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10.35 Harmony release notes

10.35 Harmony release

Harmony portal, private agents, and Sandbox Cloud Agent Group

The 10.35 release date is by region:

  • APAC: Released 6 May 2021 (AEST), May 5, 2021 (PDT)

  • EMEA: Released 6 May 2021

  • NA: Released May 10, 2021

Included in this release are updates to these Harmony components:

The Sandbox Cloud Agent Group and web applications accessed through the Harmony portal will be updated to 10.35 at the time of the release. Private agent installers will be available in each region as of the conclusion of each region's release.

As of May 11, 2021, Design Studio and private agent version 10.18 have reached end of life and are longer be supported. We recommend that all users of these (and earlier) versions upgrade to the latest versions as soon as practicable.


As of Harmony release 10.34, 32-bit private agents are longer be available for download. If you are currently using a 32-bit agent and want to follow our recommendation of staying on the current release, please download a 64-bit agent and perform an upgrade. Instructions for upgrading to a 64-bit agent are available at Install a Linux agent and Install a Windows agent. This change does not affect cloud agents.

New features

Cloud Studio

  • Email: Read activity available
    An Email read activity has been added to the Email connector.

  • Salesforce Service Cloud connector available
    A new connector for Salesforce Service Cloud is available with multiple activities. This connector is available to use with agents version 10.1 or later and can be accessed from the Cloud Studio design component palette. It will automatically be downloaded by an agent as required.

  • ServiceNow: New query builder added to Query activity
    A new query builder is available in step 2 of the ServiceNow Query activity configuration.



  • Empty strings can be set to NULL instead of ""
    Blank characters in the source will now be inserted as NULL when using the variable set to TRUE. Blank character strings will be set to empty when the, is set to FALSE.

Cloud Studio

  • Amazon S3: Region selection in connection configuration used only for initial authentication
    The region selected in the Amazon S3 connector configuration is now used only for the initial authentication and bucket name discovery. Previously, selecting a region in a Put Object, Get Object, or List Object activity's Optional Settings was ignored and the region used in the connector configuration was used instead.

  • MongoDB: Database Endpoint removed from the configuration
    The Database Endpoint dropdown has been removed on the MongoDB configuration screen and the optional setting Connect Using a DNS Seed List is required for use with MongoDB databases and is now selected by default.

  • Snowflake Input activity replaced Put activity
    The Snowflake Put activity has been renamed to Input. Existing operations have the Put activity renamed and should work without modification.


Cloud Studio

  • Snowflake: Query activity query strings can be edited in the activity configuration
    In the Build Your Query step of the Snowflake Query activity configuration, you can now manually edit the Query String.

  • Source and target node states saved when exiting the transformation
    When opening a transformation, the source and target node expansion states are displayed as they were when you last exited and the cursor is at the last editing location.

  • New project toolbar
    The project name and environment are now displayed in a project toolbar below the Harmony portal header. You can navigate to recent projects using the dropdown.

  • Connection actions menu added to the project pane
    A new actions menu for connections in the project pane's Components tab provides access to test the connection or open the connection configuration screen.



  • pgbouncer path changed for custom path installation using RPM
    Previously, installing pgbouncer with a custom path required a manual installation. This has been fixed. The installation script now uses the $JITTERBIT_HOME variable to replace the values in the pgbouncer configuration, assuring the custom path is used.

  • Changing the location of WriteLogDir now writes debug logs in the new location
    Changing the directory location in WriteLogDir in the jitterbit.conf file now writes the debug logs in the new location. With agents prior to 10.35, the logs were not written.

Cloud Studio

  • GitHub: Required username is now supplied dynamically.
    Some projects failed due to a missing username. The username is now supplied dynamically by querying the personal access token.

  • Project history updates correctly
    Project history updates are now listed as they happen. Previously you needed to close and reopen the project history tab to see updated entries.

  • Unconfigured file-based activities now appear correctly in the component tab
    Unconfigured FTP, Temporary Storage, and Local Storage activities now appear as valid in the component tab.

  • Switching script types in the script editor no longer causes errors
    You no longer receive a message about a conflict with another user when switching between JavaScript and Jitterbit Script in the script editor.

  • Working collaboratively on a project has been improved
    We reduced the number of possible editing conflict errors when saving a project that is being edited by multiple users.