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10.19 Harmony release notes

10.19 Harmony release

Private agents

Released 14 June 2020 for all regions


We fixed an issue with private agents where operations using URL encoding in FTP URL filenames were failing and generating errors. The fix version number is Please check your installed version and install the latest version.

Harmony portal, private agents, and Sandbox Cloud Agent Group released May 27, 28, and June 1, 2020

The 10.19 release date is by region:

  • APAC: Released 27 May 2020

  • EMEA: Released 28 May 2020

  • NA: Released June 1, 2020

Included in this release are updates to these Harmony components:

The Sandbox Cloud Agent Group and web applications accessed through the Harmony portal were updated to 10.19 at the time of the release. Private agent installers are available in each region as of the conclusion of each region's release.

As of May 6, 2020, Design Studio and private agent versions 10.1 have reached end of life and are no longer be supported. We recommend that all users of these (and earlier) versions upgrade to the latest versions as soon as practicable.

New features

Cloud Studio

  • BMC Helix ITSM Connector
    A new Cloud Studio connector for BMC Helix ITSM is now available to use with agents version 10.1 or higher, with Create and Delete activities available. The new connector can be accessed from the Cloud Studio design component palette and will automatically be downloaded by an agent as required.

  • Shopify: New activities available
    The Shopify connector has new activities: Read, Query, Create, Update, and Delete. These new activities replace existing activities. Projects using the existing activities will require the creation and configuration of new activities to replace any existing activities.


Cloud Studio

  • Copy icon now provides feedback
    The copy icon in the operation log now provides feedback when hovered over, clicked, and then released. A tooltip appears when the data is copied.

  • Preview mode displays activities separately
    Preview mode now splits the activities out from connections to its own category. Previously, both connections and activities were listed under Connections.

Harmony portal


Cloud Studio

  • Drag and drop improvements
    This release includes general improvements and fixes to drag-and-drop components on the design canvas.

  • Global variables support inline editing and displaying values on hover
    Clicking the collapse icon in a global variable pill displays the variable in text format, where you can add a default value. Hovering over the global variable pill displays information about the variable.

  • Shopify: Authentication types supported
    When creating a Shopify connection, you can use basic authentication or use a Shopify access token.



  • Fixed an issue where operations using URL encoding of FTP filenames failed
    Operations using URL encoding in FTP URL filenames were failing and generating errors. The fix version number is Please check your installed version and install the latest version.

  • Intermittent errors with Linux 64-bit private agents resolved
    With earlier 64-bit Linux private agents, intermittent errors and segmentation faults occurred. Upgrade to a 10.19 private agent to avoid these errors.

  • Files claimed to be missing during a deploy or agent sync can be recovered
    In some cases you may receive an error asserting that files are missing. You may be able to recover these files by redeploying the project.

Cloud Studio

  • Filtering the operations log on SOAP faults displays results correctly
    Selecting SOAP Fault from the filter dropdown in the operation log returns the correct results.

  • Searches in the Workflows tab now return the correct matching results
    Searching in the project pane Workflows tab now returns the matching results for all workflows, not just the currently selected workflow.

  • Workflows refresh automatically
    Workflows on the design canvas now automatically refresh after reordering using drag and drop.

  • NetSuite: Invalid nodes now shown after a schema change
    After making a schema change in a NetSuite Search activity, invalid nodes are now displayed.

  • Salesforce Query activity now returns deleted records in the test query
    If you select Include Deleted Rows in step 2 of the Salesforce Query activity and then click Test Query, the deleted records are now returned.

  • Salesforce: Query sample data can be changed in the transformation preview
    Clicking Change now brings you to the Salesforce Query activity configuration, where you can edit the query.

  • Salesforce: Delete activity configured with invalid credentials now allowed on the design canvas
    You can place a Salesforce Delete activity with invalid credentials on the design canvas. Previously, Delete activities with invalid credentials were not allowed.

  • Shopify: You can select sub-objects with activities
    When specifying an object in Shopify activities, you can now select a sub-object in step 2 of the activity.

Design Studio

  • JMS (Java Messaging Service): JMS connector with RabbitMQ sends an acknowledgment for all messages
    When using RabbitMQ with the Design Studio JMS connector, listeners set to transacted mode now send an acknowledgment to RabbitMQ for each message.