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Flat file field validation in Jitterbit Design Studio


For flat file formats used as a source, you can create field validations. Field validations may be applied to a flat file format that is used as a source.

Jitterbit connect wizard

If you are in a wizard, either a Salesforce or Standard wizard:

  • In the Source > Select File Type screen, check the box to review the File Format:


  • When you click Next, a Review File Format screen appears:


File formats

Outside of a wizard, you can open a flat file format and see a display such as this:


Set row validation

  • Use the Validation (Optional) on the upper right of the screen to set the minimum number of columns expected for a row.

  • This activates a dropdown menu, from which you may choose what to do if a row fails: Skip Row or Raise Error.

Set field validation

  • To validate a field, click the "..." button on the far right of the Validation column of that field.

  • This opens the Field Validation dialogue. The name you have assigned the field appears after the title Field Validation. In the example below, LASTNAME is the field name.


  • To activate the dialog, select the Validate checkbox.

  • Complete the Rules controls:

    Setting Description
    Not Empty Check if an empty field is not allowed. Leave unchecked if an empty field is permissible
    Length Specify a length (number of characters) for the field (optional)
    Ignore case Check to ignore case when testing the validation
    Date Format For date fields, you can specify a format such as mm/dd/yyyy. (available only if the field type is Date)
    Content Validation

    Use the dropdown menu to select a validation operator, depending on the field data type: In addition to these operators, you can choose Script.

    This selection activates a dropdown where you may select an existing script or create a new one. If you select an existing script, an optional Edit button is activated. If you select the option to create a new script, a New Script dialogue is activated. See Text validation functions for further information and examples using scripts and validation.

  • Define what action to take if the field is invalid. Options are:

    • Skip Field

    • Use Default Value

    • Skip Row

    • Raise Error