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10.24 Harmony release notes

10.24.1 Harmony release

Harmony portal released September 22, 2020

The 10.24.1 release date is by region:

  • APAC: Released 22 September 2020

  • EMEA: Released 22 September 2020

  • NA: Released September 22, 2020

Included in this release are updates to this Harmony component:


Cloud Studio

  • Required field mappings are now validated correctly
    After mapping to a required target field containing non-alphanumeric characters in the path to the field, the error T arget field \<fieldname> must be mapped_ erroneously remained. The validation now works correctly and the error no longer appears. This error has been fixed with release 10.24.1

10.24 Harmony release

Harmony portal, private agents, and Sandbox Cloud Agent Group released September 9, 10, and 14, 2020

The 10.24 release date is by region:

  • APAC: Released 9 September 2020

  • EMEA: Released 10 September 2020

  • NA: Released September 14, 2020

Included in this release are updates to these Harmony components:

The Sandbox Cloud Agent Group and web applications accessed through the Harmony portal will be updated to 10.24 at the time of the release. Design Studio and private agent installers will be available in each region as of the conclusion of each region's release.

As of September 5, 2020, private agent version 10.6 has reached end of life and is longer be supported. We recommend that all users of this (and earlier) versions upgrade to the latest versions as soon as practicable.

New features

Cloud Studio

  • HubSpot: Connector redesigned
    The HubSpot connector has been redesigned with a new Search activity, which can be used in place of the removed Get Contacts activity. Other activities were renamed and had UI changes. If your project used any HubSpot activities, reconfigure the project to use the new connection and activities. Review activity steps to confirm their correctness.

Management Console



  • HTTP client library updated for cloud and private agents
    The HTTP client library has been updated from version 4.5.2 to 4.5.3, which provides access to Kerberos authentication. Connector SDK developers can take advantage of this feature when creating connectors.

Management Console

  • Single sign-on (SSO) with OAuth 2.0 no longer available for Okta and Azure AD
    Both Okta and Azure AD were inadvertently added for single sign-on (SSO) with OAuth 2.0 in a previous release. As the successful configuration of neither is possible, we have removed them from the UI.


Agents and Cloud Studio

  • NetSuite: Concurrent exception feature (only for private agents)
    During configuration of a Cloud Studio NetSuite connection, a new setting, Retry on Concurrent Exception, can be configured to retry a rejected request when NetSuite's governance limit for concurrent requests is reached. A private agent version 10.24 or higher is required for this feature to work.

Cloud Studio

  • HTTP Connector: Retry option added (only for private agents)
    During configuration of an HTTP connection, a new setting, Retry, can be configured to retry a request when an HTTP endpoint returns one of these status codes: 500, 501, 502, 503, or 504. A private agent version 10.22 or higher is required for this feature to work.

  • You can now search and filter objects in the script component palette
    Objects are now easier to find in the script component palette with this new functionality. Search terms are highlighted in context in the search results.

  • Connector developers may set dropdown fields to be searchable or editable
    When creating a connector, Connector SDK developers can set a dropdown field to be searchable by the user. The field can also be designated as editable so that the user can specify a new value.

  • Workday Prism: You can replace or append data to a table
    When uploading data to a table with the Create activity, you now have the option to either Insert or Truncate and Insert the data.


API Manager

  • Cloned proxy APIs now publish without error
    Cloning an unmodified proxy API is successful and no longer generates errors.

Agents and Cloud Studio

  • NetSuite: Custom segments now work with operations (only for private agents)
    Fixed an issue with NetSuite custom segments where NetSuite returned segment names with a prefix added, causing an error. A private agent version 10.24 or higher is required for this fix.

Cloud Studio

  • BigCommerce: Querying the Orders V2 activity now returns all records and does not fail if there are no records
    When querying using the Orders V2 activity, a Query activity now returns all records if page or limit parameters are not set. Previously, not all records were returned if those parameters were not set. Failures when there are no records in the results have been fixed.

  • API SOAP activities now generate correct schemas
    In some cases, schemas generated for API SOAP activities were incorrect, causing runtime errors. These schemas are now generated correctly at design time after uploading the WSDL into the activity. If you receive this error, re-upload the WSDL file to regenerate the schema.

  • An empty string qualifier used in a custom flat schema is now treated as blank
    Previously, using an empty string qualifier when creating a flat schema set a double quotes character (") as the qualifier. Now, an empty string qualifier is treated as a blank and no qualifiers are used. If you previously removed any qualifier and depended on the previous behavior of an empty string qualifier being interpreted as to use a double quote character, you will need to update the schema and include the double quote as the string qualifier.

  • Unreferenced global variables are now deleted correctly
    Global variable sources and targets that are removed from all components are now deleted from the project instead of being retained as unreferenced.

Agents and Design Studio

  • NetSuite: Custom segments now work with operations
    Fixed an issue with NetSuite custom segments where NetSuite returned segment names with a suffix attached, causing an error. A cloud or private agent version 10.24 or higher is required for this fix.

Design Studio

  • Workday: Importing operations into a project works correctly
    When importing Workday operations into a new project using the File > Import Project Data command, a Cannot compare value: WebServiceCall occurs. This has been resolved and the data imports without error.