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Salesforce Service Cloud Bulk Hard Delete activity


A Salesforce Service Cloud Bulk Hard Delete activity, using its Salesforce Service Cloud connection, hard deletes a large number of records from Salesforce Service Cloud and is intended to be used as a target to consume data in an operation. Hard deleted records automatically become eligible for deletion.

The Bulk Hard Delete activity should be used only if you do not need to use a transformation to change data prior to reaching its target, since Salesforce Service Cloud bulk activities cannot be used with transformations. If you do need to use a transformation, use the Salesforce Service Cloud Delete activity.

Records deleted with the Bulk Hard Delete activity automatically become eligible for deletion. If instead you want the deleted records to be stored in the Salesforce Service Cloud Recycling bin, from where they can be restored within 15 days, use the Salesforce Service Cloud Bulk Delete activity.

The Salesforce Service Cloud bulk activities use the SOAP-based Salesforce Service Cloud Bulk API. For more information, see Prerequisites and supported API versions.

Create a Salesforce Service Cloud Bulk Hard Delete activity

An instance of a Salesforce Service Cloud Bulk Hard Delete activity is created from a Salesforce Service Cloud connection using its Bulk Hard Delete activity type.

To create an instance of an activity, drag the activity type to the design canvas or copy the activity type and paste it on the design canvas. For details, see Create an activity or tool instance in Component reuse.

An existing Salesforce Service Cloud Bulk Hard Delete activity can be edited from these locations:

Configure a Salesforce Service Cloud Bulk Hard Delete activity

Follow these steps to configure a Salesforce Service Cloud Bulk Hard Delete activity:

Step 1: Enter a name and select an object

In this step, you provide a name for the activity and select the object to be used when bulk hard deleting data.

Salesforce Service Cloud Bulk Hard Delete activity 1

  • Name: Enter a name to use to identify the Salesforce Service Cloud activity. The name must be unique for each Salesforce Service Cloud Bulk Hard Delete activity and must not contain forward slashes (/) or colons (:).

  • Select the object reference: Use the dropdown to select a Salesforce Service Cloud standard or custom object to bulk delete or bulk hard delete data. Enter any column's value into the search box to filter the list of objects. The search is not case-sensitive.


    If the list does not populate with available objects, note the following troubleshooting tips:

    • The Salesforce Service Cloud connection may not be successful. Ensure you are connected by reopening the connection and retesting the credentials.

    • A Salesforce Service Cloud password that uses extended ASCII characters, such as £, may cause the following error when fetching data during activity configuration:

      Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out. [INVALID_LOGIN]

      In this case, the connection test may still be successful. If you receive this error during activity configuration and are using special characters in the password, try changing the password.

  • Refresh: Click the refresh icon to reload objects from the Salesforce Service Cloud endpoint. This may be useful if you have recently added objects to Salesforce Service Cloud.

  • Save & Exit: If enabled, click to save the configuration for this step and close the activity configuration.

  • Next: Click to temporarily store the configuration for this step and continue to the next step. The configuration will not be saved until you click the Finished button on the last step.

  • Discard Changes: After making changes, click to close the configuration without saving changes made to any step. A message asks you to confirm that you want to discard changes.

Step 2: Provide the response schema

In this step, upload or select a CSV file. The CSV file will provide the schema to be used in Step 3: Map headers.

Salesforce Service Cloud Bulk Hard Delete activity 2

  • Provide request schema: An uploaded or existing CSV file defines the schema that is used in the request. This schema is used as part of the Salesforce Service Cloud bulk activity for creating mappings in the next step. Select from one of two options below.


    Schemas for Salesforce Service Cloud bulk activities are always part of the activity and can never be defined in a transformation, as transformations cannot be used in an operation that has a Salesforce Service Cloud bulk activity.

    • Use saved schema: Choose this option to select an existing CSV schema that has previously been defined in the current project.

      • Saved schemas: Use the dropdown to select from an existing schema to reuse.

      • View schema: After an existing uploaded schema is selected, you can view the schema directly within the text area below the dropdown. Though a saved schema is not editable, this text area can be copied using Control+C (Windows or Linux) or Command+C (macOS). This text area is only for the display of existing uploaded schemas and not for flat, hierarchical, or mirrored custom schemas.

      • Validation: Validation information is provided below the text area and is based on the file extension of the saved schema.

    • Provide new schema: Choose this option to define a new schema by uploading a file or manually entering one into the text area.

      • Schema name: Enter a name for the schema into the upper text box, including the file extension. If no file extension is provided, the file is treated as CSV by default. If you are uploading a file, you can leave this blank, as the name is populated once the file is loaded.

      • Upload File: Click this button to open a dialog where you can load a schema from a file that is accessible from the current machine:

        • File: Use the Browse button to locally find a flat file that has not yet been used in the current project. Files up to 5 MB in size can be uploaded.


          If you try to upload a file with the same name as an existing file already defined in the project, a dialog asks if you want to overwrite the existing file. If you click Continue, the file will be replaced with the new file with the same name in all places where it is used in the project. If you don't want to overwrite the file, click Cancel and then manually modify the file so it has a name that is not already being used, then try to upload it again.

        • Load: Click this button to load the schema from the file. Note that some data may be converted during processing as described in Schema processing.

        • Cancel: Click Cancel to close the Upload Schema File dialog without saving.

      • View/edit schema: After a schema is loaded, you can view or edit it directly within the text area below the Upload File button. Another option is to manually enter or paste a schema into this area without loading a schema from a file.

      • Validation: As you edit a schema, validation information will be provided below the text area, with any errors reported one line at a time. That is, after resolving an error on one line, additional syntax errors to resolve may be reported for subsequent lines. Validation is based on the file extension of the provided schema.

  • Back: Click to temporarily store the configuration for this step and return to the previous step.

  • Next: Click to temporarily store the configuration for this step and continue to the next step. The configuration will not be saved until you click the Finished button on the last step.

  • Discard Changes: After making changes, click to close the configuration without saving changes made to any step. A message asks you to confirm that you want to discard changes.

Step 3: Map headers

In this step, you map the source file headers from the CSV file provided in Step 2: Provide the response schema to the desired Salesforce Service Cloud fields of the records that are to be bulk hard deleted.

Salesforce Service Cloud Bulk Hard Delete activity 3

  • Map Headers: This step is used to map fields by column in the source file to those in the Salesforce Service Cloud bulk target activity. To complete a mapping, drag a source field on the left to a target field on the right. When fields are mapped, the background becomes orange and a line is drawn between the mapped fields. To remove a mapping, click either the source field or target field.

    • Source File Headers: The left side shows the headers for the columns in the file provided in the previous step.

      • Search: Enter any column's value into the search box to filter the list of headers. The search is not case-sensitive.

      • Import Mapping: To import a mapping that has previously been exported, click the Import Mapping link, then provide input in the dialog that will be shown:

        • File Type: Use the dropdown to select the format of the mapping file:

          • JDL: Select JDL to use a file that has been exported from a Design Studio bulk process operation (from the Design Studio option to Save Mappings to File described in Transformation mapping in Salesforce bulk process wizard for upsert action).

          • JSON: Select JSON to use a file that has been exported from Integration Studio using the Export Mapping link described below.

        • File: Click the Browse button on the right to select a file that contains the mapping.

        • Upload: After selecting a file, click Upload to upload the mapping.


          The uploaded mapping overwrites any existing mappings, if present.

        • Cancel: Click Cancel to close the import dialogue without uploading a mapping.

      • Export Mapping: To export an existing mapping, click the Export Mapping link. This initiates the download process in your browser. The exported file is in JSON format. Each field mapping includes the source field name, target field name, and source index.


        Exported bulk activity mappings cannot be imported, as transformation mappings and can be imported only using the Import Mapping link described above.

    • Salesforce Fields: The right side shows the column names in Salesforce Service Cloud that are available to be mapped to.

      • Search: Enter any column's value into the search box to filter the list of headers. The search is not case-sensitive.

      • Automap: Click the Automap link to map source and target field names that are exact match (regardless of case) and have identical data types. Fields that are automapped are in addition to any existing mappings, which are left in place.

      • Start Over: Click the Start Over link to clear all mappings.

  • Back: Click to temporarily store the configuration for this step and return to the previous step.

  • Finished: Click to save the configuration for all steps and close the activity configuration.

  • Discard Changes: After making changes, click to close the configuration without saving changes made to any step. A message asks you to confirm that you want to discard changes.

Next steps

After configuring a Salesforce Service Cloud Bulk Hard Delete activity, you can use it within an operation as described below. After running an operation containing a Salesforce Service Cloud activity on a private agent, you can download the operation's success and failure files.

Complete the operation

After configuring a Salesforce Service Cloud Bulk Hard Delete activity, complete the configuration of the operation by adding and configuring other activities or tools as operation steps. You can also configure the operation settings, which include the ability to chain operations together that are in the same or different workflows.

Menu actions for an activity are accessible from the project pane and the design canvas. For details, see Activity actions menu in Connector basics.

Salesforce Service Cloud Bulk Hard Delete activities can be used as a target with the Salesforce Service Cloud bulk target pattern. Other patterns are not valid using Salesforce Service Cloud Bulk Hard Delete activities. See the validation patterns on the Operation validity page.

Operations that contain a Salesforce Service Cloud activity can have only one Salesforce Service Cloud activity and cannot also contain any other activities except for those associated with the API, Database, File Share, FTP, HTTP, Local Storage, Temporary Storage, or Variable connectors.

A Salesforce Service Cloud activity can be used as an operation step in only a single operation. That is, you cannot reference the same activity multiple times within other operations. Instead, you can make a copy of a Salesforce Service Cloud activity to use elsewhere (see Component reuse).

In addition, the file-based target used in the operation must be using a flat file format with a header and only the following data types:

  • Base64
  • Boolean
  • Date formats
  • Double
  • Integer
  • Salesforce Service Cloud ID
  • String

Operations that use Salesforce Service Cloud activities can also have operation actions configured to trigger on a SOAP fault — an error resulting from an incorrect message format, header processing, or incompatibility. Operation actions can be configured to run an operation or send an email after a SOAP fault occurs. For instructions on triggering an action on SOAP fault, refer to Operation actions.

To use the activity with scripting functions, write the data to a temporary location and then use that temporary location in the scripting function.

When ready, deploy and run the operation and validate behavior by checking the operation logs.

View success and failure files

If you are running an operation containing a Salesforce Service Cloud activity on a private agent, success and failure files are available for download in the Runtime Operations page of the Management Console. Select the relevant operation in the Runtime Operations table and click the Activity Logs tab in the bottom section of the screen to display download links for the files if available:

  • Download Success File: If you are running the operation on a private agent, click the Download link to save the success records as a CSV file.

  • Download Failure File: If you are running the operation on a private agent, click the Download link to save the failure records as a CSV file.


By default, success and failure files are automatically deleted from the private agent after 14 days by the Jitterbit File Cleanup Service. The number of days the files are saved can be changed by editing the [Resultfiles] section in the jitterbit.conf file. You can also change the success and failure file retention rules by editing the Jitterbit file cleanup service rules for private agents.

Activity log downloads are disabled for cloud agents. If the links are visible, you will receive an error message if you attempt a download.