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Salesforce Service Cloud connector for Jitterbit Integration Studio


The Salesforce Service Cloud connector establishes access to Salesforce Service Cloud.

The Salesforce Service Cloud connector provides an interface for creating a Salesforce Service Cloud connection, the foundation used for generating instances of Salesforce Service Cloud activities. These activities, once configured, interact with Salesforce Service Cloud through the connection.

The Salesforce Service Cloud connector is accessed from the design component palette's Project endpoints and connectors tab (see Design component palette).


Information provided in Salesforce connector troubleshooting and Salesforce connector how-tos may also apply to the ServiceMax connector, as it is built from the code base of the Salesforce connector.


Integration recipes are available for this connector through Jitterbit Marketplace.

Connector overview

This connector is used to first configure a Salesforce Service Cloud connection. Activity types associated with that connection are then used to create instances of activities that are intended to be used as sources (to provide data in an operation) or targets (to consume data in an operation).

Together, a specific Salesforce Service Cloud connection and its activities are referred to as a Salesforce Service Cloud endpoint:

Salesforce Service Cloud activity types

There are eleven activities available, five standard and six bulk activities. Bulk activities should be used only if you do not need to use a transformation to change data prior to reaching the target.

  • Query: Queries data from Salesforce Service Cloud and is intended to be used as a source to provide data in an operation.

  • Insert: Inserts new data into Salesforce Service Cloud and is intended to be used as a target to consume data in an operation.

  • Update: Updates existing data in Salesforce Service Cloud and is intended to be used as a target to consume data in an operation.

  • Upsert: Both updates existing data and inserts new data into Salesforce Service Cloud and is intended to be used as a target to consume data in an operation.

  • Delete: Deletes data from Salesforce Service Cloud and is intended to be used as a target to consume data in an operation.

  • Bulk Query: Queries a large number of records from Salesforce Service Cloud and is intended to be used as a source to provide data in an operation.

  • Bulk Insert: Inserts a large number of new records into Salesforce Service Cloud and is intended to be used as a target to consume data in an operation.

  • Bulk Update: Updates a large number of existing records in Salesforce Service Cloud and is intended to be used as a target to consume data in an operation.

  • Bulk Upsert: Both updates a large number of existing records and inserts a large number of new records into Salesforce Service Cloud and is intended to be used as a target to consume data in an operation.

  • Bulk Delete: Deletes a large number of records from Salesforce Service Cloud and is intended to be used as a target to consume data in an operation. Deleted records are stored in the Salesforce Recycle Bin prior to being permanently deleted.

  • Bulk Hard Delete: Hard deletes a large number of records from Salesforce Service Cloud and is intended to be used as a target to consume data in an operation. Hard deleted records automatically become eligible for deletion.


This connector is a native Integration Studio connector, which may be referred to by Jitterbit when communicating changes made to connectors. The release schedule for native Integration Studio connectors is based on the cadence of Harmony portal web applications.

Prerequisites and supported API versions

The Salesforce Service Cloud connector supports using Harmony cloud or private agents that are version 9.4.2 or higher.

A Salesforce account that does not have multi-factor authentication (MFA) enabled is required. To configure a Salesforce account without MFA, make sure that the Permission Set assigned to the Salesforce system integration login does not have the selection Multi-Factor Authentication for API Logins. System integration login types are exempt from Salesforce's MFA requirement, as described by Salesforce in Is MFA required for my integration users? in their documentation Salesforce Multi-Factor Authentication FAQ.

The API version that the connector uses for non-bulk activities depends on the Jitterbit agent version:

Jitterbit agent version Salesforce SOAP API Version Salesforce release
11.41 or later 63.0 Spring '25
11.35 to 11.40 62.0 Winter '25
11.30 to 11.34 61.0 Summer '24
11.23 to 11.29
10.85 to 10.87
60.0 Spring '24
11.18 to 11.22
10.80 to 10.84
59.0 Winter '24
11.11 to 11.17
10.73 to 10.79
58.0 Summer '23
11.7 to 11.10
10.69 to 10.72
57.0 Spring '23
11.0 to 11.6
10.55 to 10.68
54.0 Spring '22
10.44 to 10.54 52.0 Summer '21
10.42 to 10.43 51.0 Fall '21
10.28 to 10.41 50.0 Winter '21
10.23 to 10.27 49.0 Summer '20
10.17 to 10.22 48.0 Spring '20
10.11 to 10.16 47.0 Winter '20
10.3 to 10.10 45.0 Spring '19
9.8 to 10.2 44.0 Winter '19
9.4.2 to 9.7 41.0 Winter '18

The SOAP-based Salesforce Bulk API is used for bulk activities.

The Salesforce Bulk API uses a X-SFDC-Session header populated with a session ID fetched using a Salesforce SOAP API login() call for valid requests.

Agent upgrades that skip Salesforce SOAP API versions implicitly include support for intermediate API versions.

Refer to documentation provided in the links above for information on the schema fields.


If you experience issues with the Salesforce Service Cloud connector, these troubleshooting steps are recommended:

  1. Ensure the Salesforce Service Cloud connection is successful by using the Test button in the configuration screen. If the connection is not successful, the error returned may provide an indication as to the problem.

  2. Check the operation logs for any information written during execution of the operation.

  3. Enable operation debug logging (for cloud agents or for private agents) to generate additional log files and data.

  4. If using private agents, you can check the agent logs for more information.

  5. For additional troubleshooting considerations, see Operation troubleshooting. The Salesforce connector troubleshooting information may also apply.