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NetSuite concurrency governance

NetSuite uses concurrency governance to limit the number of concurrent requests by a given account. This page details which errors occur when the limit is exceeded and the recommended actions to circumvent the issue.


Concurrency governance has been enforced by NetSuite since the 2017.2 release.

Concurrent requests limit

Concurrency for web services and RESTlets is governed per account. The account governance limit applies to the combined total of web services and RESTlet requests.

For example, if you are on Service Tier 1 and you have five SuiteCloud Plus licenses, the limit for concurrent requests in your production account is 65 (15 + (5 × 10)). If you are on shared service with one SuiteCloud Plus license, your account limit is 15 (5 + 10).

If you exceed the limit for concurrent requests, an error is thrown. RESTlet and web services requests that are rejected because an account has exceeded the concurrency governance limit result in one of the server responses listed below.

For RESTlet requests, the following errors occur:

  • HTTP error code: 400 Bad Request
  • SuiteScript error code: SSS_REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED

For web services requests, the following SOAP faults occur:

  • ExceededConcurrentRequestLimitFault
  • ExceededRequestLimitFault

Review your NetSuite client applications to ensure they can handle the error codes. Upgrade your client applications to serialize your requests, or to try sending a request later if the client application receives the WS_CONCUR_SESSION_DISALLOWED response.

For further details, please review the NetSuite 2017.2 release notes on page 71 & 72.