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10.39 Harmony release notes

10.39 API gateway patch

The private API gateway download link accessed through the Harmony portal was updated to version in the EMEA and APAC regions on 26 July 2021.


API gateway

  • Error referencing jbtraceid** resolved** An issue has been resolved that was causing some proxy API calls to fail as a result of the variable jbtraceid, an internal variable used for troubleshooting purposes. This variable is now disabled in the cloud API gateway and private API gateway version and later.

10.39 Harmony release

The 10.39 release date is by region:

  • APAC: 22 July 2021 (AEST), July 21, 2021 (PDT)

  • EMEA: 22 July 2021

  • NA: July 26, 2021

Included in this release are updates to these Harmony components:

The Sandbox Cloud Agent Group and web applications accessed through the Harmony portal are updated at the time of the release. Design Studio, private agent, and private API gateway installers are available in each region as of the conclusion of each region's release.

As of July 8, 2021, private agent version 10.21 has reached end of life and is no longer supported. We recommend that all users of these (and earlier) versions upgrade to the latest versions as soon as practicable.


Cloud Studio

  • Selection of project variables during migration
    During project migration, you can now select which project variables will have their values overwritten in the target environment.
  • All transformations can now be referenced
    Transformations with schemas provided by an adjacent activity and invalid transformations can now be reused as references. Previously, only transformations with schemas defined in the transformation could be referenced.
  • Generated schema filenames are now user-friendly
    Schema filenames generated from server-based connectors now contain the connector name, followed by the activity name and one of Request or Response.
  • New drop zone for operations
    A new drop zone indicating where operations can be placed on the design canvas is now visually differentiated from a drop zone for components used as operation steps.
  • Additional keyboard shortcuts
    All standard keyboard shortcuts for cut, copy, and paste are now supported. The shortcuts are listed in each actions menu for reference.


Cloud Studio and Design Studio


Cloud Studio

  • JSON sample files can now be previewed
    You no longer get an error when providing a JSON sample file for a transformation preview of an application-based connector.


  • PostgreSQL database is no longer reinitialized on Linux private agents
    The PostgreSQL database is no longer reinitialized when upgrading from a 10.37 Linux private agent. Note that the PostgreSQL database will still be reinitialized when upgrading from a pre-10.37 version to a version that is 10.39 or later. For additional details, see the release note Important PostgreSQL database upgrade notice in the 10.37 release notes.

API gateway

  • 502 error resolved
    An intermittent error 502 Bad Gateway no longer occurs.
  • Error referencing jbtraceid resolved
    An issue has been resolved that was causing some proxy API calls to fail as a result of the variable jbtraceid, an internal variable used for troubleshooting purposes. This variable is now disabled in the cloud API gateway and private API gateway version and later.