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Audit Logging page in Jitterbit Management Console


The Audit Logging page of the Management Console allows Harmony organization administrators to retrieve logs of Harmony user activity taking place in the Management Console, API Manager, and Integration Studio, and external users accessing the API Manager Portal page.

To access the page, log in to the Harmony portal, then use the Harmony portal menu in the top left and navigate to Management Console > Audit Logging:

Audit Logging

As an alternative to viewing audit logs on this page, you can retrieve audit logs using a REST API. The Audit log service API is described later on this page.


Audit logs are retained for 30 days after the user activity takes place.


To enable and view audit logs, you must be a member of a role with Admin permission in the organization.

Enable audit logging

The control to enable or disable audit logging is synchronized across these two Management Console pages:

  • This page: Select Audit Logging Disabled to turn on or Audit Logging Enabled to turn off audit logging for the currently active organization:

    Page header 1a

    Page header 1b

  • Organizations page: Select the appropriate organization in the table. In the Organization Policies drawer, select the API Management tab, then select Enable audit logging to turn audit logging on or off for the organization.

Audit Logging page header

The header along the top of the page includes a search bar, date and time filters, and additional options:

Page header 2

The search bar allows you to filter the logs by the search criteria provided below:

Search bar

Search criteria

Searches are made in the key=value format. The five criteria that can be used as keys are shown with examples in the table below:

Column name Key Valid Search
Username username
Action action action=query
Environment ID environmentId environmentId=123456
Environment Name environmentName environmentName=production
Activity Description activity activity=two factor

Searches can contain a combination of criteria. Combined search criteria must be separated by a semi-colon (;) between each criterion. These are examples of valid combined searches:


Date and time filters

By default, audit log data from the past two days are displayed in the audit logging table.

To change the period, click the calendar icon in the date range bar:

Date range bar

A date picker opens where you can set the start and end dates for the display period:

Audit logging date filter

To reset the period to the default, click the date range bar's reset icon.

Additional options

To the right of the date and time filters are the following controls:

  • Refresh: Refresh the table data.

  • Columns settings: Open the column settings drawer:

    Columns settings

    Use this to change the arrangement and visibility of columns. The drawer has the following controls:

    • Show All: Make all columns visible.
    • Move: Drag and drop to change the position of the column relative to others.
    • Hide: The column is visible. Click to hide it.
    • Show: The column is hidden. Click to show it.
    • Save: Save the columns.
    • Cancel: Close the columns drawer without saving changes.
  • Download: Click to download a ZIP file containing a CSV file with the current audit log data based on the applied filters and search criteria.

When there are more than 100 operations, they are split into pages of 100 each. You can move through them using these navigation buttons at the bottom of the table:

Audit logging Paginator

  • First page: Go to the first page.

  • Previous page: Go to the previous page.

  • Next page: Go to the next page.

  • Last page: Go to the last page.

View audit logs

Each row in the audit logs table displays audit logging data of activity and logins taking place in the Management Console, API Manager, and Integration Studio:

Audit logging table

  • Username: The username of the user performing the activity.

  • Action: The action performed by the user, one of Create, Delete, Update, or Query:

    • Create: Indicates the user created new data in the contents of a page in the Management Console, an API in API Manager, or a project in Integration Studio. For example, creating a new agent in Management Console or deploying a project in Integration Studio would be Create actions.

    • Delete: Indicates the user deleted data from the contents of a page in the Management Console, an API in API Manager, or a project in Integration Studio. For example, deleting an agent in the Management Console or deleting a project from Integration Studio would be Delete actions.

    • Update: Indicates the user updated the contents of a page in the Management Console, an API in API Manager, or a project in Integration Studio. For example, changing the name of an agent in the Management Console would be an Update action.

    • Query: Indicates the user viewed the contents of a page in the Management Console, an API in API Manager, or a project in Integration Studio. For example, viewing the list of projects in Integration Studio would be a Query action.

  • Activity Info: When a deployment action occurs, this column displays the names of the affected Integration Studio project and operation. When a project is deployed, the name of the project is displayed. When a single operation is deployed, the name of the project containing the operation and the name of the operation is displayed. When an API Manager security profile is added or removed, the change is displayed. When a user role is changed, the change is displayed.

  • Time: The timestamp of the activity. Times are displayed in your browser's time zone.

  • Environment ID: The ID of the environment or environments where the activity takes place.

  • Environment Name: The name of the environment where the activity takes place.

  • Activity Description: A description of the activity. If no description is available, the endpoint URL is shown.

Audit log service API

As an alternative to viewing audit logs on the Management Console Audit Logging page, you can retrieve audit logs using a REST API. This requires the use of either command line utilities such as curl or applications such as Postman.

To use the Audit Log Service API, after enabling audit logging for the organization (described earlier on this page), follow these steps:

  1. Retrieve an authentication token using the User Service Controller API. This token is required in order to use the Audit Log Service API.

  2. Retrieve logs using the Audit Log Service API.

Retrieve an authentication token

Retrieving an authentication token requires the use of the User Service Controller API.


If your Harmony organization has TFA enabled, this request will fail. Retrieving the authentication token requires two different requests.

An example request showing logging in to the NA region and retrieving the authorization token:

Using curl
curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "email": "",
    "password": "Jitterbit4Ever!"

Base URL

The base URL depends on the region that the organization is located in:

Region Base URL


These headers are required:

Header Required Example Description
Content-Type Required 'Content-Type: application/json' Indicates the format that will be sent in the request.

Body parameters

These required parameters are passed in the body of the request:

Required Parameter Required Type Example Description
email Required String Harmony username (email address) with a role with Admin permission in the organization
password Required String Jitterbit4Ever! Harmony user password

Response body

The returned response body contains a list of the organizations that the user is associated with in addition to the authentication token ("authenticationToken"). This token is required for subsequent authorization with the Audit Logging API. In this example, the authentication token is "1_70dfe7f7-1d47-4ad5-be5d-bc4a222dd2g4". The organization ID is shown as "123456" for the first organization that this user belongs to. An example of the response:

Response Body
  "status": true,
  "operation": "User login",
  "authenticationToken": "1_70dfe7f7-1d47-4ad5-be5d-bc4a222dd2g4",
  "serverUrl": "",
  "cloudAppsUrl": "",
  "orgAttrs": [
      "orgId": "123456",
      "orgName": "JB Example Company",
      "orgZoneUrl": ""
      "orgId": "20970",
      "orgName": "",
      "orgZoneUrl": ""
  "defaultOrgId": "123456",
  "sessionTimeoutInSeconds": 14400

Retrieve an authentication token with TFA enabled

If a user's Harmony organization has two-factor authentication (TFA) enabled, retrieving the authentication token requires two requests using the User Service Controller API:

  1. Retrieve a TFA code

  2. Use the TFA code to retrieve an authentication token

Retrieve a TFA code

A valid TFA code is required to retrieve an authentication token when TFA is enabled. An example request showing logging in to the NA region and requesting a TFA code:

Using curl
curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "email": "",
    "password": "Jitterbit4Ever!",
    "deviceId": "abcd"
Base URL

The base URL depends on the region that the organization is located in:

Region Base URL

These headers are required:

Header Required Example Description
Content-Type Required 'Content-Type: application/json' Indicates the format that will be sent in the request.
Body parameters

These required parameters are passed in the body of the request:

Required Parameter Required Type Example Description
email Required String Harmony username (email address) with a role with Admin permission in the organization
password Required String Jitterbit4Ever! Harmony user password
deviceId Required String abcd Identifier that will be used to confirm the TFA code in the next request
Response body

The returned response body contains an error message indicating that a TFA code was sent to the user's email address.

Response Body
  "status": false,
  "operation": "User login",
  "errorMessage": "Validate your login with authentication code. An email from Jitterbit with the code was sent to you.",
  "authenticationToken": null,
  "serverUrl": "",
  "orgAttrs": [],
  "defaultOrgId": null

Use the TFA code to retrieve an authentication token

The TFA code sent to the user's email address can now be used in the second request to retrieve the authentication token. An example request showing logging in to the NA region with a TFA code and retrieving the authorization token:

Using curl
curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "email": "",
    "password": "Jitterbit4Ever!",
    "code": "112233"
    "deviceId": "abcd"
Base URL

The base URL depends on the region that the organization is located in:

Region Base URL

These headers are required:

Header Required Example Description
Content-Type Required 'Content-Type: application/json' Indicates the format that will be sent in the request.
Body parameters

These required parameters are passed in the body of the request:

Required Parameter Required Type Example Description
email Required String Harmony username (email address) with a role with Admin permission in the organization
password Required String Jitterbit4Ever! Harmony user password
code Required String 112233 TFA code sent to the Harmony user's email
deviceId Required String abcd Identifier submitted to generate the TFA code in the previous request
Response body

The returned response body contains a list of the organizations that the user is associated with in addition to the authentication token ("authenticationToken"). This token is required for subsequent authorization with the Audit Logging API. In this example, the authentication token is "1_70dfe7f7-1d47-4ad5-be5d-bc4a222dd2g4". The organization ID is shown as "123456" for the first organization that this user belongs to. An example of the response:

Response Body
  "status": true,
  "operation": "User login",
  "authenticationToken": "1_70dfe7f7-1d47-4ad5-be5d-bc4a222dd2g4",
  "serverUrl": "",
  "cloudAppsUrl": "",
  "orgAttrs": [
      "orgId": "123456",
      "orgName": "JB Example Company",
      "orgZoneUrl": ""
      "orgId": "654321",
      "orgName": "",
      "orgZoneUrl": ""
  "defaultOrgId": "123456",
  "sessionTimeoutInSeconds": 14400

Retrieve audit logs

Once you have the authentication token, the organization ID, and a time period you are interested in, you can retrieve audit logs. An example showing retrieving all records beginning on January 1, 2021 and including the detailed version of the records:

Using curl
curl --request POST '' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'authToken: 1_70dfe7f7-1d47-4ad5-be5d-bc4a222dd2g4' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "queryParams": {
        "organization_id": "123456"
    "range": {
        "fromTimestamp": "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
        "toTimeStamp": "9999-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"


If present in the log output, passwords, password phrases, and authentication tokens are overwritten with asterisks to mask them.

Base URL

The base URL depends on the region that the organization is located in:

Region Base URL


The Audit Log Service has these endpoints (APIs) available:

Endpoint Optional accept Header Description
auditlog 'accept: application/json' Returns audit logs in JSON format
auditlog/download 'accept: application/zip' Returns audit logs in a compressed (ZIP) CSV format with filename format

URL parameters

These parameters can be passed in the URL:

Parameter Required Type Example Description
detail Optional Boolean detail=true Indicates if the user_id of the user making the action is to be returned in the data. By default, this is false.


These headers can be used in the request:

Header Required Example Description
accept Optional 'accept: application/json'
'accept: application/zip'
Indicates the format that will be accepted in the response: one of json or zip. If used, must match the endpoint as shown above.
authToken Required 'authToken: 1_70dfe7f7-1d47-4ad5-be5d-bc4a222dd2g4' Passes the authorization token (authenticationToken) returned by the User Service Controller API.
Content-Type Required 'Content-Type: application/json' Indicates the format that will be sent in the request.

Body parameters

These parameters can be passed in the body of the request:

Parameter Key Required Type Example Description
queryParams Not applicable Required Map "queryParams": {
"organization_id": "123456"
The query parameters used when searching the audit log database; query terms are combined with an AND operator.
queryParams organization_id Required String 123456 Harmony organization ID. The organization must be located in the region that matches the base URL.
queryParams organization_name Optional String JB Example Company Name of the organization.
queryParams operation_name Optional String /jitterbit-cloud-restful-service/... The name (URL) of the operation (the API call to Harmony) that was logged.
queryParams action Optional String QUERY The action performed by the operation.
queryParams action_timestamp Optional String 2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z From date timestamp, in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sssZ format.
queryParams environment_ids Optional String 132510, 132520, 132530 Comma-separated list of environment IDs to use in the query.
queryParams environment_names Optional String Development, QA Comma-separated list of environment names to use in the query.
range Not applicable Required Map "range": {
"fromTimestamp": "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"toTimeStamp": "9999-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
The time range of the audit logs that are to be returned. Specify a time in the future to return all logs. Logs are retained for thirty days. Though you can specify a date in the past and the future, only logs from the last thirty days of activity are available.
range fromTimestamp Required String 2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z "From" date timestamp, in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sssZ format.
range toTimestamp Required String 2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z "To" date timestamp, in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sssZ format.


This example uses the auditlog/download endpoint to retrieve all records for organization 123456, with an action of QUERY, beginning as of January 1, 2023, including the detailed version of the records, and downloaded as CSV in a compressed (ZIP) file format to an output file:

Using curl
curl --request POST '' \
--output '' \
--header 'accept: application/zip' \
--header 'authToken: 1_70dfe7f7-1d47-4ad5-be5d-bc4a222dd2g4' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "queryParams": {
        "organization_id": "123456",
        "action": "QUERY"
    "range": {
        "fromTimestamp": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
        "toTimeStamp": "9999-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"

Example log output

This is an example fragment of the JSON output returned by the auditlog endpoint:

Response Body
  "records": [
      "username": "",
      "organization_id": "123456",
      "organization_name": "JB Example Company",
      "operation_name": "/jitterbit-cloud-restful-service/user/login",
      "action": "UPDATE",
      "action_timestamp": "2023-03-23T09:59:59.999Z",
      "environment_ids": null,
      "environment_names": null,
      "sort_values": [
      "user_id": null,
      "acitivity_info": null,
      "request_body": "null",
      "response_body": "null"
      "username": "",
      "organization_id": "123456",
      "organization_name": "JB Example Company",
      "operation_name": "/jitterbit-cloud-restful-service/subscription/list/647330",
      "action": "QUERY",
      "action_timestamp": "2023-03-23T08:59:59.999Z",
      "environment_ids": null,
      "environment_names": null,
      "sort_values": [
      "user_id": null,
      "acitivity_info": null,
      "request_body": "null",
      "response_body": "{\"subscriptions\":[{\"organizationId\":\"123321\",\"lastUpdatedBy\":\"\",\"offeringName\":\"Jitterbit Harmony Enterprise\",\"activatedOn\":1658343482577,\"createdBy\":\"\",\"displayExpiresOn\":1660934256000,\"lastUpdatedOn\":1658343482660,\"expiresOn\":2607705456000,\"id\":\"125521\",\"createdOn\":1658343482577,\"offeringEnumId\":\"5\"}],\"operation\":\"List Subscription by Organization\",\"status\":true}"
      "username": "",
      "organization_id": "123456",
      "organization_name": "JB Example Company",
      "operation_name": "/jitterbit-cloud-restful-service/project/env/detail/654321",
      "action": "CREATE",
      "action_timestamp": "2023-03-23T07:59:59.999Z",
      "environment_ids": [
      "environment_names": [
          "Default Environment"
      "sort_values": [
      "user_id": null,
      "acitivity_info": "Project: Salesforce to NetSuite Operation: Get Customers",
      "request_body": "null",
      "response_body": "{\"projEnvDetails\":{\"noOfConnections\":0,\"lastUpdatedBy\":\"\",\"agentClusterId\":1,\"noOfHostedEndPoints\":0,\"appRuntime\":\"sandbox\",\"agentGroupId\":\"99999\",\"urlPrefix\":\"defaultUrlPrefix\",\"permission\":7,\"envId\":\"654321\",\"agentGroupName\":\"Production Cloud Agent Group\",\"lowestAgentVersion\":\"\",\"createdOn\":1515425638817,\"orgId\":\"123456\",\"noOfScripts\":0,\"noOfProjects\":0,\"createdBy\":\"\",\"envName\":\"Default Environment\",\"envType\":2,\"noOfFileFormats\":0,\"envDesc\":\"Default environment created by Harmony\",\"lastUpdatedOn\":1661335689017,\"noOfOperations\":0},\"operation\":\"Get detail of a Project Env\",\"status\":true}"
. . .


For the returned output of environment_ids and environment_names, a response with a null value indicates that the operation does not have an impact on the environment. A response with a single value indicates that the operation was at the environment level and impacts only that environment. A response with multiple values indicates that the operation was at the organization level and impacts multiple environments.