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Utility programs on Jitterbit private agents


This page describes the following utility programs included with the private agent installation package:

  • jitterbit: A general-purpose operations and management tool, used to stop and start private agent services.

  • jitterbit-config: A private agent configuration utility, used to configure the private agent's connection to Harmony, and the internal private agent database.

  • jitterbit-utils: A convenience wrapper script for jitterbit, used for general operations and configuration tasks.

These are found in the following locations on each platform:

Platform Locations
Windows C:\Program Files\Jitterbit Agent\bin
C:\Program Files\Jitterbit Agent\jitterbit-agent-config-util
Linux), Docker /usr/bin, each linked to /opt/jitterbit/bin


This is a general-purpose operations and management tool, used to stop and start private agent services. It is not available on Microsoft Windows, where the Start menu contains equivalent commands.




Category Command Description
start Start all private agent services.
stop Stop all private agent services.
restart Restart all private agent services.
status Show the status of the Process Engine, Scheduler and Cleanup service processes.
start_apache Start the Apache service.
stop_apache Stop the Apache service.
start_tomcat Start the Tomcat service.
stop_tomcat Stop the Tomcat service.
start_pgsql Start the bundled PostgreSQL server.
stop_pgsql Stop the bundled PostgreSQL server.
start_pgbouncer Start the bundled PgBouncer server.
stop_pgbouncer Stop the bundled PgBouncer server.
start_scheduler Start the Scheduler service.
stop_scheduler Stop the Scheduler service.
start_verboselogshipper Start the VerboseLogShipper service.
stop_verboselogshipper Stop the VerboseLogShipper service.
start_processengine Start the Process Engine service.
stop_processengine Stop the Process Engine service.
start_cleanup Start the file cleanup service.
stop_cleanup Stop the file cleanup service.
Utilities utils OPTIONS Calls and passes OPTIONS to JitterbitUtils.
gen_server_cert Generate a new server certificate if not already installed.
initdb Initialize a new bundled database cluster. Forces a full synchronization of all deployed projects, and removes all current environments from the agent.
Information top Show top processes running as the jitterbit user.
version Print the version and build date of the Process Engine.
help Show help.


This is a private agent configuration utility, used to configure the private agent's connection to Harmony, and the internal private agent database. It is not available on Microsoft Windows, where the Start menu contains equivalent commands.


jitterbit-config [OPTIONS]


Category Short Option Long Option Default value Description
Harmony -l --login-url Harmony login URL.
-U --user Your Harmony user name.
-P --password Your Harmony password.
-f --credentials-file File to read Harmony credentials file from.
--xh --proxy-host Proxy server host and port in the format hostname:port.
--xu --proxy-user Proxy server user name if your proxy requires authorization.
--xp --proxy-password Proxy server password if your proxy requires authorization.
--xn --proxy-ntlm-domain Proxy server domain if you are using an NTLM proxy.
--xc --no-verify-proxy-cert false Don't verify proxy certificates. (Not recommended.)
-o --organization Organization to configure the agent in.
-g --agent-group Name of the agent group you want to configure.
-a --agent Name of the agent you want to configure.
Database -c --configure-postgres false Configure a PostgreSQL instance to serve as the backend data store.
-u --unattended false Do not prompt for anything except the PostgreSQL admin password (unless specified with -w option). Default values are used for options not specified.
-s --server Name or IP address of the PostgreSQL server.
-p --port 5432 Port that PostgreSQL is listening on.
-d --driver PostreSQL-jitterbit PostgreSQL ODBC driver to use.
-m --db-admin-user postgres Name of the PostgreSQL administrative user.
-w --db-password Password for the PostgreSQL administrative user. This option is required and you will be prompted for it if it is not specified.
-t --update false Updates the backend database to the installed version of Jitterbit insted of creating them.
Other -q --quiet false Don't prompt for input if there is only one option available. Don't print unnecessary information to the terminal.
--bundledb false Internal option for use by Jitterbit support.


  1. Configure a local PostgreSQL instance running on the default port with administrative user postgres and password PASSWORD:

    jitterbit-config -c -u -w PASSWORD
  2. Use a remote PostgreSQL instance running on port 5433. You are prompted for the user name and password of the PostgreSQL server, which must be configured to accept remote connections:

    jitterbit-config -c --unattended --server --port 5433
  3. Reconfigure a private agent:

    jitterbit-config -U USERNAME -P PASSWORD -l -o ORG_NAME -g GROUP_NAME -a AGENT_NAME
    Value Replace with Example
    REGION Your Harmony account region (na-east, emea-west, or apac-southeast).
    USERNAME Your Harmony account username.
    PASSWORD Your Harmony account password. P@55w0rd
    GROUP_NAME The agent group name and environment name, separated by an underscore. My Agent Group_Default Environment
    AGENT_NAME The agent name. My Agent 1
    ORG_NAME Your Harmony organization name. My Org


This is a convenience wrapper script for jitterbit, used for general operations and configuration tasks. The script calls jitterbit utils OPTIONS, which in turn calls JitterbitUtils.


JitterbitUtils.exe [OPTIONS]

jitterbit-utils [OPTIONS]


Type Option Description
General --quiet Don't output anything except fatal error messages.
--help Show help.
Maintenance --restore-db DB DIR Restore database DB from files in directory DIR.
--backup-db DB DIR Backup database DB to directory DIR.
--vacuum-db [DB] Vacuum database DB. If DB is all or blank, all databases are vacuumed.
--reindex-db [DB] Re-index database DB. If DB is all or blank, all databases are re-indexed.
--reclaim-disk-space Aggressively reclaim disk space used by the backend. Archive tables are truncated, and all tables are vacuumed.
Proxy --set-http-proxy-host HOSTNAME[:PORT] HTTP proxy server host name and optional port.
--set-http-proxy-username USERNAME HTTP proxy server user name.
--set-http-proxy-pwd PASSWORD HTTP proxy server password.
--set-http-proxy-domain NTLM_DOMAIN HTTP proxy server NTLM domain.
--verify-proxy-cert (Default) Verify proxy certificates. Turn off with --no-verify-proxy-cert.
--no-verify-proxy-cert Don't verify proxy certificates. Use this if your proxy uses a certificate that Jitterbit can't verify.
--negotiate-ntlm-proxy-authentication Negotiate NTLM proxy authentication. Default is off, which is faster. Enable only if the default causes problems.
--set-http-proxy-inclusions INCLUSIONS Comma-separated list of host names for which the proxy configuration should be used. Wildcards (* and ?) are supported. Incompatible with --set-http-proxy-exceptions.
--set-http-proxy-exceptions EXCEPTIONS Comma-separated list of host names for which the proxy configuration should not be used. Wildcards (* and ?) are supported. Incompatible with --set-http-proxy-inclusions.
--disable-http-proxy Disable HTTP proxy configuration.
--print-http-proxy-configuration Print HTTP proxy configuration.
Operations --drain-stop Trigger a drain stop of the agent. Running operations can complete; new jobs are not accepted.
--drain-pause Trigger a drain pause of the agent. Running operations will be allowed to complete but new jobs will not be accepted.
--list-operations List all operations.
--list-operations --project PROJECT --environment ENVIRONMENT List operations for PROJECT and ENVIRONMENT (as names).
--run-scheduled-operations Add all scheduled operations to the process queue.
--add-operation-to-queue OPERATION Add OPERATION (as name, GUID, or database ID) to the process queue. Not recommended. Bypasses rate limits and other agent checks.
--add-operation-to-queue OPERATION --project PROJECT --environment ENVIRONMENT Add OPERATION for PROJECT and ENVIRONMENT (as names) to the process queue. Not recommended. Bypasses rate limits and other agent checks.
Utility --encrypt-credentials USERNAME PASSWORD Encrypt USERNAME and PASSWORD and print on two lines.
-e USERNAME PASSWORD Short form of --encrypt-credentials.
--resync-environment ENVIRONMENT Trigger a re-sync of ENVIRONMENT (name).