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10.48 Harmony release notes

10.48 Harmony release

The 10.48 Harmony release date is by region and component as listed below. This page includes release notes for all components being released as part of 10.48. See the related pages for Production Cloud Agent Group releases, Sandbox Cloud Agent Group releases, and private agent releases for a compilation of updates limited to each of those components.


As of 26 January 2022, private agent version 10.30 has reached end of life and is no longer supported. We recommend that all users of these (and earlier) versions upgrade to the latest versions as soon as practicable.

Harmony portal, Sandbox Cloud Agent Group, and select installers

The Harmony portal and its applications, the Sandbox Cloud Agent Group, and select component installers (as applicable) are automatically updated as of these dates:

  • APAC: 25 January 2022 (AEDT), 24 January 2022 (PST)

  • EMEA : 25 January 2022

  • NA: 26 January 2022

Production Cloud Agent Group and private agents

The Production Cloud Agent Group is automatically updated and Windows and Linux private agent downloads are available from the Harmony portal Downloads page as of these dates:

  • APAC: 2 February 2022 (AEDT), 1 February 2022 (PST)

  • EMEA: 2 February 2022

  • NA: 3 February 2022

The Docker private agent is available at Docker Hub at the conclusion of the NA region release:

  • APAC: 4 February 2022 (1 pm AEDT)

  • EMEA: 4 February 2022 (3 am CET)

  • NA: 3 February 2022 (6 pm PST)


API gateway and API Manager

  • 2-legged OAuth Flow redesigned and requires reconfiguration
    When 2-legged OAuth Flow is enabled for a security profile, the new fields OpenID Discovery URL, OAuth Scope, and Audience are now required. Using the new 2-legged OAuth flow is a two-step process:

    1. Generate an OAuth token either by passing the client ID and client secret in an RFC6749 Client Credentials Access Token Request to the new 2-legged OAuth Token URL link displayed on the Security Profiles page or by obtaining the OAuth token directly from the Identity Provider.
    2. Send the OAuth token in the API header using the "bearer" token type defined in RFC6750.

    Any existing 2-legged OAuth configurations must be reconfigured, as calling an API assigned a security profile with a pre-existing 2-legged OAuth configuration will result in a 401 HTTP Unauthorized response from the API gateway.

    For those using a private API gateway, this change requires gateway version 10.48 or later. (The cloud API gateway receives this change automatically with this release.)

    Refer to Azure AD 2-legged OAuth 2.0 API security profile or Okta 2-legged OAuth 2.0 API security profile for configuration instructions.



  • Windows Quiet Agent Installer now has a configurable installation directory and PostgreSQL username
    As part of the Windows quiet agent installer config64.ps1 script, instead of using defaults you can now specify the installation location of the private agent and associated components, and specify an alternative PostgreSQL username the agent uses to log in to the PostgreSQL database engine.

Agent and Cloud Studio

  • Operation debug logging now logs input and output data
    When you enable operation debug logging at the Cloud Studio operation level using the Enable Debug Mode Until operation option, input and output data for each operation is now accessible in the Cloud Studio operation log screen. You must be using a private agent version 10.48 or later to generate the additional log data.

Agent and Design Studio

  • Support for Windows 11, Windows Server 2022, and macOS Monterey
    Jitterbit has validated that Design Studio and private agents are supported on Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022. Design Studio is additionally supported on macOS 12 Monterey.

API Manager

  • API Manager look and feel improvements
    The colors and fonts used in API Manager have been updated for usability.

Cloud Studio

  • Microsoft Dynamics AX connector now returns headers
    The new Return Header Info checkbox in a Microsoft Dynamics AX connection can be used to return header information in the response. This feature requires the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 connector version and a 10.47 or later version of private agents.

  • OData Query activity now supports variables in filter conditions
    The OData Query activity now shows a V icon on the filter condition Value field, indicating it now supports variables.

  • Operation debug mode can now be applied to all child operations
    When enabling or disabling operation debug logging through an operation's options, a new dialog provides an Also Apply to Child Operations checkbox that will cascade the settings to any child operations.

  • Operation logs now open within the project designer
    Operation logs now open in a drawer along the bottom of the project designer to maintain your context in the project. Once the drawer is open, it can be collapsed, expanded, or opened in a separate tab.



  • Agent-Install permission now works with Linux private agent installs
    Agent-install permission now works as expected when installing Linux private agents. Previously, when attempting an install, an error indicated that the user was "not the administrator of any organization".

  • Pending operations now error out as appropriate
    In certain circumstances due to a PostgreSQL database crash, operations that were stuck in Pending status now error out as appropriate.

Agent and Cloud Studio

  • Cloud Studio application activities with a request can now succeed without transformation input
    When used in an operation, application activities that have a request schema no longer require a preceding transformation to succeed at runtime. This fix requires a 10.48 or later agent.

Cloud Studio

  • Epicor ERP Get activity now sends multiple filter parameters
    Multiple filter parameters specified as global variables in the configuration of an Epicor ERP Get activity are now sent in the request instead of sending only the first parameter specified.

  • Temporary Storage activities using compression with no password no longer fail
    When an operation using a Temporary Storage Read or Write activity has the compression options for ZIP with no specified password, the operation no longer fails at runtime with a "Premature end of file" error.

  • Derived-type nodes in NetSuite schemas are now usable
    You can now use derived types in schemas generated by NetSuite connector activities.

  • Transformation script edits now persist
    While editing transformation scripts that include global variable references, in some cases the scripts were not being saved and users needed to work slowly for their edits to be saved. This issue no longer occurs.

  • Derived-type nodes can no longer be duplicated
    For schema nodes with derived-type selection, the Duplicate node menu option is no longer available at this time.



  • Upcoming required action for SAP connector users
    In an upcoming Harmony release, users of the Cloud Studio SAP connector or Design Studio SAP connector on a private agent must obtain the SAP Java Connector (SAP JCo) development library from SAP and install it in a designated location on private agents in order for your projects to continue working. No action is required on cloud agents. Detailed instructions on installation will be forthcoming.


  • NetSuite deprecation of HMAC-SHA1
    Changes are required to any projects using HMAC-SHA1 as the signature algorithm. For a timeline of key dates and instructions on how to change the signature algorithm, see NetSuite HMAC-SHA1 deprecation.


    As NetSuite will no longer support HMAC-SHA1, you must change any Harmony projects that are presently using HMAC-SHA1 as the signature algorithm to use HMAC-SHA256 instead as soon as possible to avoid issues with those integrations.