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10.49 Harmony release notes

10.49 Harmony release

The 10.49 Harmony release date is by region and component as listed below. This page includes release notes for all components being released as part of 10.49. See the related pages for Production Cloud Agent Group releases, Sandbox Cloud Agent Group releases, and private agent releases for a compilation of updates limited to each of those components.


As of 9 February 2022, private agent version 10.31 has reached end of life and is no longer supported. We recommend that all users of these (and earlier) versions upgrade to the latest versions as soon as practicable.

Harmony portal and Sandbox Cloud Agent Group

The Harmony portal and its applications and the Sandbox Cloud Agent Group are automatically updated as of these dates:

  • APAC: 15 February 2022 (AEDT), 14 February 2022 (PST)

  • EMEA: 15 February 2022

  • NA: 16 February 2022

Production Cloud Agent Group and private agents

The Production Cloud Agent Group is automatically updated and Windows and Linux private agent downloads are available from the Harmony portal Downloads page as of these dates:

  • APAC: 23 February 2022 (AEDT), 22 February 2022 (PST)

  • EMEA: 23 February 2022

  • NA: 24 February 2022

The Docker private agent is available at Docker Hub at the conclusion of the NA region release:

  • APAC: 25 February 2022 (1 pm AEDT)

  • EMEA: 25 February 2022 (3 am CET)

  • NA: 24 February 2022 (6 pm PST)

New features

Cloud Studio

  • Jenkins, SendGrid, and WooCommerce connectors
    Three new connectors, Jenkins, SendGrid, and WooCommerce, are available to use with agents version 10.1 or later. They will automatically be downloaded by an agent as required.

    • Jenkins: Get, delete, start, or stop a job on a Jenkins automation server.

    • SendGrid: Read, send, create, update, upsert, or delete SendGrid objects.

    • WooCommerce: Query, create, update, or delete WooCommerce objects.

  • Project setting to require deploy comments or tags
    Organization administrators can now enable a project setting to present a prompt that requires a comment or tag when deploying.



  • New Jitterbit variable for decoding HTML characters in nodes
    The new Jitterbit variable jitterbit.decode.html.chars can be set to true upstream of the SelectSingleNode or SelectNodes functions for these functions to support HTML characters.

  • New Jitterbit variable for wrapping of Base64-encoded strings
    The new Jitterbit variable can be set to true upstream of the Base64Encode or Base64EncodeFile functions to disable wrapping after the 64th character of the encoded result string.

Cloud Studio

  • Apache Kafka connector now supports SSL encryption
    A new Protocol dropdown in an Apache Kafka connection allows the specification of SASL PLAINTEXT, SASL SSL, or SASL SSL (SCRAM-SHA-256).


API Manager

  • API Manager can now be accessed when IP allowlisting is enabled
    Members of organizations using the Enable Whitelist IP Range organization policy can now access API Manager as expected.

Cloud Studio

  • Schemas with duplicated nodes no longer cause errors
    Operations that transform data to duplicated nodes again succeed at runtime, resolving an issue that had been unintentionally introduced with version 10.48.

  • Derived-type nodes in application connector schemas are now usable
    You can now use derived types in schemas generated by application-type connector activities and all expected derived-type nodes are now present.

  • Operation logs are now historically accurate
    The graphical depiction of an operation, along with the names of operations and operation steps, now appears in the operation log screen as it existed at operation runtime.

  • Salesforce-based connectors now support all related objects
    The Salesforce, Salesforce Service Cloud, and ServiceMax connectors now show all available parent and child objects during configuration of a Query activity. Previously, some were missing.



  • Upcoming required action for SAP connector users
    In an upcoming Jitterbit private agent release, users of the SAP Connector (Cloud Studio SAP connector or Design Studio SAP connector) on a private agent must themselves obtain the SAP Java Connector (SAP JCo) development library from SAP and install it in the appropriate location on private agents in order for their projects to continue working. No action is required on cloud agents. Detailed instructions on installation will be forthcoming.


  • NetSuite deprecation of HMAC-SHA1
    Changes are required to any projects using HMAC-SHA1 as the signature algorithm. For a timeline of key dates and instructions on how to change the signature algorithm, see NetSuite HMAC-SHA1 deprecation.


    As NetSuite will no longer support HMAC-SHA1, you must change any Harmony projects that are presently using HMAC-SHA1 as the signature algorithm to use HMAC-SHA256 instead as soon as possible to avoid issues with those integrations.