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Release notes for Jitterbit private agents


This page provides a compilation of updates in recently released versions of the private agent. Updates to the private agent are also identified on individual release pages in Release notes.

For end-of-life releases not shown here, see Past Harmony releases.

Known issues

Known issue with Linux private agents 11.31.1 and all earlier versions

Scheduled operations fail to run after a Linux private agent restart

  • Summary: After restarting a Linux private agent, the agent's Scheduler service fails to start, causing scheduled operations not to run as expected. This issue does not occur with Windows private agents.

  • Additional Information: The Linux agent's Scheduler service uses a library that downloads the latest time zone data files. As of September 4, 2024, the provider of this library introduced a syntax error that causes the Scheduler service not to start.

  • Recommendation: This issue is resolved with version 11.31.2, which no longer automatically downloads the library causing the issue. We recommend upgrading Linux private agents to 11.31.2 or later to prevent this issue from occurring and, in cases where it is already occurring, to recover from it.

    Alternatively, if you are using an earlier agent version, you can apply the following workaround or recovery steps to non-Docker agents:

    • Workaround: If a Linux private agent has not yet been restarted, to prevent this problem from occurring, edit the version file at /opt/jitterbit/TimeZoneDB/version and change its value to 2024b. This will prevent the version of the date library with the issue from being downloaded by the agent.

    • Recovery: If a Linux private agent is already experiencing this issue, to fix it, edit the northamerica file at /opt/jitterbit/TimeZoneDB/northamerica to replace the value April with Apr in any occurrences. Then restart the agent.

For all known issues with private agents, see Private agent known issues.

Release notes

A subset of Harmony release updates pertaining to private agents is included below.


The 11.41 release date for private agents is by region:

11.41 Windows and Linux private agents 11.41 Docker private agent
APAC April 1, 2025 (9 PM AEDT) April 4, 2025 (9 PM AEDT)
EMEA April 2, 2025 (12 PM CEST) April 4, 2025 (12 PM CEST)
NA April 3-4, 2025 (3 AM PDT) April 4, 2025 (3 AM PDT)




  • Salesforce API upgrade to version 62 no longer causes transformation refresh error
    An issue has been resolved where an upgrade to Salesforce API version 62 (available with Design Studio and agent version 11.35 to 11.40) prevented Salesforce transformations from being refreshed and returned the error Failed to parse the response. The fix requires Design Studio and agent version 11.41 or later.


  • End of life for versions 10.85 / 11.23
    As of March 21, 2025, private agent versions 10.85 and 11.23 have reached end of life and are no longer supported. We recommend that users of these versions upgrade to the latest version as soon as practicable.

  • Private agent versions 10.x are no longer updated
    Private agent version 10.87 was the last 10.x agent version distributed by Jitterbit and is intended to be the final supported 10.x agent version.

    Since Harmony release 10.63 / 11.1, both a 10.x and 11.x private agent version had been distributed with these differences:

    • 11.x versions: In 11.1 and later versions, the PostgreSQL database bundled with the private agent is now version 14.5-1.

    • 10.x versions: Supported 10.x versions are packaged with the existing 9.6.24-1 PostgreSQL. The distributed 10.x versions will continue to be supported in accordance with Jitterbit's end-of-life policy.


    To continue to receive private agent updates, including new features, enhancements, security patches, and fixes, upgrading to an 11.x private agent is required.

    Follow the instructions to upgrade from 10.x to 11.x agents:


The 11.40 release date for private agents is by region:

11.40 Windows and Linux private agents 11.40 Docker private agent
APAC March 11, 2025 (9 PM AEDT) March 13, 2025 (9 PM AEDT)
EMEA March 12, 2025 (11 AM CET) March 13, 2025 (11 AM CET)
NA March 13, 2025 (3 AM PDT) March 13, 2025 (3 AM PDT)


  • Microsoft Windows Server 2025 support
    The Microsoft Windows Server 2025 operating system is now supported for private agents 11.40 and later. Also beginning with this release, Amazon Linux AMI 2 is no longer supported, as described under Notices below.


  • Update to supported operating systems
    Amazon Linux AMI 2 is no longer supported with 11.40 and later private agents. This version may still work but is no longer tested by Jitterbit. See the currently supported private agent operating systems.

  • End of life for versions 10.84 / 11.22
    As of March 1, 2025, private agent versions 10.84 and 11.22 have reached end of life and are no longer supported. We recommend that all users of these versions upgrade to the latest version as soon as practicable.

  • Private agent versions 10.x are no longer updated
    Private agent version 10.87 was the last 10.x agent version distributed by Jitterbit and is intended to be the final supported 10.x agent version.

    Since Harmony release 10.63 / 11.1, both a 10.x and 11.x private agent version had been distributed with these differences:

    • 11.x versions: In 11.1 and later versions, the PostgreSQL database bundled with the private agent is now version 14.5-1.

    • 10.x versions: Supported 10.x versions are packaged with the existing 9.6.24-1 PostgreSQL. The distributed 10.x versions will continue to be supported in accordance with Jitterbit's end-of-life policy.


    To continue to receive private agent updates, including new features, enhancements, security patches, and fixes, upgrading to an 11.x private agent is required.

    Follow the instructions to upgrade from 10.x to 11.x agents:


The 11.39 release date for private agents is by region:

11.39 Windows and Linux private agents 11.39 Docker private agent
APAC February 18, 2025 (10 PM AEDT) February 20, 2025 (10 PM AEDT)
EMEA February 19, 2025 (12 PM CET) February 20, 2025 (12 PM CET)
NA February 20, 2025 (3 AM PST) February 20, 2025 (3 AM PST)


  • Agent observability (Beta) logging and Docker enhancements
    Additional logging can now be enabled to send private agent metrics to a configured observability platform (a beta feature). In addition, you can now use Docker private agent environment variables to enable agent observability. To provide feedback on this beta feature, contact the Jitterbit Product Team.

  • Private agent setting to allow unsafe legacy TLS renegotiation
    The new setting AllowUnsafeLegacyRenegotiation can be set to true in a jitterbit.conf file's [Settings] section to allow unsafe legacy TLS renegotiation during the connection handshake (not recommended).

  • Amazon Linux 2023 support
    The Amazon Linux 2023 operating system is now supported for private agents 11.39 and later. Also beginning with this release, several operating systems are no longer supported, as described under Notices below.


  • CVTDate function no longer outputs data with empty input
    When the CVTDate function is used with an empty input date object or string, an erroneous output date string can no longer be returned by the function.

  • RegExMatch function now works for single-number matches
    The RegExMatch function now correctly validates matches of single-digit numeric strings. For example, RegExMatch("5", "(^[0-9]+$)") now returns 1 instead of 0.

  • FTP variable paths with a default value now work
    When an Integration Studio FTP activity or Design Studio FTP site's Path field is configured with a default value for a global variable, the default value is now substituted as expected. Previously, it was treated as if no default value was set.


  • Update to supported operating systems
    The following operating systems are no longer supported with 11.39 and later private agents. These versions may still work but are no longer tested by Jitterbit:

    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

    • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)

    • Debian 11 (Bullseye)

    See the currently supported private agent operating systems.

  • End of life for private agent versions 10.83 / 11.21
    As of February 8, 2025, private agent versions 10.83 and 11.21 have reached end of life and are no longer supported. We recommend that all users of these versions upgrade to the latest version as soon as practicable.

  • Private agent versions 10.x are no longer updated
    Private agent version 10.87 was the last 10.x agent version distributed by Jitterbit and is intended to be the final supported 10.x agent version.

    Since Harmony release 10.63 / 11.1, both a 10.x and 11.x private agent version had been distributed with these differences:

    • 11.x versions: In 11.1 and later versions, the PostgreSQL database bundled with the private agent is now version 14.5-1.

    • 10.x versions: Supported 10.x versions are packaged with the existing 9.6.24-1 PostgreSQL. The distributed 10.x versions will continue to be supported in accordance with Jitterbit’s end-of-life policy.


    To continue to receive private agent updates, including new features, enhancements, security patches, and fixes, upgrading to an 11.x private agent is required.

    Follow the instructions to upgrade from 10.x to 11.x agents:


The 11.38 release date for private agents is by region:

11.38 Windows and Linux private agents 11.38 Docker private agent
APAC February 4, 2025 (10 PM AEDT) February 6, 2025 (10 PM AEDT)
EMEA February 5, 2025 (12 PM CET) February 6, 2025 (12 PM CET)
NA February 6, 2025 (3 AM PST) February 6, 2025 (3 AM PST)


  • Ubuntu 24.04 LTS support
    The Ubuntu 24.04 LTS operating system has been verified to be supported for private agents 11.38 and later.


The 11.37 release date for private agents is by region:

11.37 Windows and Linux private agents 11.37 Docker private agent
APAC January 25, 2025 (AEDT) January 28, 2025 (9 AM AEDT)
EMEA January 27, 2025 (CET) January 27, 2025 (11 PM CET)
NA January 27, 2025 (PST) January 27, 2025 (2 PM PST)


The 11.35 and 11.36 releases were internal.

New features

  • Agent observability (Beta)
    Remotely monitor a private agent’s performance and behavior in real time using Datadog or Elasticsearch. To enable agent observability, follow our setup instructions for your observability platform, then import one of Jitterbit’s pre-built dashboards from the Harmony portal Downloads page. To provide feedback on this beta feature, contact the Jitterbit Product Team.


  • New Jitterbit variables
    The following new Jitterbit variables are available to use with agents 11.37 and later:

  • Additional OpenSSL cipher support
    The Integration Studio FTP connector and Design Studio FTP sources/targets support additional OpenSSL encryption ciphers with agents 11.37 and later.

  • New agent support tool commands
    Two new agent support tool commands are available with private agents 11.37 and later: about and env-list.

  • RHEL 9 support
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9 has been verified to be supported on private agents 11.37 and later.

  • Salesforce API version 62 support
    Salesforce API version 62 is now supported for these connectors:


  • OpenSSH format keys are now supported
    Connecting to SFTP with an SSH key in OpenSSH format is now successful.

  • Jitterbit AWS S3 Get plugin compatibility with TLS 1.3
    The Jitterbit AWS S3 Get plugin (deprecated) no longer results in an Invalid SSL master secret error due to incompatibility with TLS 1.3. This fix requires version of this plugin, which is associated with cloud agent groups by default and can be associated with a private agent group through the Management Console Plugins page.

  • Scheduled operations now run on the day of their end date
    Schedules with a specified end date now execute all scheduled runs including the entire day of the specified end date.

  • Process Engine reliability improved
    The agent’s Process Engine service is more reliable and no longer crashes in certain circumstances.


  • End of life for versions up to 10.82 / 11.20
    As of January 18, 2025, private agent versions 10.79, 10.80, 10.82, 11.17, 11.18, and 11.20 have reached end of life and are no longer supported.

    We recommend that all users of any of these versions upgrade to the latest version as soon as practicable.

  • Private agent versions 10.x are no longer updated
    Private agent version 10.87 was the last 10.x agent version distributed by Jitterbit and is intended to be the final supported 10.x agent version.

    Since Harmony release 10.63 / 11.1, both a 10.x and 11.x private agent version had been distributed with these differences:

    • 11.x versions: In 11.1 and later versions, the PostgreSQL database bundled with the private agent is now version 14.5-1.

    • 10.x versions: Supported 10.x versions are packaged with the existing 9.6.24-1 PostgreSQL. The distributed 10.x versions will continue to be supported in accordance with Jitterbit’s end-of-life policy.


    To continue to receive private agent updates, including new features, enhancements, security patches, and fixes, upgrading to an 11.x private agent is required.

    Follow the instructions to upgrade from 10.x to 11.x agents:


The 11.34 release date for private agents is by region:

  • APAC: November 5, 2024 (10 PM AEDT)
  • EMEA: November 6, 2024 (12 PM CET)
  • NA: November 7, 2024 (3 AM PST)


  • Automatic resolution of stuck operations
    Operations no longer get stuck in a state where they are not actively being processed by an agent but remain reporting a Received, Pending, Running, or Cancel Requested status indefinitely. This issue occurred only with synchronous child operations.

  • Base64Decode now works as expected with or without padding characters
    The Base64Decode function no longer returns a truncated or wrong value when the base64-encoded string does not end with = or ==.

  • Schedules now use the expected time in organizations using the override time zone setting
    When an organization has the Override schedule agent time zone setting enabled, schedules now trigger operations at the expected time. Previously, the setting was being ignored and schedules were using the agent time zone regardless of the time zone configured in the override setting.

  • SQL ODBC null values are now handled as expected
    When configured with a SQL ODBC driver, an Integration Studio Database Query activity and Design Studio Database source now output a blank field if the value returned by a SELECT query is null. Previously, null values were being skipped and not acknowledged in the output.


  • End of life for agent 10.78 / 11.16
    As of October 26, 2024, private agent versions 10.78 and 11.16 have reached end of life and are no longer supported.

    We recommend that all users of any of these versions upgrade to the latest version as soon as practicable.

  • Private agent versions 10.x are no longer updated
    Private agent version 10.87 was the last 10.x agent version distributed by Jitterbit and is intended to be the final supported 10.x agent version.

    Since Harmony release 10.63 / 11.1, both a 10.x and 11.x private agent version had been distributed with these differences:

    • 11.x versions: In 11.1 and later versions, the PostgreSQL database bundled with the private agent is now version 14.5-1.

    • 10.x versions: Supported 10.x versions are packaged with the existing 9.6.24-1 PostgreSQL. The distributed 10.x versions will continue to be supported in accordance with Jitterbit’s end-of-life policy.


    To continue to receive private agent updates, including new features, enhancements, security patches, and fixes, upgrading to an 11.x private agent is required.

    Follow the instructions to upgrade from 10.x to 11.x agents:


The 11.33 release date for private agents is by region:

  • APAC: October 15, 2024 (9 PM AEDT)
  • EMEA: October 16, 2024 (12 PM CEST)
  • NA: October 17, 2024 (3 AM PDT)


  • Logo updates
    The Jitterbit logo has been updated for private agents to reflect Jitterbit’s new brand.


  • Eval function behavior with RunOperation corrected
    When used with the RunOperation function, the Eval function now inspects the results of RunOperation and if it returns false, then it will process the second argument.


  • End of life for agent 10.77 / 11.15
    As of September 27, 2024 private agent versions 10.77 and 11.15 have reached end of life and are no longer supported.

    We recommend that all users of any of these versions upgrade to the latest version as soon as practicable.

  • Private agent versions 10.x are no longer updated
    Private agent version 10.87 was the last 10.x agent version distributed by Jitterbit and is intended to be the final supported 10.x agent version.

    Since Harmony release 10.63 / 11.1, both a 10.x and 11.x private agent version had been distributed with these differences:

    • 11.x versions: In 11.1 and later versions, the PostgreSQL database bundled with the private agent is now version 14.5-1.

    • 10.x versions: Supported 10.x versions are packaged with the existing 9.6.24-1 PostgreSQL. The distributed 10.x versions will continue to be supported in accordance with Jitterbit’s end-of-life policy.


    To continue to receive private agent updates, including new features, enhancements, security patches, and fixes, upgrading to an 11.x private agent is required.

    Follow the instructions to upgrade from 10.x to 11.x agents:


The 11.32 release date for private agents is by region:

  • APAC: September 24, 2024 (8 PM AEST)
  • EMEA: September 25, 2024 (12 PM CEST)
  • NA: September 26, 2024 (3 AM PDT)


  • Agent configuration utility GUI now opens
    The Jitterbit Agent Configuration Utility GUI where you can configure proxy settings now opens as expected on Windows private agents. Previously, a splash screen was appearing and disappearing without loading the GUI.

  • Base64Decode now works as expected with or without padding characters
    The Base64Decode function no longer returns a truncated or wrong value when the base64-encoded string does not end with = or ==.

  • Gzip-encoded HTTP responses no longer result in an error
    Windows private agents now process Gzip-encoded HTTP responses correctly when using the Cloud Studio HTTP connection setting HTTP Accept Encoding Gzip or the Design Studio HTTP source/target setting Set Accept-Encoding to GZip.

  • Better handling for OData service requests
    When calling an OData service, the error Resource not found for the segment is no longer returned in the following situations:

    • When using the $count query parameter and there are no records to return, you can now append $noErrorOnZeroCount=true to have the service return 0 records instead of the above error.

    • When using a pagination query parameter and the number of results is less than the provided upper limit, the service no longer returns a next link reporting the above error.

  • Schedules now run at the correct start time and for the expected duration on the day of daylight saving time change
    The following defects, which occurred only when Override schedule agent time zone is enabled and the override time zone is a selection other than Etc/UTC, have been resolved:

    • A schedule whose start time is on the day of daylight saving time change now starts at the configured time.

    • A schedule whose end date is on the day of daylight saving time change now runs for the expected duration.


  • End of life for agent 10.76/11.14
    As of September 14, 2024 private agent versions 10.76 and 11.14 have reached end of life and are no longer supported.

    We recommend that all users of any of these versions upgrade to the latest version as soon as practicable.

  • Private agent versions 10.x are no longer updated
    Private agent version 10.87 was the last 10.x agent version distributed by Jitterbit and is intended to be the final supported 10.x agent version.

    Since Harmony release 10.63 / 11.1, both a 10.x and 11.x private agent version had been distributed with these differences:

    • 11.x versions: In 11.1 and later versions, the PostgreSQL database bundled with the private agent is now version 14.5-1.

    • 10.x versions: Supported 10.x versions are packaged with the existing 9.6.24-1 PostgreSQL. The distributed 10.x versions will continue to be supported in accordance with Jitterbit’s end-of-life policy.


    To continue to receive private agent updates, including new features, enhancements, security patches, and fixes, upgrading to an 11.x private agent is required.

    Follow the instructions to upgrade from 10.x to 11.x agents:


The 11.31 release date for private agents is by region:

11.31.1 11.31.2
APAC September 6, 2024 (8 PM AEST) September 10, 2024 (7 AM AEST)
EMEA September 10, 2024 (12 PM CEST) September 9, 2024 (11 PM CEST)
NA September 5, 2024 (3 AM PDT) September 9, 2024 (2 PM PDT)


  • General updates
    This agent version has general internal updates.


  • NetSuite connector issue resolved
    An issue with operations using the NetSuite connector has been resolved.


    This issue was resolved with agent version 11.31.1.

  • Linux private agent Scheduler issue resolved
    A date library whose latest files introduced an issue where the Linux agent's Scheduler service failed to start is no longer automatically downloaded.


    This issue was resolved with agent version 11.31.2. We recommend upgrading Linux private agents to 11.31.2 or later to prevent this issue from occurring and, in cases where it is already occurring, to recover from it.

    Alternatively, if you are using an earlier agent version you can apply the following workaround or recovery steps to non-Docker agents:

    • Workaround: If a Linux private agent has not yet been restarted, to prevent this problem from occurring, edit the version file at /opt/jitterbit/TimeZoneDB/version and change its value to 2024b. This will prevent the version of the date library with the issue from being downloaded by the agent.

    • Recovery: If a Linux private agent is already experiencing this issue, to fix it, edit the northamerica file at /opt/jitterbit/TimeZoneDB/northamerica to replace the value April with Apr in any occurrences. Then restart the agent.


  • End of life for agent 10.75/11.13
    As of August 24, 2024 private agent versions 10.75 and 11.13 have reached end of life and are no longer supported.

    We recommend that all users of any of these versions upgrade to the latest version as soon as practicable.

  • Private agent versions 10.x are no longer updated
    Private agent version 10.87 was the last 10.x agent version distributed by Jitterbit and is intended to be the final supported 10.x agent version.

    Since Harmony release 10.63 / 11.1, both a 10.x and 11.x private agent version had been distributed with these differences:

    • 11.x versions: In 11.1 and later versions, the PostgreSQL database bundled with the private agent is now version 14.5-1.

    • 10.x versions: Supported 10.x versions are packaged with the existing 9.6.24-1 PostgreSQL. The distributed 10.x versions will continue to be supported in accordance with Jitterbit’s end-of-life policy.


    To continue to receive private agent updates, including new features, enhancements, security patches, and fixes, upgrading to an 11.x private agent is required.

    Follow the instructions to upgrade from 10.x to 11.x agents:


The 11.30 release date for private agents is by region:

  • APAC: August 13, 2024 (8 PM AEST)
  • EMEA: August 14, 2024 (12 PM CEST)
  • NA: August 15, 2024 (3 AM PDT)


  • New JSONStringify function
    The new JSONStringify function can be used with agents 11.30 or later to convert a JSON object into a JSON object string. The new function is listed in the JSON category of the Functions tab in the Cloud Studio script component palette and can also be used with Design Studio 11.30 or later.

  • Salesforce API version 61 support
    Salesforce API version 61 is now supported for these connectors:

  • Linux private agent upgrade to Python 3
    Linux private agents now require Python 3 during installation or upgrade to an 11.30 or later agent. Refer to the Debian or RPM agent install instructions for the required commands.



  • End of life for agent 10.74/11.12
    As of August 3, 2024 private agent versions 10.74 and 11.12 have reached end of life and are no longer supported.

    We recommend that all users of any of these versions upgrade to the latest version as soon as practicable.

  • Private agent versions 10.x are no longer updated
    Private agent version 10.87 was the last 10.x agent version distributed by Jitterbit and is intended to be the final supported 10.x agent version.

    Since Harmony release 10.63 / 11.1, both a 10.x and 11.x private agent version had been distributed with these differences:

    • 11.x versions: In 11.1 and later versions, the PostgreSQL database bundled with the private agent is now version 14.5-1.

    • 10.x versions: Supported 10.x versions are packaged with the existing 9.6.24-1 PostgreSQL. The distributed 10.x versions will continue to be supported in accordance with Jitterbit’s end-of-life policy.


    To continue to receive private agent updates, including new features, enhancements, security patches, and fixes, upgrading to an 11.x private agent is required.

    Follow the instructions to upgrade from 10.x to 11.x agents:


The 11.29 release date for private agents is by region:

  • APAC: July 23, 2024 (8 PM AEST)
  • EMEA: July 24, 2024 (12 PM CEST)
  • NA: July 25, 2024 (3 AM PDT)


  • New function for parsing JSON
    The new JSONParser function can be used with agents 11.29 or later to convert a JSON object string into a JSON object. The new function is listed in the JSON category of the Functions tab in the Cloud Studio script component palette and can also be used with Design Studio 11.29 or later.

  • Support tool command to resync deploy logs
    The Agent Support Tools have a new resync-deploylogs command that can be used with agents 11.29 or later to resync the deploy logs from Harmony given an environment ID.


  • Private agent versions 10.x are no longer updated
    Private agent version 10.87 was the last 10.x agent version distributed by Jitterbit and is intended to be the final supported 10.x agent version.

    Since Harmony release 10.63 / 11.1, both a 10.x and 11.x private agent version had been distributed with these differences:

    • 11.x versions: In 11.1 and later versions, the PostgreSQL database bundled with the private agent is now version 14.5-1.

    • 10.x versions: Supported 10.x versions are packaged with the existing 9.6.24-1 PostgreSQL. The distributed 10.x versions will continue to be supported in accordance with Jitterbit’s end-of-life policy.


    To continue to receive private agent updates, including new features, enhancements, security patches, and fixes, upgrading to an 11.x private agent is required.

    Follow the instructions to upgrade from 10.x to 11.x agents:


The 11.28 release date for private agents is by region:

  • APAC: July 2, 2024 (8 PM AEST)
  • EMEA: July 3, 2024 (12 PM CEST)
  • NA: July 4, 2024 (3 AM PDT)


  • New function for better JSON document handling
    The new GetJSONString function can be used with agents 11.28 or later to retrieve data from a JSON object using the provided path. The new function is listed in the JSON category of the Functions tab in the Cloud Studio script component palette and can also be used with Design Studio 11.28 or later.


  • New Jitterbit variable to fix PostgreSQL sequences
    The new Jitterbit variable can be used with agents 11.28 or later to correct an issue processing a sequence when writing to a PostgreSQL database via JDBC.


  • Private agent versions 10.x are no longer updated
    Private agent version 10.87 was the last 10.x agent version distributed by Jitterbit and is intended to be the final supported 10.x agent version.

    Since Harmony release 10.63 / 11.1, both a 10.x and 11.x private agent version had been distributed with these differences:

    • 11.x versions: In 11.1 and later versions, the PostgreSQL database bundled with the private agent is now version 14.5-1.

    • 10.x versions: Supported 10.x versions are packaged with the existing 9.6.24-1 PostgreSQL. The distributed 10.x versions will continue to be supported in accordance with Jitterbit’s end-of-life policy.


    To continue to receive private agent updates, including new features, enhancements, security patches, and fixes, upgrading to an 11.x private agent is required.

    Follow the instructions to upgrade from 10.x to 11.x agents:


The 11.27 release date for private agents is by region:

  • APAC: June 11, 2024 (8 PM AEST)
  • EMEA: June 12, 2024 (12 PM CEST)
  • NA: June 13, 2024 (3 AM PDT)


  • VerifyJwtClaims function error no longer occurs
    Leaving the VerifyJwtClaims function's claims parameter empty no longer results in an error.


  • Private agent versions 10.x are no longer updated
    Private agent version 10.87 was the last 10.x agent version distributed by Jitterbit and is intended to be the final supported 10.x agent version.

    Since Harmony release 10.63 / 11.1, both a 10.x and 11.x private agent version had been distributed with these differences:

    • 11.x versions: In 11.1 and later versions, the PostgreSQL database bundled with the private agent is now version 14.5-1.

    • 10.x versions: Supported 10.x versions are packaged with the existing 9.6.24-1 PostgreSQL. The distributed 10.x versions will continue to be supported in accordance with Jitterbit’s end-of-life policy.


    To continue to receive private agent updates after this 10.87 release, including new features, enhancements, security patches, and fixes, upgrading to an 11.x private agent is required.

    Follow the instructions to upgrade from 10.x to 11.x agents:


The 11.26 release date for private agents is by region:

  • APAC: May 21, 2024 (8 PM AEST)
  • EMEA: May 22, 2024 (12 PM CEST)
  • NA: May 23, 2024 (3 AM PDT)

New features


  • Proxy passwords are now redacted on update
    After using the agent’s utility application JitterbitUtils to update existing proxy settings, the agent proxy password is now redacted as expected and no longer appears in plain text in the jitterbit-agent.log file.


  • Private agent versions 10.x are no longer updated
    Private agent version 10.87 was the last 10.x agent version distributed by Jitterbit and is intended to be the final supported 10.x agent version.

    Since Harmony release 10.63 / 11.1, both a 10.x and 11.x private agent version had been distributed with these differences:

    • 11.x versions: In 11.1 and later versions, the PostgreSQL database bundled with the private agent is now version 14.5-1.

    • 10.x versions: Supported 10.x versions are packaged with the existing 9.6.24-1 PostgreSQL. The distributed 10.x versions will continue to be supported in accordance with Jitterbit’s end-of-life policy.


    To continue to receive private agent updates, including new features, enhancements, security patches, and fixes, upgrading to an 11.x private agent is required.

    Follow the instructions to upgrade from 10.x to 11.x agents:

10.87 / 11.25

The 10.87 / 11.25 release date for private agents is by region:

  • APAC: April 30, 2024 (8 PM AEST)
  • EMEA: May 1, 2024 (12 PM CEST)
  • NA: May 2, 2024 (3 AM PDT)


  • General updates
    Agents have general updates to improve security and performance.


  • Private agent versions 10.x will no longer be updated
    Jitterbit intends for private agent version 10.87 to be the final supported 10.x agent version distributed by Jitterbit.

    Since Harmony release 10.63 / 11.1, both a 10.x and 11.x private agent version have been distributed with these differences:

    • 11.x versions: In 11.1 and later versions, the PostgreSQL database bundled with the private agent is now version 14.5-1.

    • 10.x versions: Supported 10.x versions are packaged with the existing 9.6.24-1 PostgreSQL. The distributed 10.x versions will continue to be supported in accordance with Jitterbit’s end-of-life policy.


    To continue to receive private agent updates after this 10.87 release, including new features, enhancements, security patches, and fixes, upgrading to an 11.x private agent is required.

    Upgrading to an 11.x Windows private agent from 10.x requires a complete uninstall. Follow the documented instructions to complete the upgrade. Linux private agents can be upgraded as usual from any 10.x version.

10.86 / 11.24

The 10.86 / 11.24 release date for private agents is by region:

  • APAC: April 9, 2024 (8 PM AEST)
  • EMEA: April 10, 2024 (12 PM CEST)
  • NA: April 11, 2024 (3 AM PDT)


  • Error status is no longer reported for re-routed operations
    If an agent is incapable of processing an operation and that operation is automatically re-routed to a different agent in the group for processing, an error status is no longer reported in the operation log.


  • Jitterbit’s intention to stop distributing private agent 10.x
    Jitterbit intends to stop distributing a 10.x private agent version within the next several Harmony releases. Since Harmony release 10.63 / 11.1, both a 10.x and 11.x private agent version have been distributed with these differences:

    • 11.x versions: In 11.1 and later versions, the PostgreSQL database bundled with the private agent is now version 14.5-1.

    • 10.x versions: Current 10.x versions are packaged with the existing 9.6.24-1 PostgreSQL. The distributed 10.x versions will continue to be supported in accordance with Jitterbit’s end-of-life policy.


    Upgrading to an 11.x Windows private agent from 10.x requires a complete uninstall. Follow the documented instructions to complete the upgrade. Linux private agents can be upgraded as usual from any 10.x version.

10.85 / 11.23

The 10.85 / 11.23 release date for private agents is by region:

  • APAC: March 19, 2024 (9 PM AEDT)
  • EMEA: March 20, 2024 (11 AM CET)
  • NA: March 21, 2024 (3 AM PDT)


  • NetSuite WSDL version 2024.1 support
    Jitterbit has verified support for NetSuite WSDL version 2024.1 with the Cloud Studio NetSuite connector and the Design Studio NetSuite connector.

  • Salesforce API version 60 support
    Salesforce API version 60 is now supported for these connectors:

  • Better handling of operation routing
    When agents in an agent group are incapable of running an operation, handling of routing the operation to a capable agent has been improved.


  • Once-daily schedule is no longer skipped during daylight saving time switch
    When a Cloud Studio or Design Studio operation is scheduled to run on a once-daily schedule during the hour of transition to daylight saving or standard time (for example, 2 to 3 AM on November 3, 2024), the schedule will now run the operation at the latest time in UTC instead of the schedule skipping that run of the operation.


    The upgraded agent version will not yet be available for the daylight saving time switch on March 10, 2024. As an alternative and as a general practice for schedule consistency, we recommend using the Override Schedule Agent Time Zone setting in your organization's policies to use a schedule time zone that does not observe daylight saving time, such as Etc/UTC (cloud agents use UTC by default).


  • Jitterbit’s intention to stop distributing private agent 10.x
    Jitterbit intends to stop distributing a 10.x private agent version within the next several Harmony releases. Since Harmony release 10.63 / 11.1, both a 10.x and 11.x private agent version have been distributed with these differences:

    • 11.x versions: In 11.1 and later versions, the PostgreSQL database bundled with the private agent is now version 14.5-1.

    • 10.x versions: Current 10.x versions are packaged with the existing 9.6.24-1 PostgreSQL. The distributed 10.x versions will continue to be supported in accordance with Jitterbit’s end-of-life policy.


    Upgrading to an 11.x Windows private agent from 10.x requires a complete uninstall. Follow the documented instructions to complete the upgrade. Linux private agents can be upgraded as usual from any 10.x version.

Past releases

For releases not shown here, see Past Harmony releases.