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Project pane Workflows tab in Jitterbit Integration Studio


The project pane's Workflows tab is one of three tabs accessible in the project pane.

The Workflows tab displays a hierarchically organized tree view of an open project's workflows, operations, and other components referenced within each operation.

Hierarchical tree

In a project, workflows are at the highest hierarchical level, followed by operations, and then by other components used as steps within an operation (made up of activities, transformations, or scripts).

This structure is represented in an open project's Workflows tab, where workflows appear at the top with a workflow icon workflow to the left of the workflow. Workflows are expandable to reveal operations indented below each workflow. Operations are expandable to reveal the components referenced as steps within each operation. Both workflows and operations are auto-assigned numbers to represent their position in the tree:


When each workflow and operation is expanded, all workflows, operations, and operation steps are displayed.

To search within the Workflows tab, use the search box to enter a single keyword or keyword string. The hierarchical tree is automatically expanded to show workflows and components where the keyword string appears. The keyword string becomes bold (if not already) and purple within the name of the workflow or component:


To clear the search, click the remove icon close.

Expand and select items

To expand or collapse workflows or operations, click the disclosure triangles down arrow right arrow next to the workflow or operation.

As you work on projects, Integration Studio remembers the display states that a given user was last using for a given project, including whether the items in the project pane are expanded or collapsed.

Click a workflow to select it and open it on the design canvas. A selected workflow is displayed with a purple name and gray background:

workflow selected

When a workflow is expanded, click an operation within the workflow to select it and auto-scroll to it on the design canvas. A selected operation is displayed with a gray background:

workflow expanded

When an operation is expanded, click an operation step within the operation to select it and auto-scroll to it on the design canvas. A selected operation is displayed with a gray background:

workflow expanded operation step

The project pane can also be resized to be narrower or wider, as described in Project pane.

View validity errors

When using the Highlight Invalid Items option on the design canvas, the names of invalid workflows, operations, and other components appear in italics and the color red. When selected, an invalid workflow is displayed with a pink background.

If the workflow or component is implicitly invalid, an error icon error is also displayed:

invalid workflow

You can view the validation errors associated with invalid workflows and components as described in Workflow validity, Operation validity, and Component validity.

Actions menus

To open a menu of actions to take on each workflow or component, do one of these:

  • Right-click the item.
  • Hover over the item, and then click the actions menu icon actions menu.

The actions available in each menu depend on the context and vary according to the item.

Workflow actions menu

The workflow actions menu includes these actions:

workflow actions menu

Menu Item
deploy Deploy deploys the workflow and its dependencies (see Workflow deployment).
configurable deploy Configurable Deploy opens the deployment screen, where you can select workflows and operations to deploy (see Workflow deployment).
rename Rename positions the cursor on the workflow name for you to make any edits as necessary.
view dependencies View Dependencies changes the view in the project pane to display any other parts of the project that the specific workflow is dependent on (see Workflow dependencies and deletion).
view logs View Logs opens the operation log screen, which includes logs for any operations contained in the workflow that have been deployed and executed, as well as any operations linked from the workflow that have been deployed and executed (see Operation logs).
delete Delete permanently deletes the workflow (see Workflow dependencies and deletion).

Component actions menu

Some actions are available only on certain types of components, as detailed in the subsections below:

  • Operations: The actions menu for operations (shown in the left image) has unique items such as Settings, Run, and View Logs and unique sub-menus for Deploy. It also includes common actions such as Cut, Copy, Rename, View Dependencies, Delete, and Remove.
  • Activities, scripts, and transformations: The actions menus for these components share the same actions, including View/Edit, Cut, Copy, Rename, View Dependencies, Delete, and Remove (shown in an activity's actions menu in the right image).

Operation Actions Menu

operation actions menu

Activity Actions Menu

activity actions menu


These items are available in an operation's actions menu:

Menu Item

Settings opens the operation settings, containing three tabs:

  • Schedules: Create and apply schedules to automatically run operations (see Operation schedules).
  • Actions: Configure actions to take on success or failure of the operation (see Operation actions).
  • Options: Set options such as when the operation will time out, what to log and the timeframe for logging, when the operation will run, or whether to use chunking (see Operation options).

cut Cut places a copy of the operation on your clipboard and deletes the original operation from the project (see Operation reuse).
copy Copy places a copy of the operation on your clipboard (see Operation reuse).

duplicate menu

duplicate menu with step references with step copies

Duplicate shows these menu actions (see Operation reuse):

  • With Step References: Duplicates the operation only. The duplicate operation contains references to each of the original operation steps.
  • With Step Copies: Duplicates the operation and components referenced as operation steps. New components are created for each operation step and are referenced by the duplicated operation.

deploy menu

deploy menu deploy and run configurable deploy

Deploy shows these menu actions:

run Run runs an already-deployed operation and any downstream (linked) operations (see Operation deployment and execution).
view logs View Logs opens the operation log screen, which includes logs for this operation and any child operations that have been deployed and executed (see Operation logs).
rename Rename positions the cursor on the operation name for you to make any edits as necessary.
view dependencies View Dependencies changes the view in the project pane to display any other parts of the project that the specific operation is dependent on (see Operation dependencies, deletion, and removal).
add to group Add to Group opens a dialog to create a new custom group or to add the component to an existing group (see Component groups).
delete Delete permanently deletes the component (see Operation dependencies, deletion, and removal).
remove Remove removes the operation from the design canvas. Any other references to the operation, such as within scripts, transformations, or configuration settings, are unaffected (see Operation dependencies, deletion, and removal).

Activities, scripts, and transformations

The actions menus for these components share the same actions:

Menu Item
view edit View/Edit opens the configuration screen for the component. For details on configuration, refer to the respective component under Connectors, Scripts, or Transformations.
cut Cut places a copy of the component on your clipboard and deletes the original component from the project (see Component reuse).
copy Copy places a copy of the component on your clipboard (see Component reuse).
rename Rename positions the cursor on the component name for you to make any edits as necessary. You can also double-click a component name to enter rename mode.
view dependencies View Dependencies changes the view in the project pane to display any other parts of the project that the specific component is dependent on (see Component dependencies, deletion, and removal).
delete Delete permanently deletes the component (see Component dependencies, deletion, and removal).
remove Remove removes the component as an operation step from the operation. Any other references to the component, such as within scripts, transformations, or configuration settings, are unaffected (see Component dependencies, deletion, and removal).

Reorder workflows and operations

Workflows and operations can be reordered by dragging and dropping them in the project tree.

Reorder workflows

To reorder workflows, drag a workflow to another location in the project tree:

reorder workflow

This action has a cascading effect of renumbering both the workflows and the operations contained within each workflow.

Reorder operations

To reorder operations, drag an operation name to another location within or between workflows in the project tree:

reorder operation

This action has a cascading effect of renumbering the operations above or below it in the tree.