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8.22 Harmony release notes

Log in to the Harmony portal to access the latest version of the API Manager, Management Console, and Citizen Integrator or to download the latest version of Design Studio and private agents. For support, visit Getting support.

8.22.4 Harmony release notes – April 19, 2017


  • Harmony Cloud: Improved performance
    Performance enhancements have been made to the Harmony Cloud system.

8.22.3 Harmony release notes – April 18, 2017


  • Harmony Cloud: Improved performance
    Performance enhancements have been made to the Harmony Cloud system.

8.22.2 Harmony release notes – April 3, 2017


  • Scripts: WriteToOperationLog function fixed in transformations
    When using the WriteToOperationLog() function in a transformation, you will again find the output written to the Operation Log. An issue was introduced in agent version 8.22.0 that resulted in this function not working. The issue was caused by a different fix released in 8.22.0 to show only current warnings while re-testing a transformation. This fix has been rolled back and will be reintroduced in a later version.


    For more information on the fix that was rolled back, see Rollbacks under 8.22.0 below.

8.22.1 Harmony release notes – March 22, 2017


  • Global variables: Resolved error with using global variables as targets
    When using a global variable as a target with certain sources, including database, Salesforce, and NetSuite, the agent no longer produces an error. This issue was introduced in agent version 8.22.0 and is now resolved.
  • Scripts: RunOperation functions again return a boolean value
    When using the RunOperation() or RunOperationFromProject() functions, the output will again be boolean (true/false). An issue was introduced in agent version 8.22.0 that caused the returned value to be based on the child operation logs. This issue is now resolved.

8.22.0 Harmony release notes – March 17, 2017

New features

  • NetSuite: Updated default WSDL, added ability to change version
    For those using the NetSuite connector, the default WSDL for new NetSuite endpoints is now 2016.2. Existing NetSuite endpoints are unchanged. In addition, if you would like to change your NetSuite WSDL version, you can now do so by editing the URL while configuring the endpoint in Studio.
  • Scripts: New function to run operations from other projects
    A new function, RunOperationFromProject(), allows you to run operations from different projects that are within the same environment. The new function works similarly to the current RunOperation() function with the added option to specify the project where the operation is located, and is available in Studio under Scripts > Functions > General.
  • Citizen Integrator: New Recipes for Clarizen and SAP
    You can now connect to Clarizen and SAP endpoints using Citizen Integrator, our wizard-driven web interface for quickly deploying basic integrations. See all available Recipes from the Citizen Integrator page of the Web Management Console (WMC).
  • API Analytics > View Debug Logs: Infinite scrolling
    You can now scroll through an infinite number of rows on the API analytics > View debug logs page of the WMC, making it easier to quickly navigate through a large number of records.


  • Private agent: Improved performance with integrated PgBouncer installation
    PgBouncer, a connection pooling application for PostgreSQL, has been integrated into the agent install package. If you already have an existing installation of PgBouncer and experience issues upgrading, please contact support.
  • Plugins: Option added to delete custom plugins
    For those who have added custom plugins for use in your organization, you now have the ability to delete those custom plugins from the Customizations > Plug-ins page of the WMC under Action > Delete. This option is disabled for Jitterbit standard plugins.
  • Global variables: Brackets now optional for global variable sources and targets
    When configuring a global variable source or global variable target in Studio, you no longer need to enclose the variable name in square brackets (e.g. [variable]), although entering the variable name enclosed in brackets is still supported.
  • Microsoft Dynamics AX: Prompt added to use updated endpoint
    For those using the Microsoft Dynamics AX connector, when you change the WSDL URL in an existing AX endpoint, a prompt will now ask if you want to auto-refresh any functions that use that endpoint. In 8.21, a fix had been introduced to carry over the updated WSDL to existing functions using that endpoint; however, a manual refresh of each AX function was required. This improvement helps automate the process.
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365: Upgrade no longer requires uninstall of CRM 2015
    For those using the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 Connector who wish to upgrade to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Connector, you no longer need to uninstall the 2015 version prior to installation if using the same context as the previous install (i.e. for all users or only for current user). See installation and setup instructions for more details.
  • Version update: Improved notification and download of new available version
    When a new Harmony version is available, you will now be notified on all pages of the WMC and directed to download the latest version. This notification will be visible only if the selected organization is not already using the latest version. In addition, in the Studio popup indicating a new version is available, the download is now more straightforward.
  • Salesforce: Logos updated
    All Salesforce logos have been updated within Studio to reflect the current branding.
  • Security: Java upgrade
    The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) bundled with Jitterbit has been upgraded from version 8u101 to 8u121.


  • Scripts: Functions with parameters contained in brackets again work correctly
    Several functions were unintentionally affected by an enhancement made in 8.21 that resulted in an error whenever a function used parameters contained in brackets. This issue has been resolved and these functions no longer produce the error.
  • Private agent: Shutdown port for Tomcat services changed to avoid conflicts
    The default shutdown port used by Jitterbit for Tomcat services has been changed so that it does not conflict with other applications that use Tomcat services configured with the same original default shutdown port.
  • Projects: Downloading backups of deleted projects is now fixed
    For those who have deployed a project and a project backup from Studio, and have since deleted the project, a bug has been fixed so you can again download a valid Jitterpak of the backup project. This can be done from the Projects page of the WMC, where the checkbox for "Include Deleted" is checked, the project is selected in the top pane, the Backups tab is selected in the bottom pane, and the particular project backup is downloaded under Action > Download.
  • NetSuite: Search objects added for Download Item and Gift Certificate
    When performing a NetSuite Search in Studio, search objects now populate properly for the item types Download Item and Gift Certificate, instead of displaying the derived types.
  • Arrays: Error message improved for arrays with a negative index
    When calling an array variable with a negative index in Studio, the error message will now indicate that the index is out of bounds so the user can fix the index value. By default, arrays are zero-indexed (i.e. the first item is at index 0).
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365: Error using multi-threading resolved
    For those using the Microsoft Dynamics 365 connector with chunking enabled and multiple threads specified (in Studio under Operation options), you will no longer receive an authentication error associated with the operation.
  • QuickBooks: Using variables in endpoint fields fixed
    For those using the QuickBooks connector, while configuring a QuickBooks endpoint in Studio you are now able to use global variables and project variables for the "Access Token" and "Access Token Secret" fields.
  • Character encoding: Additional special characters supported
    Certain special characters within target XML and text files are no longer replaced by question marks after undergoing a transformation. In addition, additional special characters are now supported within the name of an XML node and no longer produce an error.
  • Citizen Integrator: Multiple fixes to uploading and navigation
    On the Citizen Integrator page of the WMC, if you upload and then delete a Recipe, and then re-upload the same Recipe, you will no longer receive an error that the file already exists. In addition, breadcrumbs have been added so you can more easily navigate within the different parts of Citizen Integrator.
  • Activities: Multiple fixes to search functionality
    On the Runtime Operations page of the WMC, searches using the \<, >, \<=, >=, =\<, or => operators again work as expected and no longer return an "Invalid Query" message. In addition, after saving columns for a search, and then clearing the search criteria, upon refresh of the page the columns will now reset to default as expected. When searching with criteria that produce no search results, the resulting message now indicates that there are no logged activities for the specified query, instead of providing a message that does not apply.
  • Activities: Multiple fixes to user interface
    On the Runtime Operations page of the WMC, once you have expanded an entry to view child operation logs, the expanded entry will no longer become collapsed when scrolling. In addition, for Internet Explorer users who have visited the Activities page, navigated to another page, and then used the browser back button to return to the Activities page, an issue causing buttons to appear blank has been fixed. Finally, the tabs within the lower pane of the page have been better aligned.
  • Agent Groups: Display of incorrect agent information fixed
    On the Agents page of the WMC, in some unusual cases, when an agent group was selected, the agent information shown under Available Agents was displaying incorrect information. This display issue has been fixed to show the correct associated agent information.
  • API Management & API Analytics: Intermittent error with back button resolved
    On the API management > Custom API and API analytics > View all traffic pages of the WMC, when using the browser back button, an error sometimes appeared indicating an import was unsuccessful. This erroneous error has been fixed to no longer appear.
  • Multiple WMC pages: Text display fixed for organizations with long names
    On WMC pages where the organization name is displayed, hovering over long organization names now displays properly and consistently among browsers.



The below fix was originally released with 8.22.0, but has since been rolled back as part of 8.22.2.

  • Transformations: Testing a transformation now shows current warnings only
    When re-testing a transformation in Studio that had previously displayed a warning message, you will no longer receive warning messages specific to the former transformation. A bug that re-displayed all messages has been fixed so that only messages associated with the current transformation being tested will be shown.