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11.30 Harmony release notes

11.30 Harmony release

This page includes release notes for all generally available components being released as part of 11.30. Compilations of release notes for Production Cloud Agent Groups, Sandbox Cloud Agent Groups, and private agents are also available.

The 11.30 release is staggered based on the dates and times as listed below by component and region. For a more detailed explanation of the release cadence by component category, see the release schedule.

You can subscribe to maintenance notifications for web-based components at Jitterbit Trust. Locally installed components are available from the Downloads page (except for the Docker private agent and Docker private API gateway, which are available at Docker Hub). The end-of-life date for these components is one year after the release date.

11.30 Sandbox Cloud Agent Group (SCAG)
SDK connectors on 11.30 SCAG
11.30 cloud and private API gateway
11.30 Design Studio
Cloud platform and applications
11.30 Production Cloud Agent Group (PCAG)
SDK connectors on private agents and 11.30 PCAG
11.30 Windows and Linux private agents
11.30 Docker private agent
11.30 Docker private API gateway
APAC August 7, 2024 (12 - 4 AM AEST) August 13, 2024 (2 - 8 PM AEST) August 15, 2024 (8 PM AEST)
EMEA August 7-8, 2024 (9 PM - 1 AM CEST) August 14, 2024 (6 AM - 12 PM CEST) August 15, 2024 (12 PM CEST)
NA August 8, 2024 (12 - 4 PM PDT) August 14-15, 2024 (9 PM - 3 AM PDT) August 15, 2024 (3 AM PDT)

New features

Cloud Studio SDK connectors


Agent, Cloud Studio, and Design Studio

  • New JSONStringify function
    The new JSONStringify function can be used with agents 11.30 or later to convert a JSON object into a JSON object string. The new function is listed in the JSON category of the Functions tab in the Cloud Studio script component palette and can also be used with Design Studio 11.30 or later.

  • NetSuite WSDL version 2024.2 support
    Jitterbit has verified support for NetSuite WSDL version 2024.2 with the Cloud Studio NetSuite connector and the Design Studio NetSuite connector. An agent or Design Studio upgrade is not required. In addition, the 2024.2 WSDL is now the default WSDL Download URL for a new Cloud Studio NetSuite connection.

  • Salesforce API version 61 support
    Salesforce API version 61 is now supported for these connectors:


  • Linux private agent upgrade to Python 3
    Linux private agents now require Python 3 during installation or upgrade to an 11.30 or later agent. Refer to the Debian or RPM agent install instructions for the required commands.

API Manager

  • API health monitoring CSV download and additional fields
    These enhancements have been made to the Analytics page API Health and Monitoring table:

    • A download icon provides the ability to download the table data as a CSV file.

    • The Service Name and Method for each API are now displayed.

  • Filter to select the cloud API gateway for API logs
    The API Logs page now has a filter to select the cloud API gateway domain. The filter is visible only when an organization uses two or more Jitterbit-hosted API gateways (not common).

Cloud Studio

  • Ability to collapse/expand all operation logs
    All parent and child operations in the operation log table can now be expanded or collapsed at once using the toggle in the Name column header.

Cloud Studio SDK connectors

  • BMC Helix ITSM connector support for 3-legged OAuth
    A BMC Helix ITSM connection’s new Authentication mechanism menu provides the option to select either Credential-based Auth (default existing) or OAuth (newly supported). When OAuth is selected, you click Log in with ITSM to authenticate with BMC Helix ITSM using a configured private application in a separate browser tab. Private agent version 10.83 / 11.21 or later is required.

  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central v2 Create activity option to continue on error
    A new Continue on error checkbox in a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central v2 Create activity can be used to continue the activity execution if an error is encountered for a dataset in a batch request.

  • Microsoft SharePoint 365 connector support for Microsoft Entra ID authentication
    A Microsoft SharePoint 365 connection’s new Authentication type menu provides the option to select either Azure Access Control Service (default existing) or Azure Active Directory (newly supported). When Azure Active Directory is selected, you provide a Client Assertion (see the connector’s prerequisites).

  • MS Azure AD Query activity pagination enhancements
    A request payload containing _odata.nextLink and top can now be provided in a transformation preceding an MS Azure AD Query activity. To use pagination, execute the operation multiple times using the _odata.nextLink value returned in the response until all pages of data are retrieved. A provided top value will be overridden by _odata.nextLink when present.


  • Ability to map EDI to XML
    During workflow creation, a new Map Processing menu provides an EDIXml selection that enables you to use an XML structure that reflects the selected EDI standard for your document. (The other selection, XCBL, uses the existing predefined maps and XCBL mapping.)


    Access to this feature is available upon request. To gain access to this feature, contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM).

  • Ability to create a new trading partner
    You can now create a new trading partner yourself through the UI if your partner is not already available to add.


    Access to this feature is available upon request. To gain access to this feature, contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM).

  • Enhanced search for transactions and archive
    Search on the Transactions and Archive pages has been improved to provide two different search types:

    • Standard search: Use the search box to filter results from columns displayed in the current view in real time.

    • Advanced search: Click the advanced search icon to select search fields and operators, and construct the search string using the provided format.

Management Console

  • Agents page UI redesign and consolidation
    The redesigned page Agents is now the sole Management Console location for managing and viewing information about agents and agent groups. The consolidated page contains all functions that were formerly split onto the Agents > Agents and Agents > Agent Groups pages.

  • Audit logging UI redesign and logging of additional events
    The Audit Logging page has been redesigned with an updated UI and also now includes logging of the following events:

    • Enabling and disabling audit logging.

    • Role changes (add, edit, deactivate, activate, remove roles), role permission changes, and role assignment to users (add, deactivate, activate, remove).

    • Updates to security profiles (add, edit, delete), and their assignment to APIs (assign, unassign).



API Manager

Cloud Studio

  • Invalid prompt to discard changes no longer appears
    In connector endpoint and activity configuration screens, a prompt to discard changes no longer appears when there were no changes made that would be discarded.


Agent and Design Studio

  • End of life for agent 10.74/11.12 and Design Studio 11.74
    As of August 3, 2024 these product versions have reached end of life and are no longer supported:

    • Private agent versions 10.74 and 11.12

    • Design Studio version 10.74

    We recommend that all users of any of these versions upgrade to the latest version as soon as practicable.


  • Private agent versions 10.x are no longer updated
    Private agent version 10.87 was the last 10.x agent version distributed by Jitterbit and is intended to be the final supported 10.x agent version.

    Since Harmony release 10.63 / 11.1, both a 10.x and 11.x private agent version had been distributed with these differences:

    • 11.x versions: In 11.1 and later versions, the PostgreSQL database bundled with the private agent is now version 14.5-1.

    • 10.x versions: Supported 10.x versions are packaged with the existing 9.6.24-1 PostgreSQL. The distributed 10.x versions will continue to be supported in accordance with Jitterbit’s end-of-life policy.


    To continue to receive private agent updates, including new features, enhancements, security patches, and fixes, upgrading to an 11.x private agent is required.

    Follow the instructions to upgrade from 10.x to 11.x agents:

Management Console

  • Required configuration changes for Harmony SSO-enabled organizations
    As of Harmony 11.28, the URLs required to configure Harmony single sign-on (SSO) have changed and must be used for new SSO configurations.

    In organizations that are already using SSO, current configurations will continue to work and there will be no disruption to the ability for users to log in.

    However, the next time you make changes to your SSO configuration, you must reconfigure SSO with the new URLs. Existing SAML 2.0 configurations will show the required Identity Provider Metadata and Service Provider Metadata fields as empty. Existing OAuth 2.0 configurations will show the required Client ID and Client Secret fields as empty. These fields must be repopulated with a successfully tested configuration prior to saving.

    Refer to instructions for setting up your identity provider using the new redirect URLs. Note that Jitterbit intends to deprecate the former URLs in the future and we recommend reconfiguring SSO using the new URLs as soon as possible to prevent any future disruptions.

NetSuite connector, Cloud Studio, and Design Studio

  • HMAC-SHA1 deprecation and removal from the Cloud Studio and Design Studio UI
    NetSuite is deprecating HMAC-SHA1 as a valid signature algorithm as previously announced (see NetSuite HMAC-SHA1 deprecation). To support these changes, Jitterbit intends to remove the HMAC-SHA1 signature algorithm from the Cloud Studio and Design Studio UI in an upcoming Harmony release.


    As the HMAC-SHA1 signature algorithm will no longer be supported by NetSuite or the Jitterbit Harmony NetSuite connectors, you should change any Jitterbit Harmony projects that are presently using HMAC-SHA1 as the signature algorithm to use HMAC-SHA256 as soon as possible to avoid issues with those integrations.