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10.84 / 11.22 Harmony release notes

10.84 / 11.22 Harmony release

This page includes release notes for all generally available components being released as part of 10.84 / 11.22. Compilations of release notes for Production Cloud Agent Groups, Sandbox Cloud Agent Groups, and private agents are also available.

The 10.84 / 11.22 release is staggered based on the dates and times as listed below by component and region. You can subscribe to maintenance notifications for web-based components at Jitterbit Trust. Locally installed components are available from the downloads page (except for the Docker private agent, which is available at Docker Hub). The end-of-life date for these components is one year after the release date.

11.22 Sandbox Cloud Agent Group
10.84 Design Studio
Cloud platform and applications
11.22 Production Cloud Agent Group
11.22 and 10.84 Windows and Linux private agents
11.22 Docker private agent
APAC February 21, 2024 (2 - 6 AM AEDT) February 27, 2024 (4 - 10 PM AEDT) February 29, 2024 (10 PM AEDT)
EMEA February 21-22, 2024 (9 PM - 1 AM CET) February 28, 2024 (6 AM - 12 PM CET) February 29, 2024 (12 PM CET)
NA February 22, 2024 (12 - 4 PM PST) February 28-29, 2024 (9 PM - 3 AM PST) February 29, 2024 (3 AM PST)


As of February 15, 2024 private agent versions 10.66 and 11.4 have reached end of life and are no longer supported. We recommend that all users of either of these versions upgrade to the latest version as soon as practicable.

New features

Management Console

  • Configuration and management of 3-legged OAuth for connectors
    The new Customizations > App Registrations page allows you to register a third-party 3-legged OAuth application as a connector app to authenticate a connection with certain Cloud Studio connectors.

    The registered app must be used in conjunction with a Cloud Studio connector that supports 3LO and is also registered with the OAuth provider. (With this release, the Jira connector now supports 3LO.)

    Prior to the configured expiration of the refresh token, a notification can be configured within the connection to notify administrators that the connection will soon require reauthorization by providing user consent.

    You can see which deployed projects have endpoint connections that require reauthorization in the new Endpoints tab on the Projects page.

Cloud Studio

  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud connector general availability
    The Salesforce Commerce Cloud connector is no longer a beta version. It can be used to retrieve object data based on a custom query, set of criteria, or specified IDs, or create, update, or delete object data. This connector is supported on both cloud and private agents.



  • Multiple certificate support for Harmony SSO with Microsoft Entra ID
    When multiple certificate definitions are provided in the Microsoft Entra ID (formerly known as Azure AD) identity provider metadata that is used when configuring Harmony SSO, logging in to Harmony with the configured SSO no longer fails and returns you to the login screen. Now, the agent can read multiple specified certificates, so that if one passes, it is accepted.

Cloud Studio

  • Jira connector support for 3-legged OAuth and custom SSL
    A Jira connection has multiple enhancements:

    • A new Authentication Mechanism menu provides the option to select either Credential-based Auth (default existing) or OAuth (newly supported). When OAuth is selected, you select a registered OAuth Application and click Log in with Jira to provide consent through Atlassian in a separate browser tab. To use 3-legged OAuth, agent version 10.83 / 11.21 or later is required.

    • A new Use SSL checkbox in Optional Settings provides custom SSL support when you also add a certificate to the Jitterbit Java KeyStore when using private agents. You can also enable hostname verification and select the security protocol to use.

  • EDI for Cloud v2 simplified connection configuration
    An EDI for Cloud v2 connection no longer requires users to enter the Organization ID, Environment ID, and Region. Instead, these values are now automatically detected when using agent version 10.74 / 11.12 or later. The fields remain available to configure for connecting to the Jitterbit EDI application outside the organization, environment, or region where the current project resides.

  • Microsoft Teams connector ability to specify custom Chat channel by ID
    The Microsoft Teams Chat activity now provides the option to Enter Chat ID Manually rather than selecting an existing channel. Providing a Chat ID enables delivery of a message via dynamic chat ID, including direct chat.

  • Additional connector support for verbose logging
    The Apache Kafka and MongoDB connectors now support connector verbose logging using the documented configuration entries.

Design Studio

  • Updated macOS version
    The macOS version of Design Studio includes any updates made between the 10.77 and 10.83 releases.



  • DateAdd now returns the correct year when subtracting a multiple of 12 months
    The DateAdd function now returns the correct year value when subtracting months (mm or m) in a multiple of 12 months (12, 24, 36, etc.). Previously, the returned year date would be incorrectly reduced by an additional 1 year.

  • Multiple logs can no longer occur for the same operation execution
    Multiple logs with the same timestamp for a single operation no longer appear in the operation log when a scheduled operation is canceled but still completes. Now, only the most recent status for the operation is shown as its final status reported in a single log.

Cloud Studio

  • Transformations with hyphens in XML property names no longer fail
    The presence of a hyphen in an XML schema property name no longer causes the transformation to fail at runtime. For this fix to take effect, you must provide the schema again rather than using an existing saved schema.

  • Google BigQuery connector fixes
    Multiple fixes have been made to the Google BigQuery connector:

    • Querying large datasets (~500 MB) no longer results in a Java heap space error at runtime.
    • Processing of JSON data of the mode NULLABLE no longer fails during execution of the transformation.
    • Updating JSON-type fields can now be done simultaneously with fields of other data types.
  • Salesforce connector schemas are now reusable
    Schemas generated in a Salesforce, Salesforce Service Cloud, or ServiceMax activity are now available to select as saved schemas.



  • Jitterbit’s intention to stop distributing private agent 10.x
    Jitterbit intends to stop distributing a 10.x private agent version within the next several Harmony releases. Since Harmony release 10.63 / 11.1, both a 10.x and 11.x private agent version have been distributed with these differences:

    • 11.x versions: In 11.1 and later versions, the PostgreSQL database bundled with the private agent is now version 14.5-1.

    • 10.x versions: Current 10.x versions are packaged with the existing 9.6.24-1 PostgreSQL. The distributed 10.x versions will continue to be supported in accordance with Jitterbit’s end-of-life policy.


    Upgrading to an 11.x Windows private agent from 10.x requires a complete uninstall. Follow the documented instructions to complete the upgrade. Linux private agents can be upgraded as usual from any 10.x version.

NetSuite connector, Cloud Studio, and Design Studio

  • HMAC-SHA1 deprecation and removal from the Cloud Studio and Design Studio UI
    NetSuite is deprecating HMAC-SHA1 as a valid signature algorithm as previously announced (see NetSuite HMAC-SHA1 deprecation). To support these changes, Jitterbit intends to remove the HMAC-SHA1 signature algorithm from the Cloud Studio and Design Studio UI in an upcoming Harmony release.


    As the HMAC-SHA1 signature algorithm will no longer be supported by NetSuite or the Jitterbit Harmony NetSuite connectors, you should change any Jitterbit Harmony projects that are presently using HMAC-SHA1 as the signature algorithm to use HMAC-SHA256 as soon as possible to avoid issues with those integrations.