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XML functions in Jitterbit Integration Studio

XML functions are typically used in transformation mapping scripts that require the manipulation and access of XML data.



type Attribute(string attributeName, string attributeValue)


Attribute(<attributeName>, <attributeValue>)

Required parameters

  • attributeName: Attribute name
  • attributeValue: Attribute value


Creates an attribute for an XML node. See also the CreateNode function.


// Adds an attribute "name" with a value of "value"



string CreateNode(string namespace, string nodeName, type attributeSubelement[,...])


CreateNode(<namespace>, <nodeName>, <attributeSubelement>[,...])

Required parameters

  • namespace: The namespace of the node
  • nodeName: Name of the node
  • attributeSubelement: A subelement: a value, attribute, or sub-node

Optional parameters

  • attributeSubelement: Additional subelements (a value, attribute, or sub-node), as required


Creates a string representing an XML node. If the target node is the value node of an XML Any node, an XML element corresponding to the nodeName and nodeValue will be created.

Starting from the third argument, a series of values, attributes, and sub-nodes can be specified. Values are specified directly. Attributes and sub-nodes can be created with the Attribute and CreateNode functions respectively.


// Creates a node with a sub-node
    "Contact", "Bill  G.", Attribute("Type", "VIP"),
        "Title", "Manager")



string GetNodeName(type path)



Required parameters

  • path: A string reference path expression that selects a single node in the current transformation, or raw XML


Retrieves the name of a node. This method is typically used to retrieve the name of a node returned by either of the SelectNodeFromXMLAny or SelectSingleNode functions.

To enter a path to a node into the function for the path parameter, drag and drop the desired XML node folder from the Source Objects tab of the script component palette to the script to insert its qualified path at the location of your cursor, or enter its reference path manually. For more information, see the instructions on inserting source objects.


// Retrieves the name of a node
GetNodeName(SelectNodeFromXMLAny("Account", Root$Any.));



string GetNodeValue(type path)



Required parameters

  • path: A string reference path expression that selects a single node in the current transformation, or raw XML


Retrieves the value of a node. This method is typically used to retrieve the value of a node returned by either of the SelectNodeFromXMLAny or SelectSingleNode functions.

To enter a path to a node into the function for the path parameter, drag and drop the desired XML node folder from the Source Objects tab of the script component palette to the script to insert its qualified path at the location of your cursor, or enter its reference path manually. For more information, see the instructions on inserting source objects.


Example 1
// XML definition
xmlInput = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <name>John Smith</name>
            <name>Jordan Coleman</name>
            <name>Joel Parker</name>
            <name>Roger Wright</name>

// Retrieve the name of the second child:

exampleArray = GetNodeValue(SelectNodes(xmlInput, "/root/father/child[position() = 2]/name"));
result = exampleArray[0];
// Equals "Jordan Coleman"
Example 2
// Retrieves the value of a node
GetNodeValue(SelectNodeFromXMLAny("Account", Root$Any.));



string GetXMLString(type path[, bool qualified])


GetXMLString(<path>[, <qualified>])

Required parameters

  • path: A string reference path expression that selects a single node in the current transformation. The defined path must be for a node; specific fields and attributes are ignored during path evaluation

Optional parameters

  • qualified: A boolean value (default false); when qualified (true), the XML string returned is easier to read but may not by itself be valid XML


Returns (when used in a transformation mapping) the corresponding XML string found in the source XML document at the specified path.

To enter a path to a node into the function for the path parameter, drag and drop the desired XML node folder from the Source Objects tab of the script component palette to the script to insert its qualified path at the location of your cursor, or enter its reference path manually. For more information, see the instructions on inserting source objects.


The defined path must be for a node; specific fields and attributes are ignored during path evaluation.


// Retrieves the corresponding XML string at the specified path
// Retrieves the corresponding XML string at the specified path



bool IsNil(string path)



Required parameters

  • path: A string reference path expression that selects a single node in the current transformation


Returns (when used in a Formula Builder mapping) if the corresponding XML node has the attribute "xsi:nil" with the value of true (or 1).

To enter a path to a node into the function for the path parameter, drag and drop the desired XML node folder from the Source Objects tab of the script component palette to the script to insert its qualified path at the location of your cursor, or enter its reference path manually. For more information, see the instructions on inserting source objects.

As described in XML Schema, an element may be valid without content if it has the attribute xsi:nil with the value true.


// Returns if the node is nil



array RunXSLT(string xslt, string xml1[, string xml2,... string xmlN)


RunXSLT(<xslt>, <xml1>[, <xml2>,... <xmlN>])

Required parameters

  • xslt: A string reference path to an activity associated with a file-type endpoint in the current project that returns an XSLT stylesheet
  • xml1...xmlN: A string reference path to an activity associated with a file-type endpoint in the current project that returns one or more XML documents


Supports running XSLT (v1-3) on a number of input XML documents. Takes as input an XSLT stylesheet and one or more XML documents and returns an array of XML documents.

The xslt parameter used in this function call must be defined as an activity associated with a file-type endpoint in the current project that returns an XSLT stylesheet. The xml1...xmlN parameters used in this function call must be defined as one or more activities associated with file-type endpoints in the current project that return one or more XML documents. These include configured File Share, FTP, HTTP, Local Storage, and Temporary Storage activities. For more information, see the instructions on inserting endpoints.

Referring to files from within an XSLT stylesheet

While Jitterbit has broad support for XSLT, projects that use XSLT must follow rules to pass the security standards. These rules mean that access to files or URIs must always be through the use of activities defined in the same project.

To reference these files or URIs in a stylesheet, use the XLST fn:doc function and specify 'param1' for the first XML input, 'param2' for the second XML input, and so on for each additional XML file.

Given the example of processing three XML files (customers, salesPeople, salesOrders), you could refer to them in an XSLT stylesheet using:

<xsl:for-each select="doc('param1')/*:Customers/*:SalesOrder[customer_external_id!=''][sales_person_external_id!='']">
<xsl:for-each select="doc('param2')/*:SalesPeople/*:Account[*:customer_id/string(number(text()))=$CustomerExtId][1]">
<xsl:for-each select="doc('param3')/*:SalesOrders/*:SalesOrder[customer_external_id!=''][sales_person_external_id!='']">

If you have a single input XML file, it is not required to use the doc('param1') syntax as Jitterbit will set the initial context to that single file.

Specifying a starting template in the stylesheet

In some situations, Jitterbit needs to know where in a stylesheet to begin processing. This is achieved by including in the stylesheet a template with the specific name of start_here:

<xsl:template name="start_here" match="/">


// Running XSLT on XML Files

// Read in a stylesheet
xslt = ReadFile("<TAG>activity:ftp/FTP Endpoint/ftp_read/XSLT</TAG>");

// Read in two XML files for processing
xml1 = ReadFile("<TAG>activity:ftp/FTP Endpoint/ftp_read/XML1</TAG>");
xml2 = ReadFile("<TAG>activity:ftp/FTP Endpoint/ftp_read/XML2</TAG>");

// RunXSLT on the stylesheet and the two XML files
output = RunXSLT(xslt, xml1, xml2);

// As RunXSLT() returns an array,
// retrieve the output from each element
i = 0;
While(i < Length(output),
  // Write output to a file
  WriteFile("<TAG>activity:ftp/FTP Endpoint/ftp_write/XML Output FTP</TAG>",
    output[i], "output" + (i+1) + ".xml");



type SelectNodeFromXMLAny(string nodeName, type anyNodes)


SelectNodeFromXMLAny(<nodeName>, <anyNodes>)

Required parameters

  • nodeName: The desired node name
  • anyNodes: The data element path of a value node of an XML Any element, a string reference path expression to an array of XML nodes in the current transformation, or raw XML


Returns the first XML node from a list of XML Any nodes that match the node name.

To enter a path to an array of XML nodes into the function for the anyNodes parameter, drag and drop the desired XML node folder from the Source Objects tab of the script component palette to the script to insert its qualified path at the location of your cursor, or enter its reference path manually. For more information, see the instructions on inserting source objects.


// Looks for the first node that matches "Account"
SelectNodeFromXMLAny("Account", Root$Any#.);



array SelectNodes(type node, string xPathQuery[, string xPathArg1,... string xPathArgN])


SelectNodes(<node>, <xPathQuery>[, <xPathArg1>,... <xPathArgN>])

Required parameters

  • node: A string reference path expression to the desired node in the current transformation, an XML fragment to run the query on, or raw XML
  • xPathQuery: The data element path of a value node of an XML Any element

Optional parameters

  • xPathArg1...xPathArgN: Prefixes specifying the namespaces of nodes in the XPath query


Runs an XPath query (see the XPath standard, v1-v3) on either an XML fragment or an XML node returned from another function, and returns the results of the query.

If the optional prefixes are used to specify the namespaces of the node in the XPath query, the prefixes must be specified as one or more string arguments after the XPath (see the second example).

To enter a path to a node into the function for the node parameter, drag and drop the desired XML node folder from the Source Objects tab of the script component palette to the script to insert its qualified path at the location of your cursor, or enter its reference path manually. For more information, see the instructions on inserting source objects.

To support HTML characters, set jitterbit.decode.html.chars to true upstream of this function. This variable is supported with string data when using 10.49 agents and later.


Example 1
// XML definition
xmlInput = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <name>John Smith</name>
            <name>Jordan Coleman</name>
            <name>Joel Parker</name>
            <name>Roger Wright</name>

// Retrieve all the XML nodes that match the XPath query:

SelectNodes(xmlInput, "/root/father/child");
// Returns {"<child> <name>John Smith</name> <age>20</age> </child>","<child> <name>Jordan Coleman</name> <age>32</age> </child>","<child> <name>Joel Parker</name> <age>54</age> </child>","<child> <name>Roger Wright</name> <age>28</age> </child>"}

// Retrieve a range of nodes using a position argument with the XPath query:

SelectNodes(xmlInput, "/root/father/child[position() > 2 and position() <= 4]");
// Returns {"<child> <name>Joel Parker</name> <age>54</age> </child>","<child> <name>Roger Wright</name> <age>28</age> </child>"}
Example 2
// XML definition with root namespace
xmlInput = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ns0:root xmlns:ns0="urn:ean.ucc:align:2">
            <name>John Smith</name>
            <name>Jordan Coleman</name>
            <name>Joel Parker</name>
            <name>Roger Wright</name>

// Retrieve all the XML nodes that match the XPath query with a namespace considered:

SelectNodes(xmlInput, "/ns0:root/father/child", "ns0=urn:ean.ucc:align:2");
// Returns {"<child> <name>John Smith</name> <age>20</age> </child>","<child> <name>Jordan Coleman</name> <age>32</age> </child>","<child> <name>Joel Parker</name> <age>54</age> </child>","<child> <name>Roger Wright</name> <age>28</age> </child>"}
Example 3
// Connects to an LDAP server, runs a search,
// and then runs an XPath query on the results
searchResults = LDAPSearch("CN=Users,DC=company,DC=example,DC=com",
    "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user))", 1,
    "name", "whenCreated", "description", "telephoneNumber");
resultNodes = SelectNodes(searchResults,
    "/DirectoryResults/Entry[name='Administrator']/whenCreated" );
Example 4


In this second example, the reference node is an XML node for an XML Any node. In the XPath query, ns1:E2 is not the reference node itself.

Since the prefixes ns1 and ns2 are used in the XPath query, they are defined as additional arguments after the XPath.



array SelectNodesFromXMLAny(string xPathQuery, type anyNodes[, string xPathArg1,... string xPathArgN])


SelectNodesFromXMLAny(<xPathQuery>, <anyNodes>[, <xPathArg1>,... <xPathArgN>])

Required parameters

  • xPathQuery: An XPath query
  • anyNodes: The data element path of a value node of an XML Any element, a string reference path expression to an array of XML nodes in the current transformation, or raw XML

Optional parameters

  • xPathArg1...xPathArgN: Prefixes specifying the namespaces of nodes in the XPath query


Returns an array of all the XML nodes that are matched by an XPath query (see the XPath standard, v1-v3) run against either a path of a value node of an XML Any element or an array of XML nodes.

If the optional prefixes are used to specify the namespaces of the node in the XPath query, the prefixes must be specified as one or more string arguments after the XPath (see the second example).

To enter a path to an array of XML nodes into the function for the anyNodes parameter, drag and drop the desired XML node folder from the Source Objects tab of the script component palette to the script to insert its qualified path at the location of your cursor, or enter its reference path manually. For more information, see the instructions on inserting source objects.


Example 1
// Select all the nodes with the given names
SelectNodesFromXMLAny("Account|Customer|Name", Root$Any#.);
Example 2
// Select email addresses and phone numbers only
$nodes = SelectNodesFromXMLAny("cust:EmailAddress|cust:PhoneNumber",
    Customer$Any#., "cust=urn:xmlns:25hoursaday-com:customer");



type SelectSingleNode(type node, string xPath,...)


SelectSingleNode(<node>, <xPath>,...)

Required parameters

  • node: A string reference path expression to the desired node in the current transformation, an XML fragment to run the query on, or raw XML

  • xPathQuery: The data element path of a value node of an XML Any element

Optional parameters

  • xPathArg1...xPathArgN: Prefixes specifying the namespaces of nodes in the XPath query


Runs an XPath query (see the XPath standard, v1-v3) on either an XML fragment or an XML node returned from another function, and returns the first node in the results of the query.

If the optional prefixes are used to specify the namespaces of the node in the XPath query, the prefixes must be specified as one or more string arguments after the XPath (see the second example).

To enter a path to a node into the function for the node parameter, drag and drop the desired XML node folder from the Source Objects tab of the script component palette to the script to insert its qualified path at the location of your cursor, or enter its reference path manually. For more information, see the instructions on inserting source objects.

To support HTML characters, set jitterbit.decode.html.chars to true upstream of this function. This variable is supported with string data when using 10.49 agents and later.


Example 1
// XML definition
xmlInput = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <name>John Smith</name>
            <name>Jordan Coleman</name>
            <name>Joel Parker</name>
            <name>Roger Wright</name>

// Retrieve the first matching node given an XPath query:

SelectSingleNode(xmlInput, "/root/father/child");
// Returns <child> <name>John Smith</name> <age>20</age> </child>
Example 2
// Connects to an LDAP server, runs a search,
// runs an XPath query on the results, and
// selects the first node in the query results
LDAPConnect("", "ghvwright", "1LikesPe@ches", 0);
searchResults = LDAPSearch("CN=Users,DC=company,DC=example,DC=com",
    "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user))", 1, "name",
    "whenCreated", "description", "telephoneNumber");
resultNode = SelectSingleNode(searchResults,
Example 3
// Selects the first node in an XPath query result.
// The reference node is an XML node for an XML Any node.
// In the XPath query, "ns1:E2" is not the reference node itself.
// Since the prefixes ns1 and ns2 are used in the XPath query,
// they are defined as additional arguments after the XPath.