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Permissions, collaboration, and saving in Jitterbit Integration Studio


This page provides basic information about working with Integration Studio, including what access is granted by various permissions, how collaboration works when editing projects simultaneously with other users, how saving works, and how undo and redo work.

Project permissions

Access to projects is restricted based on the combination of user role permissions and environment access levels as defined through the Management Console. User role permissions are set through the User Management page, while environment access levels are set through the Environments page.

A user must be a member of an user role with either Read or Admin permission in order to access Integration Studio. Both the Read and Admin permissions provide the same privileges within the Integration Studio application. As projects must be created within an environment, the areas of Integration Studio that these members can view or edit depends on the access levels that the role is granted at the environment level.

The table below details the combination of organization role permissions and environment access levels that are needed in order to access, edit, and perform actions in Integration Studio and related pages. Note that the differences afforded by the Read and Admin permissions are the ability to access and edit other Harmony portal pages and applications (see Harmony permissions and access).

In addition, the View Logs access level does not provide access to Integration Studio but instead provides access to Integration Studio operation logs within the Management Console.

Environment Access Level Organization Role Permission of Read or Admin
View Logs

Access to:

  • Management Console Runtime Operations page to view logs for Integration Studio operations that have been deployed and executed within the environment.


Access to:

  • All areas in Integration Studio. For example:
    • View the list of projects from the Projects page.
    • Open projects to view within the project designer.
    • View project and component configuration screens (for example, connection/activity, transformation, script).


Ability to perform these actions:

Access to:

  • All areas in Integration Studio that are provided by the Read access level.


Access to and the ability to make edits and perform all actions in Integration Studio. For example:

  • Open projects to view and edit within the project designer.
  • View and edit project and component configuration screens.
  • Create new workflows.
  • Add project components.
  • Deploy and migrate projects.


Users with only Read or Execute access in a specific environment are able to see the same options to perform actions that are available to users with Write access. However, on attempting to perform such an action, an error occurs, with text indicating the user is not permitted to perform the action.

If you receive an error message such as one of those shown below, contact an administrator of the Harmony organization to ensure you are a member of the appropriate organization role and that your role has been granted the appropriate access level in the environment (see Harmony permissions and access).

unable to import project

error failed to authorize


Users who are a member of a role with Write access in an environment can edit integration projects concurrently with other users — called project collaborators — as well as make edits to different parts of a project. Integration Studio automatically synchronizes workflows and components across multiple users.

User avatars

When multiple users have the same project open in the project designer, avatars of the other users are shown in the project toolbar.

Automatic synchronization

If a workflow is being edited by another user, those changes are reflected in real time on the design canvas. You can also make workflow changes simultaneously, with your changes reflected in real time for other users. An audit log of changes made by all users is provided in the project history.

Concurrent editing

You may edit workflows and components concurrently with other users, with any edits being automatically saved and synchronized in real time.

In the rare event that user A edits a workflow or component prior to receiving the latest changes from user B, user A's edit will be rejected until the synchronization is completed. In this case, an error message indicates that a project edit action conflicted with another user. Refresh the workflow or component to fetch the latest changes.

If a conflict is detected while editing a workflow or component that automatically saves (see Automatic saving in Saving below), automatic saving is temporarily suspended until you manually refresh that component. This provides an opportunity for you to copy your work, should you want to paste it after refreshing.


If edits by multiple project collaborators have not yet been deployed, all users' updates will be deployed when a single user deploys.


Changes you make to a project are either saved automatically, or saved manually with a command button or keyboard shortcut on a configuration screen.

Automatic saving

While editing a project your changes are automatically saved when you perform one of these actions:

  • Close the project
  • Close a project component (transformation, script, etc.)
  • Log out of the Harmony portal

These include when the project or component is closed due to Harmony session timeout or navigating away from the project.

In addition, some screens, such as the configuration screen for transformations, have an autosave component that applies only while that screen is open. Automatic saving is temporarily suspended if a conflict is detected with another user (see Concurrent editing in Collaboration above).

Manual saving

Many configuration screens have explicit buttons that can be clicked to save an individual component configuration. These buttons may be labeled in a variety of ways. For example: Save Changes, Save & Exit, Finish, or Finished. If a conflict with another user is detected while making changes to the same configuration screen, an error message indicates that the configuration cannot be saved until you refresh to fetch the latest changes.

In addition, the script and transformation configuration screens support manual saving using Control+S (Windows or Linux) or Command+S (macOS).

Save status

The save status is displayed along the top of the design canvas, script editor, and transformation screens (described below).

Design canvas

The save status of a project is reflected within each workflow, on the far left of the design canvas header:

design canvas header


The save status for the script editor is displayed below the script name:

script header


The save status for the transformation configuration screen is displayed to the right of the transformation name:

transformation save status

The presence of an asterisk following the time indicates that the transformation has unsaved changes:

transformation unsaved

Undo and redo

While designing a project, you can undo or redo your own actions while you have the project open. Closing the project or logging out of the Harmony portal will reset the undo/redo stacks.

Undo and redo are available for project design only; project restore events and actions that interact with Harmony, such as deploying a project, cannot be undone or redone.

Basic undo and redo

Basic undo and redo capabilities that are provided by your browser and operating system are supported within the component configuration screens for connections, activities, email notifications, schemas, and scripts.

Components that provide multiple configuration steps support undo and redo only within each configuration step; when the current screen is exited, the undo/redo stack is reset. For basic undo and redo, each undo/redo stack is separate and on a per-step basis.

To use basic undo and redo, use the standard keyboard shortcuts supported by your browser and operating system.

Enhanced undo and redo

The design canvas and transformations support enhanced undo and redo capabilities. For enhanced undo and redo, the undo/redo stacks persist while navigating through and making changes within other components. The design canvas has a single undo/redo stack that persists while the project is open. Each transformation has its own undo/redo stack that persists while the project is open. That is, you can edit other components and then return to the design canvas or a transformation edited since the project was open in order to undo or redo changes made there.

The undo and redo options are accessible through the UI using the design canvas actions menu or the transformation toolbar and are also supported using the keyboard shortcuts Control+Z and Control+Y (Windows or Linux) or Command+Z and Command+Y (macOS).

All design changes made on the design canvas and within transformations can be undone or redone. You can backtrack through all the changes you made on the design canvas or within a transformation since you opened the project.