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10.16 Harmony release notes

10.16 Harmony release

Harmony portal, private agents, and Sandbox Cloud Agent Group released March 25, 26, and April 1 2020

The 10.16 release date is by region:

  • APAC: Released 25 March 2020

  • EMEA: Released 26 March 2020

  • NA: Released April 1, 2020

Included in this release are updates to these Harmony components:

The Sandbox Cloud Agent Group and web applications accessed through the Harmony portal were updated to 10.16 at the time of the release. Private agent installers are available in each region as of the conclusion of each region's release.

As of April 8, 2020, Design Studio and private agent versions 10.0 will have reached end of life and will no longer be supported. We recommend that all users of these (and earlier) versions upgrade to the latest versions as soon as practicable.

New features

Cloud Studio

  • SAP Concur connector
    A new Cloud Studio connector for SAP Concur is now available to use with agents version 10.1 or higher. The new connector can be accessed on the right side of the project designer from the design component palette and will automatically be downloaded by an agent as required



  • PostgreSQL configuration defaults updated
    To resolve stability issues, the PostgreSQL configuration file postgresql.conffor 32-bit Linux agents now sets the default max_connections to 400 instead of 100 when installed for the first time.


API gateway

  • Data compression via the Accept-Encoding header is now supported
    APIs created in API Manager now accept the request header Accept-Encoding: gzip and respond with a gzip-compressed response. For those using a private API gateway, gateway version 10.16 or higher is required to support this feature.

  • Key-based authentication is now supported
    An API key can now be used as an authentication type when creating or editing security profiles.

Cloud Studio

  • Running an operation without redeploying is now supported
    You can run an operation with existing deployed dependencies without any design changes made since the last deploy. The Run option is accessible from an operation's actions menu in the project pane and design canvas.

  • Salesforce: Insert null value option now available
    You can now use the Insert null value option under Optional Settings of step 1, with the Salesforce Insert, Update, and Upsert activities. A NULL value is a missing or unknown value, but not a zero.

  • Salesforce and ServiceMax: Custom SOQL queries are now supported
    Custom SOQL queries can be written in the Salesforce Query, Salesforce Bulk Query, ServiceMax Query, and ServiceMax Bulk Query activities. You can also preview a subset of data returned by the query.

  • Magento: Bulk activities now available
    The Magento connector now includes Get Bulk Status, Put Bulk, Post Bulk, and Delete Bulk activities.



  • A compressed file is now named correctly
    When using a global variable in file-based Cloud Studio or Design Studio endpoints in the Filename(s) in archive field in order to write data to a file, the global variable value is now used instead of the literal variable name.

  • The PrependData plugin AddLineBreak option now works properly
    Setting AddLineBreak=true in the PrependData plugin now enables line breaks in the output file.

  • Project variables longer than 8,000 characters no longer cause an error
    Project variables with an encrypted length longer than 8,000 characters are decrypted successfully. New projects function as expected but existing projects must be redeployed.

API Manager

  • Using an organization's direct link to the API Portal Manager now works as designed
    Previously, some members of an organization would see a blank page after refreshing an organization's Portal Manager page after using a direct link obtained from that organization. This has been fixed.

Cloud Studio

  • Chunking in an operation now works as designed
    Previously, changing the chunking operation option from the default was ignored and the default setting was used. For example, changing the chunking size to 5 from the default of 1 would continue to use 1. This has been fixed and now your change to the setting is used.

  • Database join tables are now populated correctly
    After configuring a database activity and mapping joined parent fields, these values are now carried through to the child tables.

  • Endpoint configurations are not saved when you navigate from the page without saving
    After configuring a connection and testing, if you navigated away from this screen without clicking Discard changes or X, some settings were saved and not reset to defaults. This has been fixed.

  • Renamed project variables are no longer shown as unreferenced and referenced project variables are no longer able to be deleted
    After renaming a project variable, it no longer appears as unreferenced in the project pane's Components tab. In addition, if the project variable is actually referenced by other components, you are no longer able to delete the project variable that was incorrectly reported as unreferenced. Previously, deletion was allowed and the component with a dependency was erroneously reported as valid.

  • HTTP request parameters and headers no longer disappear
    When configuring an HTTP activity and using the variables dropdown to edit a project variable configuration, request parameters and headers are no longer erroneously removed on returning to the HTTP activity configuration. In addition, you can no longer use duplicate names that have variables in request parameters or request headers.

  • Email notifications that previously failed testing (yet succeed at runtime) now succeed when tested
    Email notifications that reported a failure message after sending a test email but were successful at runtime now pass and report a successful test.

  • Deleted schedules now included in the project history
    After deleting a schedule, it is listed in the project history.

  • Entering a file name is no longer required on project export
    Cloud Studio does not ask for a file name and instead uses the project name for the exported file name.

  • Dragging and dropping in a script is improved
    Dragging and dropping objects such as global variables places them where dropped.

  • NetSuite: Returned search lists sorted in ascending order
    Saved search lists for transactions in a NetSuite Search activity are now returned sorted in ascending order.

  • NetSuite: Browser is no longer responsive
    When using the View dropdown to filter on Mapped fields in a transformation, the browser is no longer unresponsive.

  • Salesforce and ServiceMax: The Saved Schema dropdown now shows existing schemas
    In the Salesforce and ServiceMax target bulk activities, saved schemas are now shown in the activity configuration.

  • ServiceNow: Searching on the Items object with conditions works as designed
    Using WHERE or LIMIT clauses as conditions in a ServiceNow Query activity is successful.