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10.9 Harmony release notes

10.9 Harmony release

Harmony portal, private agents, and Sandbox Cloud Agent Group released November 4, 5, and 7, 2019

The 10.9 release date is by region:

  • APAC: Released 4 November 2019
  • EMEA: Released 5 November 2019
  • NA: Released November 7, 2019

Included in this release are updates to these Harmony components:

Web applications accessed through the Harmony portal were updated to 10.9 at the time of the release. Private agent installers are available in each region as of the conclusion of each region's release.

New features

Cloud Studio

  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM connector A new Cloud Studio connector for Microsoft Dynamics CRM is now available to use with Windows private agents version 10.1 or higher. The new connector can be accessed on the right side of the project designer from the design component palette and will automatically be downloaded by an agent as required.


    This connector requires a Windows private agent, and is not available for use on Cloud Agent Groups, Linux private agents, or Docker private agents.

  • Duplication of components You can now create a copy of an activity, script, project variable, email notification, or schedule from the component's actions menu accessible from the project pane's Components tab.



  • Linux RPM-based private agents now require python2 The RPM package dependency for Python has been changed from python to python2.


API Manager

  • Proxy API OpenAPI documents can now be opened in a full-screen editor During configuration of a proxy API, OpenAPI documents can now be opened in a full-screen editor using the popout icon in the upper right of the embedded editor.

Cloud Studio

  • Components can now be created from the project pane You can now create new scripts, project variables, email notifications, or schedules from the category's actions menu accessible from the project pane's Components tab.
  • Support for variables in WHERE clauses A "V" icon indicating support for variables is now displayed during configuration of Database, Salesforce, ServiceMax, ServiceNow, and Snowflake Query activities to specify the values in a WHERE or LIMIT clause.
  • Longer operation names are now shown Operation names up to 50 characters in length are now displayed directly on the design canvas, more than double the previous length shown.
  • Workflows, projects, and endpoints can now be renamed inline You can now double-click on a workflow name along the top of the design canvas to rename it inline. You can also click to rename the project name in the project pane and endpoint names in the design component palette.
  • Number of component references is now visually indicated When a given component is referenced by more than one other component, a count of the number of referencing components is now displayed within the project pane's Components tab.
  • Time zone is now displayed when viewing logs The time zone is now provided for informational purposes when selecting operation logs to view.
  • Database query fields to select can now be searched The ability to search for fields to select for a query is now available during configuration of a Database Query activity.
  • Workday WSDL timeout can now be increased A new optional configuration option for a Workday connection allows you to increase the timeout value for downloading the Workday WSDL. The default timeout value is 15 seconds.
  • Workday records now continue processing by default A new default configuration option for Workday activities allows for invalid records to be skipped. Previously, once an invalid record was encountered, subsequent records weren't processed. This new option can be disabled during activity configuration.



  • 64-bit Windows agent installation no longer fails When installing a 64-bit Windows private agent, installation on a machine that already has a version of Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio higher than 2015 is now successful.
  • FormatDate() can now handle milliseconds and a time zone When using the Jitterbit function FormatDate(), you can now format source dates provided in the form of YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.SSSZ, where SSS indicates the milliseconds and Z indicates the time zone, which are seen with certain LDAP implementations.

API Manager

  • CSV log file is now properly formatted The CSV file that can be generated with detailed log data from the API Logs page is now properly formatted.
  • Validation of proxy API OpenAPI documents is now reported accurately During configuration of a proxy API, before providing an OpenAPI document, the empty document is no longer erroneously reported to be valid.

Cloud Studio

  • HTTP request parameters and headers are now saved Request parameters and headers configured in an HTTP activity now remain part of the activity configuration upon saving the activity.
  • Testing ServiceNow or Snowflake Query activities with variables now works When testing a ServiceNow or Snowflake Query activity during configuration, variables are now resolved as expected when a default value is specified.
  • Selecting all Query activity fields now works properly Using the checkbox to select all query fields during configuration of a Database, Salesforce, or ServiceMax Query activity now works as expected.