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10.40 Harmony release notes

10.40 Harmony release

The 10.40 release date is by region:

  • APAC: 12 August 2021 (AEST), August 11, 2021 (PDT)

  • EMEA: 12 August 2021

  • NA: August 16, 2021

Included in this release are updates to these Harmony components:

The Sandbox Cloud Agent Group and web applications accessed through the Harmony portal are updated at the time of the release. Design Studio, private agent, and private API gateway installers are available in each region as of the conclusion of each region's release. The Production Cloud Agent Group is updated on a separate schedule (see Cloud agent groups).

As of August 4, 2021, private agent version 10.22 has reached end of life and is no longer supported. We recommend that all users of these (and earlier) versions upgrade to the latest versions as soon as practicable.

Known issues

Harmony platform

  • Deployment error using Design Studio 8.5 and earlier

    • Summary: As of the 10.40 Harmony release, projects can no longer be deployed using Design Studio versions 8.5 and earlier. These Design Studio versions are at end-of-life and are not supported.

    • Additional Information: When attempting to deploy, you may receive this error:

      org.jitterbit.integration.client.server.IntegrationServerException: java.lang.NullPointerException
    • Workaround: Upgrade to a supported Design Studio version.

New features

Cloud Studio

  • EDI for Cloud, JMS, and OData connectors
    Three new connectors — EDI for Cloud, JMS, and OData — are available to use with agents version 10.1 or later. They will automatically be downloaded by an agent as required.

  • EDI for Cloud: Get, send, or get status of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) documents using eBridge eiCloud.

    • JMS: Get, send, or acknowledge Java Message Service (JMS) messages using ActiveMQ.

    • OData: Query, update, insert, or delete data using OData Version 4.0 services with basic, OAuth 2.0, or no authorization.


Agent and Management Console

  • Option to set the time zone for schedules
    You can now specify the time zone in which all schedules across an organization will run. This option is set in the Management Console from an organization's policies and requires agent version 10.40 or later.

Cloud Studio

  • Undo and redo
    You can now undo and redo actions such as creating and deleting workflows and adding, removing, or reordering components in workflows. You can access Undo and Redo in the design canvas actions menu or use standard keyboard shortcuts.

  • LDAP auxiliary class support
    You can now select auxiliary classes in an LDAP Search Entry activity.


Harmony portal

  • Harmony portal timeout is now 4 hours
    You are now logged out of the Harmony portal after 4 hours of inactivity (previously 24 hours).


  • DBExecute() now returns a record set
    Using the DBExecute() function via JDBC to call a stored procedure that returns multiple results now returns a record set. Previously, only the first result set was returned. That behavior is unchanged when connecting via ODBC.


    Current projects with this scenario will be affected with an agent upgrade to 10.40. For example, a current script expecting an empty result in this scenario will now return a record set.



  • Proxy exclusions now work with a private API gateway
    The proxy exclusion list set by the command --set-http-proxy-exceptions in the private agent configuration utility now applies to a private API gateway.

API gateway

  • Error referencing jbtraceid resolved
    An issue has been resolved that was causing some proxy API calls to fail as a result of the variable jbtraceid, an internal variable used for troubleshooting purposes. This variable is now disabled in both the Cloud API and private API gateways.

Cloud Studio

  • Schema refresh no longer causes a failed operation
    Refreshing the schema of most application-specific connector activities with an XML (XSD) schema that has been re-used elsewhere in the project no longer causes an operation to fail. NetSuite, Salesforce, Salesforce Service Cloud, and ServiceMax activities did not have this issue.

  • Schema editing issues resolved
    When editing a custom JSON schema, adding fields no longer sometimes freezes or crashes Cloud Studio.

  • Updated project variable values are now used
    Updating a project variable's value and then deploying now works properly in certain circumstances where updated values weren't being used. Such circumstances occurred after deleting a deployed project variable, creating a new one with the same name, and then migrating and deploying the previously migrated project.

  • Email connector now supports CSV attachments
    You can now provide Base64-encoded CSV content as an attachment body in the request of an Email Send Email activity.

  • Email connection settings are now by protocol
    You can now configure separate usernames, passwords, and security settings for Email connections using SMTP and IMAP. Previously, shared fields for these settings were used regardless of the protocol.