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10.85 / 11.23 Harmony release notes

10.85 / 11.23 Harmony release

This page includes release notes for all generally available components being released as part of 10.85 / 11.23. Compilations of release notes for Production Cloud Agent Groups, Sandbox Cloud Agent Groups, and private agents are also available.

The 10.85 / 11.23 release is staggered based on the dates and times as listed below by component and region. You can subscribe to maintenance notifications for web-based components at Jitterbit Trust. Locally installed components are available from the downloads page (except for the Docker private agent, which is available at Docker Hub). The end-of-life date for these components is one year after the release date.

11.23 Sandbox Cloud Agent Group
10.85 Design Studio
Cloud platform and applications
11.23 Production Cloud Agent Group
11.23 and 10.85 Windows and Linux private agents
11.23 Docker private agent
APAC March 12, 2024 (1 - 5 AM AEDT) March 19, 2024 (3 - 9 PM AEDT) March 21, 2024 (10 PM AEDT)
EMEA March 12, 2024 (8 PM - 12 AM CET) March 20, 2024 (5 - 11 AM CET) March 21, 2024 (12 PM CET)
NA March 13, 2024 (12 - 4 PM PDT) March 20-21, 2024 (9 PM - 3 AM PDT) March 21, 2024 (3 AM PDT)


As of March 8, 2024 private agent versions 10.67 and 11.5 have reached end of life and are no longer supported. We recommend that all users of either of these versions upgrade to the latest version as soon as practicable.

New features

Cloud Studio



  • NetSuite WSDL version 2024.1 support
    Jitterbit has verified support for NetSuite WSDL version 2024.1 with the Cloud Studio NetSuite connector and the Design Studio NetSuite connector.

  • Salesforce API version 60 support
    Salesforce API version 60 is now supported for these connectors:

  • Better handling of operation routing
    When agents in an agent group are incapable of running an operation, handling of routing the operation to a capable agent has been improved.

Cloud Studio



  • Once-daily schedule is no longer skipped during daylight saving time switch
    When a Cloud Studio or Design Studio operation is scheduled to run on a once-daily schedule during the hour of transition to daylight saving or standard time (for example, 2 to 3 AM on November 3, 2024), the schedule will now run the operation at the latest time in UTC instead of the schedule skipping that run of the operation.


    The upgraded agent version will not yet be available for the daylight saving time switch on March 10, 2024. As an alternative and as a general practice for schedule consistency, we recommend using the Override Schedule Agent Time Zone setting in your organization's policies to use a schedule time zone that does not observe daylight saving time, such as Etc/UTC (cloud agents use UTC by default).

Cloud Studio

  • BigCommerce Update activity now supports external order ID
    The external_order_id field is now included in BigCommerce Update activity schemas using the Orders V2 object > Update an Order sub-object.

Design Studio

  • Generation of XSD from JSON no longer causes an error
    A sample JSON file can again be used to generate an XSD in the transformation wizard. Previously, an error with XSD generation was occurring with the 10.82 version of Design Studio.


  • Download links for project files now work
    Links to download project files such as template documentation and customizations now initiate a download of the expected files.



  • Jitterbit’s intention to stop distributing private agent 10.x
    Jitterbit intends to stop distributing a 10.x private agent version within the next several Harmony releases. Since Harmony release 10.63 / 11.1, both a 10.x and 11.x private agent version have been distributed with these differences:

    • 11.x versions: In 11.1 and later versions, the PostgreSQL database bundled with the private agent is now version 14.5-1.

    • 10.x versions: Current 10.x versions are packaged with the existing 9.6.24-1 PostgreSQL. The distributed 10.x versions will continue to be supported in accordance with Jitterbit’s end-of-life policy.


    Upgrading to an 11.x Windows private agent from 10.x requires a complete uninstall. Follow the documented instructions to complete the upgrade. Linux private agents can be upgraded as usual from any 10.x version.

NetSuite connector, Cloud Studio, and Design Studio

  • HMAC-SHA1 deprecation and removal from the Cloud Studio and Design Studio UI
    NetSuite is deprecating HMAC-SHA1 as a valid signature algorithm as previously announced (see NetSuite HMAC-SHA1 deprecation). To support these changes, Jitterbit intends to remove the HMAC-SHA1 signature algorithm from the Cloud Studio and Design Studio UI in an upcoming Harmony release.


    As the HMAC-SHA1 signature algorithm will no longer be supported by NetSuite or the Jitterbit Harmony NetSuite connectors, you should change any Jitterbit Harmony projects that are presently using HMAC-SHA1 as the signature algorithm to use HMAC-SHA256 as soon as possible to avoid issues with those integrations.