Jitterbit App Builder setup on Microsoft Azure
Setup instructions for running App Builder on Microsoft Azure using App Service for App Builder and VM for SQL Server Web.
- These instructions are intended for development and QA and production environments of App Builder.
- The instructions are broken down into 3 parts. VNet setup, Database setup and App Service setup. These are guidelines and if an organization has standard practices for provisioning the VNet or database, they should use that.
- For performance, it is important that the database VM and app service be provisioned in the same region.
- In the screenshots that follow, arrows are used to highlight where settings were made / changed or saved.
Part i. VNet setup
If you already have a VNet configured, you can use that but otherwise it is recommended to configure a VNet for traffic between the App Builder App Service and the database.
(ref: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/configure-vnet-integration-enable)
In this screenshot, the VNet was configured with a bastion (which was auto-provisioned) – this is optional. You must have a subnet available for the AppService, which is called "AppServiceSubnet" in the screenshot below:
Part ii. Database setup
(Optional – if organization has another method for starting SQL Server instances use that)
Create a Windows VM with SQL Server already installed and running:
The screenshot below shows the settings we used for our qa/dev framework, using the default server sizing recommended. For production environments this might be larger.
The marketplace screen for selecting the Image above:
We use primarily defaults for the additional settings:
For networking you would likely use an existing Virtual Network
We enable SQL Authentication for the SQL Server instance:
Part iii. App service setup
To use a specific build of App Builder, specify its Image and Tag in the format jitterbit/vinyl:3.3.12345
Update configuration for Docker
The database we provisioned in our vnet was named "zudysqlserverqa" and is accessible via "zudysqlserverqa.internal.cloudapp.net"
ConnectionInfo__DatabaseType: SQLServer
ConnectionInfo__HostName: zudysqlserverqa.internal.cloudapp.net
ConnectionInfo__CommandTimeout: 300
ConnectionInfo__DatabaseName: App Builder
ConnectionInfo__UserName: vinyl
ConnectionInfo__Password: YourDatabasePassword
Enable VNet integration
Create File Shares to be mounted by the app service
We left all the screens with default settings
App Builder requires 3 file shares to persist data permanently.
Create 3 file shares for the data, keys and logs directories.
Mount the disks on the app service
All 3 added.
Name and Mount Point must be named exactly as seen below:
The values for Name and Mount path should be:
- vinyl_data
- vinyl_keys
- vinyl_logs
Optional: Turn on app service logs:
Confirm system up (it takes App Builder approximately 2 minutes to install the first time)
Verify that the File Shares keys and logs contain files
Appendix – Redis setup for multiple app service instances
Setup Redis
- Go to Azure Cache for Redis and select Create
- Select Standard C1 or Basic C0
- Ensure the cache is in the correct resource group, region, and give it a unique name
Select Private Endpoint and there is no need to actually create a private endpoint:
Configure Azure app service to use Redis
Once the service is running, you can get the connection string for it from Access Keys page:
In the App Builder App Service add the following properties:
- SharedState__Provider:
- SharedState__RedisConnectionString:
Save the configuration and App Builder will use Redis for coordination between instances.