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10.26 Harmony release notes

10.26 Harmony post-release

Released November 5, 2020

After the Harmony 10.26 release, the BMC Helix ITSM connector was updated.

Cloud Studio

  • BMC Helix ITSM: Special characters allowed as input in activities
    Special characters (ñ, ê, etc.) may be included in inputs for the Create, Update, and Query activities. This fix requires a Cloud Agent (either Sandbox or Production) or a Linux private agent version 10.1 or later. Currently, Windows private agents are not supported with this fix.

10.26 Harmony release

Harmony portal, private agents, and Sandbox Cloud Agent Group released october 21, 22, and 26, 2020

The 10.26 release date is by region:

  • APAC: Released 21 October 2020

  • EMEA: Released 22 October 2020

  • NA: Released October 26, 2020

Included in this release are updates to these Harmony components:

The Sandbox Cloud Agent Group and web applications accessed through the Harmony portal were updated to 10.26 at the time of the release. Private agent installers are available in each region as of the conclusion of each region's release.

As of October 14, 2020, private agent version 10.8 reached end of life and is no longer be supported. We recommend that all users of this (and earlier) versions upgrade to the latest versions as soon as practicable.

As of October 26, 2020, Jitterbit requires all calls to our cloud API gateway to use TLS 1.2. Jitterbit cloud agents and web-based Harmony applications accessed through the Harmony portal (Cloud Studio, API Manager, Management Console, and Citizen Integrator) already use TLS 1.2 automatically without user action. If you have an older version of a locally installed Jitterbit application, you may need to upgrade the version to one that uses TLS 1.2. For more information and upgrade instructions, see TLS version compatibility.



  • Added an agent configuration option to remove extra linefeeds
    When using a transformation to post, the content length may be read incorrectly, causing the post to be rejected. Instead of using the Jitterbit variable $ in a script, you can make a configuration change to the private agent. In the jitterbit.conf file, set TargetHttpRemoveTrailingLinebreaks to true. This configuration change requires an agent version 10.26 or later.

Cloud Studio

  • BMC Helix Operations Management connector updated
    The BMC Helix Operations Management connector has been updated with additional activities, including Update Event, Register Webhook, and Deregister Webhook. The BMC Helix Operations Management connector requires the use of an agent version 10.1 or later.

  • Jira: Additional objects available with the Search activity
    Additional objects including Issues are now available with the Search activity. See step 2 of the Jira Search activity configuration for a list of available objects.

  • Mapped XML attributes are displayed in preview mode
    A transformation output now shows the XML attributes in preview when previewing a transformation.


Agents and Design Studio

  • TLS 1.0 support for agents 10.5 and later
    We fixed an issue with an HTTP target in Design Studio, where selecting TLS 1.0 under Advanced SSL Version in the Advanced HTTP Properties dialog box was ignored with agent versions 10.5 or later.

Cloud Studio

  • API and SOAP API: A WSDL with a duplicate name can replace an existing WSDL
    You can select a WSDL with a duplicate name to replace an existing WSDL.

  • Database: Filter conditions and previewing a transformation with a MySQL database now work
    When editing existing filter conditions, values no longer disappear. When previewing the activity's transformation, commas in the data are treated correctly.

  • Jira: Spaces supported in object names
    When configuring an Update activity, you can select objects with spaces in their names.

  • Salesforce: Response schema returns all extra objects selected in the Query activity
    Extra objects selected in step 2 of the Query activity configuration are now returned in the response schema.

  • Slack: Request and response schemas now load correctly
    With some Slack activities, request and response schemas were unavailable. This has been fixed.

  • Duplicate global variables can not be created
    You can no longer create new duplicate global variables in a project.

API Manager

  • Using multiple filters with API Logs returns the correct results
    Previously, selecting multiple filters on the API Logs screen would not return the correct matching results. This has been fixed, and the results match the selected filters.