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Four51 connector prerequisites in Jitterbit Design Studio

A Four51 account to access the Dev Center is required. If you are new to the OrderCloud API, you can sign up for a free account at

Seller organization

A Seller Organization within is required. If you have just created a new account, a "Default trial company" is already created for you. You can also create a new Seller Organization or select an existing one you have already created. Manage your Seller Organizations from the Dashboard.

Buyer organization

A Buyer Organization is required in order to interact with orders in You must have at least one Buyer Organization within your selected Seller Organization. To create a new Buyer Organization, follow the instructions provided by Four51 in Create a Buyer Organization. You can add a Buyer Organization from either the Dashboard or the OrderCloud API Console.

Users and security profiles

Users defined within are used to establish any given Four51 endpoint in Jitterbit Studio.

The Security Profiles assigned to those users drive what object interactions are available within Jitterbit. For example, a Buyer User whose access is restricted to creating and submitting orders will only be able to perform those interactions in Jitterbit, but an Admin User that has full access defined within its Security Profile will be able to perform all available interactions with Jitterbit.

Buyer Users can be created from the OrderCloud API Console under Buyer > Users. Within the Users screen, use the dropdown to select Create, enter values for the new user, and click Send. It is also possible to "impersonate" a Buyer User; see Four51 connector advanced for additional information.

Admin Users must be assigned an admin-level Security Profile once they are created. Follow the steps below to create a new Admin User and assign a Security Profile:

  1. Create a new Admin User from the OrderCloud API Console under Organization > Admin Users. Within the Admin Users screen, use the dropdown to select Create, enter values for the new user, and click Send. Note the Admin User ID as you will need it in a later step. For more detailed instructions or to add optional Admin User Groups, see Four51 documentation on Admin Users and Admin User Groups.
  2. Once an Admin User is created, create a new Security Profile from the Dashboard under Security Profiles. Within the Security Profiles screen, click the New button and enter a name and optional ID, assign the roles you wish to assign for your Admin User, and click Create Security Profile. Note the Security Profile ID as you will need it in a later step. Additional instruction is provided by Four51 in Create and Assign a Security Profile.
  3. To assign the new Security Profile you have just created, go to the OrderCloud API Console and and navigate to Authentication > Security Profiles. Within the Security Profiles screen, use the dropdown to select SaveAssignment. Then enter the Security Profile ID obtained above into the SecurityProfileID field, and enter the Admin User ID obtained above into the UserID field. Remove the UserGroupID from the request, then click Send. Additional instruction is provided by Four51 in Create and Assign a Security Profile.

An Admin User is now configured properly for use with a Four51 Connector endpoint in Jitterbit Studio.

Client ID

You will need to know the client ID of your Seller Application to establish a Four51 endpoint in Jitterbit Studio.

To find your Client ID, go to the Dashboard and click Seller Applications on the left. The client ID is provided below each Seller Application. If you are using the default Seller Organization, the Seller Application will be called "default access" in this list. You could also create a new Seller Application or use an existing one you have already created. Additional information on client ID is available in Four51's Quick Start Guide under Authentication.


To use the Jitterbit Four51 Connector, you must be running Harmony version 8.23 or higher. This includes the following:

  • Jitterbit Studio version 8.23 or higher. See Finding my Jitterbit version to determine the version of an existing Studio installation. You can download the latest Studio version via the Management Console.
  • Jitterbit cloud agent (automatically uses the latest version) or Jitterbit private agents version 8.23 or higher. Visit the Management Console to download the latest private agent version.

If you are not already a Jitterbit customer, you can register for a free 30-day trial at by clicking on Free Trial.