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10.41 Harmony release notes

10.41.1 Harmony patch

The 10.41.1 Harmony patch was deployed in all regions (APAC, EMEA, and NA) on 15 September 2021.

Included in this patch are fixes to API Manager.


API Manager

  • Trusted IP ranges are no longer removed
    Trusted IP ranges are now retained when changing the default security profile selection.
  • Selection of a default security profile is no longer removed
    The selection of a default security profile is now retained when navigating to another page or canceling the deletion of that security profile.

10.41 Harmony release

The 10.41 release date is by region:

  • APAC: 02 September 2021 (AEST), September 1, 2021 (PDT)

  • EMEA: 02 September 2021

  • NA: September 7, 2021

Included in this release are updates to these Harmony components:

The Sandbox Cloud Agent Group and web applications accessed through the Harmony portal are updated at the time of the release. Private agent installers are available in each region as of the conclusion of each region's release. The Production Cloud Agent Group is updated on a separate schedule (see Cloud agent groups).

As of August 28, 2021, private agent version 10.23 has reached end of life and is no longer supported. We recommend that all users of these (and earlier) versions upgrade to the latest versions as soon as practicable.


API Manager

  • Ability to set the default security profile
    You can now set the default security profile to be assigned to new APIs created in each environment. When a new API is created, the default security profile will be preselected.

Cloud Studio

  • Proxy support for multiple connectors

    These connectors now have an option in their connection configuration to use private agent proxy settings: BigCommerce, Box, GitHub, HubSpot, Magento, Microsoft Teams, and Shopify.

  • Project history enhancements
    Numerous enhancements have been made to the project history:

    • You can now tag and add a description to deploy, restore, and migrate events.

    • Migrate events can also be tagged from the project migration screen.

    • When hovering over a migrate event tag, the MD5 digest and description of the stored project are shown.

    • Additional filters allow you to filter by deploy, migrate, and tagged events.

    • The project history is now an option in the design canvas actions menu.

  • JMS custom message support
    You can now pass a custom message property in the request of a JMS Send activity.

  • LDAP custom attribute support
    You can now select custom attributes in an LDAP Search Entry activity.

  • Kinetic (Epicor 11) support
    We have validated that the Epicor Kinetic connector supports Kinetic (Epicor 11).

  • Undo and redo for custom groups
    You can now undo and redo interactions with custom groups, such as adding and removing components, renaming a group, and disbanding a group.

  • Ability to preview user-provided NetSuite and Salesforce-based connector data
    You can now upload sample data to use for previewing a transformation using a NetSuite, Salesforce, Salesforce Service Cloud, or ServiceMax activity as the source.

Management Console and API Manager

  • Option to require an API security profile
    You can now require that APIs created through API Manager have a security profile assigned. This option is set in the Management Console from an organization's policies.



  • Private agent logs can again be downloaded
    All types of private agent logs are again able to be downloaded from the Management Console Agents page. Previously, only the debug logs were successfully downloaded.

Cloud Studio

  • Converted variables are now referenced properly
    When a reference to a global variable includes a default value, and that global variable is then converted to a project variable, the project variable is now correctly treated as a referenced component.

  • Connector Builder size limitation removed
    During the connector creation process, you can now successfully create Connector Builder connectors that have numerous activities and very large schemas.

  • Schema mismatch message is now shown
    When adding a reference to an existing transformation that owns its schema next to an activity that owns a custom schema, a schema mismatch message that allows you to refresh the appropriate schema is now displayed in the transformation.

  • OData filter string resets appropriately
    Reconfiguring an OData Query activity with a different object in steps 1 or 2 now clears the filter string in step 3 of the activity configuration.



  • NetSuite deprecation of HMAC-SHA1
    Changes are required to any projects using HMAC-SHA1 as the signature algorithm. For a timeline of key dates and instructions on how to change the signature algorithm, see NetSuite HMAC-SHA1 deprecation.