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Jitterbit Connect Salesforce Wizards in Design Studio


The Jitterbit Salesforce Connector is the fastest and simplest way for Salesforce users to integrate their sales, marketing, and support processes with other in-house or cloud-based systems, from on-premises ERP systems to cloud applications. Without requiring assistance from IT, Jitterbit is able to quickly and easily integrate data such as leads, customers, opportunities, and cases with other applications, giving Salesforce users a single, reliable view of the latest customer and product information.

Features and benefits of the Jitterbit Salesforce Connector include:

  • Empowering sales and support to view complete customer information from anywhere
  • Amplifying the value of customer information in Salesforce by connecting other systems
  • Establishing a clear system of record to eliminate data duplication and inaccuracy
  • Tapping into the power of the Internet-of-Things and connected devices
  • Create, Read, Update, and Delete access to all Salesforce data through Salesforce Connect

Supported API versions and prerequisites

A Salesforce account that does not have multi-factor authentication (MFA) enabled is required. To configure a Salesforce account without MFA, make sure that the Permission Set assigned to the Salesforce system integration login does not have the selection Multi-Factor Authentication for API Logins. System integration login types are exempt from Salesforce's MFA requirement, as described by Salesforce in Is MFA required for my integration users? in their documentation Salesforce Multi-Factor Authentication FAQ.

The API version that the connector uses for non-bulk activities depends on the Jitterbit agent and Design Studio version, and whether you have elected to defer a Salesforce API upgrade via the Design Studio prompt that appears when opening an existing Design Studio project using an earlier Salesforce API version.

Salesforce retirement of Salesforce API versions 21 to 30

Salesforce has announced the upcoming retirement of Salesforce Platform API versions 21.0 through 30.0 in its Summer '25 release.

As the Jitterbit Design Studio Salesforce connector has a feature that allows users to defer an upgrade of the Salesforce API version when opening an existing project that uses an earlier API version, it is possible that you may have projects using a Salesforce API version that is being retired. Any affected projects would have been originally created using Design Studio and agent versions earlier than Harmony 8.8 (released in March 2016).

Recommended user action

Follow the steps below to verify each Design Studio project uses a supported Salesforce API version as soon as possible to avoid issues with those integrations:

  1. Open a Design Studio project that uses the Salesforce connector and check the version of the Salesforce API that the project currently uses:

    • If the Upgrade Salesforce Version? dialog appears, the dialog lists the Salesforce API version that the project currently uses.
    • If no dialog appears, go to Actions > Upgrade Salesforce Version. The Upgrade project? dialog lists the Salesforce API version that the project currently uses.
  2. Determine whether upgrading the Salesforce API is needed:

    • If the version being used is greater than 30.0, the project will not be affected by the retirement. You may elect to defer an upgrade of the Salesforce API until a later date.

    • If the version being used is 30.0 or earlier, use the dialog to upgrade the project to the version supported by the Design Studio and agent version you are using. If you want to use a later version than the one the dialog reports the API will be upgraded to, upgrade your Design Studio and agent version to a version that corresponds with the Salesforce API version you want to use, as listed in the table below.

Agent and Design Studio version Salesforce SOAP API version Salesforce release
11.35 or later 62.0 Winter '25
11.30 to 11.34 61.0 Summer '24
11.23 to 11.29
10.85 to 10.87
60.0 Spring '24
11.18 to 11.22
10.80 to 10.84
59.0 Winter '24
11.11 to 11.17
10.73 to 10.79
58.0 Summer '23
11.7 to 11.10
10.69 to 10.72
57.0 Spring '23
11.0 to 11.6
10.55 to 10.68
54.0 Spring '22
10.44 to 10.54 52.0 Summer '21
10.42 to 10.43 51.0 Fall '21
10.28 to 10.41 50.0 Winter '21
10.23 to 10.27 49.0 Summer '20
10.17 to 10.22 48.0 Spring '20
10.11 to 10.16 47.0 Winter '20
10.3 to 10.10 45.0 Spring '19
9.8 to 10.2 44.0 Winter '19
9.4.2 to 9.7 41.0 Winter '18

The SOAP-based Salesforce Bulk API is used for bulk activities.

The Salesforce Bulk API uses a X-SFDC-Session header populated with a session ID fetched using a Salesforce SOAP API login() call for valid requests.

Agent upgrades that skip Salesforce SOAP API versions implicitly include support for intermediate API versions.

Refer to documentation provided in the links above for information on the schema fields.

You must be using both a Jitterbit agent and Design Studio version that meets the above requirements to use the listed Salesforce API version.

Connector overview

This section provides details about the Jitterbit Salesforce Connector including creating and configuring a Salesforce endpoint.

Available wizards:

Advanced options for connecting to Salesforce:

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Salesforce integration made easy

Jitterbit simplifies Salesforce integration, rapidly connecting your front and back office applications and help you become a Customer Company. Discover how easy Jitterbit makes integration with purpose-built connectors for the Salesforce and popular Cloud, On-Premises, Social, and Mobile apps.

Set up Salesforce connect for Jitterbit integration

This quick 5-minute video shows how you can leverage Salesforce Connect using OData and the Harmony cloud integration platform.