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10.10 Harmony release notes

10.10 Harmony release

Design Studio, private agents, private API gateway, and Sandbox Cloud Agent Group released November 25, December 2, and December 3, 2019

The 10.10 release date is by region:

  • APAC: Released 25 November 2019

  • EMEA: Released 2 December 2019

  • NA: Released December 3, 2019

Included in this release are updates to these Harmony components:

The Sandbox Cloud Agent Group was updated to 10.10 at the time of the release. Design Studio, private agent, and private API gateway installers are available in each region as of the conclusion of each region's release.



  • Cloud Agent temp storage file size limit is now 50 GB
    When using 10.10 or higher cloud agents with a temporary storage target in Cloud Studio or Design Studio, there is now a limit of 50 GB per file. Those who need to create temporary files larger than 50 GB are encouraged to use private agents.

  • Windows private agents now include the 2019 Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable
    The version of Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio that comes packaged with 32-bit and 64-bit Windows private agents has been upgraded from 2015 to 2019.

Harmony backend

  • Static IP addresses are now available for required Harmony URLs
    Static IP addresses are now available for the Harmony URLs that private agents and Design Studio must be able to reach to function correctly.

  • Caching functions call limit is now 50 calls per minute
    When using the Jitterbit functions ReadCache() or WriteCache() in Cloud Studio or Design Studio, you can now make up to 50 calls per minute. This is an increase from the previous limit of 25 calls per minute.



  • OASIS WSS plugin now supports WS-Addressing SOAP headers
    A new version of the OASIS Web Service Security plugin ( allows you to specify the Web Services Addressing SOAP header elements wsa:To and wsa:Action by defining these parameters using global variables. The updated plugin is available on cloud agents or can be installed on private agents through the Management Console Customizations > Plugins page.

  • PrependData plugin can now be used with Linux agents
    The current versions of the PrependData plugin ( and can now be used with Linux private agents and the Jitterbit cloud agent groups.

API Manager and private API gateway

  • Proxy API URL path parameters are now supported
    URL path parameters contained in imported OpenAPI documents now function with proxy APIs. For those using a private API gateway, gateway version 10.10 or higher is required to support this feature.

Cloud Studio

  • Magento connector is now more robust
    The Magento connector now includes support for additional objects and provides additional Put and Delete activities. Note that the latest version of the Magento connector is not compatible with previously configured Magento connections or activities. If you are already using the Magento connector, please contact Jitterbit support for assistance.

  • Epicor ERP connector now supports updateable BAQs
    The Epicor ERP connector activity now provides a Put BAQ (UBAQ) that can be used to update records using an updatable Business Activity Query (BAQ) within the Epicor ERP database.

  • Snowflake Put activities can now handle errors
    When using the Stage File approach for a Snowflake Put activity, you can now specify how to proceed when an error is encountered and return information about the erroneous records using the new On Error and Validation Mode fields.

  • Snowflake views are now supported
    When configuring a Snowflake Get or Query activity, you can now select views in the same way you can select tables.


API Manager

  • Proxy API OpenAPI documents now support PATCH
    Proxy API OpenAPI documents containing a PATCH method are now accepted. Previously, when attempting to import the OpenAPI document, an error related to an invalid method type occurred.

Design Studio

  • Substitution of comment dashes in manual SQL no longer occurs
    When executing custom SQL, a double dash (--) used for a comment is no longer erroneously replaced by the comments identifier (/*), causing an error in SQL syntax.