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Create and configure a transformation in Jitterbit Integration Studio


This page covers creating and configuring a new transformation and accessing the menu options that are available once a transformation is created.

Create a transformation

A new transformation can be created from these locations:

New transformations are created with the default name New Transformation. Subsequent new transformations with default names are appended with an incremented number in parentheses.

Configure a transformation

On creating a new transformation, the transformation configuration screen opens in mapping mode. The transformation's location in an operation determines the schemas that may be inherited from adjacent activities. If no source or target schemas are inherited, this screen is displayed:

transformation empty

For information on the user interface see these resources:

For information on mapping target fields and nodes, see Transformation mapping.

Transformation actions menu

After a transformation is created, menu actions for that transformation are accessible from these locations:

Each of these menu actions is available:

Menu Item
view edit View/Edit opens the transformation configuration screen in one of three display modes — mapping mode (default), script mode, or preview mode — depending on which display mode you were last using to access the transformation.
cut Cut places a copy of the transformation on your clipboard and deletes the original transformation from the project (see Component reuse).
copy Copy places a copy of the transformation on your clipboard (see Component reuse).
rename Rename positions the cursor on the transformation name for you to make any edits as necessary.
view dependencies View Dependencies changes the view in the project pane to display any other parts of the project that the transformation is dependent on (see Component dependencies, deletion, and removal).
add to group Add to Group opens a dialog to create a new custom group or to add the transformation to an existing group (see Component groups).
delete Delete permanently deletes the transformation (see Component dependencies, deletion, and removal).
remove Remove removes references to the transformation as an operation step on the design canvas (see Component dependencies, deletion, and removal).