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11.38 Harmony release notes

11.38 Harmony release

The 11.38 Harmony release is staggered based on the dates and times as listed below by component and region. For a more detailed explanation of the release cadence by component category, see the release schedule.

11.38 Design Studio
11.38 cloud and private API gateway
Cloud platform and applications
11.38 Sandbox Cloud Agent Group (SCAG)
SDK connectors on 11.38 SCAG
11.38 Production Cloud Agent Group (PCAG)
SDK connectors on private agents and 11.38 PCAG
11.38 Windows and Linux private agents
11.38 Docker private agent
11.38 Docker private API gateway
APAC January 22, 2025 (2 - 6 AM AEDT) January 28, 2025 (4 - 8 PM AEDT) February 4, 2025 (4 - 10 PM AEDT) February 6, 2025 (10 PM AEDT)
EMEA January 22-23, 2025 (9 PM - 1 AM CET) January 29, 2025 (6 - 10 AM CET) February 5, 2025 (6 - 12 PM CET) February 6, 2025 (12 PM CET)
NA January 23, 2025 (12 - 4 PM PST) January 29-30, 2025 (9 PM - 1 AM PST) February 5-6, 2025 (9 PM - 3 AM PST) February 6, 2025 (3 AM PST)

The 11.38 Harmony release also includes the release of App Builder 4.0.36202 (11.38), whose release notes are provided separately. Jitterbit also released 11.38 Data Loader during this timeframe.

Compilations of release notes for Production Cloud Agent Groups, Sandbox Cloud Agent Groups, and private agents are also available.

You can subscribe to maintenance notifications for web-based components at Jitterbit Trust. Locally installed components are available from the Downloads page (except for the Docker private agent and Docker private API gateway, which are available at Docker Hub). The end-of-life date for these components is one year after the release date.

Known issue

Amazon S3 operations are failing

  • Summary: Some existing operations using the Amazon S3 connector that were previously working have begun to fail around the timeframe of the 11.38 release.

  • Resolution: If you experience this issue, add the permission s3:GetObjectTagging to your AWS IAM policy to resolve this issue.

New features

Integration Studio

  • Tools
    A new tab of the design component palette, Tools, provides the ability to drag and drop a new script or transformation onto the design canvas, similar to how you can drag and drop activities to create a new activity instance on the design canvas.

    A new Flow Control tool category provides access to a new component: Invoke Operation (Beta). Use the Invoke Operation (Beta) tool wherever you would normally use a script dedicated to the RunOperation function. The new Invoke Operation (Beta) tool functions as a visual step in an operation, similar to scripts, transformations, and activities, making it easier for you to control your workflows. To provide feedback on this beta feature, contact the Jitterbit Product Team.


Agent and API gateway

  • Ubuntu 24.04 LTS support
    The Ubuntu 24.04 LTS operating system has been verified to be supported for private agents and private API gateways 11.38 and later.


Harmony portal

Integration Studio

  • Ability to create an API Manager security profile
    You can now create a new API Manager security profile from within the Integration Studio Publish as an API wizard.

  • Access to the project history outside a project
    You can now access a project's history from the Projects page. Being able to open the project history from this location provides the ability to restore a deployed project without opening it.

Integration Studio SDK connectors

  • Amazon S3 connector AWS SDK upgrade and support for object metadata
    The Amazon S3 connector now uses version 2.29.34 of the AWS SDK. In addition, in an Amazon S3 Put Object activity's Optional settings, new tables for System metadata and User metadata allow you to specify the Key and Value of object metadata to include in the request. The metadata fields are also present in Put Object and Get Object activity schemas.

  • Coupa connection authentication clarifications
    A new Coupa connection now defaults to the OAuth 2.0 selection and indicates that the X-COUPA-API-KEY authentication type is deprecated by Coupa. When testing a connection using the deprecated API key type, the expected error is now returned.


Integration Studio SDK connectors

  • OData Update and Delete requests now support multiple keys
    When providing multiple keys in the mapping of a field in the request transformation preceding an OData Update or Delete activity, the request URL is now formed correctly. Previously, the connector would return a runtime error if more than one key was provided.


Agent, API gateway, and Design Studio

  • End of life for versions 10.82 / 11.20
    As of January 18, 2025, these product versions have reached end of life and are no longer supported:

    • Private agent versions 10.82 and 11.20
    • Private API gateway version 10.82
    • Design Studio version 10.82

    We recommend that all users of any of these versions upgrade to the latest version as soon as practicable.


  • Private agent versions 10.x are no longer updated
    Private agent version 10.87 was the last 10.x agent version distributed by Jitterbit and is intended to be the final supported 10.x agent version.

    Since Harmony release 10.63 / 11.1, both a 10.x and 11.x private agent version had been distributed with these differences:

    • 11.x versions: In 11.1 and later versions, the PostgreSQL database bundled with the private agent is now version 14.5-1.

    • 10.x versions: Supported 10.x versions are packaged with the existing 9.6.24-1 PostgreSQL. The distributed 10.x versions will continue to be supported in accordance with Jitterbit's end-of-life policy.


    To continue to receive private agent updates, including new features, enhancements, security patches, and fixes, upgrading to an 11.x private agent is required.

    Follow the instructions to upgrade from 10.x to 11.x agents:

NetSuite connector, Integration Studio, and Design Studio

  • HMAC-SHA1 deprecation and removal from the Integration Studio and Design Studio UI
    NetSuite is deprecating HMAC-SHA1 as a valid signature algorithm as previously announced (see NetSuite HMAC-SHA1 deprecation). To support these changes, Jitterbit intends to remove the HMAC-SHA1 signature algorithm from the Integration Studio and Design Studio UI in an upcoming Harmony release.


    As the HMAC-SHA1 signature algorithm will no longer be supported by NetSuite or the Jitterbit Harmony NetSuite connectors, you should change any Jitterbit Harmony projects that are presently using HMAC-SHA1 as the signature algorithm to use HMAC-SHA256 as soon as possible to avoid issues with those integrations.