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10.17 Harmony release notes

10.17 Harmony release

Harmony portal, private agents, and Sandbox Cloud Agent Group released April 15, 16, 20, 2020

The 10.17 release date is by region:

  • APAC: Released 15 April 2020

  • EMEA: Released 16 April 2020

  • NA: Released April 20, 2020

Included in this release are updates to these Harmony components:

The Sandbox Cloud Agent Group and web applications accessed through the Harmony portal were updated to 10.17 at the time of the release. Private agent installers are available in each region as of the conclusion of each region's release.

As of May 6, 2020, Design Studio and private agent versions 10.1 will have reached end of life and will no longer be supported. We recommend that all users of these (and earlier) versions upgrade to the latest versions as soon as practicable.

New features

Cloud Studio

  • RabbitMQ Connector
    A new Cloud Studio connector for RabbitMQ is now available to use with agents version 10.1 or higher. The Consume activity is not available in this release, but will be available in an upcoming release. The new connector can be accessed on the right side of the project designer from the design component palette and will automatically be downloaded by an agent as required.



  • Number of temp files stored after using the RunXSLT() function now limited to three files
    After a failure when using the RunXSLT() function, we now clean up the temp storage of target and source XML files. Now, up to three files are retained in the temp storage after failure.

Cloud Studio

  • UI changes for Amazon Redshift Insert Bulk and Update Bulk activities
    In step 1 of the Insert Bulk and Update Bulk activities, the Continue on Error setting under Optional Settings has changed from a dropdown to a checkbox.

Design Studio

  • Operation log search limitations
    Operation log searches are now limited to a maximum 100 results at a time. Specifying a larger number is ignored and only the first 100 results are returned.

Harmony backend

  • Cloud Studio, Design Studio, and Management Console search limitations
    Any Cloud Studio, Design Studio, and Management Console searches that include operation messages are now limited to a 7-day date range.



  • New variables added to append the date to success folder filenames
    Two new Jitterbit variables, andjitterbit.source.append_date_to_success_file, are available to append the current date in 24-hour format to success folder filenames. If a variable is not set or set to true, the current date is appended to the respective success file. If set to false, no date is appended.

  • Salesforce API version 48 is now supported
    The Cloud Studio Salesforce and ServiceMax connectors and the Design Studio Salesforce connector now support Salesforce API version 48.

    • Cloud Studio uses the new API version automatically with the use of a 10.17 agent.

    • Design Studio provides the option to use the new API version with the use of both a 10.17 agent and 10.17 version of Design Studio. When opening an existing Design Studio project that uses this connector and meets both of these version requirements, you will be prompted to upgrade to Salesforce API version 48.

Cloud Studio

  • Performance improvements for project import and export
    Importing and exporting projects is now faster.

  • Exported projects are now smaller in size
    When exporting a project, Cloud Studio removes references to unused connectors, reducing the size of the export.

  • Default values in a transformation now displayed
    Cloud Studio now displays default values in a transformation, if they are available.

  • Drag and drop improvements
    When using drag and drop on the design canvas, the drop zone for operations is now larger and changed from a line to a dotted box. In addition, we improved the performance of dragging and dropping activities within an operation.

  • Epicor ERP: Option to continue on a record failure option now available
    Selecting the Continue on Record Failure option in step 1 of the Epicor Kinetic activities Post, Update, Delete, or Put BAQ (UBAQ) continues the operation if it encounters errors such as missing required fields or a bad request. Errors are written to the logfile.

  • ServiceMax: Insert Null Values option now available
    You can now use the Insert Null Values option under Optional Settings of step 1 in a ServiceMax Insert, Update, or Upsert activity.


API Manager

  • Missing values for empty fields now properly formatted in CSV files
    Missing fields in API logs are now displayed properly in text files and spreadsheets.

Cloud Studio

  • Changes to a transformation that are discarded before saving no longer change schemas
    Previously, discarding changes in the last step of NetSuite, Salesforce, ServiceMax, and Database activities (except for the Search/Query activity) caused those changes to modify the schemas of dependent transformations. This has been fixed.

  • Scripts and transformations must be named
    Cloud Studio now shows a warning message if you try to save an unnamed script or transformation. All scripts and transformations must be named.

  • Cloud Studio remembers your setting for highlighting invalid items
    When refreshing the page, Cloud Studio now remembers your selection for the Highlight invalid items setting of the design canvas.

  • Renaming an already-deployed project now syncs the project name with Harmony
    When renaming a project that has previously been deployed, the new project name is automatically deployed and updated in Harmony. No other part of the project besides the name is automatically deployed.

  • Variables can now be used in an HTTP activity path
    Variables are now resolved when used in the Path field of an HTTP activity, and can be accessed using the variables dropdown by clicking the V icon.

  • Filename keywords now appear in configurable local storage fields in Read activity field
    The variables dropdown for some optional settings in File Share, FTP, Temporary Storage, and Local Storage Read activities now displays filename keywords as applicable. These fields include After Processing > Rename File, Trigger File > Absolute File Path, and Success/Error Folder > Success in Absolute Path and Error Folder in Absolute Path.

  • Testing a base URL now works correctly in Connector Builder
    Clicking Test in step 3 of creating a Connector Builder connector, and then clicking Test in the next screen now validates the base URL correctly.

  • Variable values and descriptions are now properly formatted
    Variable values and descriptions are now properly formatted when viewed in the Variables tab of the script component palette and in the Variables tab on the source side of a transformation in mapping mode.

  • Replacing a schema and selecting a different root node now works correctly
    When replacing an existing schema with a new sample file with a different root element, and specifying when prompted that the newly provided schema should overwrite the previous one, the existing schema is now updated correctly to use the newly selected root element.

  • Changing the organization now refreshes the environment list
    Changing the organization during either project import or creation now refreshes the environments list to reflect the new organization selection.

  • Trash and pencil icons now appear on variables in mapping mode
    The icons for deleting or editing a variable now appear when hovering over the mapped variable in transformation mapping mode. Previously, the mapped field had to be removed or edited manually in script mode.