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10.11 Harmony release notes

10.11 Harmony release

Harmony portal, Design Studio, private agents, and Sandbox Cloud Agent Group released December 11 and 16, 2019

The 10.11 release date is by region:

  • APAC: Released 11 December 2019

  • EMEA: Released 16 December 2019

  • NA: Released December 16, 2019

Included in this release are updates to these Harmony components:

The Sandbox Cloud Agent Group and web applications accessed through the Harmony portal were updated to 10.11 at the time of the release. Design Studio and private agent installers are available in each region as of the conclusion of each region's release.

As of December 12, 2019, Design Studio and private agent versions 9.6 have reached end of life and are no longer supported. We recommend that all users of these (and earlier) versions upgrade to the latest versions as soon as practicable.

New features

Cloud Studio

  • Transformation reuse Transformations with both a source and a target schema defined within the transformation can now be referenced in multiple operations. To use the transformation in multiple operations, drag the transformation's name from the project pane's Components tab into an operation on the design canvas.


Cloud Studio

  • Operation status is now displayed on the design canvas
    When running an operation during design time, the real-time operation status is now displayed on the lower left of the operation. Clicking the operation status opens the operation log in a separate browser tab so that you can continue working while operations are running.

  • Unused components can now be deleted by category
    You can now bulk delete unreferenced project components, which are displayed with a broken link icon in the project pane's Components tab. To delete these components in bulk, use the category's actions menu within the same tab.

  • Connector Builder base URLs can now be edited by end users
    When creating a custom Connector Builder connector, you can now specify whether the base URL should be exposed and editable by an end user configuring the connector. Previously, end users weren't able to see or change the base URL.

  • Custom groups without components now persist
    After removing all components from a custom component group, the group is no longer deleted by default. You can still delete a custom group by selecting Ungroup from its actions menu.

  • Previewing a transformation improved
    Updates have been made to previewing a transformation to improve usability across all supported endpoints.

  • Salesforce API version 47 is now supported
    The Salesforce and ServiceMax connectors now use Salesforce API version 47. This automatic upgrade is from version 45 and includes new objects supported in both versions 46 and 47.

  • NetSuite 2019.2 WSDL is now supported
    The NetSuite connector now supports NetSuite's 2019.2 WSDL. To use the WSDL, specify its URL ( during configuration of a NetSuite connection.

  • Jira connector is now more robust
    The Jira connector now includes support for creating, updating, and deleting objects (projects, users, issues, etc.), creating issues in bulk, accessing custom fields, handling and notification of errors, and deleting objects by ID. Note that the latest version of the Jira connector is not compatible with previously configured Jira connections or activities. If you are already using the Jira connector, please contact Jitterbit support for assistance with updating the project.

  • Salesforce and ServiceMax activities can now be dragged from the project pane to an operation
    You can now drag and drop unused Salesforce or ServiceMax activities from the project pane's Components tab to an operation in the design canvas. Note that referencing the same Salesforce or ServiceMax activity in multiple operations is not supported. Instead, you can make a copy of the activity to use elsewhere.

  • Snowflake connector now supports stored procedures and deleting records
    The Snowflake connector now includes two new activities: (1) an Invoke Stored Procedure activity, which allows you to take advantage of extended features in Snowflake and to reuse existing code, and (2) a Delete activity, which deletes records from a Snowflake table by using a WHERE clause provided within the request transformation.

  • Snowflake Put activities now handle errors by default
    When using the Stage File approach for a Snowflake Put activity, any errors that are encountered during processing will now be returned by default under the error node of the response structure. Previously, you could configure whether errors were returned using a Validation Mode field, which has now been removed.

  • Snowflake Put activities can now handle empty or extra columns
    When using the Stage File approach for a Snowflake Put activity, if using a request file where the number of columns doesn't match that of the corresponding table, by default the operation will no longer fail and the provided data will be inserted. You can override this behavior either by selecting the new Error On Column Count Mismatch configuration option, or by setting errorOnColumnCountMismatch to false within the request schema. Overriding the default behavior will result in the operation failing and an error being returned in the response.

Design Studio and agent

  • Salesforce API version 47 is now supported
    The Design Studio Salesforce connector now supports Salesforce API version 47 with the use of a 10.11 agent and 10.11 version of Design Studio. When opening an existing Design Studio project that uses this connector and meets both of these version requirements, you will be prompted to upgrade to Salesforce API version 47. This upgrade from version 45 includes new objects supported in both versions 46 and 47.

Design Studio

  • NetSuite 2019.2 WSDL is now supported
    The Design Studio NetSuite connector now supports NetSuite's 2019.2 WSDL. To use the WSDL, specify its URL ( during configuration of a NetSuite endpoint. Support for the 2019.2 WSDL does not require an agent or Design Studio upgrade.



  • FTP/HTTP transfer for large files now works
    When using Cloud Studio or Design Studio to upload a file greater than 2 GB to an FTP or HTTP endpoint, the transfer is now successful. Previously, you may have received an error regarding a libcurl function. The issue was caused by library upgrades in Jitterbit agent version 8.29 and has been resolved with 10.11 and higher agents.

Cloud Studio

  • New Cloud Studio project names that are already in use in Design Studio are now invalid
    When creating or importing a project, validation now ensures that the project name is not already in use as a Design Studio project in the same environment. Previously, conflicts could be inadvertently created with an existing Design Studio project by giving a Cloud Studio project the same name.

  • Deploy conflicts are now resolved
    Deploying a project no longer fails when the same project is being edited by the same or different user in another session while deployment is in process. The failure to deploy was a result of the project being saved in the other session before the deployment finished.

  • Reusing a schema after deploying now works
    Reusing a custom, mirrored, or file-based schema after deploying now works as expected. Previously, unless the schema was first edited or reuploaded, a generic "unexpected" error would occur.

  • Character-delimited schema options can again be used
    During configuration of a custom flat or hierarchical schema, you can again use the Options interface that becomes accessible when Character Delimited is selected. Previously, clicking within the Options interface would cause it to close without being able to make edits.

  • Component deletion now works properly when RunOperation() is used with an operation named the same as a workflow
    When using the Jitterbit function RunOperation() in a script, where the operation being called has the same name as a workflow in the current project, dependencies are now handled properly. Previously, certain components were unable to be deleted as a result of incorrectly reported dependencies related to the operation and workflow.

  • Component configuration values are now preserved when creating a project variable
    During configuration of components with fields where variables can be used, if you use the Add link to create and save a project variable, existing configuration values are now preserved when you return to the previous component configuration. Previously, upon being returned to the component configuration, configuration values that had been input prior to creating the variable weren't retained.

  • Renaming an operation from the design canvas now works as expected
    When renaming an operation from the design canvas, the Rename option now focuses on the operation name on the design canvas for renaming, instead of focusing on the operation name in the project pane.