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Jitterbit EDI


Jitterbit EDI is Jitterbit's web application for managing EDI trading partners and the transactions made with them. To open it, satisfy the application's prerequisites, log in to the Harmony portal, then click the EDI tile.

Harmony portal

You can also use the Harmony portal menu to go directly to the Transactions page (to view, print, save, acknowledge, or reprocess EDI transactions), the Admin page (to add and manage EDI trading partners), the Archive page (to view and restore archived transactions), or the Messaging page (to see system log messages):

EDI menu


You can search for available trading partners without a subscription, but all other features require one.

Get started

Before you can run Jitterbit EDI in a production environment, you must do two important things:

  1. Configure Jitterbit EDI.

  2. Test your configurations.

Configure Jitterbit EDI

Jitterbit EDI configuration involves the following sub-tasks:

  1. Configure ISA IDs, the codes by which you and your trading partners identify each other.


    If your organization has separate environments for production and testing, you should reserve your authentic or official ISA ID for production use only.

  2. Add one or more trading partners, the companies you'll be exchanging EDI documents with. This involves the following:

    1. Configure one or more workflows. These define which map processing method and EDI standard is used to process inbound and outbound documents of different types.

    2. Configure values for EDI fields according to the primary workflow's map processing and EDI standard settings. (The primary workflow is whichever is top of the Manage workflows list.)

    3. Decide after how long (30, 60, or 90 days) documents should be archived. (Archived documents are moved to the Archive page.)

    4. Decide if you want to continuously delete (purge) archived documents.

Test Jitterbit EDI configuration

If you plan to use your production communications with your trading partners while testing your configurations, make sure the associated workflow's test toggle is enabled. This prevents documents from being sent to your trading partners.

Alternatively, you can deactivate the trading partner's active communication method.

Run Jitterbit EDI in production

When configuration and testing are complete, and you are running in a production environment, use the following pages to manage your day-to-day business processes:

  • Transactions, to view, save, or print transactions, temporarily reveal PII (PII is obscured by default), reprocess or acknowledge transactions, or manually upload transactions.

  • Archive, to view or restore archived documents.

  • Messages, to view system messages.

Release schedule and release notes

As a Harmony web application, EDI is automatically updated to the latest version of the application following the Harmony release schedule.

In the Harmony release notes, EDI is considered part of the Cloud platform and applications category, and individual release notes for the EDI application are listed under the EDI heading.