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10.23 Harmony release notes

10.23.1 Harmony release

Private agents and Sandbox Cloud Agent Group released August 26, 27, and 28, 2020

The 10.23.1 release date is by region:

  • APAC: Released 26 August 2020

  • EMEA: Released 27 August 2020

  • NA: Released August 28, 2020

Included in this release are updates to these Harmony components:

The Sandbox Cloud Agent Group and web applications accessed through the Harmony portal were updated to 10.23 at the time of the release. Private agent installers will be available in each region as of the conclusion of each region's release.

As of August 12, 2020, private agent version 10.5 has reached end of life and is no longer supported. We recommend that all users of this (and earlier) versions upgrade to the latest versions as soon as practicable.

As of September 9, 2020, private agent version 10.6 will have reached end of life and will no longer be supported. We recommend that all users of this (and earlier) versions upgrade to the latest versions as soon as practicable.



  • HTTP client updated for private agents
    The HTTP client used by agents has been updated from version 4.5.2 to 4.5.3, which provides access to Kerberos authentication. Connector SDK developers can take advantage of this feature when creating connectors.

10.23 Harmony release

Harmony portal, private agents, and Sandbox Cloud Agent Group released August 19, 20, and 24, 2020

The 10.23 release date is by region:

  • APAC: Released 19 August 2020

  • EMEA: Released 20 August 2020

  • NA: Released August 24, 2020

Included in this release are updates to these Harmony components:

New features

Cloud Studio

  • Slack: Additional activities available
    The Slack connector has been redesigned with these new activities available: Get, Post, Search, Chat, Files, Conversations, and Users. The connector configuration has changed with this release and the Post Message activity is no longer available. Existing projects must be reconfigured before deploying or running as merely running them will fail.


Cloud Studio

  • BigCommerce: Client ID field is now optional
    The Client ID is no longer required for a successful connection, and testing a connection succeeds with an invalid Client ID. BigCommerce uses the Client ID to track usage and for analytics and may request it for troubleshooting.

  • Double-click behavior change for the project pane's Workflow or Components tab
    Double-clicking an item in the project pane's Workflows or Components tabs now opens the item for editing. Previously, double-clicking let you rename the item.



  • Salesforce API version 49 is now supported

    • The Cloud Studio Salesforce and ServiceMax connectors now support Salesforce API version 49. Cloud Studio uses the new API version automatically with the use of a 10.23 agent.

    • The Design Studio Salesforce connector now supports Salesforce API version 49. Design Studio provides the option to use the new API version with the use of both a 10.23 agent and 10.23 version of Design Studio. When opening an existing Design Studio project that uses this connector and meets both of these version requirements, you will be prompted to upgrade to Salesforce API version 49.

Cloud Studio

  • Amazon Redshift: Invoke Stored Procedure activity available
    You can combine multiple SQL steps into a stored procedure and call the stored procedures with the Amazon Redshift Invoke Stored Procedure activity. This activity requires an agent version 10.23 or higher.

  • Salesforce and ServiceMax: Validation is now required for the WHERE clause
    When using a WHERE clause in a Query activity, you must test changes before clicking Next. If the query is not valid, Next is disabled. Edit the clause and retry the test.

  • Drag-and-drop with instance functions
    You can now drag and drop nodes from the Source Objects tab of the script component palette to a script for use with instance functions.

Design Studio


Cloud Studio

  • BigCommerce: All records are now retrieved with a Query
    Previously, only 50 records were retrieved if you did not specify a Limit and a Page in the request schema. The Query activity now retrieves all records unless one of those those parameters is specified.

  • FTP: Fixed an issue with the Write activity transfer type
    The Binary and ASCII transfer types were reversed. That is, choosing Binary actually set an ASCII transfer and vice versa. The transfer type selections are now correct. If you use an FTP Write activity with projects created prior to this release, check the transfer type and reset if needed.

  • Google Drive: List Files activity no longer requires a request transformation
    A known issue with the Google Drive connector has been resolved.

  • Jira: Special characters are now allowed in Jira objects
    Special characters in Jira objects such as Subject or Description no longer cause a transformation error.

  • NetSuite: List of saved searches is now refreshed with new object selection
    After changing the selected object in a NetSuite Search activity using Saved Search, the correct saved searches associated with the newly selected object are now listed.

  • Snowflake: Activities no longer request agent reauthentication
    Some Snowflake activities would fail with the error "Authentication token has expired. The user must authenticate again" and require private agent restart. This issue no longer occurs.

  • Improved error messages when there is a project naming conflict
    When you attempt to create or rename a project, we now display a more detailed error message when there is a project naming conflict.

  • The script editor no longer incorrectly inserts # in scripts
    With instance functions such as FindValue(), the script editor no longer attempts to insert # into the wrong location in source node references. Instead, use these instructions to insert the # in the appropriate location.

Management Console

  • Single sign-on (SSO) now allows additional email address formats
    Email addresses with domains of more than three characters, such as .digital, are now allowed in the Bypass SSO list.

Design Studio

Design Studio has been updated to version 10.23. which can be downloaded from the Jitterbit Management Console.


  • Salesforce API version 49 is now supported
    The Design Studio Salesforce connector now supports Salesforce API version 49. Design Studio provides the option to use the new API version with the use of both a 10.23 agent and 10.23 version of Design Studio. When opening an existing Design Studio project that uses this connector and meets both of these version requirements, you will be prompted to upgrade to Salesforce API version 49.