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10.42 Harmony release notes

10.42 Harmony release

The 10.42 release date is by region:

  • APAC: 23 September 2021 (AEST), September 22, 2021 (PDT)

  • EMEA: 23 September 2021

  • NA: September 27, 2021

Included in this release are updates to these Harmony components:

The Sandbox Cloud Agent Group and web applications accessed through the Harmony portal are updated at the time of the release. Design Studio, private agent, and the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Cloud Connector installers are available in each region as of the conclusion of each region's release.

As of September 14, 2021, private agent version 10.24 has reached end of life and is no longer supported. We recommend that all users of these (and earlier) versions upgrade to the latest versions as soon as practicable.

New features


  • New private agent settings
    New settings are available in the private agent configuration file (jitterbit.conf) for enabling timeout of operations triggered by APIs and for logging of API calls:

    • EnableAPITimeout: Set to true for operations triggered by API Manager APIs to use the operation timeout settings set in Cloud Studio or Design Studio. The default is false.

    • APIOperationLogging: Set to true for logs that record the start of an API call and the time elapsed to be included in the agent's jitterbit.log file. The default is false. Be aware that turning on this setting will generate at least four additional lines for each API call, which can result in a very large number of logs.

  • Windows Quiet Agent Installer (x64)
    A quiet installer for Windows 64-bit private agents is now available to download. The installer uses a script for an unassisted install.


Agent, Cloud Studio, and Design Studio

  • Support for Salesforce API version 51
    Salesforce API version 51 is now supported for these connectors:

    • The Cloud Studio Salesforce, Salesforce Service Cloud, and ServiceMax connectors use API version 51 automatically with the use of a 10.42 agent.

    • The Design Studio Salesforce connector provides the option to use API version 51 with the use of both a 10.42 agent and 10.42 version of Design Studio. When opening an existing Design Studio project that uses this connector and meets both of these version requirements, you will be prompted to upgrade to Salesforce API version 51.

API Manager

  • Security profile search and filters
    You can now search for security profiles by name and filter security profiles by environment and authentication type from the Security Profiles page.

Cloud Studio

Microsoft Dynamics 365, Cloud Studio, and Design Studio



  • Change to the DBExecute function reverted
    The change made to the DBExecute function in the 10.40 release has been reverted. The DBExecute function again works the same way as it did prior to 10.40.


    Current projects will be affected with a private agent or Sandbox Cloud Agent Group upgrade from 10.40 or 10.41 to 10.42. Projects using an agent 10.39 or lower or using a Production Cloud Agent Group will be unaffected. (This change was previously reverted on 10.40 Production Cloud Agent Groups.)


API Manager

  • Trusted IP ranges are no longer removed
    Trusted IP ranges are now retained when changing the default security profile selection.

  • Selection of a default security profile is no longer removed
    The selection of a default security profile is now retained when navigating to another page or canceling the deletion of that security profile.

Cloud Studio

  • Coupa payments are now supported
    When you select the InvoiceHeader object in a Coupa Create or Update activity, the generated schemas now have an object inside Payments that can be mapped to create or update payments.

  • Zendesk paging is now supported
    You can now configure paging in a Zendesk Query activity. Previously, no more than 100 records could be retrieved.

  • Zendesk User object is now supported
    The Zendesk connector now supports the Zendesk User object.

  • Database Queries that returns no data now generate schemas
    After testing a manual database query that returns zero results, a data schema is now generated during activity configuration.

  • Operations with an HTTP activity between two transformations are now correctly treated as invalid
    When an HTTP activity is used as the first target or second source of the Two-transformation pattern, the operation is now shown as invalid and is unable to be deployed. Previously, unexpected behavior occurred when an HTTP activity was used in this location.



  • NetSuite deprecation of HMAC-SHA1
    Changes are required to any projects using HMAC-SHA1 as the signature algorithm. For a timeline of key dates and instructions on how to change the signature algorithm, see NetSuite HMAC-SHA1 deprecation.