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Monitor a Wevo iPaaS process queue

A process queue is a method of organizing data sent by a flow. They can sit in the queue until they are integrated into their target systems. This page teaches you how to monitor the status of your process queues.

Access a process queue

In the lateral menu, click Process Queue (indicated by the red arrow in the image below) to see all the queues:

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  • Browsing: To browse between pages, use the forward and backward arrow buttons. Note that there is a counter showing how many pages of records you've got. To update the information, click the refresh icon.

  • Search: Click the magnifying glass to locate a specific queue more quickly by typing its name and searching for it.

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View queue records

Click on one of the queues or Details to display the records. They will be shown like this:

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  • Source ID: A unique code that identifies the record of a single process.

  • Trying Amount: A counter that keeps track of how many attempts were made to integrate a process.

  • Created Date: When a record was created.

  • Updated Date: When the most recent update was made to the record.

  • Next Try Date: When the next attempt to integrate the process is scheduled to take place.

  • Last Try Date: When the most recent attempt to integrate the process took place.


When you click on a piece of data in a process queue, a window is opened where you can view all the information described above, as well as a few others, like the time of each attempt, and the ID, queue ID, destination ID, and message body of that piece of data.

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You can see counters on the right side of the screen that keep track of how many records on that queue have each of the five possible statuses. This is what each one of them means:

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  • Pending: This queue represents all processes whose integrations are still pending.

  • Temporary error: If a process hasn't integrated for any reason, it will be assigned a Temporary error status, and will remain there as long as it still has pre-configured reattempts to go through.

  • Aborted: When the integration of a process is deliberately prevented, an Aborted status is assigned. The Abort a record section below shows how you can prevent an integration from taking place.

  • Permanent error: After a process that had been assigned a Temporary error status has exhausted all of its pre-configured reattempts and the integration still wasn't successfully completed, it gets assigned a Permanent error status, and remains there indefinitely unless any issues are manually fixed.

  • Shipped: This status means that a record was successfully integrated.

Queue options

This small menu shows some actions that can be done to your process queue, see what they are:

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  • Edit Queue: Edit the name and description of your process queue.

  • Send to Email: Generate a spreadsheet with the process queue's data, or only the data pertaining to a certain status, and send it via email.

  • Delete Items: Use this option to delete the data in a process queue. To do so, select all the records you want to delete then click Delete Items.

  • Delete Queue: This option deletes your process queue. Do not use it unless you are certain, because this is an irreversible action.

  • Move to Aborted: Allows you to assign the Aborted status to a process, thus preventing the integration.

  • API URL: You can enter information of the API that will be activated when the process queue's data are sent to integration.

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Abort a record

As was explained above in the Status section, a feature of process queues is the ability to manually prevent the integration of a record by moving it to the Aborted status. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Search for the record whose status you want to alter.

  2. Mark its checkbox.

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  3. Click Queue options to see a list options:

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  4. Click Move to Aborted and confirm. You can do that to more than one record if you want.

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Audit log

This feature allows you to audit your records based on their actions. See Audit log to learn more.

Send records via email in a spreadsheet

You can save the records in a spreadsheet that can be easily shared, which can be helpful if there is ever a need to draft reports, for instance. To do so, click the Queue Options menu and select Send to Email:

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After that, enter the email address that will receive the document. You can enter more than one. Use the Status Queue menu to pick the statuses whose records should be sent. Click the All checkbox if you want to send everything.

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Click Send and an email will be sent with the spreadsheet as an attachment.