEY] | String | |
LaborRateTableId | String | |
LaborRateTableType | String | |
Name | String | |
POCommittedCostsCurrency | String | |
POCommittedCosts | Decimal | |
POCommittedQuantity | Decimal | |
PostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
PostedBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedBillingAmount | Decimal | |
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
PostedProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedProfitAmount | Decimal | |
PostedQuantity | Decimal | |
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
PostedRetainageAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedRetainageAmount | Decimal | |
PostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedSalesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
PostedTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedTaxAmount | Decimal | |
PostedTotalCostCurrency | String | |
PostedTotalCost | Decimal | |
PostedEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedPOCostsCurrency | String | |
PostedPOCosts | Decimal | |
PostedPOQuantity | Decimal | |
PostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedBilledRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
PostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedCostOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedLossAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedLossAmount | Decimal | |
PostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
PostedReceiptsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedReceiptsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedRetainerFeeAmount | Decimal | |
PostedRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
PostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
PostedWriteoffAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedWriteoffAmount | Decimal | |
ProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
ProjectAmount | Decimal | |
ProjectClassId | String | |
ProjectContractId | String | |
ProjectContractId | String | |
ProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
ProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
ProjectId | String | |
ProjectManagerId | String | |
QuantityCompletedPercent | Decimal | |
RestrictToCustomerList | Bool | |
RetainerAmountCurrency | String | |
RetainerAmount | Decimal | |
RetentionFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
RetentionFeeAmount | Decimal | |
RetentionPercent | Decimal | |
SUTAState | String | |
SalesTerritoryId | String | |
SalespersonId | String | |
ServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
ServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
Status | String | |
TransactionalCurrencyCodeKeyISOCode | String | |
Type | String | |
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedBillingAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedProfitAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedQuantity | Decimal | |
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedRetainageAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRetainageAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedSalesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedTaxAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedTotalCostCurrency | String | |
UnpostedTotalCost | Decimal | |
UnpostedLossAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedLossAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedPOCostsCurrency | String | |
UnpostedPOCosts | Decimal | |
UnpostedPOQuantity | Decimal | |
UnpostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedReceiptsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedReceiptsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
UserDefinedText1 | String | |
UserDefinedText2 | String | |
WorkersCompensationId | String | |
WriteUpDownAmountCurrency | String | |
WriteUpDownAmount | Decimal |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: ProjectAccounts
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AccountAmountCurrency | String | |
AccountAmount | Decimal | |
AccountingMethod | String | |
AccountsExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AccountsGLAccountId | String | |
AccountsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
AccountsKeyCostTransaction [KEY] | String | |
AccountsKeyDistributionTypeId [KEY] | Int | |
AccountsKeyProjectId [KEY] | String | |
AccountsKeySourceFile [KEY] | String | |
ActualAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
ActualBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualBillingAmount | Decimal | |
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
ActualProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualProfitAmount | Decimal | |
ActualQuantity | Decimal | |
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
ActualRetainageAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualRetainageAmount | Decimal | |
ActualSalesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualSalesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ActualTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ActualTotalCostCurrency | String | |
ActualTotalCost | Decimal | |
ActualBeginDate | Datetime | |
ActualEndDate | Datetime | |
BaselineBeginDate | Datetime | |
BaselineBillableAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineBillableAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineEndDate | Datetime | |
BaselineOverheadCostCurrency | String | |
BaselineOverheadCost | Decimal | |
BaselineProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineProfitAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineQuantity | Decimal | |
BaselineTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineTaxAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineTotalCostCurrency | String | |
BaselineTotalCost | Decimal | |
BillToAddressId | String | |
BilledAccruedRevenueCurrency | String | |
BilledAccruedRevenue | Decimal | |
BilledCostCurrency | String | |
BilledCost | Decimal | |
BilledQuantity | Decimal | |
BillingCyclesAggregate | String | |
BillingNotReceivableCurrency | String | |
BillingNotReceivable | Decimal | |
BillingType | String | |
BudgetsAggregate | String | |
BusinessManagerId | String | |
CloseToBillings | Bool | |
CloseToProjectCosts | Bool | |
CommissionBasedOn | String | |
CommissionPercent | Decimal | |
ContactPerson | String | |
CostCompletedPercent | Decimal | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | |
CustomerId | String | |
CustomerPONumber | String | |
DefaultBillingFormat | String | |
DepartmentId | String | |
DiscountPercent | Decimal | |
DoesAcceptEquipmentRateTableReplacement | Bool | |
DoesAcceptLaborRateTableReplacement | Bool | |
DoesCombineForRevenueRecognition | Bool | |
EquipmentListAggregate | String | |
EquipmentRateTableId | String | |
EstimatorId | String | |
FeesAggregate | String | |
ForecastBeginDate | Datetime | |
ForecastBillableAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastBillableAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastEndDate | Datetime | |
ForecastOverheadCostCurrency | String | |
ForecastOverheadCost | Decimal | |
ForecastProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastProfitAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastQuantity | Decimal | |
ForecastTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastTotalCostCurrency | String | |
ForecastTotalCost | Decimal | |
Id | String | |
LaborRateTableId | String | |
LaborRateTableType | String | |
Name | String | |
POCommittedCostsCurrency | String | |
POCommittedCosts | Decimal | |
POCommittedQuantity | Decimal | |
PostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
PostedBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedBillingAmount | Decimal | |
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
PostedProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedProfitAmount | Decimal | |
PostedQuantity | Decimal | |
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
PostedRetainageAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedRetainageAmount | Decimal | |
PostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedSalesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
PostedTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedTaxAmount | Decimal | |
PostedTotalCostCurrency | String | |
PostedTotalCost | Decimal | |
PostedEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedPOCostsCurrency | String | |
PostedPOCosts | Decimal | |
PostedPOQuantity | Decimal | |
PostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedBilledRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
PostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedCostOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedLossAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedLossAmount | Decimal | |
PostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
PostedReceiptsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedReceiptsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedRetainerFeeAmount | Decimal | |
PostedRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
PostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
PostedWriteoffAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedWriteoffAmount | Decimal | |
ProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
ProjectAmount | Decimal | |
ProjectClassId | String | |
ProjectContractId | String | |
ProjectContractId | String | |
ProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
ProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
ProjectId | String | |
ProjectManagerId | String | |
QuantityCompletedPercent | Decimal | |
RestrictToCustomerList | Bool | |
RetainerAmountCurrency | String | |
RetainerAmount | Decimal | |
RetentionFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
RetentionFeeAmount | Decimal | |
RetentionPercent | Decimal | |
SUTAState | String | |
SalesTerritoryId | String | |
SalespersonId | String | |
ServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
ServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
Status | String | |
TransactionalCurrencyCodeKeyISOCode | String | |
Type | String | |
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedBillingAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedProfitAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedQuantity | Decimal | |
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedRetainageAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRetainageAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedSalesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedTaxAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedTotalCostCurrency | String | |
UnpostedTotalCost | Decimal | |
UnpostedLossAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedLossAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedPOCostsCurrency | String | |
UnpostedPOCosts | Decimal | |
UnpostedPOQuantity | Decimal | |
UnpostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedReceiptsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedReceiptsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
UserDefinedText1 | String | |
UserDefinedText2 | String | |
WorkersCompensationId | String | |
WriteUpDownAmountCurrency | String | |
WriteUpDownAmount | Decimal |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: ProjectBillingCycles
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AccountAmountCurrency | String | |
AccountAmount | Decimal | |
AccountingMethod | String | |
AccountsAggregate | String | |
ActualAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
ActualBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualBillingAmount | Decimal | |
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
ActualProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualProfitAmount | Decimal | |
ActualQuantity | Decimal | |
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
ActualRetainageAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualRetainageAmount | Decimal | |
ActualSalesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualSalesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ActualTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ActualTotalCostCurrency | String | |
ActualTotalCost | Decimal | |
ActualBeginDate | Datetime | |
ActualEndDate | Datetime | |
BaselineBeginDate | Datetime | |
BaselineBillableAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineBillableAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineEndDate | Datetime | |
BaselineOverheadCostCurrency | String | |
BaselineOverheadCost | Decimal | |
BaselineProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineProfitAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineQuantity | Decimal | |
BaselineTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineTaxAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineTotalCostCurrency | String | |
BaselineTotalCost | Decimal | |
BillToAddressId | String | |
BilledAccruedRevenueCurrency | String | |
BilledAccruedRevenue | Decimal | |
BilledCostCurrency | String | |
BilledCost | Decimal | |
BilledQuantity | Decimal | |
BillingCyclesExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
BillingCyclesBillingFormat | String | |
BillingCyclesId [KEY] | String | |
BillingCyclesKeyProjectId [KEY] | String | |
BillingNotReceivableCurrency | String | |
BillingNotReceivable | Decimal | |
BillingType | String | |
BudgetsAggregate | String | |
BusinessManagerId | String | |
CloseToBillings | Bool | |
CloseToProjectCosts | Bool | |
CommissionBasedOn | String | |
CommissionPercent | Decimal | |
ContactPerson | String | |
CostCompletedPercent | Decimal | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | |
CustomerId | String | |
CustomerPONumber | String | |
DefaultBillingFormat | String | |
DepartmentId | String | |
DiscountPercent | Decimal | |
DoesAcceptEquipmentRateTableReplacement | Bool | |
DoesAcceptLaborRateTableReplacement | Bool | |
DoesCombineForRevenueRecognition | Bool | |
EquipmentListAggregate | String | |
EquipmentRateTableId | String | |
EstimatorId | String | |
FeesAggregate | String | |
ForecastBeginDate | Datetime | |
ForecastBillableAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastBillableAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastEndDate | Datetime | |
ForecastOverheadCostCurrency | String | |
ForecastOverheadCost | Decimal | |
ForecastProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastProfitAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastQuantity | Decimal | |
ForecastTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastTotalCostCurrency | String | |
ForecastTotalCost | Decimal | |
Id | String | |
LaborRateTableId | String | |
LaborRateTableType | String | |
Name | String | |
POCommittedCostsCurrency | String | |
POCommittedCosts | Decimal | |
POCommittedQuantity | Decimal | |
PostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
PostedBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedBillingAmount | Decimal | |
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
PostedProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedProfitAmount | Decimal | |
PostedQuantity | Decimal | |
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
PostedRetainageAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedRetainageAmount | Decimal | |
PostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedSalesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
PostedTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedTaxAmount | Decimal | |
PostedTotalCostCurrency | String | |
PostedTotalCost | Decimal | |
PostedEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedPOCostsCurrency | String | |
PostedPOCosts | Decimal | |
PostedPOQuantity | Decimal | |
PostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedBilledRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
PostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedCostOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedLossAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedLossAmount | Decimal | |
PostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
PostedReceiptsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedReceiptsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedRetainerFeeAmount | Decimal | |
PostedRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
PostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
PostedWriteoffAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedWriteoffAmount | Decimal | |
ProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
ProjectAmount | Decimal | |
ProjectClassId | String | |
ProjectContractId | String | |
ProjectContractId | String | |
ProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
ProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
ProjectId | String | |
ProjectManagerId | String | |
QuantityCompletedPercent | Decimal | |
RestrictToCustomerList | Bool | |
RetainerAmountCurrency | String | |
RetainerAmount | Decimal | |
RetentionFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
RetentionFeeAmount | Decimal | |
RetentionPercent | Decimal | |
SUTAState | String | |
SalesTerritoryId | String | |
SalespersonId | String | |
ServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
ServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
Status | String | |
TransactionalCurrencyCodeKeyISOCode | String | |
Type | String | |
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedBillingAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedProfitAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedQuantity | Decimal | |
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedRetainageAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRetainageAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedSalesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedTaxAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedTotalCostCurrency | String | |
UnpostedTotalCost | Decimal | |
UnpostedLossAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedLossAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedPOCostsCurrency | String | |
UnpostedPOCosts | Decimal | |
UnpostedPOQuantity | Decimal | |
UnpostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedReceiptsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedReceiptsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
UserDefinedText1 | String | |
UserDefinedText2 | String | |
WorkersCompensationId | String | |
WriteUpDownAmountCurrency | String | |
WriteUpDownAmount | Decimal |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Presupuesto del Proyecto
Devuelve una lista de: ProjectBudget
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
ActualBeginDate | Datetime | |
ActualCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualCostOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualEndDate | Datetime | |
ActualLossAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualLossAmount | Decimal | |
ActualReceiptsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualReceiptsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualWriteoffAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualWriteoffAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineBeginDate | Datetime | |
BaselineBillableAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineBillableAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineEndDate | Datetime | |
BaselineOverheadCostCurrency | String | |
BaselineOverheadCost | Decimal | |
BaselineProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineProfitAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineQuantity | Decimal | |
BaselineTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineTaxAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineTotalCostCurrency | String | |
BaselineTotalCost | Decimal | |
BaselineNetProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineNetProfitAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineOverheadPercent | Decimal | |
BaselineProfitPercent | Decimal | |
BaselinePurchaseTaxBasis | String | |
BaselinePurchaseTaxScheduleId | String | |
BaselineSalesTaxBasis | String | |
BaselineSalesTaxScheduleId | String | |
BaselineUnitCostCurrency | String | |
BaselineUnitCost | Decimal | |
BilledAccruedRevenueCurrency | String | |
BilledAccruedRevenue | Decimal | |
BilledCostCurrency | String | |
BilledCost | Decimal | |
BilledQuantity | Decimal | |
BillingType | String | |
CostCompletedPercent | Decimal | |
CostOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
CostOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
DoesAcceptEquipmentRateTableReplacement | Bool | |
DoesAcceptLaborRateTableReplacement | Bool | |
EarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
EarningsAmount | Decimal | |
EquipmentRateTableId | String | |
ForecastBeginDate | Datetime | |
ForecastBillableAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastBillableAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastEndDate | Datetime | |
ForecastOverheadCostCurrency | String | |
ForecastOverheadCost | Decimal | |
ForecastProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastProfitAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastQuantity | Decimal | |
ForecastTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastTotalCostCurrency | String | |
ForecastTotalCost | Decimal | |
ForecastNetProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastNetProfitAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastOverheadPercent | Decimal | |
ForecastProfitPercent | Decimal | |
ForecastPurchaseTaxBasis | String | |
ForecastPurchaseTaxScheduleId | String | |
ForecastSalesTaxBasis | String | |
ForecastSalesTaxScheduleId | String | |
ForecastUnitCostCurrency | String | |
ForecastUnitCost | Decimal | |
IsInventoryItem | Bool | |
KeyCostCategoryId [KEY] | String | |
KeyProjectId [KEY] | String | |
KeyTransactionUsage [KEY] | Int | |
LaborRateTableId | String | |
LaborRateTableType | String | |
LineSequenceNumber | Int | |
OverheadRateMethod | String | |
POCommittedCostsCurrency | String | |
POCommittedCosts | Decimal | |
POCommittedQuantity | Decimal | |
PayCodeHourlyId | String | |
PayCodeSalaryId | String | |
PostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
PostedBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedBillingAmount | Decimal | |
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
PostedProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedProfitAmount | Decimal | |
PostedQuantity | Decimal | |
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
PostedRetainageAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedRetainageAmount | Decimal | |
PostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedSalesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
PostedTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedTaxAmount | Decimal | |
PostedTotalCostCurrency | String | |
PostedTotalCost | Decimal | |
PostedEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedPOCostsCurrency | String | |
PostedPOCosts | Decimal | |
PostedPOQuantity | Decimal | |
PostedBillableAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedBillableAmount | Decimal | |
PostedCommittedCostCurrency | String | |
PostedCommittedCost | Decimal | |
PostedCommittedQuantity | Decimal | |
PostedCommittedTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedCommittedTaxAmount | Decimal | |
PostedTaxPaidAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedTaxPaidAmount | Decimal | |
ProfitType | String | |
ProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
ProjectAmount | Decimal | |
QuantityCompletedPercent | Decimal | |
ReceiptsAmountCurrency | String | |
ReceiptsAmount | Decimal | |
Status | String | |
TaxPaidAmountCurrency | String | |
TaxPaidAmount | Decimal | |
TransactionalCurrencyCodeISOCode | String | |
UncommittedPOCostsCurrency | String | |
UncommittedPOCosts | Decimal | |
UncommittedPOQuantity | Decimal | |
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedBillingAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedProfitAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedQuantity | Decimal | |
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedRetainageAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRetainageAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedSalesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedTaxAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedTotalCostCurrency | String | |
UnpostedTotalCost | Decimal | |
UnpostedLossAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedLossAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedBeginDate | Datetime | |
UnpostedBillableAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedBillableAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedCommittedCostCurrency | String | |
UnpostedCommittedCost | Decimal | |
UnpostedCommittedQuantity | Decimal | |
UnpostedCommittedTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedCommittedTaxAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedEndDate | Datetime | |
UofM | String | |
UofMScheduleId | String | |
WriteUpDownAmountCurrency | String | |
WriteUpDownAmount | Decimal | |
WriteoffAmountCurrency | String | |
WriteoffAmount | Decimal | |
WriteoffTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
WriteoffTaxAmount | Decimal |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: ProjectBudgets
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AccountAmountCurrency | String | |
AccountAmount | Decimal | |
AccountingMethod | String | |
AccountsAggregate | String | |
ActualAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
ActualBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualBillingAmount | Decimal | |
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
ActualProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualProfitAmount | Decimal | |
ActualQuantity | Decimal | |
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
ActualRetainageAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualRetainageAmount | Decimal | |
ActualSalesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualSalesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ActualTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ActualTotalCostCurrency | String | |
ActualTotalCost | Decimal | |
ActualBeginDate | Datetime | |
ActualEndDate | Datetime | |
BaselineBeginDate | Datetime | |
BaselineBillableAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineBillableAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineEndDate | Datetime | |
BaselineOverheadCostCurrency | String | |
BaselineOverheadCost | Decimal | |
BaselineProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineProfitAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineQuantity | Decimal | |
BaselineTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineTaxAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineTotalCostCurrency | String | |
BaselineTotalCost | Decimal | |
BillToAddressId | String | |
BilledAccruedRevenueCurrency | String | |
BilledAccruedRevenue | Decimal | |
BilledCostCurrency | String | |
BilledCost | Decimal | |
BilledQuantity | Decimal | |
BillingCyclesAggregate | String | |
BillingNotReceivableCurrency | String | |
BillingNotReceivable | Decimal | |
BillingType | String | |
BudgetsExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
BudgetsActualBeginDate | Datetime | |
BudgetsActualCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsActualCostOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsActualEndDate | Datetime | |
BudgetsActualLossAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsActualLossAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsActualReceiptsAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsActualReceiptsAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsActualWriteoffAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsActualWriteoffAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsBaselineBeginDate | Datetime | |
BudgetsBaselineBillableAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsBaselineBillableAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsBaselineEndDate | Datetime | |
BudgetsBaselineOverheadCostCurrency | String | |
BudgetsBaselineOverheadCost | Decimal | |
BudgetsBaselineProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsBaselineProfitAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsBaselineQuantity | Decimal | |
BudgetsBaselineTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsBaselineTaxAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsBaselineTotalCostCurrency | String | |
BudgetsBaselineTotalCost | Decimal | |
BudgetsBaselineNetProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsBaselineNetProfitAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsBaselineOverheadPercent | Decimal | |
BudgetsBaselineProfitPercent | Decimal | |
BudgetsBaselinePurchaseTaxBasis | String | |
BudgetsBaselinePurchaseTaxScheduleId | String | |
BudgetsBaselineSalesTaxBasis | String | |
BudgetsBaselineSalesTaxScheduleId | String | |
BudgetsBaselineUnitCostCurrency | String | |
BudgetsBaselineUnitCost | Decimal | |
BudgetsBilledAccruedRevenueCurrency | String | |
BudgetsBilledAccruedRevenue | Decimal | |
BudgetsBilledCostCurrency | String | |
BudgetsBilledCost | Decimal | |
BudgetsBilledQuantity | Decimal | |
BudgetsBillingType | String | |
BudgetsCostCompletedPercent | Decimal | |
BudgetsCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsCostOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsDoesAcceptEquipmentRateTableReplacement | Bool | |
BudgetsDoesAcceptLaborRateTableReplacement | Bool | |
BudgetsEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsEquipmentRateTableId | String | |
BudgetsForecastBeginDate | Datetime | |
BudgetsForecastBillableAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsForecastBillableAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsForecastEndDate | Datetime | |
BudgetsForecastOverheadCostCurrency | String | |
BudgetsForecastOverheadCost | Decimal | |
BudgetsForecastProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsForecastProfitAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsForecastQuantity | Decimal | |
BudgetsForecastTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsForecastTaxAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsForecastTotalCostCurrency | String | |
BudgetsForecastTotalCost | Decimal | |
BudgetsForecastNetProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsForecastNetProfitAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsForecastOverheadPercent | Decimal | |
BudgetsForecastProfitPercent | Decimal | |
BudgetsForecastPurchaseTaxBasis | String | |
BudgetsForecastPurchaseTaxScheduleId | String | |
BudgetsForecastSalesTaxBasis | String | |
BudgetsForecastSalesTaxScheduleId | String | |
BudgetsForecastUnitCostCurrency | String | |
BudgetsForecastUnitCost | Decimal | |
BudgetsIsInventoryItem | Bool | |
BudgetsKeyCostCategoryId [KEY] | String | |
BudgetsKeyProjectId [KEY] | String | |
BudgetsKeyTransactionUsage [KEY] | Int | |
BudgetsLaborRateTableId | String | |
BudgetsLaborRateTableType | String | |
BudgetsLineSequenceNumber | Int | |
BudgetsOverheadRateMethod | String | |
BudgetsPOCommittedCostsCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPOCommittedCosts | Decimal | |
BudgetsPOCommittedQuantity | Decimal | |
BudgetsPayCodeHourlyId | String | |
BudgetsPayCodeSalaryId | String | |
BudgetsPostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedBillingAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedProfitAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedQuantity | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedRecognizedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedRetainageAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedRetainageAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedSalesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedTaxAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedTotalCostCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedTotalCost | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedPOCostsCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedPOCosts | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedPOQuantity | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedBillableAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedBillableAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedCommittedCostCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedCommittedCost | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedCommittedQuantity | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedCommittedTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedCommittedTaxAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedTaxPaidAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedTaxPaidAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsProfitType | String | |
BudgetsProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsProjectAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsQuantityCompletedPercent | Decimal | |
BudgetsReceiptsAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsReceiptsAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsStatus | String | |
BudgetsTaxPaidAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsTaxPaidAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsTransactionalCurrencyCodeISOCode | String | |
BudgetsUncommittedPOCostsCurrency | String | |
BudgetsUncommittedPOCosts | Decimal | |
BudgetsUncommittedPOQuantity | Decimal | |
BudgetsUnpostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsUnpostedAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsUnpostedBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsUnpostedBillingAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsUnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsUnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsUnpostedDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsUnpostedDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsUnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsUnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsUnpostedOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsUnpostedOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsUnpostedProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsUnpostedProfitAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsUnpostedQuantity | Decimal | |
BudgetsUnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsUnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsUnpostedRetainageAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsUnpostedRetainageAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsUnpostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsUnpostedSalesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsUnpostedTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsUnpostedTaxAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsUnpostedTotalCostCurrency | String | |
BudgetsUnpostedTotalCost | Decimal | |
BudgetsUnpostedLossAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsUnpostedLossAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsUnpostedBeginDate | Datetime | |
BudgetsUnpostedBillableAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsUnpostedBillableAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsUnpostedCommittedCostCurrency | String | |
BudgetsUnpostedCommittedCost | Decimal | |
BudgetsUnpostedCommittedQuantity | Decimal | |
BudgetsUnpostedCommittedTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsUnpostedCommittedTaxAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsUnpostedEndDate | Datetime | |
BudgetsUofM | String | |
BudgetsUofMScheduleId | String | |
BudgetsWriteUpDownAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsWriteUpDownAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsWriteoffAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsWriteoffAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsWriteoffTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsWriteoffTaxAmount | Decimal | |
BusinessManagerId | String | |
CloseToBillings | Bool | |
CloseToProjectCosts | Bool | |
CommissionBasedOn | String | |
CommissionPercent | Decimal | |
ContactPerson | String | |
CostCompletedPercent | Decimal | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | |
CustomerId | String | |
CustomerPONumber | String | |
DefaultBillingFormat | String | |
DepartmentId | String | |
DiscountPercent | Decimal | |
DoesAcceptEquipmentRateTableReplacement | Bool | |
DoesAcceptLaborRateTableReplacement | Bool | |
DoesCombineForRevenueRecognition | Bool | |
EquipmentListAggregate | String | |
EquipmentRateTableId | String | |
EstimatorId | String | |
FeesAggregate | String | |
ForecastBeginDate | Datetime | |
ForecastBillableAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastBillableAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastEndDate | Datetime | |
ForecastOverheadCostCurrency | String | |
ForecastOverheadCost | Decimal | |
ForecastProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastProfitAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastQuantity | Decimal | |
ForecastTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastTotalCostCurrency | String | |
ForecastTotalCost | Decimal | |
Id | String | |
LaborRateTableId | String | |
LaborRateTableType | String | |
Name | String | |
POCommittedCostsCurrency | String | |
POCommittedCosts | Decimal | |
POCommittedQuantity | Decimal | |
PostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
PostedBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedBillingAmount | Decimal | |
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
PostedProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedProfitAmount | Decimal | |
PostedQuantity | Decimal | |
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
PostedRetainageAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedRetainageAmount | Decimal | |
PostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedSalesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
PostedTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedTaxAmount | Decimal | |
PostedTotalCostCurrency | String | |
PostedTotalCost | Decimal | |
PostedEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedPOCostsCurrency | String | |
PostedPOCosts | Decimal | |
PostedPOQuantity | Decimal | |
PostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedBilledRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
PostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedCostOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedLossAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedLossAmount | Decimal | |
PostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
PostedReceiptsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedReceiptsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedRetainerFeeAmount | Decimal | |
PostedRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
PostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
PostedWriteoffAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedWriteoffAmount | Decimal | |
ProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
ProjectAmount | Decimal | |
ProjectClassId | String | |
ProjectContractId | String | |
ProjectContractId | String | |
ProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
ProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
ProjectId | String | |
ProjectManagerId | String | |
QuantityCompletedPercent | Decimal | |
RestrictToCustomerList | Bool | |
RetainerAmountCurrency | String | |
RetainerAmount | Decimal | |
RetentionFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
RetentionFeeAmount | Decimal | |
RetentionPercent | Decimal | |
SUTAState | String | |
SalesTerritoryId | String | |
SalespersonId | String | |
ServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
ServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
Status | String | |
TransactionalCurrencyCodeKeyISOCode | String | |
Type | String | |
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedBillingAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedProfitAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedQuantity | Decimal | |
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedRetainageAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRetainageAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedSalesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedTaxAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedTotalCostCurrency | String | |
UnpostedTotalCost | Decimal | |
UnpostedLossAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedLossAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedPOCostsCurrency | String | |
UnpostedPOCosts | Decimal | |
UnpostedPOQuantity | Decimal | |
UnpostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedReceiptsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedReceiptsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
UserDefinedText1 | String | |
UserDefinedText2 | String | |
WorkersCompensationId | String | |
WriteUpDownAmountCurrency | String | |
WriteUpDownAmount | Decimal |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: ProjectChangeOrder
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
ApprovalDate | Datetime | |
ApprovedBy | String | |
ApproverPosition | String | |
BudgetsAggregate | String | |
ContractBeginDate | Datetime | |
ContractEndDate | Datetime | |
CustomerChangeOrderNumber | String | |
CustomerId | String | |
Date | Datetime | |
Description | String | |
DocumentStatus | String | |
EstimatedBy | String | |
FeesAggregate | String | |
Id [KEY] | String | |
KeyProjectContractId [KEY] | String | |
LastProcessedDate | Datetime | |
ModifiedBy | String | |
PreviousContractBeginDate | Datetime | |
PreviousContractEndDate | Datetime | |
PreviousProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
PreviousProjectAmount | Decimal | |
ProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
ProjectAmount | Decimal | |
ReasonForRevision | String | |
RequestedBy | String | |
RevisedBudgetTotalAmountCurrency | String | |
RevisedBudgetTotalAmount | Decimal | |
RevisedBy | String | |
RevisedFeeTotalAmountCurrency | String | |
RevisedFeeTotalAmount | Decimal | |
RevisedProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
RevisedProjectAmount | Decimal | |
RevisersPosition | String | |
SequenceNumber | Int | |
Status | String | |
TotalBillingCurrency | String | |
TotalBilling | Decimal | |
TotalChangeOrderAmountCurrency | String | |
TotalChangeOrderAmount | Decimal | |
TotalCostCurrency | String | |
TotalCost | Decimal | |
TotalQuantity | Decimal | |
TrackChangesToType | String | |
Type | String | |
VarianceProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
VarianceProjectAmount | Decimal | |
VarianceTotalBillingCurrency | String | |
VarianceTotalBilling | Decimal | |
VarianceTotalCostCurrency | String | |
VarianceTotalCost | Decimal | |
VarianceTotalQuantity | Decimal |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: ProjectChangeOrderBudgets
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
ApprovalDate | Datetime | |
ApprovedBy | String | |
ApproverPosition | String | |
BudgetsExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
BudgetsActualReceiptAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsActualReceiptAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsActualWriteoffAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsActualWriteoffAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsActualWriteoffTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsActualWriteoffTaxAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsApprovalDate | Datetime | |
BudgetsBaselineOverheadCostCurrency | String | |
BudgetsBaselineOverheadCost | Decimal | |
BudgetsBaselineProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsBaselineProfitAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsBaselineQuantity | Decimal | |
BudgetsBaselineUnitCostCurrency | String | |
BudgetsBaselineUnitCost | Decimal | |
BudgetsBillingType | String | |
BudgetsContractBeginDate | Datetime | |
BudgetsContractEndDate | Datetime | |
BudgetsCostCategoryId | String | |
BudgetsFinalQuoteAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsFinalQuoteAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsInitialQuoteAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsInitialQuoteAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsIsClosed | Bool | |
BudgetsKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] | Int | |
BudgetsKeyProjectChangeOrderId [KEY] | String | |
BudgetsKeyProjectChangeOrderKeyProjectContractId [KEY] | String | |
BudgetsLineItemSequenceNumber | Int | |
BudgetsOriginalBudgetAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsOriginalBudgetAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsOriginalProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsOriginalProjectAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsOverheadPercent | Decimal | |
BudgetsPayCodeHourlyId | String | |
BudgetsPayCodeSalaryId | String | |
BudgetsPostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedBillingAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedProfitAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedQuantity | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedRecognizedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedRetainageAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedRetainageAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedSalesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedTaxAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedTotalCostCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedTotalCost | Decimal | |
BudgetsPostedTaxPaidAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPostedTaxPaidAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPreviousBaselineOverheadCostCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPreviousBaselineOverheadCost | Decimal | |
BudgetsPreviousBaselineProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPreviousBaselineProfitAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPreviousBaselineQuantity | Decimal | |
BudgetsPreviousBaselineUnitCostCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPreviousBaselineUnitCost | Decimal | |
BudgetsPreviousContractBeginDate | Datetime | |
BudgetsPreviousContractEndDate | Datetime | |
BudgetsPreviousOverheadPercent | Decimal | |
BudgetsPreviousPayCodeHourlyId | String | |
BudgetsPreviousPayCodeSalaryId | String | |
BudgetsPreviousProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPreviousProfitAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPreviousProfitPercent | Decimal | |
BudgetsPreviousProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPreviousProjectAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPreviousPurchaseTaxBasis | String | |
BudgetsPreviousQuantity | Decimal | |
BudgetsPreviousSalesTaxBasis | String | |
BudgetsPreviousSalesTaxScheduleId | String | |
BudgetsPreviousTaxScheduleId | String | |
BudgetsPreviousTotalBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPreviousTotalBillingAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPreviousTotalCostCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPreviousTotalCost | Decimal | |
BudgetsPreviousTotalOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPreviousTotalOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPreviousTotalProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPreviousTotalProfitAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsPreviousUnitCostCurrency | String | |
BudgetsPreviousUnitCost | Decimal | |
BudgetsProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsProfitAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsProfitPercent | Decimal | |
BudgetsProfitType | String | |
BudgetsProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsProjectAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsProjectId | String | |
BudgetsPurchaseTaxBasis | String | |
BudgetsPurchaseTaxScheduleId | String | |
BudgetsQuantity | Decimal | |
BudgetsQuoteApprovedBy | String | |
BudgetsQuotePreparedBy | String | |
BudgetsRevisedBudgetTotalAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsRevisedBudgetTotalAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsRevisedProjectTotalAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsRevisedProjectTotalAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsSalesTaxBasis | String | |
BudgetsSalesTaxScheduleId | String | |
BudgetsSequenceNumber | Int | |
BudgetsTotalBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsTotalBillingAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsTotalCostCurrency | String | |
BudgetsTotalCost | Decimal | |
BudgetsTotalOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsTotalOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsTotalProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsTotalProfitAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsUnitCostCurrency | String | |
BudgetsUnitCost | Decimal | |
BudgetsUofM | String | |
BudgetsUofMScheduleId | String | |
BudgetsVarianceMarkupPercent | Decimal | |
BudgetsVarianceOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsVarianceOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsVarianceOverheadPercent | Decimal | |
BudgetsVarianceProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsVarianceProfitAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsVarianceProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsVarianceProjectAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsVarianceQuantity | Decimal | |
BudgetsVarianceTotalBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsVarianceTotalBillingAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsVarianceTotalCostCurrency | String | |
BudgetsVarianceTotalCost | Decimal | |
BudgetsVarianceTotalProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
BudgetsVarianceTotalProfitAmount | Decimal | |
BudgetsVarianceUnitCostCurrency | String | |
BudgetsVarianceUnitCost | Decimal | |
ContractBeginDate | Datetime | |
ContractEndDate | Datetime | |
CustomerChangeOrderNumber | String | |
CustomerId | String | |
Date | Datetime | |
Description | String | |
DocumentStatus | String | |
EstimatedBy | String | |
FeesAggregate | String | |
Id | String | |
KeyProjectContractId | String | |
LastProcessedDate | Datetime | |
ModifiedBy | String | |
PreviousContractBeginDate | Datetime | |
PreviousContractEndDate | Datetime | |
PreviousProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
PreviousProjectAmount | Decimal | |
ProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
ProjectAmount | Decimal | |
ReasonForRevision | String | |
RequestedBy | String | |
RevisedBudgetTotalAmountCurrency | String | |
RevisedBudgetTotalAmount | Decimal | |
RevisedBy | String | |
RevisedFeeTotalAmountCurrency | String | |
RevisedFeeTotalAmount | Decimal | |
RevisedProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
RevisedProjectAmount | Decimal | |
RevisersPosition | String | |
SequenceNumber | Int | |
Status | String | |
TotalBillingCurrency | String | |
TotalBilling | Decimal | |
TotalChangeOrderAmountCurrency | String | |
TotalChangeOrderAmount | Decimal | |
TotalCostCurrency | String | |
TotalCost | Decimal | |
TotalQuantity | Decimal | |
TrackChangesToType | String | |
Type | String | |
VarianceProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
VarianceProjectAmount | Decimal | |
VarianceTotalBillingCurrency | String | |
VarianceTotalBilling | Decimal | |
VarianceTotalCostCurrency | String | |
VarianceTotalCost | Decimal | |
VarianceTotalQuantity | Decimal |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Tarifas de Cambio de Pedido de Proyecto
Devolver una lista de: ProjectChangeOrderFees
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
ApprovalDate | Datetime | |
ApprovedBy | String | |
ApproverPosition | String | |
BudgetsAggregate | String | |
ContractBeginDate | Datetime | |
ContractEndDate | Datetime | |
CustomerChangeOrderNumber | String | |
CustomerId | String | |
Date | Datetime | |
Description | String | |
DocumentStatus | String | |
EstimatedBy | String | |
FeesExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
FeesContractBeginDate | Datetime | |
FeesContractEndDate | Datetime | |
FeesKeyProjectChangeOrderId [KEY] | String | |
FeesKeyProjectChangeOrderKeyProjectContractId [KEY] | String | |
FeesKeyProjectId [KEY] | String | |
FeesLinesAggregate | String | |
FeesPostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
FeesPostedProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
FeesPostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
FeesPostedRetainerFeeAmount | Decimal | |
FeesPostedRetentionFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
FeesPostedRetentionFeeAmount | Decimal | |
FeesPostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
FeesPostedServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
FeesSequenceNumber | Int | |
FeesTotalProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
FeesTotalProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
FeesTotalRetainerFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
FeesTotalRetainerFeeAmount | Decimal | |
FeesTotalRetentionFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
FeesTotalRetentionFeeAmount | Decimal | |
FeesTotalServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
FeesTotalServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
FeesVarianceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
FeesVarianceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
FeesVarianceProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
FeesVarianceProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
FeesVarianceRetainerFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
FeesVarianceRetainerFeeAmount | Decimal | |
FeesVarianceRetentionFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
FeesVarianceRetentionFeeAmount | Decimal | |
FeesVarianceServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
FeesVarianceServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
Id | String | |
KeyProjectContractId | String | |
LastProcessedDate | Datetime | |
ModifiedBy | String | |
PreviousContractBeginDate | Datetime | |
PreviousContractEndDate | Datetime | |
PreviousProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
PreviousProjectAmount | Decimal | |
ProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
ProjectAmount | Decimal | |
ReasonForRevision | String | |
RequestedBy | String | |
RevisedBudgetTotalAmountCurrency | String | |
RevisedBudgetTotalAmount | Decimal | |
RevisedBy | String | |
RevisedFeeTotalAmountCurrency | String | |
RevisedFeeTotalAmount | Decimal | |
RevisedProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
RevisedProjectAmount | Decimal | |
RevisersPosition | String | |
SequenceNumber | Int | |
Status | String | |
TotalBillingCurrency | String | |
TotalBilling | Decimal | |
TotalChangeOrderAmountCurrency | String | |
TotalChangeOrderAmount | Decimal | |
TotalCostCurrency | String | |
TotalCost | Decimal | |
TotalQuantity | Decimal | |
TrackChangesToType | String | |
Type | String | |
VarianceProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
VarianceProjectAmount | Decimal | |
VarianceTotalBillingCurrency | String | |
VarianceTotalBilling | Decimal | |
VarianceTotalCostCurrency | String | |
VarianceTotalCost | Decimal | |
VarianceTotalQuantity | Decimal |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: ProjectContract
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AccountingMethod | String | |
AccountsAggregate | String | |
ActualAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
ActualBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualBillingAmount | Decimal | |
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
ActualProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualProfitAmount | Decimal | |
ActualQuantity | Decimal | |
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
ActualRetainageAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualRetainageAmount | Decimal | |
ActualSalesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualSalesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ActualTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ActualTotalCostCurrency | String | |
ActualTotalCost | Decimal | |
ActualBeginDate | Datetime | |
ActualBilledRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualBilledRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
ActualCommittedPOCostCurrency | String | |
ActualCommittedPOCost | Decimal | |
ActualCommittedPOQuantity | Decimal | |
ActualCommittedPOTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualCommittedPOTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ActualCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualCostOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualEndDate | Datetime | |
ActualLossAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualLossAmount | Decimal | |
ActualPOCostsCurrency | String | |
ActualPOCosts | Decimal | |
ActualPOQuantity | Decimal | |
ActualProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
ActualReceiptsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualReceiptsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualRetainerFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualRetainerFeeAmount | Decimal | |
ActualRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
ActualServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
AddressId | String | |
BaselineBeginDate | Datetime | |
BaselineBillableAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineBillableAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineEndDate | Datetime | |
BaselineOverheadCostCurrency | String | |
BaselineOverheadCost | Decimal | |
BaselineProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineProfitAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineQuantity | Decimal | |
BaselineTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineTaxAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineTotalCostCurrency | String | |
BaselineTotalCost | Decimal | |
BillToAddressId | String | |
BilledAccruedRevenueCurrency | String | |
BilledAccruedRevenue | Decimal | |
BilledCostCurrency | String | |
BilledCost | Decimal | |
BilledQuantity | Decimal | |
BillingCyclesAggregate | String | |
BusinessManagerId | String | |
ClassId | String | |
CloseToBillings | String | |
CloseToProjectCosts | String | |
CommissionBasedOn | String | |
CommissionPercent | Decimal | |
ContactPerson | String | |
ContractManagerId | String | |
CostCompletedPercent | Decimal | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | |
CustomerId | String | |
CustomerPONumber | String | |
DefaultBillingFormat | String | |
DiscountPercent | Decimal | |
DoesCombineForRevenueRecognition | Bool | |
ForecastBeginDate | Datetime | |
ForecastBillableAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastBillableAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastEndDate | Datetime | |
ForecastOverheadCostCurrency | String | |
ForecastOverheadCost | Decimal | |
ForecastProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastProfitAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastQuantity | Decimal | |
ForecastTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastTotalCostCurrency | String | |
ForecastTotalCost | Decimal | |
Id [KEY] | String | |
Name | String | |
POCommittedCostsCurrency | String | |
POCommittedCosts | Decimal | |
POCommittedQuantity | Decimal | |
ProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
ProjectAmount | Decimal | |
ProjectContractId | String | |
ProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
ProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
ProjectType | String | |
QuantityCompletedPercent | Decimal | |
RestrictToCustomerList | Bool | |
RetainerAmountCurrency | String | |
RetainerAmount | Decimal | |
RetentionFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
RetentionFeeAmount | Decimal | |
SalesTerritoryId | String | |
SalespersonId | String | |
ServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
ServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
Status | String | |
TransactionalCurrencyKeyISOCode | String | |
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedBillingAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedProfitAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedQuantity | Decimal | |
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedRetainageAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRetainageAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedSalesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedTaxAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedTotalCostCurrency | String | |
UnpostedTotalCost | Decimal | |
UnpostedLossAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedLossAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedPOCostsCurrency | String | |
UnpostedPOCosts | Decimal | |
UnpostedPOQuantity | Decimal | |
UnpostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedReceiptsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedReceiptsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
UserDefined1 | String | |
UserDefined2 | String | |
WriteUpDownAmountCurrency | String | |
WriteUpDownAmount | Decimal |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: ProjectContractAccounts
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AccountingMethod | String | |
AccountsExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AccountsGLAccountId | String | |
AccountsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
AccountsKeyCostTransaction [KEY] | String | |
AccountsKeyDistributionTypeId [KEY] | Int | |
AccountsKeyProjectContractId [KEY] | String | |
AccountsKeySourceFile [KEY] | String | |
ActualAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
ActualBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualBillingAmount | Decimal | |
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
ActualProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualProfitAmount | Decimal | |
ActualQuantity | Decimal | |
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
ActualRetainageAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualRetainageAmount | Decimal | |
ActualSalesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualSalesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ActualTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ActualTotalCostCurrency | String | |
ActualTotalCost | Decimal | |
ActualBeginDate | Datetime | |
ActualBilledRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualBilledRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
ActualCommittedPOCostCurrency | String | |
ActualCommittedPOCost | Decimal | |
ActualCommittedPOQuantity | Decimal | |
ActualCommittedPOTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualCommittedPOTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ActualCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualCostOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualEndDate | Datetime | |
ActualLossAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualLossAmount | Decimal | |
ActualPOCostsCurrency | String | |
ActualPOCosts | Decimal | |
ActualPOQuantity | Decimal | |
ActualProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
ActualReceiptsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualReceiptsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualRetainerFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualRetainerFeeAmount | Decimal | |
ActualRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
ActualServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
AddressId | String | |
BaselineBeginDate | Datetime | |
BaselineBillableAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineBillableAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineEndDate | Datetime | |
BaselineOverheadCostCurrency | String | |
BaselineOverheadCost | Decimal | |
BaselineProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineProfitAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineQuantity | Decimal | |
BaselineTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineTaxAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineTotalCostCurrency | String | |
BaselineTotalCost | Decimal | |
BillToAddressId | String | |
BilledAccruedRevenueCurrency | String | |
BilledAccruedRevenue | Decimal | |
BilledCostCurrency | String | |
BilledCost | Decimal | |
BilledQuantity | Decimal | |
BillingCyclesAggregate | String | |
BusinessManagerId | String | |
ClassId | String | |
CloseToBillings | String | |
CloseToProjectCosts | String | |
CommissionBasedOn | String | |
CommissionPercent | Decimal | |
ContactPerson | String | |
ContractManagerId | String | |
CostCompletedPercent | Decimal | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | |
CustomerId | String | |
CustomerPONumber | String | |
DefaultBillingFormat | String | |
DiscountPercent | Decimal | |
DoesCombineForRevenueRecognition | Bool | |
ForecastBeginDate | Datetime | |
ForecastBillableAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastBillableAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastEndDate | Datetime | |
ForecastOverheadCostCurrency | String | |
ForecastOverheadCost | Decimal | |
ForecastProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastProfitAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastQuantity | Decimal | |
ForecastTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastTotalCostCurrency | String | |
ForecastTotalCost | Decimal | |
Id | String | |
Name | String | |
POCommittedCostsCurrency | String | |
POCommittedCosts | Decimal | |
POCommittedQuantity | Decimal | |
ProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
ProjectAmount | Decimal | |
ProjectContractId | String | |
ProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
ProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
ProjectType | String | |
QuantityCompletedPercent | Decimal | |
RestrictToCustomerList | Bool | |
RetainerAmountCurrency | String | |
RetainerAmount | Decimal | |
RetentionFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
RetentionFeeAmount | Decimal | |
SalesTerritoryId | String | |
SalespersonId | String | |
ServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
ServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
Status | String | |
TransactionalCurrencyKeyISOCode | String | |
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedBillingAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedProfitAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedQuantity | Decimal | |
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedRetainageAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRetainageAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedSalesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedTaxAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedTotalCostCurrency | String | |
UnpostedTotalCost | Decimal | |
UnpostedLossAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedLossAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedPOCostsCurrency | String | |
UnpostedPOCosts | Decimal | |
UnpostedPOQuantity | Decimal | |
UnpostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedReceiptsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedReceiptsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
UserDefined1 | String | |
UserDefined2 | String | |
WriteUpDownAmountCurrency | String | |
WriteUpDownAmount | Decimal |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: ProjectContractBillingCycles
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AccountingMethod | String | |
AccountsAggregate | String | |
ActualAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
ActualBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualBillingAmount | Decimal | |
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
ActualProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualProfitAmount | Decimal | |
ActualQuantity | Decimal | |
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
ActualRetainageAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualRetainageAmount | Decimal | |
ActualSalesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualSalesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ActualTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ActualTotalCostCurrency | String | |
ActualTotalCost | Decimal | |
ActualBeginDate | Datetime | |
ActualBilledRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualBilledRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
ActualCommittedPOCostCurrency | String | |
ActualCommittedPOCost | Decimal | |
ActualCommittedPOQuantity | Decimal | |
ActualCommittedPOTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualCommittedPOTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ActualCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualCostOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualEndDate | Datetime | |
ActualLossAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualLossAmount | Decimal | |
ActualPOCostsCurrency | String | |
ActualPOCosts | Decimal | |
ActualPOQuantity | Decimal | |
ActualProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
ActualReceiptsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualReceiptsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualRetainerFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualRetainerFeeAmount | Decimal | |
ActualRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
ActualServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
AddressId | String | |
BaselineBeginDate | Datetime | |
BaselineBillableAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineBillableAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineEndDate | Datetime | |
BaselineOverheadCostCurrency | String | |
BaselineOverheadCost | Decimal | |
BaselineProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineProfitAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineQuantity | Decimal | |
BaselineTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineTaxAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineTotalCostCurrency | String | |
BaselineTotalCost | Decimal | |
BillToAddressId | String | |
BilledAccruedRevenueCurrency | String | |
BilledAccruedRevenue | Decimal | |
BilledCostCurrency | String | |
BilledCost | Decimal | |
BilledQuantity | Decimal | |
BillingCyclesExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
BillingCyclesBillingFormat | String | |
BillingCyclesId [KEY] | String | |
BillingCyclesKeyProjectContractId [KEY] | String | |
BusinessManagerId | String | |
ClassId | String | |
CloseToBillings | String | |
CloseToProjectCosts | String | |
CommissionBasedOn | String | |
CommissionPercent | Decimal | |
ContactPerson | String | |
ContractManagerId | String | |
CostCompletedPercent | Decimal | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | |
CustomerId | String | |
CustomerPONumber | String | |
DefaultBillingFormat | String | |
DiscountPercent | Decimal | |
DoesCombineForRevenueRecognition | Bool | |
ForecastBeginDate | Datetime | |
ForecastBillableAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastBillableAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastEndDate | Datetime | |
ForecastOverheadCostCurrency | String | |
ForecastOverheadCost | Decimal | |
ForecastProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastProfitAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastQuantity | Decimal | |
ForecastTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastTotalCostCurrency | String | |
ForecastTotalCost | Decimal | |
Id | String | |
Name | String | |
POCommittedCostsCurrency | String | |
POCommittedCosts | Decimal | |
POCommittedQuantity | Decimal | |
ProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
ProjectAmount | Decimal | |
ProjectContractId | String | |
ProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
ProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
ProjectType | String | |
QuantityCompletedPercent | Decimal | |
RestrictToCustomerList | Bool | |
RetainerAmountCurrency | String | |
RetainerAmount | Decimal | |
RetentionFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
RetentionFeeAmount | Decimal | |
SalesTerritoryId | String | |
SalespersonId | String | |
ServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
ServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
Status | String | |
TransactionalCurrencyKeyISOCode | String | |
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedBillingAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedProfitAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedQuantity | Decimal | |
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedRetainageAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRetainageAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedSalesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedTaxAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedTotalCostCurrency | String | |
UnpostedTotalCost | Decimal | |
UnpostedLossAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedLossAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedPOCostsCurrency | String | |
UnpostedPOCosts | Decimal | |
UnpostedPOQuantity | Decimal | |
UnpostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedReceiptsAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedReceiptsAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
UnpostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
UserDefined1 | String | |
UserDefined2 | String | |
WriteUpDownAmountCurrency | String | |
WriteUpDownAmount | Decimal |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devuelve una lista de: ProjectEmployeeExpense
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AuditTrailCode | String | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | |
BatchId | String | |
BatchKeySource | String | |
Comment | String | |
CreatedBy | String | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | |
Date | Datetime | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | |
OriginalDocumentId | String | |
PostedBy | String | |
PostedDate | Datetime | |
ReferenceDocumentNumber | String | |
ReportSuffix | String | |
TotalAccruedRevenueCurrency | String | |
TotalAccruedRevenue | Decimal | |
TotalCostCurrency | String | |
TotalCost | Decimal | |
TotalQuantity | Decimal | |
TransactionState | String | |
TransactionType | String | |
UserDefined1 | String | |
UserDefined2 | String | |
UserId | String | |
AddressId | String | |
Amount1099Currency | String | |
Amount1099 | Decimal | |
ChargeAmountCurrency | String | |
ChargeAmount | Decimal | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | |
DocumentAmountCurrency | String | |
DocumentAmount | Decimal | |
DoesPostToPayablesManagement | Bool | |
EmployeeId | String | |
EndDate | Datetime | |
ExtendedCostCurrency | String | |
ExtendedCost | Decimal | |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | |
FreightAmount | Decimal | |
FreightTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
FreightTaxAmount | Decimal | |
FreightTaxBasis | String | |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | |
IsTaxInvoiceReceived | Bool | |
IsTaxInvoiceRequired | Bool | |
Id [KEY] | String | |
LinesAggregate | String | |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | |
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
MiscellaneousTaxAmount | Decimal | |
MiscellaneousTaxBasis | String | |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | |
PaymentCashAmountCurrency | String | |
PaymentCashAmount | Decimal | |
PaymentCashBankAccountId | String | |
PaymentCashDate | Datetime | |
PaymentCashNumber | String | |
PaymentCashDocumentNumber | String | |
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency | String | |
PaymentCheckAmount | Decimal | |
PaymentCheckBankAccountId | String | |
PaymentCheckCheckNumber | String | |
PaymentCheckDate | Datetime | |
PaymentCheckNumber | String | |
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency | String | |
PaymentPaymentCardAmount | Decimal | |
PaymentPaymentCardDate | Datetime | |
PaymentPaymentCardNumber | String | |
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber | String | |
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId | String | |
PaymentTermsId | String | |
PersonalDataKeeperEmployeeId | String | |
ReimbursableAmountCurrency | String | |
ReimbursableAmount | Decimal | |
ReimbursableTaxCurrency | String | |
ReimbursableTax | Decimal | |
ShippingMethodId | String | |
StartDate | Datetime | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | |
TaxDate | Datetime | |
TaxScheduleId | String | |
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
TradeDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
Unapplied1099AmountCurrency | String | |
Unapplied1099Amount | Decimal |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: ProjectEmployeeExpenseDistributions
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AuditTrailCode | String | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | |
BatchId | String | |
BatchKeySource | String | |
Comment | String | |
CreatedBy | String | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | |
Date | Datetime | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | |
OriginalDocumentId | String | |
PostedBy | String | |
PostedDate | Datetime | |
ReferenceDocumentNumber | String | |
ReportSuffix | String | |
TotalAccruedRevenueCurrency | String | |
TotalAccruedRevenue | Decimal | |
TotalCostCurrency | String | |
TotalCost | Decimal | |
TotalQuantity | Decimal | |
TransactionState | String | |
TransactionType | String | |
UserDefined1 | String | |
UserDefined2 | String | |
UserId | String | |
AddressId | String | |
Amount1099Currency | String | |
Amount1099 | Decimal | |
ChargeAmountCurrency | String | |
ChargeAmount | Decimal | |
DistributionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
DistributionsAuditTrailCode | String | |
DistributionsCreditAmountCurrency | String | |
DistributionsCreditAmount | Decimal | |
DistributionsDebitAmountCurrency | String | |
DistributionsDebitAmount | Decimal | |
DistributionsDistributionTypeId | Int | |
DistributionsGLAccountId | String | |
DistributionsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
DistributionsReference | String | |
DistributionsKeyControlType [KEY] | Int | |
DistributionsKeyProjectEmployeeExpenseId [KEY] | String | |
DistributionsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] | Int | |
DocumentAmountCurrency | String | |
DocumentAmount | Decimal | |
DoesPostToPayablesManagement | Bool | |
EmployeeId | String | |
EndDate | Datetime | |
ExtendedCostCurrency | String | |
ExtendedCost | Decimal | |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | |
FreightAmount | Decimal | |
FreightTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
FreightTaxAmount | Decimal | |
FreightTaxBasis | String | |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | |
IsTaxInvoiceReceived | Bool | |
IsTaxInvoiceRequired | Bool | |
Id | String | |
LinesAggregate | String | |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | |
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
MiscellaneousTaxAmount | Decimal | |
MiscellaneousTaxBasis | String | |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | |
PaymentCashAmountCurrency | String | |
PaymentCashAmount | Decimal | |
PaymentCashBankAccountId | String | |
PaymentCashDate | Datetime | |
PaymentCashNumber | String | |
PaymentCashDocumentNumber | String | |
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency | String | |
PaymentCheckAmount | Decimal | |
PaymentCheckBankAccountId | String | |
PaymentCheckCheckNumber | String | |
PaymentCheckDate | Datetime | |
PaymentCheckNumber | String | |
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency | String | |
PaymentPaymentCardAmount | Decimal | |
PaymentPaymentCardDate | Datetime | |
PaymentPaymentCardNumber | String | |
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber | String | |
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId | String | |
PaymentTermsId | String | |
PersonalDataKeeperEmployeeId | String | |
ReimbursableAmountCurrency | String | |
ReimbursableAmount | Decimal | |
ReimbursableTaxCurrency | String | |
ReimbursableTax | Decimal | |
ShippingMethodId | String | |
StartDate | Datetime | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | |
TaxDate | Datetime | |
TaxScheduleId | String | |
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
TradeDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
Unapplied1099AmountCurrency | String | |
Unapplied1099Amount | Decimal |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devuelve una lista de: ProjectEmployeeExpenseLines
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AuditTrailCode | String | |
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime | Datetime | |
BatchId | String | |
BatchKeySource | String | |
Comment | String | |
CreatedBy | String | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | |
Date | Datetime | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | |
GeneralLedgerPostingDate | Datetime | |
OriginalDocumentId | String | |
PostedBy | String | |
PostedDate | Datetime | |
ReferenceDocumentNumber | String | |
ReportSuffix | String | |
TotalAccruedRevenueCurrency | String | |
TotalAccruedRevenue | Decimal | |
TotalCostCurrency | String | |
TotalCost | Decimal | |
TotalQuantity | Decimal | |
TransactionState | String | |
TransactionType | String | |
UserDefined1 | String | |
UserDefined2 | String | |
UserId | String | |
AddressId | String | |
Amount1099Currency | String | |
Amount1099 | Decimal | |
ChargeAmountCurrency | String | |
ChargeAmount | Decimal | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | |
DocumentAmountCurrency | String | |
DocumentAmount | Decimal | |
DoesPostToPayablesManagement | Bool | |
EmployeeId | String | |
EndDate | Datetime | |
ExtendedCostCurrency | String | |
ExtendedCost | Decimal | |
FreightAmountCurrency | String | |
FreightAmount | Decimal | |
FreightTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
FreightTaxAmount | Decimal | |
FreightTaxBasis | String | |
FreightTaxScheduleId | String | |
IsTaxInvoiceReceived | Bool | |
IsTaxInvoiceRequired | Bool | |
Id | String | |
LinesExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
LinesAccruedRevenueCurrency | String | |
LinesAccruedRevenue | Decimal | |
LinesContraGLAccountId | String | |
LinesContraGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesCostCategoryId | String | |
LinesCostOfGoodsSoldGLAccountId | String | |
LinesCostOfGoodsSoldGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesDate | Datetime | |
LinesExtendedCostCurrency | String | |
LinesExtendedCost | Decimal | |
LinesMarkupPercent | Decimal | |
LinesOriginalDocumentSequenceNumber | Int | |
LinesOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
LinesOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
LinesOverheadGLAccountId | String | |
LinesOverheadGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesOverheadPercent | Decimal | |
LinesProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
LinesProfitAmount | Decimal | |
LinesProfitType | String | |
LinesProjectContractId | String | |
LinesProjectId | String | |
LinesQuantity | Decimal | |
LinesReferenceDocumentSequenceNumber | Int | |
LinesRoundAmountCurrency | String | |
LinesRoundAmount | Decimal | |
LinesRoundingGLAccountId | String | |
LinesRoundingGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesTotalCostCurrency | String | |
LinesTotalCost | Decimal | |
LinesTotalOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
LinesTotalOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
LinesTotalProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
LinesTotalProfitAmount | Decimal | |
LinesUnbilledAccountReceivableGLAccountId | String | |
LinesUnbilledAccountReceivableGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesUnbilledProjectRevenueGLAccountId | String | |
LinesUnbilledProjectRevenueGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesUnitCostCurrency | String | |
LinesUnitCost | Decimal | |
LinesUofM | String | |
LinesWorkInProgressGLAccountId | String | |
LinesWorkInProgressGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted | Bool | |
LinesBackoutTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
LinesBackoutTaxAmount | Decimal | |
LinesBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
LinesBillingAmount | Decimal | |
LinesBillingProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
LinesBillingProfitAmount | Decimal | |
LinesBillingProfitPercent | Decimal | |
LinesBillingQuantity | Decimal | |
LinesBillingRateCurrency | String | |
LinesBillingRate | Decimal | |
LinesBillingStatus | String | |
LinesBillingTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
LinesBillingTaxAmount | Decimal | |
LinesBillingType | String | |
LinesDescription | String | |
LinesExpenseType | String | |
LinesKeyProjectEmployeeExpenseId [KEY] | String | |
LinesKeySequenceNumber [KEY] | Int | |
LinesPaymentMethodType | String | |
LinesReimbursableAmountCurrency | String | |
LinesReimbursableAmount | Decimal | |
LinesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
LinesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
LinesTaxBasis | String | |
LinesTaxScheduleId | String | |
LinesTaxesAggregate | String | |
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency | String | |
MiscellaneousAmount | Decimal | |
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
MiscellaneousTaxAmount | Decimal | |
MiscellaneousTaxBasis | String | |
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId | String | |
PaymentCashAmountCurrency | String | |
PaymentCashAmount | Decimal | |
PaymentCashBankAccountId | String | |
PaymentCashDate | Datetime | |
PaymentCashNumber | String | |
PaymentCashDocumentNumber | String | |
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency | String | |
PaymentCheckAmount | Decimal | |
PaymentCheckBankAccountId | String | |
PaymentCheckCheckNumber | String | |
PaymentCheckDate | Datetime | |
PaymentCheckNumber | String | |
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency | String | |
PaymentPaymentCardAmount | Decimal | |
PaymentPaymentCardDate | Datetime | |
PaymentPaymentCardNumber | String | |
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber | String | |
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId | String | |
PaymentTermsId | String | |
PersonalDataKeeperEmployeeId | String | |
ReimbursableAmountCurrency | String | |
ReimbursableAmount | Decimal | |
ReimbursableTaxCurrency | String | |
ReimbursableTax | Decimal | |
ShippingMethodId | String | |
StartDate | Datetime | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | |
TaxDate | Datetime | |
TaxScheduleId | String | |
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
TradeDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
Unapplied1099AmountCurrency | String | |
Unapplied1099Amount | Decimal |
Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
PagingColumn | String |
Devolver una lista de: ProjectEquipmentList
Nombre | Tipo | Descripción |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
AccountAmountCurrency | String | |
AccountAmount | Decimal | |
AccountingMethod | String | |
AccountsAggregate | String | |
ActualAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
ActualBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualBillingAmount | Decimal | |
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount | Decimal | |
ActualOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
ActualProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualProfitAmount | Decimal | |
ActualQuantity | Decimal | |
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
ActualRetainageAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualRetainageAmount | Decimal | |
ActualSalesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualSalesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ActualTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ActualTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ActualTotalCostCurrency | String | |
ActualTotalCost | Decimal | |
ActualBeginDate | Datetime | |
ActualEndDate | Datetime | |
BaselineBeginDate | Datetime | |
BaselineBillableAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineBillableAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineEndDate | Datetime | |
BaselineOverheadCostCurrency | String | |
BaselineOverheadCost | Decimal | |
BaselineProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineProfitAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineQuantity | Decimal | |
BaselineTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
BaselineTaxAmount | Decimal | |
BaselineTotalCostCurrency | String | |
BaselineTotalCost | Decimal | |
BillToAddressId | String | |
BilledAccruedRevenueCurrency | String | |
BilledAccruedRevenue | Decimal | |
BilledCostCurrency | String | |
BilledCost | Decimal | |
BilledQuantity | Decimal | |
BillingCyclesAggregate | String | |
BillingNotReceivableCurrency | String | |
BillingNotReceivable | Decimal | |
BillingType | String | |
BudgetsAggregate | String | |
BusinessManagerId | String | |
CloseToBillings | Bool | |
CloseToProjectCosts | Bool | |
CommissionBasedOn | String | |
CommissionPercent | Decimal | |
ContactPerson | String | |
CostCompletedPercent | Decimal | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | |
CustomerId | String | |
CustomerPONumber | String | |
DefaultBillingFormat | String | |
DepartmentId | String | |
DiscountPercent | Decimal | |
DoesAcceptEquipmentRateTableReplacement | Bool | |
DoesAcceptLaborRateTableReplacement | Bool | |
DoesCombineForRevenueRecognition | Bool | |
EquipmentListExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
EquipmentListKeyProjectEquipmentId [KEY] | String | |
EquipmentListKeyProjectId [KEY] | String | |
EquipmentRateTableId | String | |
EstimatorId | String | |
FeesAggregate | String | |
ForecastBeginDate | Datetime | |
ForecastBillableAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastBillableAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastEndDate | Datetime | |
ForecastOverheadCostCurrency | String | |
ForecastOverheadCost | Decimal | |
ForecastProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastProfitAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastQuantity | Decimal | |
ForecastTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ForecastTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ForecastTotalCostCurrency | String | |
ForecastTotalCost | Decimal | |
Id | String | |
LaborRateTableId | String | |
LaborRateTableType | String | |
Name | String | |
POCommittedCostsCurrency | String | |
POCommittedCosts | Decimal | |
POCommittedQuantity | Decimal | |
PostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
PostedBillingAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedBillingAmount | Decimal | |
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedDiscountAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedDiscountAmount | Decimal | |
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedOverheadAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedOverheadAmount | Decimal | |
PostedProfitAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedProfitAmount | Decimal | |
PostedQuantity | Decimal | |
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
PostedRetainageAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedRetainageAmount | Decimal | |
PostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedSalesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
PostedTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedTaxAmount | Decimal | |
PostedTotalCostCurrency | String | |
PostedTotalCost | Decimal | |
PostedEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedPOCostsCurrency | String | |
PostedPOCosts | Decimal | |
PostedPOQuantity | Decimal | |
PostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedBilledRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
PostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedCostOfEarningsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedLossAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedLossAmount | Decimal | |
PostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
PostedReceiptsAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedReceiptsAmount | Decimal | |
PostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedRetainerFeeAmount | Decimal | |
PostedRetentionAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedRetentionAmount | Decimal | |
PostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
PostedWriteoffAmountCurrency | String | |
PostedWriteoffAmount | Decimal | |
ProjectAmountCurrency | String | |
ProjectAmount | Decimal | |
ProjectClassId | String | |
ProjectContractId | String | |
ProjectContractId | String | |
ProjectFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
ProjectFeeAmount | Decimal | |
ProjectId | String | |
ProjectManagerId | String | |
QuantityCompletedPercent | Decimal | |
RestrictToCustomerList | Bool | |
RetainerAmountCurrency | String | |
RetainerAmount | Decimal | |
RetentionFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
RetentionFeeAmount | Decimal | |
RetentionPercent | Decimal | |
SUTAState | String | |
SalesTerritoryId | String | |
SalespersonId | String | |
ServiceFeeAmountCurrency | String | |
ServiceFeeAmount | Decimal | |
Status | String | |
TransactionalCurrencyCodeKeyISOCode | String | |
Type | String | |
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency | String | |
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmount | Decimal | |
U |