API connector for Jitterbit Integration Studio
The API connector exposes an operation or a set of operations as a consumable REST endpoint. It comes with a preconfigured connection that does not require connection configuration as is typical for most Harmony connectors. This connection provides access to API activities which, once configured, interact with custom APIs configured in Jitterbit API Manager.
The API connector is accessed from the design component palette's Project endpoints and connectors tab (see Design component palette).
For information on the relationship between API connector activities and API Manager APIs, see these resources:
By default, successful API operations (configured for custom APIs or OData services) are not included in the operation logs unless one of these settings is enabled:
in the [APIoperation]
section of the private agent configuration file. Connector overview
This connector is intended to be used in conjunction with an API Manager custom API to expose an operation or a set of operations as a consumable REST endpoint.
Activity types are used to create instances of activities that are intended to be used as sources (to provide data in an operation) or targets (to consume data in an operation).
Together, the preconfigured API connection and its activities are referred to as an API endpoint:
Request: Configured using a JSON, XML, CSV, or XSD schema, this activity retrieves data when called by an API Manager custom API and is intended to be used as a source to provide data to an operation.
Response: Configured using a JSON, XML, CSV, or XSD schema, this activity returns data to an API Manager custom API and is intended to be used as a target to consume data in an operation.
SOAP Request: Configured using a WSDL schema, this activity retrieves data when called by an API Manager custom API and is intended to be used as a source to provide data to an operation.
SOAP Response: Configured using a WSDL schema, this activity returns data to an API Manager custom API and is intended to be used as a target to consume data in an operation.
This connector is a native Integration Studio connector, which may be referred to by Jitterbit when communicating changes made to connectors. The release schedule for native Integration Studio connectors is based on the cadence of Harmony portal web applications.
API Jitterbit variables
These Jitterbit variables are provided specifically for use with API endpoints:
If you experience issues with the API connector, these troubleshooting steps are recommended:
Ensure the API connection is successful by using the Test button in the configuration screen. If the connection is not successful, the error returned may provide an indication as to the problem.
Check the operation logs for any information written during execution of the operation.
Enable operation debug logging (for cloud agents or for private agents) to generate additional log files and data.
If using private agents, you can check the agent logs for more information.
For additional troubleshooting considerations, see Operation troubleshooting.
SOAP Request and SOAP Response activities: When deploying an operation whose SOAP Request or SOAP Response activity's WSDL file has been replaced, you may receive this error:
Failed to deploy - Client Error: There is no uploaded file with client path ... Upgrade to the 8.4.0 Studio or higher and deploy the project again.
To resolve, follow these steps:
Open the activity where the WSDL file has been replaced.
On step 1, re-select the WSDL file to be used for the activity and then click Next.
On step 2, click Finish.
Deploy the operation.