Jitterbit private agent logs
Agents generate log messages (logs) that can help you to understand or debug your integration projects.
Operation logs
Operation logs are generated by the operation engine. They are always generated and do not need to be enabled. The only configuration item is the log level, which you can set for individual integration operations:
Errors Only: Only operations that fail are logged.
Everything: All operations are logged.
You can set these levels in the following places:
In Integration Studio, select Operation settings > Options > What to log.
In Design Studio, select Operation options > What to log.
Operation logs contain the following information:
- Operation name
- Time started
- Time done
- Duration
- Status
- Number of source records
- Number of target records
- Message
Scripts can explicitly write to operation log messages using the WriteToOperationLog()
) function.
You can view operation logs in the following places:
On the Management Console > Runtime Operations page.
In Integration Studio, select View logs from the Operation menu (to see the logs in a drawer on the same page), or from the project menu (to see the logs in a new browser tab).
In Design Studio, right click on an operation and select Operation log.
If a custom API runs an operation, logs appear only when the operation is unsuccessful; successful custom API operations are not shown by default unless you enable operation debug logging. (API Manager has its own logs and logging options.)
Additional logs
A private agent writes the following log files, where JITTERBIT_HOME
is the private agent installation directory, (by default, C:\Program Files\Jitterbit Agent\
on Microsoft Windows, /opt/jitterbit/
on Linux):
Category | Description | Default location |
Agent service | Cleanup service log file | JITTERBIT_HOME/log/CleanupService.log |
Installation | Installer log file, written to when the agent is installed or upgraded | JITTERBIT_HOME/log/Installer.log |
Agent service | Main private agent log file | JITTERBIT_HOME/log/jitterbit-agent.log |
Java | Verbose connector log file | JITTERBIT_HOME/log/jitterbit-axis.log |
Java | JMS connector log file for Integration Studio and Design Studio | JITTERBIT_HOME/log/jitterbit-component-listener.log |
Agent service | Operation engine log file | JITTERBIT_HOME/log/OperationEngine.log |
Agent service | Process engine log file | JITTERBIT_HOME/log/ProcessEngine.log |
Agent service | Scheduler log file | JITTERBIT_HOME/log/Scheduler.log |
Agent service | Tomcat summary log file | JITTERBIT_HOME/log/tomcat_control.log |
Agent service | Apache HTTP access log file | JITTERBIT_HOME/apache/log/access_log |
Agent service | Apache HTTP error log file | JITTERBIT_HOME/apache/log/error_log |
The following log files are not produced by default and must be explicitly enabled and configured:
Category | Description | Default location | Configuration required |
Agent service | Apache Tomcat log files | JITTERBIT_HOME/tomcat/logs/ | DebugLogLevel in [JavaBackend] LogLevel in [JavaUiBackend] LogLevel in [JdbcEngine] |
Component | Component I/O data log when operation-level debug is enabled | JITTERBIT_HOME/DataInterchange/Temp/Debug/ | verbose.logging.enable=true in [VerboseLogging] |
Network | (S)FTP and HTTP(S) curl logs | None - Logging enabled when set | CurlDebugDir in [Settings] |
Operation | Operation-level debug log files | JITTERBIT_HOME/DataInterchange/Temp/Debug/ | WriteLog=true in [TransformationEngine] ( WriteLogDir overrides default location) |
Operation | Crash log file, recording the operation ID | JITTERBIT_HOME/apache/logs/apache_crash.txt | EnableOperationIdLogging=true in [APIOperation] |
Each line of a curl log file starts with one of the following keywords to indicate the type of information:
: Messages. -
: Header information sent to the endpoint. -
: Header information sent from the endpoint. -
: Data sent to the endpoint. -
: Data sent from the endpoint. -
: Any other type of message.
CURL_DEBUG_TEXT: Uses proxy env variable no_proxy == 'localhost,'
CURL_DEBUG_TEXT: Trying 123.456.789.001:21...
CURL_DEBUG_TEXT: Connected to ftp.example.net (123.456.789.1) port 21 (#0)
CURL_DEBUG_HEADER_IN: 220 FTP Server 1.2.3
CURL_DEBUG_HEADER_IN: 331 Please, specify the password.
CURL_DEBUG_HEADER_IN: 230 Login successful.
CURL_DEBUG_HEADER_IN: 257 "/" is current directory.
CURL_DEBUG_TEXT: Entry path is '/'
CURL_DEBUG_HEADER_OUT: EPRT |1|123.456.789.1|21|
CURL_DEBUG_TEXT: ftp_perform ends with SECONDARY: 1
CURL_DEBUG_HEADER_IN: 200 EPRT command successful.
CURL_DEBUG_TEXT: Connect data stream actively
CURL_DEBUG_HEADER_IN: 200 Type set to A
CURL_DEBUG_HEADER_IN: 150 Starting data transfer.
CURL_DEBUG_TEXT: Preparing for accepting server on data port
CURL_DEBUG_TEXT: Checking for server connect
CURL_DEBUG_TEXT: Ready to accept data connection from server
CURL_DEBUG_TEXT: Connection accepted from server
CURL_DEBUG_TEXT: We are completely uploaded and fine
CURL_DEBUG_TEXT: Remembering we are in dir ""
CURL_DEBUG_HEADER_IN: 226 Operation successful
CURL_DEBUG_TEXT: Connection #0 to host ftp.example.net left intact