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NetSuite custom segments

Support for custom segments

Custom segments in NetSuite allow you to create custom classification fields.

Custom segments on both standard and custom NetSuite objects are supported in Harmony with activities using a NetSuite connection configured with a NetSuite WSDL that is version 2016.2 or higher. You must be using a Jitterbit agent that is version 9.4 or higher to use this feature.

During activity configuration, you will see each custom segment displayed in the NetSuite request or response structure. Once the request or response structure is used in a transformation, you will be able to map from or to any of those custom segments, just as you do for other fields.

Custom segments are located under a node called customFieldList that is present within its respective object node.

Custom segments not being displayed

If custom segments are not being displayed as expected, check to make sure the NetSuite user account being used with the NetSuite connection has the appropriate permissions to interact with the custom segment and object it is associated with.

List/record custom segments in advanced searches

In a NetSuite Search activity advanced search, custom segments of the type List/Record as defined in NetSuite are not supported. However, note that the Multiple Select type is supported in a NetSuite Search activity advanced search. To determine what type is being used, check the Type defined within NetSuite on your Custom Segment:


This limitation does not apply to other types of NetSuite activities; that is, both the List/Record and Multiple Select types are supported within other NetSuite activities as well as other types of NetSuite Search activities besides advanced search.