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11.29 Harmony release notes

11.29 Harmony release

This page includes release notes for all generally available components being released as part of 11.29. Compilations of release notes for Production Cloud Agent Groups, Sandbox Cloud Agent Groups, and private agents are also available.

The 11.29 release is staggered based on the dates and times as listed below by component and region. For a more detailed explanation of the release cadence by component category, see the release schedule.

You can subscribe to maintenance notifications for web-based components at Jitterbit Trust. Locally installed components are available from the Downloads page (except for the Docker private agent and Docker private API gateway, which are available at Docker Hub). The end-of-life date for these components is one year after the release date.

11.29 Sandbox Cloud Agent Group (SCAG)
SDK connectors on 11.29 SCAG
11.29 cloud and private API gateway
11.29 Design Studio
Cloud platform and applications
11.29 Production Cloud Agent Group (PCAG)
SDK connectors on private agents and 11.29 PCAG
11.29 Windows and Linux private agents
11.29 Docker private agent
11.29 Docker private API gateway
APAC July 16, 2024 (12 - 4 AM AEST) July 23, 2024 (2 - 8 PM AEST) July 25, 2024 (8 PM AEST)
EMEA July 16-17, 2024 (9 PM - 1 AM CEST) July 24, 2024 (6 AM - 12 PM CEST) July 25, 2024 (12 PM CEST)
NA July 17, 2024 (12 - 4 PM PDT) July 24-25, 2024 (9 PM - 3 AM PDT) July 25, 2024 (3 AM PDT)


As of July 13, 2024 these product versions have reached end of life and are no longer supported:

  • Private agent versions 10.73 and 11.11
  • Private API gateway version 10.73

We recommend that all users of any of these versions upgrade to the latest version as soon as practicable.

New features

Cloud Studio SDK connectors

API gateway

  • Docker private API gateway
    A Linux-based Docker image for running a private API gateway is now provided via Jitterbit's Docker Hub page. For more information see the provided instructions. Docker images are uploaded at the conclusion of each release on the Docker release schedule.

    The cloud API gateway and non-Docker private API gateway have a version increment to maintain version consistency with the Docker private API gateway but have no other changes in this release.


Agent, Cloud Studio, and Design Studio

  • New function for parsing JSON
    The new JSONParser function can be used with agents 11.29 or later to convert a JSON object string into a JSON object. The new function is listed in the JSON category of the Functions tab in the Cloud Studio script component palette and can also be used with Design Studio 11.29 or later.


  • Support tool command to resync deploy logs
    The Agent Support Tools have a new resync-deploylogs command that can be used with agents 11.29 or later to resync the deploy logs from Harmony given an environment ID.

Cloud Studio

  • Project pane Resources tab
    The project pane has a new Resources tab that lists any custom APIs that are referenced by operations in the project, grouped either by API or by operation. The tab also provides access to each API service URL and a link to open the API configuration in API Manager.

  • NetSuite connector saved search by ID
    A new Provide script ID checkbox is available in step 3 of a NetSuite saved search. When selected, you provide a Script ID in lieu of using the dropdown to select a saved search. You can use the new field to overcome a limitation of the NetSuite API where the dropdown selection is limited to 1,000 saved searches.

  • Visual indication to remove variables from global endpoints
    A warning icon is now present next to the name of a global endpoint when its configuration uses variables. Using variables in a global endpoint is not recommended, as changes to a variable name at the project level will not be reflected at the global level. When clicked, a warning message provides a link to the global endpoint configuration for you to remove any variables.

Cloud Studio SDK connectors

  • HTTP v2 Bulk activity status error message
    In an HTTP v2 Bulk activity, when Continue on error is selected and an error status code is returned, a new response schema field statusMessage in the error node now records the error message from the API.

  • Shopify connector API version 2024-04 support
    Shopify REST Admin API version 2024-04 is now available to select in the API Version menu of a Shopify connection.

Management Console

  • Projects page tabs ability to expand to fullscreen and refresh
    Each tab accessible from the bottom drawer when a project is selected on the Projects page can now be expanded to fullscreen or refreshed using the icons in the top right of the tab.


Cloud Studio SDK connectors

  • Amazon S3 Move Object activity schemas improved
    An Amazon S3 Move Object activity has improved schema structures to fix an issue where the activity was not deleting original files after moving them when Delete object from source bucket was selected.


    When the connector is updated, existing transformation mappings using this activity's former schemas will become invalid. To use the new schemas, you must refresh the schemas and reconfigure the mappings.

  • Epicor Kinetic connector no longer includes null/empty values by default
    The Epicor Kinetic connector no longer includes all null/empty values in a request payload unless the Jitterbit variable is set to true. This issue was introduced with the 11.26 release.

  • HTTP v2 GET activity request body now sent
    An HTTP v2 GET activity can now execute a request that has a body. Previously, the request data would not be sent.

  • HubSpot Search operations now require a request transformation
    A transformation is now required preceding a HubSpot Search activity in order for the operation to be valid. Previously, operations were allowed to be deployed but a runtime error would occur if a request transformation was not present.

  • JMS connector verbose logging messages improved
    When connector verbose logging is enabled for the JMS connector, more meaningful log messages are returned.

  • Microsoft Dynamics AX connector better error messages
    The Microsoft Dynamics AX connector provides more meaningful error messages that explain the reason for an error when testing the connection and executing activities.



  • Private agent versions 10.x are no longer updated
    Private agent version 10.87 was the last 10.x agent version distributed by Jitterbit and is intended to be the final supported 10.x agent version.

    Since Harmony release 10.63 / 11.1, both a 10.x and 11.x private agent version had been distributed with these differences:

    • 11.x versions: In 11.1 and later versions, the PostgreSQL database bundled with the private agent is now version 14.5-1.

    • 10.x versions: Supported 10.x versions are packaged with the existing 9.6.24-1 PostgreSQL. The distributed 10.x versions will continue to be supported in accordance with Jitterbit’s end-of-life policy.


    To continue to receive private agent updates, including new features, enhancements, security patches, and fixes, upgrading to an 11.x private agent is required.

    Follow the instructions to upgrade from 10.x to 11.x agents:

Management Console

  • Required configuration changes for Harmony SSO-enabled organizations
    As of Harmony 11.28, the URLs required to configure Harmony single sign-on (SSO) have changed and must be used for new SSO configurations.

    In organizations that are already using SSO, current configurations will continue to work and there will be no disruption to the ability for users to log in.

    However, the next time you make changes to your SSO configuration, you must reconfigure SSO with the new URLs. Existing SAML 2.0 configurations will show the required Identity Provider Metadata and Service Provider Metadata fields as empty. Existing OAuth 2.0 configurations will show the required Client ID and Client Secret fields as empty. These fields must be repopulated with a successfully tested configuration prior to saving.

    Refer to instructions for setting up your identity provider using the new redirect URLs. Note that Jitterbit intends to deprecate the former URLs in the future and we recommend reconfiguring SSO using the new URLs as soon as possible to prevent any future disruptions.

NetSuite connector, Cloud Studio, and Design Studio

  • HMAC-SHA1 deprecation and removal from the Cloud Studio and Design Studio UI
    NetSuite is deprecating HMAC-SHA1 as a valid signature algorithm as previously announced (see NetSuite HMAC-SHA1 deprecation). To support these changes, Jitterbit intends to remove the HMAC-SHA1 signature algorithm from the Cloud Studio and Design Studio UI in an upcoming Harmony release.


    As the HMAC-SHA1 signature algorithm will no longer be supported by NetSuite or the Jitterbit Harmony NetSuite connectors, you should change any Jitterbit Harmony projects that are presently using HMAC-SHA1 as the signature algorithm to use HMAC-SHA256 as soon as possible to avoid issues with those integrations.