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9.0 Harmony release notes

Log in to the Harmony portal to access the latest version of the API Manager, Management Console, and Citizen Integrator or to download the latest version of Design Studio and private agents. As always, please contact support if you need help.


Note to all customers that have purchased and are currently running the SAP EventListener:

At the time that you upgrade your private agents to version 8.29.2 or higher, you will be required to upgrade the SAP EventListener to version Please contact your Customer Success Manager to obtain SAP EventListener Harmony release notes - Private agent - June 29, 2018

New features

  • Private agent: Added support for OData indexof() function. This function is available specifically for SQL Server.
    The indexof() Function is now supported for OData queries when coupled with a SQL Server database.


  • Private agent: Stopping the Tomcat Service can intermittently leave the agent in an unstable state.
    Improved the Tomcat shutdown process so that the next restart is working properly, and the agent is stable.

  • Private agent: OData API queries would return an error indicating the URL is not valid when the queries contained the pound character (#).
    OData APIs now encode the pound character (#) correctly.

  • Private agent: OData DateTime parameter was not working with "T" in the DateTime timestamp.
    The OData DateTime timestamp now converts properly to a standard datetime when utilizing an OData Entity.

  • Private agent: Issue with SQL Server database Date type not being recognized correctly as a Date type with the default SQL Server driver.
    Date datatype is now supported when utilizing an OData Entity with a SQL Server database.

  • Private agent: Global variables were not being passed to JavaScript in 'On Success' and 'On Failure' operations.
    Jitterbit Global Variables are now passed successfully to JavaScript in 'On Success' and 'On Failure' operations.

  • Private agent: Netsuite objects TransferOrder and InventoryTransfer are not available in NetSuite Search.
    Added support for performing NetSuite Search on the TransferOrder and InventoryTansfer objects only when using private agents. Harmony release notes - API Manager and Identity - June 21, 2018


  • API Manager: Enhanced the confirmation message that displays when deleting API security profiles.
    Updated confirmation messages for deletion of API security profiles to handle situations when a profile is assigned to APIs and when a profile is not assigned to an API.

  • API Manager: Improved the user experience when viewing API logs.
    Users can now view the details for an API log by clicking anywhere on a row within the logs table on the API Manager > API Logs page.

  • API Manager: Added the ability to approve OpenAPI (Swagger) documentation in the 'Portal Manager'.
    Removed the auto publishing of OpenAPI documentation changes. Added the "Save & Publish" button in 'Portal Manager' to publish changes in OpenAPI documentation.

  • API Manager: Added the ability to filter the available APIs on the API landing page (APIs).
    The user can now filter the list of all available APIs by environment, profile, status and type by using the dropdown lists at the top of the page.


  • API Manager: Fixed an issue where maximum length of the input was not validated in specific fields.
    Added validation to limit the name and version fields to allow no more than 50 characters and to allow the service root to be no more than 300 characters.

  • API Manager: Fixed an issue where the user was not prompted before overwriting an API with the same name.
    A prompt message displays to get the user's approval to overwrite an existing API when importing an API that already exists.

  • API Manager: Fixed an issue where closing the error dialog shown for an already existing security profile results in a blank page.
    Added API security profile name validation to check for duplicates. The validation allows only alphabetical, numerical, dash and underscore characters as well as spaces in the security profile name.

  • API Manager: Fixed an issue where the error 'Environment Not Found' displays when creating an API.
    Added the environment refresh option within the Step 1 Settings when creating an API.

  • API Manager: Fixed an issue where the list of operations will display prior to selecting the project while creating or editing an API.
    The operation list is not available when the project is not selected within the API project and operation assignment process.

  • API Manager: Setting a Custom method to the same name as a standard HTTP method does not display an error message.
    The following error message will display when a user attempts to use the same standard HTTP method through a "custom" method: "The Custom method has already been assigned."

  • API Manager: Navigation menu floats to the right-hand side of the page if the browser window is stretched beyond a certain width.
    Positioned the navigation menu on the left side of page.

  • API Manager: There is no validation on the 'Rate Limits' text box on the **Security Profiles page.
    Validation has been added to the 'Rate Limits' field requiring the limit of hits per minute to be set to a number between 1 and 32767.

  • API Manager: APIs that are not assigned a version appear as 'null' in the API Analytics page.
    Fixed the API analytics version filter and removed "null" when the version field is left empty.

  • API Manager: An unknown exception is appearing in API logs when the user clicks anywhere outside from the search text field.
    Invalid search parameters are now handled with appropriate error messages when searching on the API Logs page.

  • API Manager: When using the API Clone functionality, selecting Cancel is not working and it still creates a clone.
    The API Clone functionality now allows users to back out of the cloning process by clicking "cancel".

  • API Manager: Disable cloning while in the process of cloning and in the initial creation flow in API Manager.
    Disabled clone while the user is already in a clone process. API Manager does not allow chained cloning.

  • API Manager: Cloning API two separate times produced an illegal duplicate name and service root.
    Fixed the duplicate API name and service root issue when an API is cloned multiple times.

  • API Manager: The calendar on the API Analytics page is setting an invalid date.
    Added validation to the API Analytics page for a custom date range so that the start date/time cannot be greater than the end date/time.

  • API Manager: Fixed an issue with the environment list in Portal Manager user interface.
    Fixed the environment dropdown list in the Portal Manager so that when a list contains a number of items it overlays the OpenAPI (Swagger) user interface.

  • API Manager: The initialize portal screen is displaying for fraction of a second when Portal Manager is selected.
    Fixed the issue so that the Portal Manager displays immediately.

  • API Manager: Information message for environment selector shows the 'Public Portal' instead of 'Portal'
    Removed the 'Public Portal' message in the environment dropdown on the Portal Manager page.

  • API Manager: A security profile that is already assigned can be assigned again, resulting in a duplicate profile.
    API Manager no longer will allow duplicate security profile assignment.

  • API Manager: Enable Debug Mode Until was checked Automatically while clicking on 'Cancel' button
    Fixed the issue so that when users cancel the modal message warning regarding "enable debug mode until", the 'Enable Debug Mode Until' option will be disabled.

  • Identity App: User receives confusing error message when attempting to create a new environment while following the Harmony Quick Start Wizard.
    Added a new error message when user doesn't have the appropriate permissions or entitlements to create a new environment: "You are not entitled for this feature as per your current subscription."

  • Identity App: While following the Harmony Quick Start Wizard, the user cannot associate agent group with environment.
    Fixed an issue where the Harmony Quick Start wizard was not properly associating the newly created agent group with the environment.

  • Identity App: The Harmony Quick Start Wizard is showing a 500 error when trying to create an agent group and the available entitlement is already utilized.
    Added a user-friendly message to notify the user that they have reached the maximum number of agent groups available under their subscription.

  • Identity App: The 'Forgot Password' process does not accept the code received in the email from Jitterbit if the user registered with an email address that contains uppercase characters.
    Fixed a problem preventing users from using the 'Forgot Password' feature if their email address contains an uppercase letter. Harmony release notes - Private agent - June 7, 2018


  • Linux (RPM) agent: Fixed an issue that caused email messages to fail on Linux (RPM) agents after upgrading to versions 8.29.5 or 8.30.
    Removed a run-time dependency that caused a conflict with the third-party libraries. When running on Linux (RPM) agents, email messages are now sent and received successfully.
  • Private agents: Fixed an issue where $jitterbit.netsuite.async returns the wrong data when running concurrent NetSuite operations.
    The variable $jitterbit.netsuite.async returns the correct data when running concurrent NetSuite operations. API Manager and Identity release notes - Released June 4, 2018 in EMEA and released June 5, 2018 in NA


  • Fixed the issue that would not allow users to reset an expired password and partially fixes the cross-zone login issue.
    Users are now able to reset their expired passwords successfully.

  • Fixed the 500 Internal Server error that occurred when trying to log in with user credentials of the other zone (Cross Zone Login - US user trying to log in from Europe, or an EMEA user trying to log in from the US.)
    The temporary fix will redirect the user to the correct zone (NA or EMEA), but the user is still required to re-enter the username after being redirected. (A final fix that does not require the user to re-enter the username will be included in a later release.) Harmony release notes - API gateway - May 25, 2018


  • API gateway: Fixed an issue in which the API gateway was intermittently not reading the Content-Type header when it detected a 9.0 agent.
    The API gateway 9.0 code has been fixed to read the Content-Type header properly and extract the URL encoded elements into Jitterbit variables.
  • API gateway: Fixed an issue in which the 9.0 API gateway was not handling an overly long URL correctly and causing a 502 error.
    The 9.0 API gateway will now revert to processing URL data that is too long in the same manner as the previous versions of API gateway. Harmony release notes - Private agent - May 30, 2018


  • Fixed an issue in which the 9.0 agent was not handling API-based Archive operations properly.
    When an archive operation uses an API source and API target, it tells the Jitterbit engine that it should have a source and target file even though the source is not used. The process assumed that if the body should take the place of a source file, then the $jitterbit.api.request (plain text body) and $jitterbit.api.request.body.* (URL encoded body) variables would not be needed. This broke the archive operations that rely on the variables, but ignore the source. The fix is to require the $jitterbit.api.request and $jitterbit.api.request.body.* variables are always populated, even if they are not needed.

9.0 Harmony release notes - Released May 17, 2018 in EMEA and released May 20, 2018 in NA

New features

  • New Harmony Landing Page: The new login and landing pages provide a streamlined user experience. Centrally access all components of Harmony based on your organization's subscription. Supports the existing two step login process, SSO authentication flow and the two-factor authentication flow.

    • Based on your subscription, the new user interface provides access to API Manager (formerly Jitterbit LIVE API Platform), Management Console (formerly Web Management Console or WMC), Citizen Integrator and a direct link to download the latest version of Design Studio.
    • Hover over each application tile for a summary of the application. Click on the application tile to launch the application, or select the application from the Harmony portal menu in the upper left corner.
    • Expand the quick dashboard bar below the application tiles to view your organization statistics including number of environments, projects, operations, private agents, agent groups, users and API URLs at a glance.
    • In the Support & Learning section, on the lower half of the page, you will find links to getting started guides, product release notes and complete product documentation. You can also directly access Jitterbit Support, Jitterbit Community, Jitterbit University, Jitterbit Events or Jitterbit News.
  • API Manager: Consolidated access to all API functionality from within the new API Manager landing page. The API Manager consists of the following components, which are accessible based on user roles and permissions:

    • APIs:
      • New landing page to create, edit, clone, delete, publish and manage all of your APIs.
      • View all of your APIs within one page in a tile view format that includes the API name, description, lifecycle stage, last edit date and time stamp, edit by username. Hover over each tile to view the API name, short description, version, View/Edit button.
      • Create and publish Custom and OData APIs following one easy 4 step process. Set the timeout or SSL only option and enable CORS or debug mode.
      • Clone an existing API to create a new version of the existing API or create a new API with the ability to save it as a draft until you are ready to publish.
    • Portal Manager:
      • New developer portal allows you to activate, customize, invite consumers, and control which APIs are exposed to consumers.
      • Automatically generates OpenAPI (formerly known as Swagger) 2.0 documentation for your APIs.
        • OpenAPI requires CORS to be enabled for custom APIs.
        • API configuration changes will require you to select 'Regenerate Documents' in the Portal Manager to publish the changes.
      • Customize the auto generated OpenAPI documentation for each API via the embedded OpenAPI 2.0 editor within the portal.
      • Ability to customize your developer portal by importing your company logo, customize the portal header and description (for e.g. add terms and conditions, support information, contact us, etc.)
    • Portal:
      • New portal allows API consumers to access OpenAPI (formerly known as Swagger) 2.0 documentation for the APIs you have published.
      • Internal and external developers can access the portal to discover, evaluate and consume APIs.
      • Consumers can access the portal by invitation only. Consumers will receive an email with a direct link and instructions to complete their registration by creating a strong password and specifying a security question that will be used for password resets.
    • API Logs:
      • Enhanced API logging (includes debug logs) to provide publishers and consumers help in troubleshooting related issues.
      • Enhanced filtering options, date range options and visibility.
      • View the summary log entry or expand to view the complete detail.
      • Ability to download logs as a CSV file.
    • Analytics:
      • Enhanced API analytics to provide publishers and consumers with metrics to track consumption and performance trends.
      • Multiple enhanced graphs for additional metrics.
      • Filter by environment, API, profile, status codes and versions as well as time periods and granularity of data (second, min, hour, day, week, month).
      • Ability to download analytics data as a CSV.
    • Security Profiles:
      • Enhanced ability to create security profiles using anonymous, Basic and OAuth 2.0 authentication (with Google as the identity provider) with ability to restrict access based on domain names.
      • Ability to set rate limits, limit access to trusted IP ranges and set custom logging header.
    • NOTE: The API Management (Classic) version is also still available within the Management Console (formerly know as Web Management Console or WMC).
  • Management Console (Formerly known as Web Management Console or WMC): Added the ability to manage schedules from within the Management Console.
    From within the Management Console you are now able to create, edit and delete schedules as well as add a schedule or remove a schedule from an operation.
  • Citizen Integrator: Added recipes for New Systems.
    Added over 200 new recipes for new systems including Box, Cherwell, Dropbox, Amazon S3, GitHub, Nimble, and Freshsales. There are now over 500 recipes across 40 systems available in Citizen Integrator.
  • SAP Connector: Jitterbit is now an SAP Certified Integrator.
  • Harmony: Harmony is now compliant with GDPR.
    Harmony enterprise integration platform-as-a-service (iPaaS) now meets the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements going into effect May 25. Jitterbit's Harmony platform surpasses the security requirements mandated by GDPR for protecting personal data, and fulfills new requirements for consent to share any data collected from its customers in the European Union (EU), as well as for customers to access and erase their data.
  • Jitterbit Ideas Portal:
    We are excited to provide one more reason to participate in the Jitterbit Community. We have been collecting and implementing Ideas from the internal Jitterbit team. We are ready to share the fun with you. Visit the Jitterbit Community, select Ideas, post your Idea or vote on Ideas from others.


  • Agent / API Manager: Added the ability to log 504 timed out API operations.
    API requests that result in a 504 timeout error message can now be tracked to see the actual result of the underlying operation, along with log information.

  • Agent / API Manager: Added the ability to detect target types from the structure of the operation.
    The agent will now automatically set the 'Content-Type' header for custom APIs that use JSON or XML response structures.

  • Design Studio: Added the $jitterbit.api.request.method global variable to the list of Jitterbit Variables available in Design Studio.
    This variable returns the request method that was used to call the API.

  • Agent: Added an operation monitor to log and correct the status of non-running operations.
    The agent now has built-in operation monitoring that will correct the status of an operation in certain scenarios.


  • Design Studio: Fixed an issue in which project variables that were set to be 'hidden' were displaying in the Test pane in the Scripts pad.
    Project variables that are set to be 'hidden' are now masked in the Test pane of the Scripts pad.

  • API Manager (Classic): Fixed an issue with certain combination filters that were not working on the View Debug Logs page.
    The following combination filters will now work:
    "sourceip=223.18%;time>=11/8/2017 12:48:38" and
    "requesturi=%http%;time>=11/8/2017 12:48:38" and
    "RequestID=180316104447x%;time>=11/8/2017 12:48:38".

  • Agent: Fixed an exception error from the agent when the proxy credentials include the '%' character.

  • The agent will not generate an error when using the '%', '&' or '=' characters in proxy credentials.

  • Management Console (Formerly known as Web Management Console or WMC): Fixed an issue on the Activities page in the 'Custom Time' component where the characters were cropped.
    Within the 'Custom Time' component on the Activities page the Hour, Minute and AM/PM fields now display all characters correctly.

  • Management Console (formerly known as Web Management Console or WMC): Fixed an issue where activity records disappear after cancelling the operation.
    Users will not have to refresh the Activities page in the Management Console to view the updated record after cancelling a running operation.

  • Design Studio: Fixed an issue in which the password was not being saved as directed on a new installation of Design Studio.
    After installing Design Studio for the first time on a new machine and selecting the 'Remember Password' option, the password is saved correctly.

  • API Authentication: Fixed an issue with Google OAuth 2.0 API authentication.
    When using Google OAuth 2.0 API authentication, you are now able to restrict the API access based on the user's domain.

  • API Authentication: Fixed an issue with Google OAuth 2.0 API authentication to restrict based on multiple user domains.
    Added the ability Under Google OAuth 2.0 to restrict API access based on multiple user domains. Multiple domains can be restricted by entering multiple domain names separated by a comma.

  • API Analytics (Classic) in the Management Console: Fixed the 'Download Payload' option in the View Debug Logs page. The 'Download Payload' option in the View Debug Logs page now allows you to download the information about the inbound or outbound call in the log entry.

  • API Analytics (Classic): Fixed the format of the payload content in the zip file when the 'Download as CSV' option is selected and the request and/or response payload is large.
    When downloading a large request and/or response payload in API Analytics (Classic), the request and/or response file inside the zip is not compressed.

  • Citizen Integrator: Fixed an issue in Citizen Integrator where the recipe updated information was not displaying correctly.
    Citizen Integrator will now correctly show the name of the user that most recently updated the recipe.

  • API gateway: Fixed an issue with multi-value URL parameters in API requests.
    Custom API requests with multi-value parameters can now be accessed by Jitterbit array through the variable: $jitterbit.api.request.mvparameters.*, which returns all parameters separated by spaces. Like regular parameters, multi-value variable names can be discovered through the array: $jitterbit.api.request.enum.mvparameters.

  • Agent: Fixed operation chaining to continue when the DEBUG folder is not copied correctly.
    The operation chain will now continue on through the 'On Success' processing even when the DEBUG folder is not copied correctly.

  • API Manager and API Analytics (Classic): Fixed an issue that stopped the ability to create a new authentication profile when the maximum number of APIs are created.
    New authentication profiles can now be created and applied even after the maximum number of APIs have been created and are in use.