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10.52 Harmony release notes

10.52 Harmony release

The 10.52 Harmony release date is by region and component as listed below. This page includes release notes for all components being released as part of 10.52. See the related pages for Production Cloud Agent Group releases, Sandbox Cloud Agent Group releases, and private agent releases for a compilation of updates limited to each of those components.


As of April 21, 2022 private agent version 10.34 has reached end of life and is no longer supported. We recommend that all users of these (and earlier) versions upgrade to the latest versions as soon as practicable.

Harmony portal, Sandbox Cloud Agent Group, and select installers

The Harmony portal and its applications, the Sandbox Cloud Agent Group, and select component installers (as applicable) are automatically updated as of these dates:

  • APAC: April 19, 2022 (AEST), April 18, 2022 (PDT)

  • EMEA: April 19, 2022

  • NA: April 20, 2022

Production Cloud Agent Group and private agents

The Production Cloud Agent Group is automatically updated and Windows and Linux private agent downloads are available from the Harmony portal Downloads page as of these dates:

  • APAC: April 26, 2022 (AEST), April 25, 2022 (PDT)

  • EMEA: April 26, 2022

  • NA: April 27, 2022

The Docker private agent is available at Docker Hub at the conclusion of the NA region release:

  • APAC: April 28, 2022 (1 pm AEST)

  • EMEA: April 28, 2022 (3 am CEST)

  • NA: April 27, 2022 (6 pm PDT)

New features

Cloud Studio

  • ShipStation connector
    The ShipStation connector can be used to query, create, update, or delete objects in ShipStation. The connector will automatically be downloaded by agents version 10.1 or later as required.


Cloud Studio

  • Coupa connector performance improvement
    To improve the speed of working with schemas generated using the Coupa connector, Coupa activities no longer generate the created-by and updated-by nodes unless you use the new Show All Fields checkbox available in each activity configuration.

  • EDI for Cloud Get Document v2 activity
    The new EDI for Cloud Get Document v2 activity is intended to replace the existing Get Document activity, which has been deprecated and may be removed in the future. The Get Document v2 activity is an enhanced version of this activity that returns the eiCloudID in its response, which can then be used in the request of an EDI for Cloud Set Status activity.

  • OData connector support for manual queries and variables
    The OData Query activity now provides the option of specifying a filter string manually in the new Advanced tab. The previous user interface is now shown in the Basic tab and includes additional fields for Skip and Top, as well as support for variables in existing filter fields.


Agent and Design Studio

  • Better support for multi-byte characters
    Agents and Design Studio scripts now have better support for multi-byte characters.

API gateway and API Manager

  • Missing API logs are now present
    When API request data contains a certain sequence of characters (\\",) and API debug logging is enabled, logs appear in the API Manager API Logs page as expected.

API Manager

  • Unassigning a security profile now removes the correct profile
    When unassigning a security profile from an API Manager API, the correct security profile is now removed. Previously, the wrong profile was removed.


NetSuite, Cloud Studio, and Design Studio

  • HMAC-SHA1 deprecation and removal from the Cloud Studio and Design Studio UI
    NetSuite is deprecating HMAC-SHA1 as a valid signature algorithm as previously announced (see NetSuite HMAC-SHA1 deprecation). To support these changes, Jitterbit intends to remove the HMAC-SHA1 signature algorithm from the Cloud Studio and Design Studio UI in an upcoming Harmony release.


    As the HMAC-SHA1 signature algorithm will no longer be supported by NetSuite or the Harmony NetSuite connectors, you should change any Harmony projects that are presently using HMAC-SHA1 as the signature algorithm to use HMAC-SHA256 as soon as possible to avoid issues with those integrations.


  • Upcoming required action for SAP connector users
    In an upcoming Jitterbit private agent release, users of the SAP Connector (Cloud Studio SAP connector or Design Studio SAP connector) on a private agent must themselves obtain the SAP Java Connector (SAP JCo) development library from SAP and install it in the appropriate location on private agents in order for their projects to continue working. No action is required on cloud agents. Detailed instructions on installation will be forthcoming.