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10.13 Harmony release notes

10.13 Harmony release

Harmony portal, private agents, and Sandbox Cloud Agent Group released January 22, 23, and 27, 2020

The 10.13 release date is by region:

  • APAC: Released 22 January 2020

  • EMEA: Released 23 January 2020

  • NA: Released January 27, 2020

Included in this release are updates to these Harmony components:

The Sandbox Cloud Agent Group and web applications accessed through the Harmony portal were updated to 10.13 at the time of the release. Private agent installers are available in each region as of the conclusion of each region's release.

As of January 14, 2020, Design Studio and private agent versions 9.7 have reached end of life and are no longer supported. We recommend that all users of these (and earlier) versions upgrade to the latest versions as soon as practicable.

New features

Cloud Studio

  • Amazon Redshift connector
    A new Cloud Studio connector for Amazon Redshift is now available to use with agents version 10.1 or higher. The new connector can be accessed on the right side of the project designer from the design component palette and will automatically be downloaded by an agent as required.


Harmony backend

  • Additional URLs can be allowlisted
    Additional URLs and their corresponding static IP addresses can be allowlisted for Jitterbit agents to receive necessary communications. Depending on your region, these include the URLs,, and, as listed in Jitterbit's Allowlist information.


Cloud Studio

  • Project exports now tracked in the project history
    Exporting a project now appears as an event in a project's history, recording the timestamp and user who performed the export.

  • Workday connector now supports additional API versions
    During configuration of a Workday connection, you can now select from Workday API versions 33.1, 32.2, or 33.0 in addition to the already-supported versions 32.1 and 32.0.

  • Jira connector now supports search and additional objects
    The Jira connector now provides a Search activity for searching for issues. In addition, it now supports creating and deleting groups, avatars, issue attachments, issue links, and issue watchers, and creating, deleting, and updating filters, issue comments, and issue worklogs.

  • Object search in Query activities is more intuitive
    The user interface for searching for objects in a Database, Salesforce, or ServiceMax Query activity now allows for searching of fields within selected child objects.



  • 64-bit Windows private agents can now accept gzip-encoded HTTP responses
    When using a 64-bit Windows private agent with an HTTP endpoint that is configured to accept gzip-encoded responses, the agent now correctly decompresses the HTTP response. Previously, the operation would fail.

Cloud Studio

  • Renamed components now update properly in scripts
    When renaming a project component that is referenced in a script, the script reference now updates properly to the new name.

  • Operation action limits are now enforced
    When configuring operation actions, you are now limited to a maximum of one of each action type (Run Operation or Send Email Notification) per condition (On Success, On Fail, or On SOAP Fault). In addition, the selected operation or email notification cannot be associated with more than one action. Previously, configuring operation actions exceeding these limits would result in unexpected behavior.

  • Deletion of processed files now works
    When reading from Local Storage, Temporary Storage, or a File Share, the After Processing option Delete File now works as expected.

  • Global variables can now be permanently removed
    After defining a global variable in a script, and then removing its reference so that it is no longer referenced anywhere in a project, the global variable will no longer erroneously be listed in the project pane's Components tab.

  • Transformation mapping exports and validations now reflect activity schema updates
    When exporting a transformation mapping that references an updated schema from an adjacent activity, the export no longer erroneously includes the prior mappings of the schema before it was updated. In addition, the transformation now refreshes the display of validation errors to use the updated schema.

  • Manual database queries can now be reconfigured
    After configuring a new manual Database Query activity, changes made to the configuration after reopening it will now be saved. Previously, changes made to an existing manual database query would not take effect.

  • Plugins associated with certain activities are now deployed
    When deploying a project with an existing plugin that was associated with certain application-specific activities prior to the 10.12 Harmony release, the plugin is now deployed as expected.

  • Creating Jira attachments and watchers now works
    The Issue_attachments and Issue_watchers objects in a Jira Create activity now function properly. Previously, an exception would occur at operation runtime.

  • All applicable AWS regions are now available in the Amazon S3 connector
    When configuring an Amazon S3 connection, additional AWS regions including the Middle East (Bahrain) and Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) are now available in the region dropdown. In addition, several regions that are not available in the Amazon S3 service have been removed from the dropdown, including China (Ningxia), China (Beijing), and AWS GovCloud (US).

  • Uploading a large number of files to Amazon S3 now works
    When using an Amazon S3 Put Object activity to upload a large number of files, the operation no longer fails while waiting for a connection.