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Export and import a project in Jitterbit Integration Studio


This page describes how to export and import a project, and import individual components from a project JSON file into a project.

Together, the export and import functionalities allow you to migrate projects and their components into other organizations as needed.

Integration Studio project exports are in the format of a JSON file. Once you have a JSON project export, it can be imported into any organization.

Export a project

The Export or Export Project options are accessible from these locations:

In addition, the project export screen is accessible using the Export link at the bottom of the Project Settings screen (see Edit project settings in Project creation and configuration).

On selecting Export or Export Project, the project export screen opens, where you choose the export options and generate the project as a JSON file:


  • Include Credentials: Includes in the exported project the values specified within credentials fields of project component configuration screens.

    The specific configuration fields that are treated as credentials fields vary by project component. They often include fields such as passwords or security tokens. Developers of custom connectors using the Connector SDK can designate such fields with either of these attributes:

    • "secret": "true": Designates only that the field is treated as a credentials field. The field's value is encrypted in the project export.

    • "widgetHint": "password": Designates that the field is treated as a credentials field and also masks the value in the Integration Studio UI by replacing each character with a black bullet. The field's value is encrypted in the project export.

    The values of project variables themselves are not treated as credentials, even if the Hide Value option is selected in the UI (see Project variables). Instead, whether project variable values are included is controlled with the Include Project Variable Values selection.

    If a project variable is used in a credentials field (regardless of whether Include Project Variable Values is selected), the credentials field's "value" is the encrypted value of the square bracket syntax representation of the project variable name and any other input, if present.

    When Include Credentials is not selected, the credentials field's "value" is not included in the project export, except if a project variable is used in a credentials field. In that case, the non-encrypted clear text input of the credentials field is included. This may be of concern if the credentials field uses any other input along with the project variable, though this use case is unusual. For example, a field input of [pv_password]1234suffix would be included in the project export as [pv_password]1234suffix.

  • Include Email Notifications: Includes email notifications in the exported project. This option applies to all email notifications in a project, regardless of whether they are configured with operation actions to run on success, failure, or SOAP fault or if they are referenced in a script.

  • Include Project Variable Values: Includes project variable default values in the exported project.

    The values of project variables configured with the Hide Value option (see Project variables) are encrypted in the project export.

  • Include Schedules: Includes operation schedules in the exported project.

  • Export: Generates and downloads the project as a JSON file. By default, the JSON file name uses the name of the project.


    An exported project does not retain the project history.


Once a project has been exported, you can import the project JSON file using either of these two import options:

  1. Import a project: This option (accessible from the Projects page) allows you to import the entire project into your organization.

  2. Import components from a project (beta): This option (accessible from the project actions menu in a project) allows you to import only specified components from the project JSON file into an existing project in your organization.

Import a project

You can import a project by clicking Import on the Projects page:

projects page header


To import only specified components from a project JSON file, use the Import (Beta) option, described in Import components from a project (beta) below.

On the next screen, you import the project:


  • Project file: Use the Browse button to browse to a project JSON file that has been exported from Integration Studio.


    If the project uses any custom connectors, they must exist in the organization prior to importing the project. To export a Connector Builder connector and import it in another organization, see Connector Builder exports and imports. To install a Connector SDK connector in another organization, see Implementing a Harmony Connector.

    On selecting a file, these fields become available:

    • Project name: The project name is prepopulated from the JSON file. To use a different name, you can edit it here. The project name must meet these criteria:

      • Be unique for each environment.

      • Cannot already be in use as a Design Studio project name in the same environment.


      If a project with the same name already exists in the Harmony cloud, go to the Management Console > Projects page to manage the deployed project.

    • Organization: Use the dropdown to select the organization that you want to import the project to. If you have only one organization, it is selected by default.

    • Environment: Use the dropdown to select the environment you want to import the project into.


      If the source project uses connectors that are available only on private agents, you can't import it to an environment associated with a cloud agent group. These environments still appear in the Environment dropdown, but cannot be selected.

    • Include Email Notifications: By default, if email notifications were included as part of the project when it was exported, they are included when the project is imported. This option applies to all email notifications in a project, regardless of whether they are configured with operation actions to run on success, failure, or SOAP fault or if they are referenced in a script. To exclude email notifications from being imported, clear the checkbox.


      References to an email notification component in a script are not removed even if email notifications are excluded, so you may need to correct any broken references after excluding emails.

    • Include Schedules: By default, if operation schedules were included as part of the project when it was exported, they are included when the project is imported. To exclude schedules from being imported, clear the checkbox.

    • Global endpoints: Any global endpoints used by the project being imported are listed and must be added to the selected environment using either of these options:

      action required

      • Use existing global endpoint: Visible only when the global endpoint already exists in the organization. Select to add an environment endpoint to an existing global endpoint for the selected environment. Use the menu to select the existing global endpoint:

        existing global endpoint

        If the existing global endpoint already has an environment endpoint for the selected environment, the existing environment endpoint is used for the imported project. If the existing global endpoint does not have an environment endpoint for the selected environment, the credentials provided in the imported project are used (if applicable). Otherwise, the environment endpoint will need to be configured after the import.

      • Create new global endpoint: Select to create a new global endpoint for the organization:

        create new global endpoint

        When the project is imported, the global endpoint will be added to the selected environment and will need to be configured after the import.

  • Import: Click to import the project. If the project was successfully imported, the imported project opens on the design canvas. In addition, the new project is available from the Projects page.

    After the project is imported, it is not yet deployed. When you are ready to deploy, see Project deployment.

Import components from a project (beta)


Access to this beta feature is available to select organizations. For beta access or to provide feedback, contact the Jitterbit Product Team.

To import only specified components from a project JSON file into a project, use the project actions menu in a project and click Import (Beta):

project actions menu


To import an entire project JSON file as a new project, use the Import option, described in Import a project above.

A file selection dialog opens. Select a project JSON file that has been exported. On the configuration screen, you select the components to import into the project currently being accessed:

select items to import

  • Import from project: This panel displays the name of the project from the project JSON file and the components available to be imported from the project JSON file.

  • Import to project: This panel displays the name of the project being accessed and any components in the project.

  • Project components: Each project component category available in a project is displayed next to a number in parentheses indicating how many components are in the category. Components in a component category are listed alphabetically. From the Import from project panel, use the checkboxes to select the components to be imported into the project currently being accessed.

  • Expand / collapse all categories: Expands or collapses all the project component categories.

  • Search: Use the search box to enter a single keyword or keyword string. The keyword string becomes highlighted in blue within the name of the component:

    new components

  • Move to project: Enabled when a component is selected in the Import from project panel. Once clicked, the selected components and their dependencies are added to the Import to project panel. Components added to the project are indicated with a blue New icon:

    new components

  • Conflicts: When an imported component shares the same name as a component in same component category, a conflict occurs:

    selective import conflict

    When present, conflicts must be resolved to complete the import. Use the up and down arrows to navigate to each conflict.

    Endpoints with conflicts have these actions:

    replace or copy component

    • Use existing endpoint: Select to use an endpoint that is configured in the project currently being accessed. Use the menu to select the existing endpoint.

      • Replace or copy component: If the project's existing endpoint and the imported endpoint both have the same activity type with matching names, these options become available:

        • Replace: Select to replace the existing activity type with the activity type being imported.

        • Keep both: Select to keep both endpoint activity types as independent components. The name of the component being imported is appended with an incremented number in parentheses.

    • Create new endpoint: Select to create a new endpoint in the project currently being accessed. Use the menu to select Global (see Global Connections) or Project-level.

    All components with conflicts (except endpoints) have these actions:

    • Replace: Replaces the existing component with the component being imported. Imported components being used as a replacement are indicated with a purple Replace icon:


    • Keep both: Keeps both components. The name of the component being imported is appended with an incremented number in parentheses. These components are visually indicated with a blue New icon:


    These actions are enabled only when changes are made to conflicts:

    • Replace All: Click to bulk-select Replace (described above) for all component conflicts.

    • Keep All: Click to bulk-select Keep both (described above) for all component conflicts.

    • Confirm changes: Enabled only when an action is selected for all conflicts. Click to save selected conflict actions. Once clicked, the Finish button is enabled.

    • Edit changes: (Visible after clicking Confirm changes.) Click to edit the conflict resolutions.

  • Reset all: Resets the project to its original state, removing any new or replaced components from the Import to project panel.

  • Finish: Click to import the components and return to the project.

  • Cancel: Click to cancel the import process and return to the project.