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Script editor in Jitterbit Integration Studio


In a project, the full script editor is displayed for scripts created as a project component. The inline script editor is present in transformations, which can be expanded to the full script editor by clicking the expand icon in the upper right of a script.

The full script editor contains all options covered on this page, while the inline editor offers a pared down version for quick editing.

For more information on types of scripts, see Script types and creation.

Access the script editor

The full script editor is the default script editor for scripts created as a project component:

full script editor

To access the full script editor from within the inline version present within transformations, click the popout icon in the upper right of the script:

inline script editor popout

The page's tools and regions are mentioned throughout this page. They are identified in the image below:

inline script editor annotated

Rename a script

When you create a new script, its default name is New Script. Subsequent new scripts with default names are appended with an incremented number in parentheses. Script names must be unique and must not contain forward slashes (/) or colons (:) to be valid.

To rename a script from within the script editor, edit the field in the top left:


Scripts can also be renamed from these locations:

Add notes

You can add custom notes to a script that serve as documentation or reminders for yourself or project collaborators. To add a note, click the note icon next to the Script Type field.

An editable area opens, where you can enter the text of your note. Click Post to add the note to the script:

note post

Your posted note is displayed, along with your name and a timestamp. Anyone with edit access to the script can remove notes by clicking the remove icon . To close the note, click another part of the interface. When one or more notes are present, an orange dot is displayed on the note icon:

note posted

Select the script language

Scripts created as a project component open in Jitterbit Script language by default. The language can be changed to JavaScript using the Script Type menu:

script type

Scripts created within a transformation, either on a target field or on a node, are limited to Jitterbit Script language.

Toggle script modes

Scripts are opened in edit mode by default. To open the script in test mode, use the toggle in the top right to select Test:

edit test

For further details, see Script testing.

Save status

After making changes to a script, save the script using Control+S (Windows or Linux) or Command+S (macOS).

The save status is displayed along the top of the script below the script name. These statuses are possible:

  • Saved
  • You have unsaved changes
  • Saving...
  • Script not saved due to conflict with another user

To learn more about auto-save, see Integration Studio permissions, collaboration, and saving.

Script validation

The validation of a script is checked with every keystroke.

When a script is valid, a Script is valid message is displayed in green:

script is valid

When an error is detected, a truncated error message is displayed in red with the script line containing the error highlighted:

truncated error message

To view the entire error message, click the expand icon . The full error message opens in a dialog.

The error message dialog can be resized by clicking and dragging the bottom left corner of the dialog:

resize error message dialog

Script component palette

The script component palette is one of two types of component palettes. (The other type is the design component palette.)

The script component palette's tabs provide access to various components that can be used within a script:

script component palette

To collapse the script component palette, click the collapse icon located in the top right of the palette. When collapsed, you can expand the script component palette by clicking on one of the palette's tabs.

To search within a tab, use the search box to enter a single keyword or keyword string. To clear the search, click the remove icon .

Each script component palette tab is summarized below, with additional details provided in Jitterbit Script or JavaScript depending on the language.

Source Objects The Source Objects tab is present only for scripts created within a transformation. As this script type is limited to those using Jitterbit Script language, referencing source objects in scripts written in JavaScript is not applicable.

Within a transformation script, you can reference source data by inserting a field's reference path, or you can reference source data nodes by inserting a node's reference path.

To add a field or node reference path to a transformation script (Jitterbit Script only), use one of these methods:

  • Drag the object from the palette to the script to insert the object's reference path.
  • Double-click the object in the palette to insert the object's reference path at your cursor's location within the script.
  • Manually enter the reference path to the source object.
For additional details, see Source objects in Jitterbit Script.

Functions The Functions tab provides a list of functions available to use in a script for the language selected in the script (either Jitterbit Script or JavaScript). Within a script, you can use functions by inserting the function syntax appropriate for the script language.

To add the function syntax to a script (Jitterbit Script or JavaScript), use one of these methods:

  • Drag the function from the palette to the script to insert the function syntax.
  • Double-click the function in the palette to insert the function syntax at your cursor's location within the script. On inserting the function syntax, the first function argument becomes highlighted and your cursor is moved to the end of the argument.
  • Begin typing the function name and then preßss Control+Space to display a list of autocomplete suggestions. Select a function to insert the function syntax.
  • Manually enter the function syntax.
For more information, see the documentation for each function by category under Functions.

Variables The Variables tab provides access to variables that are available to reference globally throughout a project, including global variables, project variables, and Jitterbit variables. Within a script, you can use variables by inserting the variable syntax.

To add the variable syntax to a script (Jitterbit Script or JavaScript), use one of these methods:

  • Drag the variable from the palette to the script to insert the variable syntax.
  • Double-click the variable in the palette to insert the variable syntax at your cursor's location within the script.
  • Begin typing the variable name and then press Control+Space to display a list of autocomplete suggestions. Select a variable to insert the variable syntax.
  • Manually enter the variable syntax.
For additional details, see Variables in Jitterbit Script or Variables in JavaScript.

Plugins The Plugins tab provides a list of plugins that can be run inside a script. Within a script, you can use a plugin as an argument for the RunPlugin function by inserting the plugin reference path.

To add a plugin reference path to a script (Jitterbit Script only), use one of these methods:

  • Drag the plugin from the palette to the script to insert both the RunPlugin function and the plugin reference.
  • Double-click the plugin in the palette to insert the plugin reference at your cursor's location within the script.
  • Begin typing the plugin name and then press Control+Space to display a list of autocomplete suggestions. Select a plugin to insert the plugin reference.
  • Manually enter the plugin reference.
For additional details, see Plugins in Jitterbit Script.

Operations This tab provides a list of operations in the project that are available to reference in a script. Within a script, you can use an operation as an argument for functions by inserting the operation reference path.

To add an operation reference path to a script (Jitterbit Script only), use one of these methods:

  • Drag the operation from the palette to the script to insert both the RunOperation function and the operation reference.
  • Double-click the operation in the palette to insert the operation reference at your cursor's location within the script.
  • Begin typing the operation name and then press Control+Space to display a list of autocomplete suggestions. Select an operation to insert the operation reference.
  • Manually enter the operation reference.
For additional details, see Operations in Jitterbit Script.

Notifications The Notifications provides a list of notifications in the project that are available to reference in a script. Within a script, you can reference a notification as an argument for the SendEmailMessage function by inserting the notification reference path.

To add a notification reference path to a script (Jitterbit Script only), use one of these methods:

  • Drag the notification from the palette to the script to insert both the SendEmailMessage function and the notification reference.
  • Double-click the notification in the palette to insert the notification reference at your cursor's location within the script.
  • Begin typing the notification name and then press Control+Space to display a list of autocomplete suggestions. Select a notification to insert the notification reference.
  • Manually enter the notification reference.
For an example, see Notifications in Jitterbit Script.

Scripts The Scripts tab provides a list of all other standalone project component scripts in the project — written in either Jitterbit Script or JavaScript — that are available to reference in a script. Within a script, you can reference another script as an argument for the RunScript function by inserting the script reference path.

To add a script reference path to a script (Jitterbit Script only), use one of these methods:

  • Drag the script from the palette to the script to insert both the RunScript function and the script reference.
  • Double-click the script in the palette to insert the script reference at your cursor's location within the script.
  • Begin typing the script name and then press Control+Space to display a list of autocomplete suggestions. Select a script to insert the script reference.
  • Manually enter the script reference.
For an example, see Scripts in Jitterbit Script.


While a Jitterbit Script can call a JavaScript, the reverse is not true. A Jitterbit JavaScript cannot call another script of any language.

Endpoints The Endpoints tab provides a list of endpoints in the project that are available to reference in a script. Within a script, you can reference endpoints as an argument for functions by inserting the connection or activity reference path.

To add a connection or activity reference path to a script (Jitterbit Script or JavaScript), use one of these methods:

  • Drag the connection or activity from the palette to the script to insert the appropriate reference.
  • Double-click the connection or activity in the palette to insert the appropriate reference at your cursor's location within the script.
  • Begin typing the connection or activity name and then press Control+Space to display a list of autocomplete suggestions. Select a connection or activity to insert the appropriate reference.
  • Manually enter the connection or activity reference.
Depending on the endpoint, you can then use the Functions tab to add functions for which to use the connection or activity reference as an argument.

For additional details, see Endpoints in Jitterbit Script or Endpoints in JavaScript.


The script area is the text area where you enter a script using the appropriate language: Jitterbit Script or JavaScript.

In Jitterbit Script, scripts must be enclosed within a <trans> opening tag and </trans> closing tag, unless using functions that specifically call for code to be placed outside of these tags, such as several Database functions.

In JavaScript, scripts must be enclosed within a <javascript> opening tag and </javascript> closing tag.

These are the main features of the script area:

  • Syntax highlighting: Different colors are used to distinguish the different parts of an expression, such as function names, strings, and variables.

  • Bracket highlighting: If you place the cursor immediately before or after a bracket that is part of a set of opening and closing brackets, each bracket of the set is displayed with a border around the bracket to highlight the set. These sets of brackets are highlighted: (), [], {}.

  • Line numbering: Line numbers are displayed along the left margin of the script area.

  • Auto-validation: Harmony provides basic syntax checking and highlighting of lines with errors. If the script passes basic syntax validation, a line below the script area reads Script is valid. If the script does not pass basic syntax validation, specific error information is provided here one line at a time. That is, after resolving an error on one line, additional syntax errors to resolve may be reported for subsequent lines.

  • Drag-and-drop: Dragging an item from the component palette to the script area automatically inserts the item in the appropriate syntax for use within the script.

  • Auto-completion: As you type, you can display autocomplete suggestions that begin with the entered string by using Control+Space. When only one suggestion is available, it is inserted automatically. When more than one suggestion is available, you can navigate through the list using the keyboard arrow keys and press Enter or Tab to insert the suggestion into the script area.

  • Block indentation: When a complete line or lines are selected, pressing Tab indents the selected lines one tab stop to the right. Similarly, Shift+Tab moves out the selected lines one tab-stop to the left. If no text is selected, Shift+Tab moves the line left to where the cursor is.

In addition, standard browser features for undo, controlling font size, and searching within the script may be used.