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10.31 Harmony release notes

10.31 Harmony release

Harmony portal, private agents, and Sandbox Cloud Agent Group released February 3, 4, and 8, 2021

The 10.31 release date is by region:

  • APAC: Released 3 February 2021

  • EMEA: Released 4 February 2021

  • NA: Released February 8, 2021

Releases take up to four hours to complete.

Included in this release are updates to these Harmony components:

The Sandbox Cloud Agent Group and web applications accessed through the Harmony portal will be updated to 10.31 at the time of the release. Private agent installers will be available in each region as of the conclusion of each region's release.

As of January 27, 2021, private agent 10.13 has reached end of life and is no longer supported. We recommend that all users of these (and earlier) versions upgrade to the latest versions as soon as practicable.


As of Harmony release 10.34, 32-bit private agents are no longer be available for download. If you are currently using a 32-bit agent and want to follow our recommendation of staying on the current release, please download a 64-bit agent and perform an upgrade. Instructions for upgrading to a 64-bit agent are available at Install a Linux agent and Install a Windows agent. This change does not affect cloud agents.


API gateway

  • Updated installer to use a proxy configuration
    The private API gateway now accepts proxy information when installing. Existing gateway users can upgrade and use the command line configuration utility to add proxy information.

API gateway and API Manager

  • Two-legged OAuth support available
    OAuth authentication without human interaction (known as a two-legged workflow) is now available using the 2-legged OAuth flow setting in security profiles for Azure AD and Okta.

Cloud Studio

  • Snowflake: IN operator supported in Query activity
    The IN operator is now supported in the Build your query step of the Query activity.

  • Improved error messaging for connectors
    We improved error messages displayed in Cloud Studio to better describe errors and causes.

  • You can now continue working in Cloud Studio during a deploy
    You can continue working in Cloud Studio during a deploy. Cloud Studio also displays more informative messages about a deploy while it is in progress and when it is complete.

  • Action icons added to operation activities
    You can now deploy and run the selected operation using the icons at the upper-right of the operation.


SAP event listener

  • SAP: Changes to SAP Event Listener
    A release of the SAP Event Listener for Linux and an updated version of the SAP Event Listener for Windows are now available from the Harmony portal Downloads page. For installation instructions, see the SAP event listener installation documentation.



  • Windows agent: 64-bit upgrade error
    We have resolved an error related to PostgreSQL entries in the Windows Registry found when upgrading a Windows private agent from 32-bit to 64-bit.

Cloud Studio

  • Amazon Redshift: SQL IN operator in WHERE clause can be deleted in the Query activity
    Deleting the IN operator in a WHERE clause of a Query activity now succeeds without generating an error.

  • NetSuite: Response from a Delete activity now includes complete record information
    NetSuite now includes complete information on successfully deleted records in a Delete activity. Previously, only the error code and message were reported if the record was not successfully deleted.

  • Salesforce and ServiceMax: WHERE clause retained
    Fixes an issue where an inner WHERE clause in a query was removed when the operation runs.

  • Salesforce and ServiceMax: Inner WHERE clause deletions
    Deleting an inner WHERE clause in Salesforce Query or ServiceMax query activities now removes the clause.

  • ServiceNow: Delete activity deletes the record from the database
    The Delete activity in ServiceNow now performs a hard delete and this is accurately reflected in ServiceNow.

  • SOAP: You can no longer remove the method of an activity from an in-use endpoint
    Previously, you could remove the method in a SOAP connection even if an activity using that method was in use. Now you receive a warning showing the activity's dependencies.

  • Joined database tables error Failed to initialize transformation "Mirrored Target Schema" resolved
    We fixed this error that may occur with joined database tables and mirrored schemas.

  • Global Variables remain usable after an activity using a global variable is deleted
    If an activity contains a global variable, and the activity is deleted from a project, the usages for the global variable will be updated appropriately. If there are no remaining usages, the global variable will be deleted from the project.

  • Target schema field values preview correctly
    Previously, field values were not displaying correctly in the target schema. They now display correctly when previewed.

Harmony backend

  • Scheduled operations now run to completion
    A scheduled operation that overlaps with the start of the next run (as determined by the specified frequency) now runs to completion. No additional operations are started until the current operation completes.

Management Console