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Known issues in Jitterbit Integration Studio


This page documents known issues that have been identified with Jitterbit Integration Studio. For known issues that have been identified with other Jitterbit Harmony applications, see Known issues.


  • Cross-project pasting doesn't work in Firefox

    • Summary: Pasting components between projects is not currently functional using the Firefox browser.

    • Additional Information: After copying a component, attempting to paste it in another project will not result in a component copy.

    • Workaround: Use the Chrome or Safari (macOS only) browser to paste components between projects.


  • Box: Extra subelements warning when creating web links with the Create activity

    • Summary: This warning appears in the log when creating a web link.

    • Additional Information: After running an operation to create a web link the log shows extra subelements warnings.

  • Database connector activities may fail if the table name contains a +

    • Summary: If a table name in a statement such as select * from City+ contains a +, the activity fails.

    • Additional Information: The + character is a reserved character in SQL.

    • Workaround: Enclose the table name with square brackets, [select * from City+].

  • HTTP: Retry does not recover from 500, 502, 503, or 504 errors

    • Summary: When the Retry option is selected in an HTTP connection and when using private agents 10.30 through 10.33, the HTTP activity does not recover from 500, 502, 503, or 504 errors and an error code is returned.

    • Workaround: Upgrade to private agent version 10.34 or later, or manually add RecoverableStatusCode=500,502,503,504 to the private agent configuration file.

  • Magento: Field values for created_at and updated_at timestamps are not updated with manual entries

    • Summary: Both the created_at and updated_at fields are provided by the Magento API. These timestamps are not editable by the user. Any values you enter for these timestamps are ignored.
  • Magento: Filtering a search on some fields isn't working

    • Summary: When specifying filter parameters in the request of a Magento Search activity, some fields aren't working even when they exactly match the field names specified in the Magento API documentation.

    • Additional Information: The operation fails and the response message indicates an invalid attribute name.

    • Workaround: Use the browser logs to determine what field name is expected by the connector. For example, while the Magento API specifies an id field, the Magento connector expects the field name provided in the request to be entity_id. On a Chrome browser, the browser logs can be accessed within the Google Chrome Developer tools in its Network tab.

  • Microsoft Azure Service Bus: Excessive log entries

    • Summary: When using the Microsoft Azure Service Bus connector with agent version 10.87 / 11.25 or earlier, an excessive number of INFO logs are generated in a short time period, leading to disk space issues as a result of the size of the catalina.out file.

    • Workaround: An upgrade to agent version 11.26 or later is recommended. As an alternative, this issue can be resolved in agent version 10.87 / 11.25 or earlier by adding the following settings to the logback.xml file located in C:\Program Files\Jitterbit Agent\tomcat\shared\lib (Windows) or /opt/jitterbit/tomcat/shared/lib (Linux):

      <logger name="" level="ERROR"/>
      <logger name="" level="ERROR"/>
      <logger name="" level="ERROR"/>
  • Microsoft Teams: Testing a query in a Microsoft Teams List Channels activity fails if a team name contains spaces

    • Summary: Testing a query in step 2 of a Microsoft Teams List Channels activity fails with an Invalid Query error if the Microsoft Teams team name contains spaces.

    • Additional Information: The issue is limited to testing of the query. The activity configuration can still be completed. At runtime, the operation will return the expected channel details.

  • SAP: Deployment of invalid SAP operations is allowed

    • Summary: Operations that contain more than one SAP activity, or that contain an SAP activity and a NetSuite, Salesforce, or SOAP activity, appear to be valid and are able to be deployed without error.

    • Additional Information: The operation will fail at runtime.

    • Workaround: Follow a valid operation pattern and don't use more than one SAP, NetSuite, Salesforce, or SOAP activity in the same operation. If using an SAP activity as a source, use only the Transformation Pattern. If using an SAP activity as a target, use the Transformation Pattern, the Two-target Archive Pattern (as the first target only), or the Two-transformation Pattern, as applicable. See Operation validity for more information.

  • ServiceNow: DateTime fields use the wrong data type in the response schema generated by a ServiceNow Query activity

    • Summary: During the configuration of a ServiceNow Query activity, in the schema generated in step 3, a DateTime field that is returning a value (either a DateTime or a null) uses a string 'dateTime' instead of the value.

    • Workaround: In the transformation, mirror the schema, then edit it and change the data type of any 'dateTime' fields to a string.

  • ServiceNow: Operations with ServiceNow Create or Update activities using incorrectly formatted DateTime data fail to write the record

    • Summary: Operations that use a ServiceNow create or Update activity to attempt to write incorrectly formatted DateTime data will report success with an error but fail to create or update the record.

    • Additional Information: The error message returned does not report the wrong date format as a cause.


  • Incorrect values for long data type

    • Summary: Values and data types may change on output.

    • Additional Information: Fields with long data types may not display the original value on output.

  • Using a flat source schema in transformations may return blank mapped field

    • Summary: In certain circumstances when using a flat source schema, target fields are not mapped correctly, which causes them to be blank.

    • Additional Information: This does not occur with mirrored schemas or JSON schemas.

    • Workaround: Add a script at the beginning of the operation that disables streaming transformations by setting $jitterbit.transformation.auto_streaming = false;.

  • A transformation preview will result in a generic error when using an invalid sample file

    • Summary: When loading a sample file to use for a transformation preview, if the file is in an invalid format, the error message indicates a "sampleDataLoadFailure."

    • Additional Information: Potential causes of an invalid format include a CSV file missing the header, a JSON file missing a closing quote, an XML file missing a closing tag, etc.